i News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT 1 ;v ,t -hiikine Is Rich Mineral District; High Grade (ialena at Owen Lake; Plenty of Ore at Silver Cup prospective importance of the Iskut-Stikine coun-, i mining point of view is evident, declares E. A. ; , alitor of the Mining & Industrial Record, in a : i i'v iew of the possibilities of that district from his has just been published. He mentions how Dr. ! iuJ. iington of the department of geology of Prince-i ,i isity, a world authority on economic geology, ; oten spending the past several summers in that rui: it us "the larg- ...'i.fj area tributary to to Taylor who is developing In i Co.t of North Amer- a big way there. In this shaft .v, observations, it is, a start was made on the surface . .i " apparently con- with decomposed iron caping with !r. F. A. Kerr of the ( zinc and a slight galena. Now . t.rvey of Canada. Asut is down ten fee t with a width . t :n any for prospect- of six feet of clean, high grade . ,;,u. ihis country could (galena. In his development, Tay-i. Mr. Hafrren snys, !'or completed survey of forty-.r River trail , up the four claims on both the Silver : i.nd along the west jQueen and Diamond Belle groups. ;i headwaters of thej.n addition, he hus taken options W. other routes are from j on eighteen more claims in the 1 a side. In the event of Owen Lake area, practically com- .i w i ; t ihvt i r a Northeastern Rail-putlog possession of all claims constructed up the, of say taportance in that sec- t be nossiWe to, con-jtion. th" Iakut, thus pro- - country with traa-' a . - cin.,li.n " mwa ore rbs oeen encoun- around t Riwr The route tor the 8ilver Cap mine at is nlso men- New Haselten durinc the oast rv, i dttposiu oF that fw west that tha obtupany has r v i. wed. There aw to fufthw -jing unU, i mirerals including . . . ... , , , the como,eton ot the iivr and a number of v . nlready been B',0U,1 00 finished very soon now. rrost authentic in- Drifting jn k0. 4 tunnel encoun-mailable concerning tered three feet of high grade r .1 corcnaratively on- B'na, showing big ailver value. i t the province in- ing to the peculiar shape of ' t ir. the Iskut-Stikine the hill on which the Silver Cup h Colombia Columbia has has the the located, located, there there is is no no room room for for mitier.tl empire tributary 44 ore dump conveniently 1 . If ft- Coast of the con- pled at this time so it is neces- v tS outlnv and to add "nun the mill. Numerous naral- -ritv of the eoaunttn- tel vwn showing on Hie property t whole.'. j have not yet been explored but. " ' " they show up on!y half as rich , . ., ai the view exposed in No.- 4 tun- k H. Taylor has recently ne!i Sl!vtr Cupt should be a into Bnvthcra some fine rich producer. As soon as the e"ime.is of galena ore mill starts using the ore already luift sunk on one of the on hand, miners will be put back " of the Diamond Belle st work, ft Is fully expected that "f .!. P. Cole at Owen the mill will be in operation by ' eh is now under option the end of this month. Mil;. IMCKAHt) AM) SOIUlOWIXt; FIMENDS This photo, telephoned from Miami Heath. Florida, shows, t right: Walter Fields, close friend of the Riekards; Mrs. Kurd, widow of the famous sports promoter, and Jack DMipsey mier heavyweight champion, as they appeared enroute to the ' ""vices which were held prior to the nturt nWfh. The