I I III ft;' iff v.- fir if At ;4Her is- an extraordinary act on photv taken during the. heavyweight wrestling match between "pynamfte Gus" Sonnenburg and 'Strangier" Lwis, in Boston. Jt shows .Lewis flat on hia shoulder on the mat, with the former Dart nodth football star sprawled on top of him. The latter won the first fall and was conceded a second, thus succeeding: to Lewis's title and a diamond-studded belt. PORT SIMPSON BASKETBALL TEAM BEAT LOCAL ALL-STARS AT EXHIBITION HALL BY SMALL MARGIN IN CLOSE GAME Port Simpson Y. P. E. A. defeated Prince Rupert All-Stars by ascore of 31 to 29 in a fast and nip-and-tuck j game last evening in tne rjxmuiuon nan. vvnue many shots were missed, good combination featured the game . The score was even for the last 10 minutes with both skies scoring alternately'.' Sankey put in the winning basket' for Port Simpson only a couple of minutes before time1. Sankey opened the scoring for Port Simpson on Howard's foul and Howard 'seoredi first for ' Rupert on Bryants. fojiL. ..Prlnpe n r AMOyi Rupert was leading by 8 to 2 in HI III lNf I the first 10 minute. The score, " half 4imrwas 17 to 15 in"- . IIAM DAVlfcTf1 Prince JJupeAi ivWjhU-l Ali DeMsofWini wfrV ai W lows: ' . i tPort Simpson' f I PUT. A. Wesley j. ' 3 R. Sankey 13 R. Breritzen .. H R. Knott 0 II. Bryant 2 R. Johnston 2 31 Prince Rupert W. Mitchell 8 George Mitchell 1. W. Lambie 6 S. Gurvieh 0 Poll Howard .14 Dr. J. Gosee . . .s 0 Per 5' 1 I 4 2 0 Short of Breath Smothering Feelings Choking Sensation Mrs. II. Day, Dartmouth, N.S.. writes "For over a j-rar I was troubled with smothering vpeJla and ahortnm of breath, and it was unnoMible for me to walk, even a short distance, because of the choking senaation which followed. After trying many treatments, in vain, I at last decided to try and in a surprisina u:4 me, mucn go od. short time they Price COa per box at all druntiiU or dealers, or, mailed direct on receipt of pries by.Ths T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto On t. Square Gardens tnight in a ten round Madison Square Gardens. In a ten round semi-final Charles Belanger, the Canadian COOL WEATHER and coast section of northern B, C. according to the report of the Government Telegraphs this mor-ining. The weather in the Yukon continues warm and cloudy. At no place there is xero weathe reported, whereas twenty below was registered this morning at tut least one interior point. Fol lowing is the report: Prinoe Rupert Clear, calm; temperature, 28. llaysport Clear, calm, 26. Port Simpson Clear, calm, 18. I Terrace Clear, calm, 18. Roeswood Clear, calm, 12. Aiynnsh Clear, calm, 12. Alice Arm Clear, calm, 22. Anyox Clear, calm, 20. Stewart Clear, caljn, 12. Haxclton (Hear, ciflm, 2. Smithers Clenrr calm, 9 below. I Burns Lake Clear, calm 20 be- 3 Flashy Brand of Hockey Gives MTrrr Seattle Win Over Vancouver TWICKENHAM, England, Jan 10. England defeated Wales in the international rugby, 8 to 3. EDINBURGH, Jan. 19. Scotland defeated France in the international rugby 6 to 3. Sport Chat ,;Sharkey is guaranteed the surr f $100,000 to fight Young, Strib ling of Atlanta at Miami Bead on February 27. The referee it to be acceptable to both fighter and Jack . Dempsey will make tht. announcement as to who he. is. SmUhera . curlers are engage in- an intar-rink ,bonspie lor ,i handsome silver pup which ha been presented by Ofof Hanson Mild weather has kept the ic aurfaru in a; trirkv condition bul 1 nevertheless, some close and in T . . . i ... ) . Charley .Belangcr Knocked Out.LeM1 u.u Nando Tassl ' in Madison There are twelve rinks and th skips are: W. Simpson, Frank I! Johnson, .J. P., Downey, Georgi r,, ,n. t Findlsy,- Charles Reid, Dr. R. C .. .' .. .. rT . Bamford.. S. . II. Hoskins, J. A. 2 !',VhJ "'"J!!" Jig?h Macdonlldrwiiliam Doodson. J from bat- Aberdeen, Washington, p,nnert Robert EIllott and j 7 tered out a deeision over James r a.i,V G. 4 Stephens. t. ..i.