5 1 ' '" .V " 0 NO OTHER WAY ifrway you cdri-Juilge'tJie quality of' a prescription If tWpWJP"eg:1tyfaf the' pharmacy that prepares it. Con U yoM kno.tho inteirrlty'of the pharmacy, you also knMv the quality of the prescription they will 'dispense. Hr twenty years, Ormea have been Prince Ituprl's leading pr'ription drug store sut-h continued pitronajfe would come only if it were deserved. TH.' ytc Pioneer Dritcfjitx THIRD AVE. f, SIXTH ST. - -TELEPHONE H r.onn H II FOR A HEAL ENJOYABLE MOTOR DRIVE , V ; Hcnt One of Our' ' HEATED CARS AND DRIVE IT YOURSELF Walker Motor Co.. Limited Hiope Blue 389 2nd Ave. and 1th St. "CATERPILLAR" Tractors DIGGER THAN THE WEATHER! A Size for Every Ur A Hundred Use for Every Size I TON, TWENTY. THIRTY, SIXTY I1BTTBK QUICKER CHEAPER Literature and Prices on Request , 50l Distributors far B. a .MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LIMITED nranrn ffh-r VANCOUVER. It C. Ilt. Mnp HOLT BEST tMXZinrmmWm.tUUrMX!EMmmmm Specials for Children CHILDREN'S WINTERWEIGHT COMBINATIONS-Natural color. Sizes 22 to 32. Per garment 1.25 BOYS' OPEN KNEE TWEED PANTS Lined. Sige 24 to 28. Pair 1.00 12 ONLY, BOYS' 2-PIECE, ALL-WOOL TWEED SUITS One shade. Special, per suit 5.95 HOmGENUipj Em SERGE LONG PANTS - All esI P&F i v S2.95 GMSKTED WOOL CARDIGAN SWEATERS tlSlleJrimson and sand. Sizes 21 to 32. Prices $2.25, $2.50 Fraser & Payne 3RD AVENUE AND GTII STREET Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Br. j. IL Gosse. ihone 686. j,. rTo.muiy'a Taxi. (Pht-ne C71) announces the placing of a second Dodge Sedan car in business, tf Sam Jabour returned to the city on yesterday afternoon' train frpm a brief buniness trip to the interior. At the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday a Christmas drawing Was held; the yriie winners being Jarvls McLeod, Dr. W. T. Kergin and D. C. Paterson. The election of the 1929 native council at Port Simpson will b-conducted about January 11 by Indian Agent W. E. Cullison. The election at Kitkatla will take place later. Mrs. C. II. Sawle arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon 1 (A !l' .1 EkE5SS&3&3 I. C in the Prince Rupert tliio iimriiiiiK l'tr Vancou ver. train from New llazeiton, ac-j Mrg Davjd ThomM and rtnmnanvintr (hi. fan Mwa I.n' . t 7.7. Studies i , at i Vancouver, . and 7 will 7, on the Prince Ilupjrt th s marnin fnr Vioinriu in to it being away out in the sub- a new one Continues in Full Swing the chosen f aflk' Anionir-triose who. spoke briefly were Cl. J. W. NkholU (and W. T. Kergin, both being Mn, Trtr JcbMoo, Port AltwmL quite nonconunital in their at-n.C, wriU:-"l bad Ia tHwhM ! titude for ytut with tk4liiK in ray thratt ! every time I would be down, ud t Bicbt 1 would cough m I could not Ip, nd roukl hardly do my work. I would cough until I frottid vomit. -I beard of Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup and atttr the firtt bottle I bad no m&re rough, and now I am never withost a bottle of 'Dr. Wood's' in the hottae." Vnrt iSe. a hot tie; lance family size 00c. at all druRCuta and dealers. rut up only by The T. Milburn Co, Ltd, Toronto, Out. F. G. Burdette is Sailing -tonight by the Cardena on a trip to Vancouver. j Mr. and Mr, iA. J. "Dougherty ; sailed this morning by. the Prince ' Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. George L. Rorie Jr. sailed this' mornjng pn .ths. Prince ItCrt1 i for Vancouver 'where he expects' to locate. ; ! Ewart Lyne (Pianist, OarJitbl Theatre)' teacher of pianoforte, f Studio 10 Federal Block. Phone! 