aressed In deep mourning, collapsed and had to be into the church by Fields and Detupsoy. HUNGARY'S KING ; arv ; W ml The Archduke Otto (above), whom the Legitimist party in Budapest contends is already King of Hungary under an ancient hereditary statute. He it living with his mother, the former Empress Zita, in the tinj fishing village of Legueito, Spain. MONKSWILL QUARRY ROCK NOVA SCOTIA Curious Life of Cistercians Whr Work in Silence And Are Vegetarians CUMBERLAND. It. I., Jan. 19 Although their order is knowi throughout the world for its akil in agriculture, that branch o the old French colony of Clater cian monks at Tracadie, on the I : r i ? ih northern shores of Nova Scotia which located in Cumberland 1 many years ago, may desert tht !;. exploration and de- "try to wait until the mill uses 1 soil to develop the extensive ! may be expected' to UP PVt of the 'ore now ready t granite deposits located on their v n; "l to the wealth of for milling. The Silver Cup con-(property here. i i" besides affording an t'na plenty of high grade ore! After years of patient toi l it )-.! for the employ- nd Jready enough milling ore among the thickets of a sparsely If I and labor. The has been blocked out to keep theieettled section of the state, 1 ot th- roads and trails' mlu ing for three years. Last iv t( make the country j Pr'n ten carloads of ore were 1 le 'or not Involve heswvl"ipped to Trail smelter and it The country ap-iTrBKd over $50 a ton so there f'er 0,'iportuaitiea llke-ir expectations of large profits quarter-century old dream hat been realised. The monks have just completed a new chapel, oan-atructed chiefly of the bloe-graj' granite hewn from the guarrie on the grounds of the Monastr" of Our Lady of the Valley. Th monks preserved absolute ailene as they labored side by side. Th chapel contains 14 altars r fleeting the mystery and dignit' of medieval cathedrals and it if the first and only of its kind tr New England. There are thre other branches of the order in the United States and threi branches in Canada. The original tract of land w purchased by the bishop of Providence late in the 18 century foi church , purposes, but was pur chased by the prior from Kovr Srotia on March 1. 1900. It now I consists of 450 acres of land which when first acquired was nt considered worth tilling. Today it is free of rocks, excepting the quarry, and brings forth good crop." While the members a iv by regulation- strict vefttar-i:mis, additional farm product :r.. dairy products bringin a " ' , wi okly income. Their mode of life is strange t the layman. There 'are three nva poverty, chastity and ob-olience. Their habit are of 1 ugh course cloth, bound by ' ' e leather straps or wooden ii lies. , Two hours after midnight their .;:i ly wttln" b"Tins with the .nd of a bell for mntlns. Aris-in- from their narrow beds of 1 I In bosHs and straw mattres--i'-. and pillows, they assemble in h nel After an hour's devotion thf laymen take up their daily i"-'k. Thf remainder of the day is 'flv'dwl into vsr'ous perior'? of labor, devotion and study anil at H t.m. thev return to helr hard ( (Miches. They arc bound to per-i rtKsl sllopce except at their devotions. In ill parts of the world the order has been known for it .skill in agriculture and the tilling of the soil has become an unwritten law. The local order, while very successful