-K . t nu.. ,..f mtch at Tom McArdle, Madison Square Garden matchmaker, has begun i negotiations for a return match hiituun lav Millar. Chieaoro heavyweight knocked out Nando ljghtwe,Bhti and B,by Face Jim-Tassi of Italy n the fourth round.; McLarnin, the Vancouver slugger who suffered s technical knockout at Miller's hands recently. Last week , McLarnin atag-e4a,Wmebacjf'Jr outpointipg, Joe IM IMTCDI AD Glick of Brooklyn, another lead- - " - -1 IH: B IV I r.llllll ma contender ootne same nig nt j. i . that (Miller knocked out Tommy- in two interrmsuiMe tagei , Grogan.,of Omajia., McArdle hopes ' m'atcnes which orHliIoted the pro-ynkon Territory Warm and sge the bwt in New -York 6n eVr5J,onn"l0."v,!:.!V Cloudy While Northern M.C. . iFty 15, rltt II, Willie xjni.iv. ui naiM 1ft UOIU Reserve 21 to 12. . , R. B. Skinner refereed all . Th coo! c,er wither f0How-Dell. games and was assisted by Lee Danny Morrison was 'ime ,n ' few days ago keener. The attendance was h" the whole interior rather small. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League, Division 2 Blackpool 0. Barnsley I. Grimsby 3. Bromwich 1. Middlesboro 4, Chelsea 5. Millwnll 2, Portvale 1. NotU County 6. Hull City 0. Oldham 2, Preston 1. Southampton 2, Reading 2. SfW City .3, Clapton 1. Swansea 0. Bristol City 2. Wolverhampton 4, Tottenham 2 Bardford 1. Nottsf Forest lf Arsenal 4,. Portsmouth 0, Aston Villa 5, Westham 2. Blackburn 1, Bolton 3. Bury 2, Newcastle 0. Cardiff 3, Derby 0. Evertnn 9. Birmingham 2, Huddcxafiuld City 2 ft z, Alanchestcr Leicester 2, Liverpool JO.;' j Manchesier .Unltefl 1. Leeds's. hcfjfield.UBlted i0, Burnley JJ ounuenana t, ine weuneeaay low. Atlln Part cloudy, E. wind, 15. Now that women are to become Whitehorse Cloudy, JIght S. feminine ' once again, it is ob wind, 10. ivlous that the modern girl'a Selkirk Part cloudy, calm, 10. daughter will never be the man Dawson Cloudy, cnlm, 15. iher mother was. London Opinion SCOTTISH CUP SOCCER TODAY . . f. . 1 , . . 14 . matches, today were as follows Queen of South 2, Inverness Caledonians 2. Fraserbu:gh 4, Civil Service Strollers 3. Berwick A. Ayr 9. Nithdale 0, St. Mirren 4. Celtic 6, Arthurlie 1. East Fife 1. Partiek2. ilt Andrew's University 0, Bathgate 3. Albion Rovers 7, Galaton l. Hearts 0, Airdries 2. , Third Lanark C, Clydebank 2 . Motherwell i, Leith 1. KETCHIKAN HERE Basketball Series lo He Played Next Month; He-Opening of League Activities Not SEATTLE, Jan. 19. The leafeue-leading Vancouver Vet Set : mb$ after .a long stn.ryibtoh row went.dovrt! Price"7u7ert Ba.ketbn dieai here . last,mg,htiin.a'Radfio:coast. hockey game Assofciation is 'jft Vbmmunication tiie hands of the Seattle Eskimos. The score was two wlth Ketchikan wh'icfr is desirous to nil. . f sending a senior jneh's team The Seattle team was strengthened by the acquisition here for a series of three Karnes. nt "Pnt-W T ovrino crnaf rpnfW whn wns reoentiV iteCUlert KeicniKan suggested from Detroit and who displayed a flashy brand of hockev that swept the Lions off their eet EiDCTnnnMn illls was only tne sixm win lilllllllf nr thp Kslrimns in 17 mimes, but t had so much imprestsiveness about it that it carried weight. 2 . ..i.uuver piayea ju. a goou hockey i as they ever did, .but gainst, a different-hockey team . 