The Wise Man The wise man reads the classified advertisements and uses them whenever he needs to sell or buy, or rent, to find lost poods or to get a job. .... There seems to be rather a general opinion against the r 1 tee i i "I ( J 1 building 01 tne &Keena nignway on ute gouui sme 01 me Vol XX.. No. 111. y fckeena railway. It is claimed that a ferry would be too ! slow and cumbersome a method of transportation. It is; ai.o stated that construction on the north side of the river would not be as difficult as sometimes represented. A letter in regard to it comes from Haysport, Nick J. Coulter, writing as follows: To the Editor of The Daily News: Sir, In your issue of Friday 10th inst is an article v ;t: -h I see occupied a leading position from the pen 01 U. win to a considerable extent de-i. Nwanson, a former mail carrier, G. T. P., in 1908 and pen th Jyth of the debate V.m giving his views on how our road should go. Zh He says that a ferry from Tyee on the C. N. R. and tigatien of the handling of the practically on the river, to the south side connecting at or m Cron. The rent of this above Raspberry Island, would be an easier route to build, will probebly be eoo-wned op, rate and keep open than one on this side-the north JX -JE ""i'1 ! tak of prepur'ng its report. I agree with him in this, but and it is a -great big' ''kit-" how is he going to get aeroasi There is at the present day a shallow, r&y,mud fj' at Tvee staUon. -w'hichjdninS'OuWruiar.11 'IVoe cannot be reacHea with a boat drawing three feet-i on an 18-foot tide at high water. It is practically the kume, if not worse, at Skeena City. At Telegraph Point, from there to Khtada, is the first ti'Tp water available and this is frozen solid in the winter. "n the south side of the river the same conditions rrc . ail. At Raspberry Island and up to-Khtada you cwld r.'-.r land a ferry; no, not even a fishing boat at half tide. T v: north side, the Prince Rupert and Terrace side, is t:;c only route on which a road should and must be built. I4 naytake more money to do this. Let us get together vM pull as one man. The road is ours where we want it Who wants to wait at a ferry point for hours waiting for I rise and fall of the tide? Fancy our eastern tourists ci -'Hiving our grand scenery bordering along on a good r aci and then stuck in the wilderness waiting for the f-rry and gazing at the mud flats singing this little song: ""no more river to "cross." No; the north side or no side; all wheels and ; no fern,'. TRANSFER OF LOCAL STUDENTS STOCK VOTE ARE SUCCESSFUL IS CARRIED AT UNIVERSITY OTTAWA, May 14. A resolu- Successful students from this ' providing for the taxing- of district at the recent annual ex- r'- aic and tranafnr of ithares of nminjitinns in the University ;v k lifter a tempestuous passage British Columbia have i.i- tugtit was finally reported the following: 1 11' ! i nmmlUui nnrl utunfta fir tfn.illtv nf SftS and the unudinn Fishing Co. George C. ArseneHU. of included science, ; Hurd reading. The house In third year, passed Miss Muriel ' voted twice before the Crawford and Miss Cherrie Camp-'-'rum was finally reported. bellibettof pf Ufcwwti ' "ho first vote was 52 for and 44 Arts and science, second year, " ' This was on an amend- class two-Miss Dorothy I atmore. iiroduced by Hon. W. R. Prince Rupert; passed, Win Ui-R(M, minister of finance, which n Cross. Prince Rupert, "'ide crrtuin reductions in the tax Applied science, third year, rf"-!d "Penny stocks." launnlementals - Don Matnewm. Becond vote wuh on the mo- irtnM itunM-t: secoml er. P44" 1 to report the resolution when j wtn 8Unplementals, rovernment bad 47 and its "op- iitv, nt, numbered 41. ,; pl-- ; .ltv rnuncil last night, on f.tut nrnA., v.ii fnrmrr mttn of Aid. Rudderham, sec l r ,u' .". ": .ii " 3 7... aw Prudhorome, gave ' ""'WH lOCJll nailOUV lisnei- unueM' i , Annnn1ltt ir.n u ,1L ... .u uiu of the Acropolis Bruno I v,.. (mm Hill irriunds on the afternoon or V in ... ... . At t m l 4Ua I'.l llic Robert ''.uuver at the first 01 me June o v -; - ,f n 'io win go out tonigni 10 uie sibih w 1'ttiKing salmon pevwiivii iuibibii . , . JirB of the lodge, '"P" land tnd Butedale for from the secretary DAILY MAIL IS REFUSED Postmaster 'General Considers Extra. Expenditure Would Not be Justified The daily jnall service has been refused by the post office department. The deputy postmaster central writes to the Board of Trade in reply to resolutions forwarded to the department stating that the Hon. P.- J. Veniot, postmaster general, has received the resolution passed by the Associated Board of Trade of Central British Columbia and desires ,lo state that the question of Increasing the present trl-wcely service has already been thoroughly inquired Into and on account of the very large additional annual expenditure such a service Involved, the department is not able 'to justify a recommendation:trtiiner)iie the mail service totally. Six jnches. Snow Calga&jr - Today and Other; iPomtsrh r-i ii r r ft i rrosr A jjmlt'flcowjEdM 'WINNIPEG, May 14. Six inches of snow and a temperature of 30 degrees abovezero. made Calgary the most wintry community in the west's relapse into winter today. Qu'Appelle and Swift Current were two degrees colder, but had less snow. Moose Jaw and Regina were treated to snowfall and many intervening points from Edmonton to Dauphin. Man., wer.e cloaked in snow. Snow promised to reach central and northern Manitoba today. J. R. TANNOCK WILL pre