Local and Personal News In Brief THE VERY LATEST IN Toilet Preparations IS 'DUSKA' Langlois Sec These New Tinners at Ohms Jfic Pioneer THIRD AVE. f, SIXTH ST. Im. vvp pp' y SELVIG BROS. 3IEAT 3IAUKET ' ' 3rd Avenue Pxhone 7G5 K !.HmiXt, fish and VEGETAHLES (;:;;. Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGE$" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. i. - TW it ita iwHk w p. lijiimi ii JUS? TALCUM LIPSTICK HATH SALTS BKILLLVNTINE SOAP POWDER t 'N EVERYTHING ELSE NEEDED IIY MODERN WOMEN. lJmtjists TELEPHONES H'.9in rr HERE wa tw-y tkMm, v ( H heakky and stnft. o" of BrfirmoVtlt Iff holds forth a pnue to faithful studcots. rtNWtdjng theaa vath oppoctunitieandome times fcae. Notw thest two caddraa tirei . dreams and made wishes as they saw the end of schooldays and kxktd into the year ahead. Their country was prosperous, becau the products of th had and factory were the first choice of all the people. All the land and its industries prospered al abounded with opportunities for the children of the people. Etth child began the battle of life with the occupation of bis choice, and few there were who faded n aftrr years. There's a moral to this story The children of today are the. ration of tomorrow. Every dblhr V0u spend for a B.C. Product hehjs certify the nUustrial pro- and prosperity of BritWi Sis umbta. Your dollar apcat far B C. Products helps provide op portunities and careers for your children in the industries of British Columbia. After all, that uw-vhere "life" bns. BE PROIDTO BUY$! PRODUCTS Daily News' Ads. Bring Results , jbLALIv lylj )(IIAI(GLS i 4 ,,m . The foTjoCiii.Js tne scale of charges' mxtie for reaJins:' Injr,v nonces: Birth Notices- GOc. T Cards of thanks, $2. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c ner name. it Marnape and fcngnjrcment' announcements $2. ' t 4p " : : t . .. ANNOUNCEMENTS A . . a . o ; Social in Catholic lull, Friday 18, at 8:80. j Bogles Whist Drive and Dance, January SI. - i i CN.rt. Employes 6fh Xnnuat Hall. ' Moone! Hl. February 8. PreabyteHana1 Valentine Tea. February 14." Dentist. Dr. J..K. (JoHse; j'hooe j (t. A. McMillan, superintendent Mf the locaF dry dock, sailed yes-iterday on a buwineRs trip to Vancouver. Special FLOUR Any brand, 98,. . FLOy R Any , brand. 4a, , PASTRY FLOUR 10s. 2 ex. ;?1.16 .liROLUpATib, 40 . . .55c PILCIIARDS Is, 8 tins 50c POgK' & BEASTS UadlatuU. 7 ynB .$1.00 BAKIN& V9 'W6-MaBdi'5 . 12c. 25c BAKIffG rOVDR Maikin's. 2 lta 86c COOKING APPLES Per box I Mussallem Grocery Co. Limted ' Cl 7-123 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 i MBlGSFii-irLt trim RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience! in. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We "dl 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phono us and Save Moner and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 TaxL If ' ScartBihaVlah' -dance,' Merpo1e .ijail, Saturday night at 8:30. 14 fv ' Th'ft 'annual meeting of the Conservative Association will be heJdfn the Eraad Halhon Monday evening, January 21 15 ; Hill 60 Chapter l.O.D.E. will hold n tea ant anli imr In' the Prince Rimer UM Dinlhs Room on Saturday. .I, uary lv- irora J to 5.30 p.m. 14 Mia. Agnes Dawson and Mrs. .J. D, thurber left on this morn- rain u,r Edmonton enroute O v- ttivj II lil V tend a baptist Church conven,- Hob. , Mra. Eddie Clapp was the win- Mr ctf thi 6 jjotd piece which was offered for the holder of the .jlttky lieket ;:t the Orange whiiA Hi oBd dance on Thurstiay Union steamer Cardena, CapiJ A. Johnstone, arrived in port fnom the Mirth ut 7 o'clock last even- ingBffllsuiled at 12 riJldhight "n tluiUJwrM we are moving tem-heV 'rtrn to Vancduver arid ffcrarlly .la the vacant store next Motorehip Bellingham, Capt. J. E, Andeon, arrived in port this moving from Ketchikan with live catloads of frozen fish for transshipment east over the Can-adiaa National Railways. 