1? THK DAILY NEWS fAGE FOUR NOTICE To Contractors f..',4' v:' The New Method ' Coal 'and Supplies Limited of Vancouver (M.;Y. Aivazoff, Manager), will open a branch in Princ'S Rupert'at once under the local management of the Thompson Hardware Company, Ltd. . . . Quotations given promptly on big or small orders for all kinds of building supplies and materials. It will be to your advantage to make inquiries. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIi Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third ,Avenue. H. F.PULLEN - -. - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance ?5.00 For lesser period, paid In advance, per month . , . , 60 By mail to all parts of Northern un'd Central British Columbia.' paid in advance for yearly period $3.00 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.4!) Transient Advertising on Front I'nge. per inch . ......... $:!80 Local Readtrs, per insertion, per line . .25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Leral Notices, each Insert'on per agate line 15 Or four months for $1.00 By mall to all other parts or British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year .... $0.00 By mail to all other countries, per yes $7 50 Contract Rates on .Application Advertising and Circulation telephone ,.&f: , Editor and Reporters Telephone .' 86; Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION ngfo Friday, January 4, 1929 TAYLOR'S VALEDICTORY F When Louis D. Tavlnrwas fiirlrlinrr nn nWninl . rdinquishing his office as mayor of Vancouver he said: "."V: "as tne same co-operation of the council and citizens generally that I have enjoyed, then his regime will be successful. Mr. Malkin has IT1V PHMIPsf WMcVi fny n DROP IN EGG PRICE NOTED year of big achievement f oj the city we both love so well." Louis D. Taylor never showed' tip so well as he did on tx,",aua1 luiiiuiuisiung omce at Vancouver. He proved himself to ue a Digger man man many people thought him. He probably made many mistakes during his term, but he dropped out like a good sportsman with good words for his successful opponent and for his city. That is a fine spirit and worthy of imitation or emulation. BUYING THE MARKET A number of reports have been given out from time to time that the big United States publishers have secured a controllini? interest in naner mills Order to insure a steady supply. Todav it is rennrtPfl f v.nf Brau the owners of Canadian naner mills are lnnnnhincr rmf !ntn Canada has until the past few vears bonn n hm-rnwinn rriinil rv. Torlnv sho i'r lnn'ninr mnm tVmn aVm VinM,.to t., ! Wl"' " in This .Month's Report of oyer import. Last ywtl Cartudians invested in the States !"00U,ol! twenty-five million dollamrrfdre than Americans invested in Canada, but this is less ,thaiLfn 1927, when the excess was said to have been thirty million. The highest year wa8 in 1925, when Canadians sent out $150,000,000 more than came in. Today we find Canadians more inclined to invest their money at homo, which is an excellent trait. If it continues it will tend to much groater development and to increased prosperity. - - -J f- UMW Itctai) Market A ifeneral drop In the price of eggs marks the. January revision of retail market prices in Frince Rupert. The little brown hen is beginning to do her stuff again and a gradual decline Jn prices may now be expected; , ;, There is a slight Increase in the price of wheat flour but pastry flour s so far remaining steady. . There are few other changes of much importance in local mar season, few new articles are be ing offered while a few are off, Prices current are as "allow: APPLES Spltaenbun Extracted Horsr. Mr Isjf L.4KO 8. C. treah DHUU ... B c fnah UM, f doa. b. o. n-fMti rtna .... Local sew MM r.so 13 75 Winter Bananas . .., S3 .SB Oren cooking apples (U.u. I us. wc Box racir Jap Orange, bix tf .llilO Naval Oranges 35c to, 70 Lemons, S'inklst, dozen .... 