ll v U, 1923 NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. III' UN S LAKE Mr. and Mrs. John 11:11; ; Kd. ' Mi s. W. 1). Lukeae. ( us.xidy. Coller- i I n n' Made Jnr ' tpport art I I. irrjn$Annual Iloflilay I ' I I A mi 13; The Le meeting T5ather on Thurs- ' arrangements for a l i.v on May 24. A '' costsistinK of Mim Davis and Mis la-ned. Rev. A. W. Iiave charge of tag-." Hinds. Assistance i I'rum the Native Sons A Kirkpa trick was the sports commit-- wiKid reported Uiat fames Wf being !-t wee 9 T11 hitiderSdfrti-the hM school ' -mi team'.'AIw' also be arranged. .11 apparatus was : i volley ball game 1 if desired. PKINCE GEORGE i. strict School Kalj" A delegation representing ilh iiu.ii meeting last: ""' jnsmute ana caiuHstlnir ,; livers as follows: Mrs. George Abbott V 'Mrs.'. r Noufse; treas- wieftout and Mrs. George Mll-ii. Ashford; Sec- bui waited upon the city council McGowan; vice- Monday evening to seek support L Petersen. There or the establishment of a chil-.f $200, on last, dren's'playground in the west end ' ' . a '4- 4 mat Tl tt ...111 Si lit it is mtenoea io u "u. me council win consult i'iinilsjSSPiftbunt i-.igv cO-rofnis oners ome effective. .-iit of Uuriit Lake it"-ir gardens just , ni late having been h work. i Kutt of Winnipeg i i h-r cousin, W. A. ..Mi' t relatives i the rict. wuir we scnooi ooaru on the matter. fi . s ; ' - -James Stevens was sentenced to mpletjon, the Pound f,x moth' imprisonment here r.e- eenuy lor me men ol a watch and chain as well as other articles from Arthur Eell-os. James Moristity, veteran C.N.R. roadmaster who has retired from the railway service, has arrived here from Vancouver and will make, his future home in Prince George. I A. D. Crulckshaok of the Wes tern Canada Airways is here to l , mieux has completed make arrangements for the inau-i the paintlsr of the KU ration of an air service be-k llurns LaAo Obser- tween Prince George and the northern mining districts. M'-Krnna iifd - last an auto t arid W. A. The city of Prince George had Wednesday a surplus of I16.10T, during the trip to Lll- year 1128 according to the audi- tor's report which has just been presented to the council. Rev- itdrs in town dur- enue amounted to $108,6M aBd frm the district espeaditiirea, VJZM1. Norman 8chriler, The new short route frees the P. L. Mulville, city to the Fair Grounds by way Newman, Bald of Vancouver Street is expected to be completed within the neat week by the provincial department of public works. PACE Will SPECTACULAR , CELEBRATE ON BLAZE SEEN VICTORIAN: - AT VICTORIA Paper nd.Shlngles on Bnbbjulla iturnrti AfUr Vc(el Was f Isncd VltTOWA. May 14.-0e of ' the wmt spectacular tight ever wHneesed here was seen ws-esti the motorship Bobby alia, carrying j s cargo of paper and shingles, ; went ashore at Albert Head, a fewj miles from the ctty. The vessel was ablate from stem to stern. The Rnhhvalla ciurht fire Sat urday morning off Discovery Is- lend and strenuous efforts were! mnrie to extinguish the btoce. Owing to the vessel being of wooden construction and carrying 'WW 01 usmnxavie goamm see vmU not go to the bottom, so became neeessaiT to beach her. Ti.w' done at Albert Hejyd wunitu view ai we onf This afternoon's train, due ' from the east at 3:80, was reper-i ted this morning to be en time. ' ... V 4 ,. V- 1,1 you teel when Vs ,apw wllfc tmt ut tan. , The Tasting 8how. L.m.on.j AIR SERVICES NORTHERN B.C. Fisheries Patrol to Have Head-quarters at Swanson Kay It is Announced ; VANCOUVER. May 14: Wes tern Canada Airways Ltd. is in-. augurating an air service in nor. them British Columbia this sum THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE boats or seaplanes are used ex;1 SCHOOL GARDENS AT " ;clusively by this firm, the multt- ttdd