PAGE EIGHT CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING C. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DIIYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Hoilermakers, Hlacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTIUC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is'Equipped to Handle All Kinds of : MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 383 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED HallliUi from ITInrc Rupert Inr VANCOUVER. VICTUKIA, tnanson lUy. Ilutrdjlf, Alrrt tlanetc tut-day. 3:30 p.m. Inr VANCOUVER. VICTOKIt. Hut eclair. Alert IHv. rtr.. Friday midnight Fnr Allri; A KM, ANYOX, KTF.WAIST, NAAS UIVKK. Sunday. ft:CXJ p.m. t'jr POUT NI.MFMIN AMI WALKS IM.lNIi. Thursd.IT. u.m. 123 Ziifl Atenue It M. NM ITU Agent Prim KUeft. H.C. Tl rough Ikkt-ls sold to Victoria ami (-rattle .and baggage rhrrkrd through to tlndlnatlon, (CANADIAN PACincj B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FUOM PRINCE RUPEKT Tu KeUldkuu. WrancelL Juneau and Kkaiway- To Yautouttr. Victoria and mttlf MyHkr. I'ltivt KSs Kit t 1 ran hill. rU. JvaflfcuVi May 1, II. 21 f ajid)IC tnrlu rttrv I rldav ; p m Agent Inr lt,Ntj-mi.hip Lines. W. t f)UCIIAKI. UtSNKRAl AUttff 3rd Ave . IVInr- KurrrU .C. Phone 31 Canadian National ClhtLargeft Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP1 AN I) TRAIN SERVICE Sailing I mm rniNTK RITKRT fnr VAM'Ot Zn, VICTORIA SFVTUK. ami Intermediate points, each Tliureday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. lur AVVOX and STEWART, each Wrdnrsday and Saturday, 4:09 p.m. lur MIRTH AMI eOl 1 11 0,1' KEN CIIAIILOI I K ISLlMin. I ultii.lill PASSLNfir'.K TRAINS LEAVE I'MIMK HI PERI Lath MOMMA V, MEONKMHY and bATUKHAY at 11:10 a.m. lor PRIME OLOIton, EDMONTON, UINNIPEU. all point Eastern Canada. 1'nltrd htatts. AGENCY A LI. OCEAN STEAMSHIP LIN'F.S City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave. Prince Rupert- Phone 2Gli LOGGING AT HALF THE COST OF HORSES Production Economical Operation CATERPILLAR I R ACTORS Make Bigger Profits Sole Distributors for H.C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER, H.C. Ilranchcs: Kelowna, H.C; Nelson, H.C. ; Prince George, H.C. SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue ' v Phone 7G5 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. looking for a house? There arc some listed in The Daily News classified columns. ; INSPECTOR IS NOT JUSTIFIED City Council Receives Letter From Department in Regard to Iladio Suggestion A letter from E. Hawken, deputy minister of marine and fisheries, a Ottawa, read at last 1 1 Willinm, A. Found, deputy minister of fisheries, in a letter read -t last night's meeting, replied to i recent communication from the city council which urged that a 'eflty be entered into with the United States by which the duty n halibut entering either country Short of Breath Smothering Feelings Choking Sensation Mrs. H. Day, Dartmouth, KS.. writes: "For over a yar I was troubled with smothering spells and shortneu of breath, and it was impossible for me to walk, eren a short dutanre, because of the choking sensation which followed. After trying many treatments, in rain, I at last derided to try and in a surprisingly short time they did me much good. Price COc per box at all druggists or dealers, or mailed direet on receipt of price by The T. Milbum Co., Ltd., Toronto. Ont Sugar ! NOW IS THE TIME TO STOCK UP SUGAR 100s $C40 SUGAR 50s $3.3S i SUGAR 20s $1.35 THE DAILY NKW3 Monday, jj.iv HARRY WILLIS, VENTRILOQUIST, DELIGHTS CAPITOL AUDIENCE Exceptionally Fine Vaudeville Act Presented Last Night to "Big House" Harry C. Willis, the versatile entertainer, who opened week's eneracrement last nicht at the Capitol, and who' night's comes to Prince Rupert after a long season in Vancouver,! council meeting, sutea mat rev- calcrarv. Keema. and other Janre centres, was given cue ... . - " great reception that was well deserved. Harry sings,! T 1. A" ill"r,e dances. nlaVs musical instruments, tells funny stories, and' Jnir a radio inspector for Prince then sends the house into convulsions with his uummy rRupert and northern British Co- partner, "Jerry. It was quite evident that Mr. Willis lumbla. It was necessary that these inspectorships should be .self-supporting and the communication stated that at the present time there were only 273 licenses Hnued in this area. They were as follows: Queen Charlotte Islands.; seven; Prince Rupert, 70; Prince Georjre, 57; Ocean Falls, 90; An-: vox. 34; Stewart, 11; Premier, four. The council decided to refer the r letter to the Prince Rupert Radio Association, from which tile suggestion for an inspector emanated. HALIBUT-FISHERY BEING CARED FOR Deputy Minister of Fisheries Writes to Council Resarding Removal of Tariff j TELEPHONE IS PAYING WELL Report Issued by City Treasurer WILL BE CO;SIDSREI) Report Indicate That Department Valuable Asset to the City Since the formation of the municipal telephone system in 1910, Una utility baa shown total net eantings or total surplus of fll'J,465 rid a net surplus of 4o,io5.01 according to a report presented to the council at its meeting last night by City Treasurer 1. J. Matheson. Receipts were placed as follows: Sale of Bylaw 11 Bonds $ 40,000 Sale of Bylaw 209 Bonds 60,000 Total net earnings Depreciation Reserve To turrenfuceotmt hulk sugar 15 lbs. ...