3. B. Agar, Terrace merchant, who hla boen attending an automobile company convention in Vancouver, arrived in the city from. the south on the Cardena last evening and proceeded by !this morning's' train te the in- Mrs. Aaxut Jensen Will arrive in the oity on tomorrow after- noon's , -ain from Norway and in " Metropole HalU about sixty will remain here until next Satur- members being in rttendanee. ,wht she will proceed to Last year's president, Jaek SeJ-etchikan, fai join per husband. vig thanked those -who would ev. j. , iL Hansen, Lutheran nve Mked to have seen him re- 'clergyman here, will meet Mrs. j.Jenin on her arrival in the chy. : NOTICB TO THE PUBLIC The placing or installation of aeriafe, elothes lines, or other for- eign wires or ottachraenU on awrying electric Mght, tele- phone or signal wires, or the placing or installation of any foreign wires over or under any lelectrir light, telephone or signal 'wires is strictly forbidden and contrary to regulations. Any foreign ireign wires wires oi or attach- Iments i-uusinir or liabl to cause a conflict with any electric light, ,.,h. v.r.nu .i.n.i vi. mn. he removed at once. 11. Superintendent of Utilities. Was Tortured With Eczema For Years Mrs. Georee Shambler, 110 Cmghton Rt., Halifax, NJ , writes:--"After base torturri with ei'sems, for years, sad tryms; evp-rythijig possible from doctors suid (in ? stores, a friend rftommtnded me to tuVo I miit ni husttand to get ms a bottle, anil alii r I bad uken ii I noticed the cudttig ui my blood, so he advised me tb d ni" if, iuid after taking am-eral bottl. s t mi truly say it is s wonderful me.lirm M iinut t 'tured only by Tbe T. Mil-burn ( '" . Ltd., Toronto, Ont. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD, January Special Clearance Prices SEE OUR WINDOWS IMIONE 9 3M) AVE. & FULTON STREET. St. Andrews Society will cele brate Burns' , Anniversary with a Scotch Da'ncV January 25. IL G.- Davidson will sail tomor- row evening on the Catata for Anyox, Jiwart Lyne (Pianist, Capitol Theatre)' teacher of pianoforte, Studiola Federal Block. Phone Red 701, tf Sixeen carload r cmfn arriA from the nrainV vparerriav fnr the. local elevatpr and some forty cars were reported thi rooming to. be on the division wet of Jas per Park bound here No further :hip charters for the port are re- 1' " - The. thermometer went down to 2fi degrees above zero during last nigh aeeordfng to the official reading of II. D. Tee, Digby Is- 'and. Dominion meteorologist Although it might have felt it, it was not the coldsat night this jWlnter, 26 dfegrefts having already ;been reached. . V ,' '; ; : ; To; enab($ jthet gwner to carry out extensive alterations in our the Capitol Theatre, from Mon day morning January 21 until further notice. Same telephone numbers C2, and G3. Burns & Co. Ltd. H LEIF ERIKSON NEW OFFICERS Karl Dybbavn Elected President Last Night on Retirement of Jack Selvig The annual meeting and elect- ion of officers of the Lief Eritk- o& aoeiety too place last night. main president this year but staU d that he had decided pt to take ine 0"Ie owing to nis neaun 001 n"0 oeeo gooa recently. lie asked that the jnef&ben give th.eir support to the aa4idatM wno m,8ftt ttter nominated to uccea nun. " Mtio'1. 