in this en deavor ha had the addfoaaH good fortune to discover on it property a valuable depoalt of high grade granite. The extent of the deposit Is not yet known, but the monks nre convinced that the a)prently unproductive hill and paiM re lands will turn out THE DAILY NEWS 25 ONLY. RAYON SILK BEDSPREADS-Scalloped all around, full double bed size, in shades of blue, mauve and rose. Each $,1.05 EXTRA HEAVY QUALITY UNBLEACHED SHEETING 70 inches wide. Yard i . .....45 BLEACHED SHEETING Extra Rood quality; wash aod wear well; 72 in. x 80 in. wide. Ya J PAIR.UURaWOOL SCOTCH i sfre? -'B4fle Xd pink borders. .750f pHEVIOT BLANKETS I'ull Pair S7.!)5 UEIXJIAN MADE SILK TAFE8TKY CUSHION TOPS Special, each I ,$li0li FULLY BLEACHED PILLOW CASES Good quality; ready for u, : Bhf) i ,50 e LARGE SIZE, GOOD QUALITY, jlEAVY ENGLISH TURK81I 'TOWELS Fast colors. S tovfels for $1.00 '0-INCH IRISH LINEN DAMASK A wonderful wearing quel-1rreedfr. yard ; 93r PURE LINEN TYPED GLASS CLOTHS Ilftsised rmdy for! craAi errm iru . w wrrciof tui . IRISH DAMASK NAPKINS Extra good quality double dam-iaafe asjfcta for ,$1.25 40-INCII AND 42-INCH PILLOW'COTTON Fine linen finiah; freefvetna droealng. Regular 50c fdr, yard XVi WHITE TERRY TOWELLING 18 inches wide with bine stripe. 2 yards for ily 3-INCH DOUBLE WARP ENGLISH PYJAMA CLOTH Regular 46c yard for, yard J5e HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR ARCADIAN HOSE PURE THREAD SILK HOSE Reinforced art silk, doable soles, heels and toes, mock fashioned, double elastic top, in all the moat popular shacks. Pair 75 HARVEY PURE THREAD SILK HOSiUa.aUJlwUMHki. est shades; in slipper heel and BRuare heel style ; ehitton ana sbrviee weighty Pair .... . . . iiSl.OO) LADIES' VESTS Whiter weight. Turnbull's nuke, all siaea, sho t sleeves, tailored and opera top styles. 2 for $1.00 TURNBULL'S WINTER WEIGHT BLOOM EBB-pSU ,wooJ and totton mixture . All sites; Cream only. ' Paii "... . ,75 NOVELTY STEP-IN AND BLOOMER SETS Rayon silk, 111 mauve and peach. Regular $3.96, $4.60 $1.05 BEAUTIFULLY TAILORED RAYON SILK SLIPS in 6 popular shades. Each $1.50 PENMAN'S FINE $ASHMERE PURE WOOL COAT SWEATERS in 3 shades. All sites $.1.05 BOY'S' GOLF HOSE Pure wool, English make. Slies 8V3 to 10' Pair CONSCIENCE MONEY LS TURNED IN t TO M r ; these items rarely exceed $xu, M0NCT0N. N.B.. Jan. 17. They once rose to $60. but the "Conscience money" to the extent present contribution has cotnplete-of $1860.88 has been received by y established a new record for the treasurer of the Atlantic re- repayments. gion of the Canadian National, Railways, the largest single con- California sd: "Cook wnnted. to be their "acre of diamonds." trlbutlon of such character everit.nuut,. 0f taking care of sorority So lntd of adhering to their .recorded by that of filial. ! house, cafeteria or chicken coop." PAGE FIVE SALE-JANUARY-SALE Starts Saturday, January 19th to 28th 7 Days Selling n n rfe uenuine uearance rnces FRASER & PAYNE STAPLES AND DRESS GOODS 3RD AVENUE AND SIXTH STREET (M-INCIL.WjOQL -COATING Heavy weight, in navy, .. Jjrown-andIark bluer Yard iSl.70 10 PIECES OF ENGLISH FIGURED M0R0CAIN CREPE in plaids and ehecKs . Regular $1 00 to SI .75 yard . Yard ....05c BLACK CHIFFON VELVET 86 inches wide; made id France. Yard , ;.. ..812.75 16a YARDS BUJ)K DUCHESSE 5ATIN--Genuine Swiss made. ,Xard i-illO KNGLISH DRESS