PAOE HYO TtfS . rtAft? NEWS - Friday, December 2 20. x. ters T6e Daily News. PltlNCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Publlshed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue . H. F. PULLLN Managingditor. ,,,, OUIUNTERDEPENDEICE The recent crash in New York reminds us that we are dependent to a vary large extent on New York because their crash made things quiet all over Canada. Every place was mor ,or less affected, even the detached city of Prince Rupert. However much we may try to get away from our near neighbors to the south, we find we cannot do it. 6iiriintojsts, are so closely rc lated that we are affected by alMoRwerything they do. Even after the work of the day is over we hear their music over theo-adio, our own Canadian music not being available, and we hear their news flashes, their snort extolled and their stock market reports read. Nature seems to have conspired to bring us together. While politically we are apart, a long way apart, we have to learn to co-operate for our own good and their good. As we cannot possibly get away from them, we must make the best of the situation and live with them on the best possible terms. We are in the same apartment block and must associate with each other more or less every day. MRS. SNOWDON'S ADVICE Mrs. Snowdon, wife of the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, is said to bave urged that the Labor Party, jiaiuesyuiw iiueicus aim vyuiirei vaiivtrd, wuii a view lUjmade eolvinc the unemDlovment nroblem. The political parties when there is nothing very big ment i 1 in moderation l?OR jjencrdtions doctor have, 1 paid tribute to the sustaining, invigorating and health giving qualities of beer w hen taken in moderation. There is no finer beverage than good beer for workers In every field of endcav or, whether mental or physical. The undermentioned beers are guaranteed tobcabsolutcly pure. To safeguard, the public they are constantly tested by Analytical Chemists employed by the B.C. Liquor Control Board. fm n iff CortfeMI. PHOENIX EXPORT blue mnnoN lager PILSENEK I .ACER PB1R. . 1 ..b This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ertv News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Abandonment of Tonlcy Richfield Officially nounced; Three Star Group Optioned Gold Mining Co an examination of the prop- and under date SeDtember 21 intimated that the results were not of sufficient Interest to warrant the going on attack each other for the fun of fighting. There company in showing any - further In- is enough Celtic blood in all parties to make them enjoy a . The general situation gradually verbal battle. Also at election times they have a' battle of i became more helpless and on ballots. Then when some great time of stress arises they imfthm ggB2i a'rSl get together. They did so in Canada at the close of the "on deciding to doee down. mi. frt iv.K;i; ill fi,Q eti.rrl, f tt, Mf; f tun u;,,1 The circular to the shareholders "ui .u iiiuuiiuG uu okivnkii ui viic liuwuii iui kiic 1"h 1 reads iii part as foil; conflict. i"-Vo ' This letter f 10111 our directors If it is necessary to co-operate on great occasions, why 1 Tou 0yffciaiiynfviu the micht it 11 not noi be oe desirable ciesiraDie to 10 co-onerate co-operate even even on on lesser lesser mat- mat- news news that mai it u has nas been Deen decided aeciaea w to .Mrs. Snowden suggests that in Britain unemploy--lg&!Z$&gV& is is a a great ereat nroblem problem which can be solved only by united same time explaining why this ac- pf fnrr Tf f Vint ia rviio t Wo mnct W fT.-onf .nMomD "9 na beentleeided upon-an to y. '. : "v " v,"-il- "mv UV..V1 luumtuio lniorm you that tne directors pro-: affecting the country at vanous'times that can be solved pose to conserve the substantial oimiloi-lir "' " -!'' 1 ! treasury and devote partial It totlie gimiidiiy. ,v.wA . exploration and devloJniii of ft ao in Canada. Political parties do not exist for them-! new and promising property which selves. They exist for th. benefit ff, the whole countiYJua1Sl which led to the I hey may be Liberal or Conservative, but they are first closing down of operations at the Canadian. For anyone to think that everything Uberal . SX1; 2S is right and everything Conservative is wrong is foolish, alteration had been given the in-So fs the onnosite. No nartv has a mononolv nf hrnins 1$ ? !h!",d?LanAfoi: , i v . 1 - j -- 1 iuwcu uie expiesseu opinions 01 monopoly of beneficial policies, or a monopoly on righteous several mining experts of repute .1 .. i.-jLi. S that that furthpr further work work on on the the .nrnnprtv property uiiiiiuiiuuji. jui iieja uour neiimuor is not worse lor ;v Y;fri being a Conservative ora-fatbcral: It seems to us that Mi-saSnowttowgave wonderful ad-'i s not justinea. YoUr company Was a treasuury ...1 L Jll j.f..t J . . vw ... possesses wwwi.mims vite wiieii sue urgeu ine political parlies lO get togetner equipment valued i on the solution of great problems. ising f$nMp& nropeitrKas Iorning shopping is much appreciated at this time of year. It is good for mcarchants and shoppers. ITkdckcto, tssau d ai a minimum oi on a verv Drom- been obtained, a property now undergoing exploration and preliminary develoDment and which it is proposed shall be further developed by your company This prop . ty Is culled the V uree Star Group and is looted only 30 miles from Topley Richfield, or one and one-half miles from Palling, a station on the Canadian National (Railway. It may be recalled that . during the past season an interesting new strike was made on Boo ; Mountan. Central British Columbia. I when some spectacular showings of i copper ore were encountered. "P. II. Taylor, president and general manager, acting in his own Interests, secured a three-year option on the Three Star Group, on Boo Mountain, the total cost over three years amounting to $30,000. This option Mr. Taylor has consented to turn over to your company without cost, he to receive nothing for his Interests unless further development, by your company Justified the taking over of the property as a Der- imanent mining operation. In this event Mr. Taylor wouia receive payment through the Issuance of a por tion oi ine unallotted snares in the treasury of the Topley-Rlchfleld Mining Co., Ltd. The Three star Oroup has been WEATHER REPORT Ha ysport Cloudy, strong north wind. 32. Rosewood Cloudy, calm, 18. Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, 18. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 29. Anyox Part cloudy, calm, 20. Port Simpson Cloudy. Heht wina, 30. tiazeiton uiouay, wtndy, ig. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 20. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm. Vanderhoof Cloudy, calm, 10. Quesnel Cloudy, calm, mild. Eighth Cabin Snowing, calm. Atlln Cloudy, northeast wind, 3 Whitehorse Cloudy, south wind, 5. Carmacks Cloudy, calm. 20 be. low. v': Selkirk Cloudy, calm. 22 below Christmas Fund Tne salvation Army edges receipt of the following: Previously acknowledged, $100.40. Dr. Maguire, $3. Rupert Babery, 20 loaves of bread. Big Bay Lumber Co., $10. G. W. Nlckerson Co., Ltd., $10. George Rorle. $3. Watts' Grocery, Hamper of An- Abandonment of the Topley Richfield mine is officially announced by the company s directors in a circular which has just been issued to the shareholders. , Absence of mineralized ore of commercial value below the 200-f odt level is given as the reason. The circular explains that the company has $200,000 in its treasury and machinery of a, value of $50,000 and that an option has been taken on other property known as tne inree aiai- uroup. The directors explain that Prof. J. M. Turnbull, head of the department of mining of the University of British Columbia, was the com- consulting engineer and H. Eany's . Batten was consulting engineer for the underwriters. Throughout the spring and earlier part of the summer those engineers reported very satisfactory work, and as late as June 28 Mr. Batten wrote the underwriters to the effect that he considered the results of the development work at Topley Richfield to be very satisfactory. During the summer diamond drilling below the 200 -foot level was carried out and it was then that the showings began to be disappointing. Unfavorable opinions were expressed by prominent mining engineers who visited the mine until finally a snecial rerwrt was made bv Mr. J. D. Galloway, provincial mineral - now in power in Great Britain, co-operate with the other sjt. and it was discouraging . : ii. t !i 1, 1 n - i Tne premier examined by comnetcrit mining en gineers, who agree that It is an excellent prospect. Your directors believe that the spending of from $13,-000 to $20,000 on this property should be sufficient to enable them to decide whether or not the claims will make a profitable mining operation. "It is -proposed to transport machinery and other equipment from the Topley Richfield property to the Three Star Group, which can be done over an excellent government ! road at smaU cost. At the present ' time work Is being carried on by a small crew of competent miners, md it Is proposed to press explora-ion and development work on the Three Star Group with all despatch during the next six months." EEP h'-ja x in: NDY BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE ill! This advertisement is not published or displayen by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Covernment of British Columbia vJlr.S; Acme mpor A REAL -PRESENT FOR Tim LADY Silk and Wool Hose In all snades and in all sizes. In Christmas box. Temptation Sale Price, ' Off 2 pairs for ....... Men' s Shirts Tooke's, Arrow and Lang's Shirts thb finest made. In broadcloths with fancy stripes and plain shades. Each one in a Christmas box. -f Off Temptation Sale Priced Men's Slippers A pair of slippers makes a comfortable, thoughtful present. We have a large variety in Vici kid, Romeo style. O Off Temptation Sale Price Foryouiifj ana Old ters PITT Mens Socks QualiiiJ hIueX$ 0 9 iemp Ana at sac j Thi" famous St. Margaret's Men's Socks. Pure wool. Regular value up to $1.25. Q Temptation Sale Price. ..U9X' Mens Bathrobes The German Emperor never wore a bathrobe and see what happened to him. Here is a fine variety to choose from. Temptation Sale Price .$5.95 THE ACME IMPORTERS mtion prices Sale Here is your greatest choice of Gifts for " Him.' Let Santa ClausTbrinfi him some' thirig which will make him think of you . for long mlSrVJards. Get it at the Acme. Handkerchiefs Make an Ideal Christmas Gift Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs for mi n Half dozen in box. Excellent value. Temptation Sale Price, Q-f Off per box FOR CHRISTMAS M'Y THE. ROY THE Latest in Sheik Pants Broadway style, in fancy Velvet Corduroys. Temptation Sale Price $5.50. II Men's Neckties Some men prefer to choost own neckwear: but no thvir would object ! to anybody-; 'clled'iffSUrgf'iyrer In beautiful patterhs and plarn shades. K u ular values to $1.75. QEp Temptation Sale Price. OUK MAIL ORDERS FILLED AT THESE PRICES, POSTAGE PREPAID. THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, R C.