40o to 50o ro'tf-mip urao-fruft, 3 tor ... Flerlda Qrapefrult, 3 tot ... I 4H.U1UJM. AW. ., ... sse Comb honey ....... : j!v35o Dates, bulk, new eroo. 2' lbs. for i '. Je Raisins, bulk, 3 lbs. JL J Table raisins, lb, . .viit.ltt0V'm--r California Dainty Dates, package .. 35? Cocoanuts , 25c emperor era pes, lb .;.,Tf.r Sto Anlou prs, dozen we Box MJO Cranberries, lb , 3So btlTTf.w No. 1 creamory 4Je and 10 No. 9. creamery. 3 lbs. .; ...lao CIIKESK Camembert eiieeoe. 8 oz. pfcg. ... 05: Kraft Umbergtr, ft ?U Oaurlo solids 5c New Zealand solids 3Jo Stilton, lb. 4Je Kraft 4M Nofwrzlan Ooat? . i'-'. . . :. , Napoleon Llniberger IlWruelert ''tyfc Swifts" Brook'lela. lb. . Oorgonzola. lb MrLareo's CI cam. Jar f 4 75 SAJ Brookleld Swiss ebsnse. & IbWki jW Oruyere . . . ; : . ... N? 45j BrooMleld OsnKdtan ebeese. lb. pkg. 35c Ootrien Loaf, b. a. jack. nV- a-li-Ulws Romano Sardo, lb. S6c Oammelost, lb v X0c Pkmr. iii. W X2' Pastry (lour. 16 Oto Pastry ftour. 494 20 30c Me JOs X:. : dnwked kippers, lo 15c Kippered salmon, lb 35c Smoked Mask ed. lb. ., , 30c Finnan tucMJea. lb .k... ...... 35o mimw NUTS tlmonds. sealed ValeoelM tlio publishing business in order to insure a steady market 32f 3fe for their product. Recently the sunnlv of nnnor- hn wuu 'ssc greater than the demand and the result has been a bitr dron p'Xsi! m i Don uusjsm wuiiorwa man ttKuea In the paper business, at any rate, it has always been considered that the material was nr1tipvi tn c,t,i n ,i I wsOnuta. Mr. ' . . 1 -vv-v. vv. oui; nr tl iiu-, 1 mana mat existed, it the paper makers propose to trv to wm, k. .;:,r.aj Me Increase the domand that will be a wholly new departure, $2 much like the California people going into the fruit busi- J liesa anri inciea8intr the dGmnnfl rhmnrrn fV t,,.;n,i, uwam wis methods of trade. , 7? UyinK Sarley Masb " ; "r JJ onuiwu uie jmper muis necioo to go into the publishing 'Mer business in a wholesale way, it is difficult to speculate as XZ? . J-- uLnl' ......1.1 1 it i mi I w iu wiiat wuuiu oe me outcome, mere would, it seems, i 0,1 MOIt " very soon be literary disnensia which mirrht. nrnvn rlianB.'" tvmia tn tVio pnnntmr ,r re out chops CANADATANING MONEY rnmhert mu it .r. 4 HM Jt ........ M Pine barley chop ,...M.H hitli i JKf iTa" i j Lemoti and onuiat Deal f ' IMKJ Black oooklnf f!(s, lb. . . - "fc' ... .u...n ...u.v vuuiigiiv UUilUUD, III fnot tln' has iifw tiiio fnt sovotvil iraQa noct 'n.. 1.1. :OurrnU. Ik ao ""I '"fv,. ...v.v, v.wui jtoiOlOU LUl IIIJJ tJlU I Apple Jjg past four years there has beoji an excess of money exnort o n. Turkey, Ib, M.100, lrunm. fl0-70 -4. H.' PrunM, 4040. lb U. 4- Mm. a mm. ifto.T,K;:::::.' lbs. IB ID. DOS , evaporated pes', halves. Ib. 39 lb box .MEATS 1B t iWo ..lSo ... Ue . 13 80 ... 3&t . I5A 45c to Ue , , j, Me ad aflMting tblcliM. lb. Broilers 4je Ham sliced, first frsd bqc Hun. whl. Ami ira4e ... 40- picnic. to 26c Telephone the office if your paper docs not arrive 'otii wuJb. ...'..,..::.'.;.. ai i-ic Bacon, back, sliced COO Bacon, aide, sliced ...,,,,...500 and 60c Vote, dry salt ,t boo Ayrshire bacon, lb. 3 So to 60c Veal, shoulfer 360 Veal, loin M 350 veal, leg so Pork, shoulder ssc Ttoclr lftfn . . . 300 Sliffcninir in Flour Price Shown Pork.' let .!!!..' 0c Beef, pot roaat Bet!, boiling Beef, steak Beef, roast, prime rib-., Lamb, shoulder Lamb, leg .... Muttun, chopM ..,.. .m. Mutton shoulder . .vL" . VLQIiTAULIrJ Beets, 5 lbs. for 25c Beets, Sbck 13.75 Carrots, 6 lbs. foe 35c Potatoes, sack- ,.3.35 to 3.75 Parsley, bunch loo Garlic. , Imported, per, lb 35c isew gieen onions, per bunch .... Be New oabbaee. per lb ?c Savoy cabbace, each ........15c and 30c turnips, o ids: s50 iSb.n.a,n in.nm 1 lHa ... 25c lettuce "' ket prices. Owing to the winter California lllcrnia head ncaa ie i : - i t: . . . .v. .1 -'"I" Mix lean tomatoes, lb. .. i5o, to aqc . SOoi'to 450 45c 860 450 4VC 30c 350 35c California celery 15c and 350 kisiumower 25c and 330 Leeks, bunch , ic 2! 