'Red 101. ' tf! Miss Ruth Stewart of the high school teaching 'staff, returned yesterday frorYi A holiday visit to Nmithers. General Meeting of the Radio Association will be held in the "i:y Police Oourt on Friday, January 4 at 8 p.m. 3 Mrs. L. Reopel of Houston ar rived in the city from the inter ior on yesterday afternoon's; train and sailed this morning on! the Princfe Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. 1 G?eor"go'!RiS MsHJf the Tioneer T YjS7f ..t. L. . return to the interior tomorrow California. Mr. Thoni$ weDt!$m ,rept;apcident wherr h morning. J L far ftg Vanconwr. itHpp! m Injured his ekull, J , s joitiled tbffc morning on the Prince Miss Eertha Chapman and Miss ! Mrs. James Farquhar retWned!ttuPrtIf0r triP to Vanouver. Irene Mclntyre who have been to the city on yrtterdar'aW! ''Tn , spending the Christmas and New vm t,,.,.. wJ Itbbert v Davie sailed this mor- Year holid"ays at their homes io'Bhe spent the Christmas and New'n,n on Pf,nce Rupert for; jSmithers, arrived in the city OBjVear jeriod with her parents, ' i Nflrth Vancouver where he will j (yesterday afternoon's train and Canon and Mrs. T. J. Marsh. Uke charge of one of Mfsak Aiv-j railed this morning on the Prince Itupert for Vancouver where they 1 naroId Wrinch, who has been will resume their ttudlea. spending the Christmas and New Year vacation at Hazelton with I The case of Joe Go Got. Chin- i father. Dr. H. C. Wrinch, M. j we. who is charged with having l. A., arrived in the city from I opium in his possession, ia pro- , the interior on yesterday after-Iceeding this afternoon in city noon's train and sailed on the i Police court before Magistrate prince Rupert this morning for McClymont 'K V. Jones, city Vancouver where he will resume I . 1 - ?L 1 AM . t 1 IT ! . I Buiicuur, is pranecuvrnvt u. n. Hj9 studies. ratmore is acting for the defenos and M. T. Lee is interpreter. A Tickling tr'n fron In rather humorous discussion . at the Rotary luncheon yesterday h?t e ,pent in regard to the Post Office,,.''. SiTfv?' and T tujt Hethis its" ' President George Rorie referred his, home, In Her Throat fidMn For Years Mi i . SCALE tOF CHARGES 4 The following Is the scale of charges made for reading nrtkes: Birth Notices 60c Cards of Thanks, $2. L - 1 m. it mm. M i? cunerai nouces , Funeral Flowers 10c per : name. fr . Marriage and Engagement I announcements $2. I ; ; I The Acme Importers Fifth Annual Temptation L azofrs business concerns. Mrs. Davie and son will go south later. Birger Brynildsen of Bella Coola Is arriving in the city this erening on the Cardena from down the Wast and will remafe here until next Tuesday when he will sail for Vancouver on the Catala. i E. A. Gdddard arrived on yes- morninK on me t iiirtc uikii: fdr Ocn Falls Where he will rejrame hts school teaching dat- rs. ; .V , blisses Margaret and Mary Mc-Caffery. who have been spending the Christmas and New Year vacation with iheir parents, Mr. and Mrs..M. P. McCaffery, Fourth Avenue" AVest, sailed by the Prince Rupert this mtfrning for Vancouver , where they will resume their studies in convent. At the Rotary luncheon yesterday, H. B. Rochester, chairman of the school board, urged members of the Rotary Club to take an interest In school board affairs and see that good men were in the field in the forthcoming election. He stressed the importance of good school Alex Mitchell sailed this morning on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he wljl resume his studies at, the University of Polish;, lunMa ft(?'