1RUGEY GAMES OLDCOUNTRY that the games be played neict week, but the local association, fearing cold weather, proposes that they be delayed until February. The series will probably take place about the same time as the northern B. C. championship games are played here. Ketchikan offers simila terms to what Prinee Rupert may set for a return series at TTeefii- kan. , The date for thei GLASGOW. Jan. 19. Results basketball league of the first round proper ot ine prjnce. Rupert, has n Scottilh loot ball cup competition n u Iikelv tha! nnt ho aii mnnv tamHin me sea ond half of the seatfm as there were in the Ifr'st;. , Port Simpson in j - ! u Senior has withdrawn "froms the League in which it nwd an easy lead, owing to the fact that the raeiribers of the team are unable to BueJde Thistle 0, Queen's Park Team quIntette in the Ladies' News and Views The Wor of SONNENBURtt -WINNING WRE HUNG BOUT FROM LEWIS J I r Dnt,L J Uftr7. HOOPSTOFROM18 me Mm TEMPT 'ifllmarnock 8. Glasgow UnW-i!!!JrS.T S5Sii5 ity I- Dosition for the Maple Leaf a.., an KETCHIKAN FISHING BOATS CHANGE HANDS : ' ... . m ari i Ata o n n .1 it n l nr ihvueh mc . . . a ' - nUf0rHn- 1 Cowdenbeath 3. " T.. 'T'T " al oatce was opened on - - still iniaci. St. Bernards i, raiKirK z. . I'iji. n , r . 1. A i Armaaaie o, loorpai. Boness 7, Newton Stewart 1 Rangers 11,' Edinburgh City 1. Alloa 3l East Stirling 3. Duridee 1, Kings Park 1. Hamilton 2, Forfar 1. Hibernians 1, St. Johnston 2. 1 ' Dunkbld and Birnam Claekman an, postponed. Bredalbane Brechin City, portioned. Beith 2, Raith Rovers 2. Huntly 1, Stonhousemulr 3. Aberdeen 5, Solway Star 0. Clyde 4, Montroses 1. Arbroath 2, Inverness Thistle 0. DEVELOPMENT Total 1 C, IN THE WEST ort Mt . . a a. l . ons for tne exceptional activity in Renins was the erection of an MMembly. plant ef the -GeneraL . . , , ,, ? -"". station and fre ght sheds nearly " " said Cecil Ewart, commssioner, . '"ft finished, and.a number of ndist- . Att t 4u- r !! i of industries of the Canadian , , .. . i tn,.,- locating on the lines of the miiUHOi nunnaiB, " vi.vs si , ili. ion, in submitting his annual re- , , port to William Phillips, manager vnn..T,f t r r- KETCHIKAN Jan 10:-From Jf the lnuugtr!al departroent. present indications there will be Montreal. The totfti induBtriai several changes in ownership of development on the Canadian boats when the halibut season NatlonaI UneB in WMtern Canada opens on February 15. . However, ,n the,paat. year , amounled to so far as can be learned at the said. Of j27f 42G,500 .he, this present time there will nl$e so 8um?2I27,50Q rcWnted new many new bpali to enter, the iat i,ri3U8 Vncfjdlng country el- " WS miiuVi-u.w ,evators dilvafehduses and coal year. Among .the recent- changes, is the sale of the interest held by S Contain Christ Ross and Howe In the Senator iand Marcus Ness and Shr Ness. -MiTretrs Nes Is one of the own- sheds. Existing industries on the National liner dnereased their I),ant80,lhe pten) of $5,827,000 AJ Alf lnearlyMJ00(t men were given work in the new development. The outstanding feature during 1928 was the enormous increase - 4 w rurewuet ami na. the values of buildings erected, been her and ' engineer on Sig nf- Mr. Ewert w.rt .0.h stated. Building ti,.M.u Ness was fisherman on the Fore most t the per Andrew Person will take lam n place of Marcus Ness on the ,1innAM i. wt..t.L Foremost and the Ness brothers .,Je.:7"'""'rS.X will take out the Senator. Captain Chris Ross left for the itatet on the Norco and is said that he will look around to see If he can pick up another boat. Don't take a chance of wet feet ffhen you can Get a pair of Rubbers here , for $1.25 t v vv, in uaonuiutMl UIIU lirIIlA 000.000 each. Edmonton $1,000.. 