I'M? IMCnrrTCn tude of lakes in northern British ; ItRRAlt INbrLllfci) Columbia affording ready ae- i cess to almost every section. ! TERRACE, May 13. An in-I The fisheries patrol for the spection of the high school gar- northern district win nave neaa- ,,,. nrwoiW th himiiwiu mt. quarters at Swanson Bay. WILL REPAIR i GRANDSTAND mer which gives promise of de-1 veloping the untouhced mineral ci,v Council Grants $200 for Im-areas of the northern portion of provemer.ts at Acropolis the province In the same' manner I i' Hill Grounds that this enterprising aviation' , firm made possible ' rich 'dfseov- 0n recommendation of the eries in northern Manitoba. finance committee, the city coun-One plane will operate from dl la,t n'ht to ePend Prince to ' io? the George, another from W'ljnng at AcrIo1'8 hlU Stewart. If negotiations already r i . lar aavancea are concluded, an air base will be established by the company at Hudson Hope. While primarily for survey purposes this base would offer still grounds Mayor McMordie explained that the stands were in a rather serious condition at present and dangerous for the public. The sum of $200. it was felt, was the rain another approach for prospectors imum figure for carrying out the and mining men to areas which work. are practically inaccessible by, The stands will be put in any other mode of travel. Flying shape before May 24. ing of the l'areni-a;ec:er Asso ciation on Thursday seveping. 'Much time and work has evidently been spent on the artisticaly arranged flower and vegetable gardens. Many shrubs and perennials have been planted and the grounds should soon be very USE OF POWER PER CAPITA The steady increase in the use of power per capita in Canada is shown by a comparison of the figures for 1920 and 1927. Daring this period the amount of power used per 100 of population in creased from 48 to 68 horsepower, or the use of power per inhabitant increased over 46 per cent. Cor classified section may be HT)cciai interest to you today. ANOTHER CAMPA IGN UNDER WAY Ta Iburt in the New York Telegram BRIGHTEN rOGJSl HOME jmW AT' LITTLE EXPENSE PJH '3k ' t . . .fr n. v ,1 Cotmrfl beauty for Alv ktlrrn uf- CongotrnmGoU Svi7 "g V.. uit o ' CO.NCOLEIM CANADA LIMITED III S COLS SEAL ITJ 1 1 ci'PAwrrc f i yAMmiwniia M BUI 1 1 1 1 I 111 III 11 1 k So many hours are sjnt In jour kltclirn . , . why not. make it Iiriplit ami clieorv? (uy rurtains . . . brilliant polU-ry . . and above all . a colourful floor. With the new "Anbury" every woman can now aflonl fresh charm for her kitchen. This... and other Conptlrtim Gold Seal Hups . . . cot so little . . . unl pivc so many years of service and satisfaction. Sanitary . . . waterproof . . . easy to clean . . . just a rub-over w itli a dainji mop makes them bright as new. Clip the coupon and win! for the coloured booklet. It will help you brighten the rest of your home. Kvery genuine Congolcum Gold SealKii" i made with the wear-rcMxtitif; 'Slulticote" process ... and hoars the Gold Seal of Guarantee SIO.VntEAL 0NG0LEUM GOLD SEAL Rugs 1 .1, CONGO LEUM GOLD SEAL m'-THE-YARD Hie same qualities and the tame euarantce as Gold Seal Rugs, Flat-King . ... non-curling ... no fatenlnn-Attractive Tile Effects in two widths. Roll form. 2 yds. wide 70c per yd. 3 yd, wide 7&c per kj. yd. mo TCtPttlttt ItmU MOatmJjJ ' Srni mt, w(ti (Ml or obligtUon, py e( jrouf'Utnl patttra booklet cadtM "Brif htta Your Jiomt ft XittU KtptaM." AddrtU.eee.s es " f. :: . iiiA ,--. -"vi K t .;) ! r . . . .. . I - ,.,-,.fi ... i ireu f l l l - ' lUDHi I .:. f t ( :: il-f MM Ml . i . I i .1, iilli i -I...' !! V.! p 'r . j ii'.i Itili. I . s'juH V.:iT ... HJ ., ; i . vi if.v H J.i .1,-. ' .. ill' .,1,1 .rlt .1. i!',J -.'! J:; , ,'.,it , vi ; M ' i it i t tl tt