71 Ml tl LI Hubbard squash, lb California sprouts, 2 lbs. .......... Local SDrouU. lb. Sweet potatoes. 'J lbs. Parsnips, 4 lbs Sack Spinach, California, lb Radlihes, bunch White, 1(X) lbs. Yellow. 100 lbs. SIJOAtt .080 65c 350 , 350 . 35c, 3.25 1 300 . 5c .$6.75 .8.40 PRINCE RUPERT GIRL PERFORMS AT TERRACE TERRACE, Jan. 4. Tuesday night was amateur performers' night at the Terraco Theatre, F. C. Bishop cvffcring a $5 prize for the bes,t performance staged. Four entered, Hfclen Greig, Ruby Krikevsky (Prince Rupert), J. De Kergammeaux and Wm. Ross. It was decided to divide the prize money. A Daily News 1 bring results. want-ad will Friday, January 4, 1929 HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 580 JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single lfjafi:..- Double jut:;? . , . . i&'fd Lare sack . '. . s mm l jr t : I.'SIhOI I BRIDGES: present valuation JLJfUL JiLJ&rbtt KJy Hi, of 63 0f Bridges isa84&000 TTPON the arteries of communication depend the settlement and growth of the nation. First the trails . . . then the rough oxcart ruts . . . the wagon roads . . . the automobile highways. The scattered population of British Columbia has made the construction of roads between centres a matter of vital importance, yet one of almost Insurmountable difficulties. Mountain sides have to be blasted away. . . clefts and chasms tressellcd . . . rivers bridged 1 With the opening of the Cariboo Highway through Fraser Canyon in 1926, the last link of British Columbia's great arterial highway ... a highway unexcelled the world over as an engineering feat and one of unmatched scenic beauty . . . was forged. Eastern British Columbia greeted Its western brothers! Markets and railways were brought closer to the farmer, the miner, the Industrial 1st. New fields for agricultural and trade development were opened Up. For the ten years just past, an aggressive highway programmo has been carried out. Thousands of miles of good roads and dozens of sturdy bridges have been built. Our roads system now totals 31,900 miles . . . nn increase of over 5,000 miles during the last ten years. Of this mileage, 12,000 miles arc earth roads; 4,000 gravel roads; and 1,000 British 'mm ii.iiamiw macadam, bituminous, concrete and cement concrete. The 5,000 miles which were added to our roads system Include: 884 miles of main trunk roads, 602 miles of lateral roads, 281 miles of industrial and mining roads, 1,123 miles of settlement and farm roads, and 2,000 miles of ordinary and mining trails. During the years just before 1917, a large number of bridges had been constructed In tho Province, nearly all of which were temporary timber structures. Since 1917, the problem of maintenance and renewal of these structures has been n serious one, Involving a largo expenditure, particularly between tho years 1920 and 1927. The policy has been to Improve design of and workmanship on temporary bridges and to renew nil the large bridges cm main highways over the principal rjurs wltli Concrete and steel. Today, the valuation of our 03 miles of bridges Is nine million dollarp. This construction activity lias iiistnhuied wages and salaries over our whole Province and lias been a material aid In bringing about the. current period of British Columbia's prosperity. , thm cut M stmTHmjf I prop-en . . . dtp JrMds. you. dttirt extra ropits of thtst aHn(tmtnt$ 4 not lo tkit ntviipaptr will fring thm. Admtiu ytur Pminct! 'if ''J $3.50 $6.50 50c COAL 1M11QES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Li.rgb Egg $12.50 Alberta Sootless Egg .v: . . ; $12.00 Alberta Lump ..... . .'. . .tHT. .... . i . w $13.00 Also all other classes of coal. Piano and Furniture Jlovinjf. Express and Baggage Day and Night Service 139 Second Avenue