000 and Westminster $21,000,000. In the three prairie provinces V ii on . -ju new une elevators were built along the railway, as against 120 in the previous year. The rapid growth of the oil industry was indicated in the locating of 115 new bulk storage plants, as compared with 78 In 1927. One of the new wells at Wainwright was producing 800 barrels a day. Mention was made of the Iplption of the Manitoba Northern j Railway to the FlJn Flon mine and nf (lib til n no At u i-i The famous "Master Mechanic" developments' to .d I M 000,. Shirts for mcn-prlce the lowest 000. The Manitoba paper com- cer. innnv haA bAAbA ...n i - If you want to save money, visit ;lt8 nlant nt Plnpffl11. ,..., the Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE B - u, iiviciaii)fc its output 40 per cent, the total Investment in this plant and the townslte to date is $11,000,000. Due to the increased Industrial activity In Saskatchewan, and to " sis iisa visjlllll. Mr. Ewart made reference I J e importers Fiith Annual ATIOM SALE FINAL SPECIALS SWEATRIIS FOR MEN aLACK AND WH1TK lUMliO SW HATERS Coat Myi, . , n cen! pure wool. Temptation Sale Prks RAINCOATS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ftitig of RAINCOATS-- Blade in Scotland, where raincoats an rau,n vities in Roys' .and girls' sites from 24 to 32. Great w.-nrm,' yet been Ram-fWWmatch . Temptation Bale rrice there wilf , ,T v UVy4 , SHIRTS FOR MEN MTS DRHifflilRTS- pit sssortmefit to choos MtW bfltoe ai( ajsea in one pattern . 'Temptation Safe Ptke MEN'S PANTS obtain work here. Whether or not PANTS FOR MEN in good qosHty tweds, worsteds Kincollth will be back is not def- TempUtion Sale Price irritely known. Withdrawal of. these two native teams would leave only two aggregations in the. Senior League Native Sons of; Canada and Players' Club. ) For various reasons, the Drill from; ,11 SO .it -I trg The Acme Importers i BLUSH UN r Alt Ur A iiro oi (0& present year in ensrge : niPTf IDP IP i DC M of A T. Roblin. One of the ress-' . riU!UIL 1J LRL llU to the new Canadian National hotel at Vancouver, to the filling of False Creek and to the completion of the $2,500,900 elevator of the Alberta Wheat Pool, in speaking of th development of the Pacific coast The new ele-l v vatnr haa nni,ltii 'Ojnftr A MONTREAL. Ja 1 ' -4 .Motors Corporation s in Canada, P" " ;'n Mcr-.H . , , ' . at . cost to date, of 1.250.000. Bi ... oni' night recently l lu ; Kwvrk Aloni.n line, ine o. t. narns-uai . N. II, Line in, Year Sv'as jftd- ritolv the old Sas-. tchewan Lumber S27 126,500 Hatcher of the chenn . meat.- A picture "n Companyttu' JfJ """ "'rfl H' a o" J'. awddenly fif .nt t,i.r, hicb 1... has 1 been shot down I plant, WINNIPEG. Jan. 10: "Thercfyi" ZT " - "inwer lempany is operating a i is no doubt but thai the Bim pl.rt along this line, and American manufacturers are rwi , ... looking to the west as a promis- into .mw Weyburn iicjuui i was nan rcuun reported, wRh with color bv som i method known to clifmn'ry. t iiie hue was-identua with 1 which springs into th. face t lowing one of life's cml.arr.as nopeiti. PlSrSicmS of a liper plant tf sprajned with an unknown i stance and turned r piak or purple as th whim dt aichenist seemed t i-um; white liquid almost iint..ntw ly became black ,- m "' 15 liquids, auoearins like ua:r. .poured together n.l ourst iato flame. - . 7 " "rii)usr.siMiLi.Hi is construction of ferry aj(, bf' 1WW" 1 "", the C.N.R. at Naramata and Pen-i ' " ticton, and the building of the' VICTORIA, Jan. I:' Boy' the Pwnama Pacific Grain Com- pont, matchpiaker of thf pany a million bushel elevator at Boxing (Bob, annoum ! this as Victoria. ing tnat he has mtf iMillnr, colored light h..,vy H. Forrest, representative of with Yooag Peter Ja. k-n "f local C. N. railway clerks, left i Angeles, the bout tu i; W p!. n this morning's train to attend th Tillicura uvmna i'" s i convention st Saskatoon. unlay. January 2d TRY A NIP TONIGHT" WWiieBBeBBB I BEST PROCURABLE ffl jp,ffi B0TT"I 6USNTUDJY H nuamm MOftUCI Of JtOtLABB V m t'.a.ii , M f MMHKI. blXai KIKM' DU'I " h Original Ubl 00W U l . il. v. ..J IniUt -,M , , r''ANT3 "BEST PROCURAliLE- , rJi,Tnnt '? not P-'Mhh'ea or dlsplared by the LiJ Control neard or by the Government of British ColumW