FLANNELS Superior quality. Guaranteed pure wool; 81 Inches wide. Regular S1.B5. Yard 85r 56-INCH WOOL BENGALINE FOR SUITS AND DRESSES 5 shades. Regular $3.50 yard for, yard $ir.75 LADIES' COMBINATIONS Silk, wool and cotton mixture. Turnbull's make. Tailored top and short sleeve styles $1.75 75 HOUSE DRESSES in all sizes arid not two alike. Broadcloths, morocain crepe9, prints and chintzes. Values $2.95, S3.50 for,each. .f . .' $1.50 CHILDREN'S PURE WOOL CASHMERE HOSE in cream only. Sizes 6 to 8M. 3 pairs for .$1.00 r A GROUP OF DRESSES ;iir flat. crepe, crepe" de chene, British spun silk, etc. Clearing at HALF PRICE AND LESS. Regular values $12.60 $lffi.95' to $15.00. Special to clear $0.95 ODD LOT OF LADIES' SWEATERS Jn pull-over styles. As-so: ted sizes and colors. Each $2.1)5 I GIRLS' PURE WOOL SWEATERS with collar in eoat style in sand, blue and red. Sizea24to32. Each $1.1)5 SCOTCH FINGERING YARN-4-ply pure wool in 10 shades. I'ound COATS CROCHET COTTON in wjilte'ohly. All sizes. I Red label quality . Regularly sold for 25c ball. 2 balls for , 25 j 22 LADIES' ENGLISH GABARDINE RAINCOATS Belted " " Inodeia. Sizes-SG to 41. To clear at, each $5.00 MEN'S AND BOYS' BOYS' TWEED KNICKERS Open knee styles. weanng cloth. Drawers Pair A good hard ...$1.00 .? i T POYS' HEAVY KNIT FURE WO 0 U SWEATERS Pen- ! man a raaxe. Pullover style --with shawl collars, in navy, ma.oon and brown. SIzeS23 tO 34. , i ch $1.75 : BOYS' COMBINATIONS Mercury make. Extra good wearing garment. Size 24 to 92 $1.00 10 ONLY. BOYS' TWEED SUITS ia Che shade only. Pure wool Scotch tweed. Sizes21 to 23-. $jr MEN'S COMBINATIONS-Watsoii's make. Medium weight. beautifully finish ga:ment. Sizes 3G to 42 $1.05 hirU $1.00 .$1.00 RUBBER FOOTWEAR At Extraordinary Low Prices. Black Chief, Dominion Rubber Makes. MEH'S KNEE RUBBER BOOTSSizes 6 td 11 $1.75 MEN'S THREE QUARTERS Sizes 6 to 11 S0.I.V MEN'S HIP BOOTS Sizes 6 to 11 $ 5 BOYS' HEAVY KNEE BOOTS-SIze 1 to 5 .... '. !s.'U)0 BOYS' HEAVY STORM BOOTS-Sfies 1 to 6 . . . .$.L5 YOUTHS' HEAVY KNEE BOOTS-Sizes 11 to 13 . .32-10 YOUTHS' HEAVY STORM BOOTS-Size 11 to It 8,MH LADIES' RUBBER BOOTSKnee length. Sites 2', to LADIES' STORM Bobfs-ls'ize 2 to 6 '.'.'.'.'. isai'!! MISSES' RUBBER BOOTS-Knce length. Site ll'to 2. Price 82J5 CHILDS' RUBBER BOOTS-Khee length Sites 6 to 10 Price $1.1)5 ..- i I reputation foY 'tnakhn the des- Conscience mon.y" vb writ-ert bloom, thev have intimated te" on the outside of the envelope that the chief industry In the which was addressed to the comp-future will be the quarrying of (roller's office, but there whs no ranite. explanation offered as to the rea- . son for restitution of such a larfte amount. B. A. Bourgeous.t treasurer, with nearly 40 years'; experience, and A. E. Plant,! comptroller, declared that while HE Uric fiF RAIlWAY tn1? or ior um8 are rcivd nCtnlJ Ui lAtilLUrtl Mt1 ymr for conscience money. PPY COLDS During the period following colds, coughs, grippe, influenza or other prostrating illness, when your body is weakened, is the worthwhile time to prove the strength-restorative merit of 1 CGTT'S EMULSION OF PURE VITAMIN-RICH COD-UVER OIL It is the food-tonic with world-wide prestige, that strengthens and helps build up the weakened body and restore the normal balance of health. If you are rundown with Grippe build up on Scott's Emulsion! Scwlt a Suwiit, Turoat Oil