6f forj i Jt" re? 5s X0U0WB President, Karl l)ybhavn. Vice-president. I. Fenneas. Secretary, John Thoratensen. Treasurer, O. A. Bruakeland. Executive, Mrs. T. Strand. Alternates For vice-president, Gunnar Sl- ror secretary, .urs. j Moen. For treasurer, E. Stockland. For executive, Mra. I. Lindseth. Guards, E. Stockland and Nis Gundereen. Auditors, Gunnar SeJvig and Jena Meerf. v:-; 'XXKj, ,,- T the1 'program femmlUeie,C. Mrs. Karr.'Dybhvn. Mra. John Joiahsjp. 'lenfjfoeit and; Nils Teflseh' lirefe appointed. Various reports covering activities during 1988 were presented. After the business seasion, re-t rtshments were served and dancing and music followed. Coal! Nanaimo-Welllngton Screened Lump. Nanainio-WplUngton Screened Nut. Nannimo-Welllngton Mine-Run. Beacon Hard Sootleaa Lump. Beacon Hard Soot less Egg. Telkwa Lump. Of he above there is ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall be glad to advise you. Albert & McCalTery Limited Phone 116 and 117 ( And when millions ime ii 'b'eitw 'It must -be so. TEA' 'Frestt from the gardens PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher, Revv J. A. Madill. Morning Worship at 11 12:15. Evening Service at CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 24b Second Avenue This Society is a branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Sdentiat, in Boston, Mass. Sunday Service at 11 a.m.. subject, "Life." TefcUnoajr Meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'eioek. The. publics cordiailyinvited. ST. PETERS CHURCH Service will b conducted bjf BjshQp Rix at St. Peter's Church, Seat Sove, Sunday evening. at 7:30. i HILL, 60 CHAPTER HOLDS TEA TODAY Attractive Function Taking Place; - This Afternoon in Prince Rupert Hotel Attractive arrangements have been made for a tea and sale of home cooking which ia beinp held this afternoon in the dining room of the Hotel Prince Rupert by Hill Sixty Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of j Bt.; ;re, In. aid of its work at use Childrea's Ward in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Mrs. John Maason, regent of! Hill Sixty Chapter, is receiving the gneats and Mrs. H. B. Roch- eeter and Mrs. V. F. Ableson andi Mita.'.MArgaret Maguire are in gefiertlgehafK, v M.S. P- tyc-. hAu.lttf .nil unflcnn nrnll ! uuupuiu iiii.S. Misa Frances Croas, Lucy Pills-bury, Laura Friszell, Jean Grieve and Willa Dyer. Mra. H. R. Smith and Mrs. G. YV. Abbott are in charge of the rafflea and Mrs. Carl Brand and Mrs, J. VY. Me-Auley; the home cooking table. Miss Margaret Shlel is cashier. Miss Caroline Mitchell is in charge of the arrangement of the! afternoon's program which in - eludes vocal solos by Mrs. II. C. 1 Fraser, Miss Emily Davies and Miss Thora Tbornateinasen and a recitation by Miss Beryl Birch. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert ...J C. S. Williams. C. Welch, 1. Richardaon and W. IL Trotter Vancouver; C. A. Vrecumer, Sunr, uysi.ae; . d. agar, terrace. 't-'t HJ ttl K. MaQuaJg, oity; Carl Bro and Avne S vanes, Vnnt-ouver. Sa.yoy A. Harris. Inverness; P. Kadjr, KwiniUa. Central Bert Wilson. C.N.R. o'clock, Sunday 8ehool at 7:30. Bring Your FURS to Goldbloom He pays the highest prices. LINDSAY'S Cartage aatl Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel BLANKETS I SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON t.1 mr m ii i i m u Bilk. Jabour Bros. PUB-INVENTORY SALE