Man in the Moon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND There will be an election soon council. to fill vacancies on the $eal Cove THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OP HUMAN BUSINESS INTEUEST TO YOUNG AND OLD. It is rumored that (at) aceqmjt of the number of"la . e4fl4jttv the city, eepeziaUjjtaionf ttaoh-ers, the schools will remain cloned until Monday. The New Year celebration would be all right if it were npt for the man who would take only two fingera. They are having aummer weather on the prairies, I'm told. It hasn't, been forty below yet and then only once. When an irresistible force strikes an immovable object it's like a radio down town when local interference is at its worst. There are a lot -of useless people in the world. They resemble a check book wti; ii the account is overdrawn. I was digging artmnd in the q tic the other day whoa I ran across a work basket. .I'm goifff to presect" it to the Prince R ert museum. I errmraber the time In the days long gone by, When a woman could sow And was modestly shy. But these are the days When sewing's taboo And the aim of a girl's to Hsve nothing to do. Ten Years Ago In I 1 1 Kuttrt January I, 1919 Col. C. W. Peek V. C. was at the head of the Canadian Pirst Division which entered Cologne. He was carried into the German city on the shoulders of his men. t'ol Peck expects to be back in Canada in time for the opening of parliament about February 15. A fine new theatre, seating 480 people baa just been oeneii at Ocean Fall. The building contains a bawling slley and dance hall in asMttion to the theatre auditorium. A cemnHW consisting of D. G. Stewart, E. C. Gibbons, W. E. Williams and Mrs. (Aid.) W. J. Kirkpatrick has been named by the hospital board to appoint a new matron for the Prince Rupert General Hospital in succession to Miss Carmichat'l who ha resigned. There are many applications (or the position. Safe for SCihidrlks ' gaaea Coughs BSSHMES MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. REDS Transfer Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kind of Coal Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phono us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone t 201. Night Phone: Red 317. FOR RENT FOR RENT r urnished housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red C07. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing mach-ines. Walker Music Store. FOR -HUNT Furnished "house, close in. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. tf FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. Apply Mussallum Grocery, tf. FOR RENT Four and Five room, htiated suites, "Summit Apurtrm-nts" now ready. Phone 9C, H. C Hclgrrson, Ltd., or Blue :M.r), for information. 25 LOST LOST Bunch of keys, from ele-i vator. One uumbered 1038, : PoasiMy lost in vicinity of ! post.;office. F4ndr please le ive at Daily News office. : $1.00 reward. 806 CHIMNEY SWEEP H. J. Zumkthr General Handy Man. I'urniu'es and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 3 Prince Kupert, B. C. SWAN60N General Handy Man Suit walks, fentM repaired tlrading or My other odd jobs contract or otherwise. Phone 101 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Goal, Sand and Gravel We Specialise In Piano ana Furniture Moving. Coal! Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Nut. NanainwWetiington Mine-Hun. Beacon Hard Soot I ess Lump. Beacon Herd Bootless Egg. Telkwa Limp. Of the above there Ii ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall be glM to- advise you Albert & McCaffery Limited Phone 116 and 117 -,v Phones: o.t.p whart. Office Blue 85. . Res. Red 589.1" 8UUo's - Daily News'' clastlficd adver- tising brings results; ' MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give Instant service In buying and selling Mining Storks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller. Court & , Cb;.Liis t , Vancouver, S. D.Johnston Co.Lt d ' 617 2nd.ATnue Prince Ruprt,-D.a 3 'SO IT I 5 s ssrefVifc , rr FOR SALE FOR SALE Delco automatic ; non.battery plant, HQ, volt,; Hi KW. direct current,. One year old and in first class shape. Price $300.00 cash, Apply port Simpson Hospital. 307 FOB SALE Seine boat "Hazel L," 44 feet by 12, 25 h.p. Cor liss engine. Fully equipped and all in good condition. Ap ply Wm. Leask, Metlakatla, B.C. 308 FOR SALE Sawmill, boiler, en-girie and planer in running order. Priee $1,400.00. Would consider good car or power hay press as part payment. T. R. Tomlinson, Cedarvale, B.C. FOR", SALE-BrunswicV" Balke English billiard table. For quick sale on account of moving. Apply J. S. Irvine,, P. '0, i Box 480. i ' ' 4 FoTTsALBLot.' 50, IpclT $ Wcstview, Atlln. Avenue. Snap .$175.00. O. P. Smith, GeHeral Delivery, Vancouver, ' B.C. ; 5 WANTED , PIANO tiMK(i 7 PIANO TUNriH Work guaran teed. Phone Green C99. 315 WANTED Painting, Calcomln ing and Paperhanging. Phone Green 699. 315 RESULTS COUNT CONSTIPATION, ip the majority of cases, the cause ojfihat tired feeling, headaches, nerves, in somnia, catarrh, .rheumatism and a number of other troubles, la easily overcome by our. new form dietetic and spinal treatment. Re sults guaranteed in every case. except those requiring surgical aid. Consult'. R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C.. Ph.C, SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's pn, or under the waler we dolt." PRINCE RUPERT SALVAGE & TOWING COMPANY LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving- and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all detcriii- tfons for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Blsrck. Easthope, Hltks , Ballantyne Engines. Northern B, C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone. Day or Nlghl. 561 P. O. Box 1561 CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACT IC . ... j ...VIBRATORY MASSAGE , ! ... INFHARE!).PAY. qET WELL 11 1 By the use of these approved i drugleas. arjd isajentifjo, methods! vnu will find that this, off i'ph.ih !., . 41.- service and satisfaction in these brunches of DRUGLESS H WALING, Consult DR. W. C ASPINALL 6 and 7. Exchange Block I Green 211 Phones Black: 283 Open Evenings PSTTfcK bOX COUr.OTIONS " AH. ?M Orthtm A Atlln Ate. ...... 8 00 7J0 lit Am. tt 8th 8t DOS 7J5 ttn At. & Pulton 8. 9.10 7.40 fth At, ft Tbompioa St. . 915 1Ai Uta am, u Biitnnfok aoii UH at- fe cxnrd fl 7 Itb At, ft HT Oqtc At.. 0,10 son iett at, ft Hay com oirci 933 809 sin at, s uoiiru oi 8.00 7.00 5th Af.-s Owa B((UpU). 9.40 sjr 5th AT. ft:M;Brl0Qtt. . 9.43 8.1. 