$i.oo Letter liKUWiN SUUAK-IB lbS. $1.UU SODA BISCUITS Per box C5c SWEET BISCUITS 3 lbs. $1.00 WESTON'S SODAS Per tin 45c ASPARAGUS TIPS 3 tins $1.00 GREEN PEAS 7 tins $1.00 HONEY Ontario. 5-lb. tin $1.00 Fresh vegetables of all kinds arriving every boat at tho lowest prices. ' -i' . ... FOB A SQUARE DEAL AND MONEY SAVING (JO TO Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited C17-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. O. Box 575. From The North "BUILD B. C." lit), 465 40,'JOO from the other and oil fishing i nuipment, repairs and supplies! . 1260365 would be removed. I Bxpenditures Mr. Found assured the council PaM for real estate 9- 8,060.00 that no opportunity for bringing P. R. Tel Co. stock 9,075.00 -bout a satisfactory adjustment Transfer to City Hll 4,188.69 f the halibut fishing industry on . Expended1 under By 'his coast was being gifeelookeri j : 1 law' If' . . . 10293,76 Sv the department. On the con. Expended 'ondeY ty- mryfine matter was continuously t Jaw 20. 98,152.08 receivinir everv feaslbV attention. 1 i-i. . . .. , . ... 1 nuie aim, service . s,i.vo The letter was ordered filed. 40.3S6.01 $260,365.00 Assets of the telephone department exceeded liabilities to the 'amount of $98,860.67, assets hav-!lng been written down by the depreciation reserves set up. The sum of $2,600 had been set aside each year from the earnings in the way of depreciation reserve. ) A summary of net earnings or surplus for' each year since 1910 was appended to the report. Figures ranged from a surplus of $75.40 in 1910 to as high as $13,-238.02 in 1927, the 1928 surplus having been $12,699.87 or the second highest in the history of the utility. In the matter of the figure of $8,000 for real estate. Aid. Brown enquired if this had been credited back to the department when the building on Third Avenue hud been turned over to the Great War Vetirans. Aid. Collart replied that the credit had been made. Aid. Brown was still doubt ful. Mayor Mc,'ordie thought the report was a very satisfactory one. It showed that the system was paying its way and was very efficient. The r iiort was laid on the table for further consideration. ii .tVAMDWf?. I From u logging camp in northern British Columbia a letter comes, in which the writer, a camp cook, says he has used Pacific Milk four years. .. . "I find it makes the most deli-clous, creamy puddings and sauces." This is nn excerpt from a long letter that we are very (dud to acknowledge. PACIFIC MILK Factory nt Abbots ford, H.C. i won a host of friends last night and his announcement that his act w 11 be changed entirely with each change of picture! was heartily (welcomed. 1 "Charleston" Wright gave a neat dancing act introducing a "slow" motion number that was ! something Mayor Expresses Satisfaction at goers. new for local theatre- "Wild Geese," the picturisation of the famous novel of the same name. Harry Willis and "Charleston" Wright will be the feature rttrsrtions at the Capitol again tonight. The report of Geofge Ilorie C. A., city auditor, on the finances of the city for the first three months of -this year was adapted -y the city council' last night after having been allowed to lie on the table for two weeks. Why Pay More? MEN'S and BOYS' CAPS A great assortment of Men's High-Grade Cps. Regular $2.75, to clear at $1.25 and $1.45 AIJSO HOYS' CAPS Going at 49c. Montreal Importers THIRD AVKNIJK The Firm That Brought Eastern Prices to the West 1 dart VTS a (SI OYPSY and I'irale, "W Toreador anJ Col- Uwiw', Iten, ci'rtieying and waggering past the judges. Revelry Is abroad . . . even the steward and ateward. cwi enter into the p(rit of It, and help you out with your coitume. After the judging, the delights nf carnival and djmce. A. Plenty of re creation on a Cunardcrj Soil Cunard 1 1 ft-0). or any tltanuhiba-m a Wuy dauinga to Europ from Montreal (and Quebec) CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE Cabin, Tnur'ttTf.,.") ?Kn rv) Thi.d CImi I ."m' mmjmm -n Dr Alexander rilONE S7J IIKfiNKU Rt.UCK DENTIST i www miti . i mm' VAUDEVILLE!! Two Rig Acts To n'fiht, 9 p m "A Picturlzatlon of n Famous Novel " "WILD GEESE" HARRY C. WILLIS Versatile Ventriloquist "The man who entertains them nil." ' "Charleston" "the Hlack Cloud of JM In a Snappy New Dan F. Act NEWS CAHTOON COMEDY 4 1 wo shown 7 A: y P.M. oo & HYDE i IT PHONE 580 HAS MOVED to 171 3rd Avenue Easi 0pp. Stan Parker's Gaiage Heated Storage DEMAND 'Rupert Brand' TJIK DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., W. I'rince Rupert. B.U ds Checked By modern vaporizing ointment Just rub on SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED Wc Deliver to Any Part of the City. Ling, the Tailor Phone f19 Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE 58 MILK W!i Fresh Pasteurized Mi!!; tzi Cream Duflv EARLY DELIVr:HY Throughout the City. VALENTINDAIRV Telephone 67- S.D.JohnstonCo.L!J. Representatives for MILLER COUJlT&t'O, Limited ' Through our T-wc can make prom tlqn of buying " ' orders on the V:inc gaVy and Toroni i chpges.. ' "Closing price fr ex'cnarii&8 postd stock board t wi o &: Orders from ou clients, by wire or ! receive our prom ' 11 lion. S n InhfKrnn Colli , . Phnne l3" oiu zna avenue- Prince Hupert, Rl-