CIIRVFY JMN POWER COMPANY r- L Jululjl Accountant in Local Government 'Agent's Office to Take New Position signed his position in the pro- T r nTr P-G.E. Railway in British Colum- vincial x.nctal government government service service here nere , , tfc houRe f to accept a position with the ....!j.. ,t .. Power Corporation of Canada. Mr. Tan nock has been in the em- IS MENTIONED ''OTTAWA. May 14. Corres-jrtndence in connection with the has re- proposed survey of the natural re- a reference to offers of the Cana- Man Pnilf Hail WAV nnrl Pans- ploy of the provincial government dlan National Railway to carry for some 12 years, and, for the ,, .Pviv iolntlv with the past five years, has been accoun-'rjr-Ush Columbia government, tant in the government agent's The survey will extend north office at Prince Rupert. He ser-'from Prince Geroge and refers ved overseas, and is a member of .particularly to the mineral de- the Canadian Legion. 'posits. United States' Government Asks Information About the Seizure of Fishing Boats rd WASHINGTON, May 14. Request will be made of ho nnnnrlinn rmvprnmpnt. hv flip TInitfid Statps fnr in- partmeht received information today from United States Jonsui u. uaruon wooawaru at. rnnce nupert saying that the five vessels had been seized. The state depart ment officials said that steps would be taken to ascertain . - M Mi i i? X A - vvhetner tne vessels were gunty oi vioiaiioa oi tne ireaiy provisions. It is expected that proceedings will be instituted by the Canadian government and on the outcome of the case will depfnd what action is to be taken by the United States. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY. MAY 14, 1929 UREO SIX INCHES OF SNOW AT POINTS Plea for Building Skeena Highway on North Bank IIRITISH FAMILIES FOR CANADIAN WEST j MONTREAL, May 14: British families numbering 260 persons passed through Montreal yesterday westward bound, being the first part to come to Canada from the border districts of England' and Scotland under the As- kew scheme. PARLIAMENT DELAYED BY COMMITTEE ON GRAIN HANDLING OTTAWA. May for adjournment 14. The date of parliament Local offices of the flh- eries department were still dumb this morning in regard to the outcome of the sefeure ut th nri nf laat week by C.G.S. Malaspina of four American trolling bats down the coast from here. Apparently the matter is be- ing handled entirely from Vancouver. The four boats are still tied alongside C.G.S. Malas- 4 t.inu at tliA nrun (lock but no word is obtainable locally as to when the trial will take place of the owners on charges of breaches of inter- national regulations with re- to harbors for fishing vessels. . formationconcerning the) fissure of five United States EFFORT . . - , TO PREVENT r i i rt ..... .i: ? r Til it l 1 mt- j vnsKPla hv Canada in Ronse Island harbor. The state de SMUGGLING LIQUOR INTO UNITED STATES SEATTLE, May 14. Twenty additional customs agents are to be added his summer to the forpe along the Pacific northwest sector of the Canadian boundary in an effort to prevent liquor smuggling. Boston Grill LARGE CAB1KET SfX-ctal Dinners Thursday! and Saturdays Dancing Every Saturday Night, 9 to Vt Dane Hall lor Hire Accommodation) lor Private Partki niONE 437 I RICE FIVE CKNT ON PRAIRIE "ROUND THE WORLD" ECKNER'S AMBITION" Early in July the Graf Zeppelin (below; will start from New, York .harbor an eUinakiBg trip around th world under the personal direction of Dr. Hug Eckner (inset, above). The map (above) shows the route this dirigible will take on its journey from the t'mo it leaves and. return to .New York. Above is a scene .n the pilot-house of the Zeppelin on its last trana-Atlan crossing. '' Premier Baldwin Says he is Confident of Victory in Coming British Elections 4 NO WORD AVAILABLE LOCALLY ON MATTER OF TROLLER SEIZURE LONDON, May 14. "I start my general elaction campaign confident of victory," Premier Baldwin asserted in a message to the country last night "No party ever had better ground for confidence. I have behind me an absolutely united party and that party has behind it five years of solid work for the betterment of industry and the welfare of the people. We can look our past pledges in the face and on the strength of our proved faith we ask for a simple mandate to go on building up the prosperity of the nation on the same sound rule." - "I have no doubt we shall receive at the hands of the electors a decisive mandate to go full speed ahead," th& message said. : CANADA MEETS LOWER TARIFF Will Compete With United States Railway for Eastern Business has been reduced by the interstate commerce commission from 8.1 to 7.1 cents. An order of the board of railway commissioners putting the new rates lata affect was signed Monday after boon. BIRTH NOTICE A son was born to Mr. and I lltra J. I. Itremner of Pacific. 'B.C at Edmonton, Alt., May 11, OTTAWA. May H. The Catiar 192!.., 112 dian railways have filed" a lower .tariff on wheat to meet the re- duction. announced by the Inter-j state commerce commdolon of the j United States. In Canada the re-1 duction applies between Georgian Bay points and Montreal or Qye- bee and the reduction i two cents ier bushel, making the rate t on wheat to Montreal from bay ports 6.G instead of 8.6. 1 The rnte between Buffalo and New York on the same commodity Scottish Humn Imported direct Aberdeen Joke from the Factory DKBUGERS Dredgers were invested by an Aherdonian who let a sixpence f:ill into the harbor.