- ."yinf ajfent the' Cfsin$soa Nw er yacatrftn Wtfn hie parents, Mri and Mr. John R. Mitchell Wintn-ATthdEast. ,ll.KKU. CT (fcrrtlon s; J) NQTTCS Dy APPLICATION FOR cwmna.vrEQ" improvsubntb. BOB JFK ACTIONAL AND WANN FRACTIONAL , MINERAL CLAIMS, alt- Caaatar DUtrUi. . Wttere kicatd The Bob , rracuoaaj mhu maim on iuu . betweau JU: Sftoculatlon and Chuwana Mineral OHfk, abd the Winn Fractional Mineral OUtm e,Wann River, adtolnlns and to (tie ttartn or the Jack Pin. Mineral Claim. Lawful hoMtr: ENOINBBR OOLO MINES LIMITED. INC. Number of the holier'i free mlncr't' crrUflcata: 01030. Ortinoat No. tWH. Intend at ISe end cf alxty dart trom U. date heetof to .mU. kn Ola MlBlll RacCT--r '.IT a OerUflcat. of Improteneata for the our-ooa. of ootalnlna Crown Oranta of U abo. clailna. S5 SSft? .Vk. ?6ikt,?5SL,a! mint ha aanuBeneeil before the taauance of auch oirtirj'-te of imrrovementv DatNl tfia Ut dav of January. IMS BNOINEER OOLU M1WM. I iu.. inv H. McN Fraaer. Aaent Dr. Alexander HIONE SIS hr.sNKR m.ncK DENTIST Post JABOUR BROS January CLEARANCE SALE Everything in the Store Reduced BOYS' DEPARTMENT ' ROYS' WOOLLEN WIN DBREAKERS Regular up to $2.50. SALE ; 89c BOYS' PENMANS 71 SHIRTS AND DRAWERS TO CLEAR 58c ROYS' PENMANS 71 COMBS TO CLEAR ... 98c BOYS' SUITS-2 to 6 years. Regular $7.50. TO CLEAR $3.79 BOYS' SUITS-5 to 12 years. TO CLEAR .... $5.93 BOYS' MACKINAWS 4vto 8 years. Regular $6.75. TO CLEAR ......... $3.98 BOYS' MACKINAWS 2 to 32. Regular $9.85. TO CLEAR $4.98 BOYS' SHORT TROUSERS-Straight legs. TO CLEAR 98c BOYS' PYJAMAS Very good quality. SALE $1.79 SHOE DEPARTMENT 59 PAIRS LADIES' SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS Regular up to $8.50. SALE $1.95 74 PAIRS LADIES' SHOES Regular up to $7.50. TO CLEAR $3.95 23 PAIRS LADIES' SHOES TO CLEAR $1.95 LADIES' SLICKER BOOTS Red, green and blue Regular $4.75. SALE $2.98 A Big Discount Is Being Given Off AH Shoes and Felt Slippers in Stock. This Sale for Cash Only JABOUR BROS. LTD. Phone 615 1 1 in i ii wmm DEMAND AN ACCOMODATING JUDOE 3rd Ave. & "th St. "Rupert Brand" Url THE DAINTIEST BilKAKPAST rOOfX" Smoked lUllj by Canadian , Fish & Gold Storage Co., Ud. i'rtncv Rupert. B.C KOTTBN 4. "Ab, vot's that fonny smellift n your shop, eh?" Q "Jutht bithineth. It's been rot ten for monththa." Yorkshir SPECIALS! Our Meat Department C0ItNfiD BEEF"Per ,b" ' JudK-One year anU fifty !ars fine. , PICKLED PORK Per lb. Prisoner's Lawyer I nhall L , tult t Per n lb. k . t..m TUKKrat-Best. .15c .45c RlttKe imtiuu ov- ' tence reversed. iFOWtr Per lb c vBi-a and nn dollar fine. Lon- iCHICKEN don ,Opinlon. ' COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Hulkley Hay and Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. -Per lb. 43c IOlUftG BEEF Psr lb. 12c. 18c SL.H.HD RACON ljw lb 46c EGQffiuflet extrfs. Ier aoi 45c Mussallem Co. Limited 617-423 6th Ave. E. Phones 18184