940 8 " " 7' 9St tat 10OO s 10.0S tl3S xaa at, aczna m. .t 1SJ0 S.40 rJ At, ft ruj av. 10.15 8.4J Ird At. tt etu at, , 1040 SAO Trappers & Buyers Gentlemen; for twenty years you have been getting good treatment from Gotdbloom. And Gold bloom is in the market for every kind of fur. For a squtre deal bring'' your FURS .:- '.' to Goldbloom The old reliable house ROWE'S SHEET METAv WORKS j i. ... . r to 319 Third "Avenue" where we have evervthfnir in sheet metal pipe fittings and fur- i nates, Phone 340. . , Box 467. ( 319 Third Avenue , C O A L ALBERTA HARD &WOKELES3 We keep it under cover, therefore you get value for your money. ALSO LADYSMrTH, WELLINGTON AND TELKWA COAL Sand, Gravel and Cement C. C. KETt'HUM & CO. LTD. ' I'HONE 771 , , ; STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS for Vrriiiri ' TlMtdayt H. C4. ..' 30 Dan. RMn- IYM-. GMdfM .... it midnitbt ! Jn 16. m. Pnoeew-itiSry p.m. Jan. 30 -. JEixtMrv j fP"" VswouTer 8an(iir m. Citju , 4 u4n Wfdnndit tS- Rn-t r- FTMjr m. PiiaeeM ttbya.1 4 p.m. FrMtT m. Otrdcna pn. Jan. II 11. PrlaoaM Mm v.n Jan. Mf. Prinoe Mm .Voon or Curt Hlinpon and N'aa Rltrr euftdtf . Cuia pm. From Por. Slrapoii and Nun RUrr Ttif4tT as. Catala II SO a.w For Strwart, ITrmlrr, Anjrex and Allre Ami 3undif--u. Catala 8 pjn. WdDedajr u. Prlnr Rupert 10 pm. f rom fclrwart, ITrinlcr(.,4ayo and Allre Ann Tuesday . Cttala 1130 ia. BWr-H.?rneJup ,.. .. 4n. m 'Qiin ClUr1tt nmid , Jao. llitu. 'Vtvtoti? John 10 rt.m. John ... .10 D.m. From org Charlolt lUand JU1 BS6fj8.'.::: r w .tfanka-M.. - JA. IS . -Prtnceaa Urr From Aiu )'; Jan If Prla4 Uarr Jan soas PrtneewMirv MAIL SCHEDUL ft For he Caatm. . . j Uondaya, Wjncsdara,8stuittaja.BU. eloaca ....... I ItaoB From the East aat-j j . j Sunday. TMovltJt and .ThUidaya. .Tttridaf. maU (U. , , ..,.11:30 pin To VaneoT-r- Via train Wednesday and SJtar- day 10"J!) axa. Tueidays J.l DJU rrlday .8:18 a A. rneay 11 p C.P.R. Jmj It aMI 3fl ........ 0.1a. I III .itlWVU. 8'indyi 4 pjn Wdnday. .. V.I030 ajs FtW.y pjn . O.P.M Jan. 11 ana 3 ........ a.nj. Ioiii htewanrrrriutrV, An)oiand ASWt Arm 5undM 7 pin Waaadya pa troin atrwart snt"IKinler 1. . 7VT4tM ...v.... .-.,... 1. 11 AO lft.f MHH IJ r vim. K)vrt rilfit- i SttBSiyt dtyt . . . w. i . . .vJ . ..v. nI 7 i-tei .1 , il ynm Naaa'RlTer aa roTnfa-r ,; :( TM4$ liariiffl..M. . 10 ijarrn n inarioi i. Jan. 13 and M ..... 4 o " From queert Charlotle---- ' J Jan 19 and 34 It From Ala tolnt Jan 18 and 30 Embarrassing Moments. I ifXU-irOWar if I, m Ul& TUOUGUTFOU -TO Gwe, f; VglJMIPf Of StXJ TO mi V rTSatatatatatatatatatatatatatmBtaW'a v 'WMsjr mr-1 Jn. on a country road "How did you manage to get the traffic cop who was after Vou for speeding? Did vou fool him?" "Well-noVeaetJv, hut we did manage to throw dust in his tyea.M HOW ONE BRITISH CARTOONTST VJKW!3D THE ANGLO-FRANCO ENTENTE ffl SS'ooJ 'hVi'p!'.!jI 3 i.i :'fl Ah ! v i jHosjtiD thing. ; !!(...? , : s Tt-,-; ' - -""Q Oat of the bag. . ? vtoV sjCT. I . .1 v3ew ' I 1 "ve t0 i married, sir?" I 5&po hare jt hd a fortnighfs holiday. Why didn't you 1 c-i.-rn4 Hwr ' '"I dldift want to spoil my THE JUG tn I Life's Nightmare. THBrMAIDS TASTE IN DRESS "Aren't you afraid that 'the maid your froekhen wilier we rev'y- "Mot it"! I've d no new ones in the last twi, -ntlis. and ,e doer.n't Wr anything older than that.V-JlBmorir.ticke Listy, Prague. The Western Mail, Cardiff, Wales. holfday." The Passing Show, Ldnoon. GERNAUT 1 -Evening News, La$doii. vajhat DID Do 4 . TTiTTFtlllilPHLVV J'i. vAJlTW My vfl PROP SVaP.'TME WtttS . . V MJt t . tJ1 a t "B Ik tl.t