frlday, December 20, 1929 Vacific ?i2 st Prorara (THE ORIGINAL) ALL MERCHANDISE OF BEST QUALITY AND AT A REASONABLE PRICE Line B. C. Coast last. , te Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT C.l h Son timiiMl CI,fjJ, BJy.K1..Cllivrt DiMjhnw. Dull. CW. SwiW, This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the iiquur oniroi uoara or by theUovernment of British Columbia. Christmas Gifts Yardlcy's Lavender Sets Manicure Rolls Chocolates Purdy's Orit; inal and Molr's. Kodaks From the Brownies to the Cine Kodak. Pascall's Novelties in Chocolate. Fountain Tens and Pencils. Dalcrose Toilet Soap and Toilet Sets from England. Men's Filled Toilet Bags, Christmas Cards, Paper 'Tags, Seals, Dressings for parcels and Christmas trees. Baby Toilet Sets, Fancy Stationery, Military Brush Sets. Jie Pioneer Druagists THIRD AVE. l SIXTH ST. - TELEPMONFS ,20C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED tur VANtOVU.K. VICTORIA. KiiaiMxt luf. iffttcll A. rtltrl Bar. ttr.. Turn- Int. 1:30 p.m. i.) Jf 4 4riS ' tor VAM'OLtl.K. VICTUIUl. Itulrdale. Alert lUj. rtr . Friday inidnlthl tnt MACK ARM. ANYOX, STfcWAttT, tit KUcr, I'ort hliupMm, bun-U). SOO P to III In.l Wrnuf K M SMI III Agtut frlnre Ruptf. II.C. Tl ruuib tl krli told to Victoria and fcrattl .and baccate checkrd through U dfMlnatton. &tGqrnship Services FROH .ntlNCE'RUPERT ar .-ia . ua r4.M.. SAILINGS GS To Ketchikan, WrangelJj-tfun&w and Sksgway IMC. 14, 28. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle Dec. 18, Jan. 1. Princess Mary--Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. Atents r or ah icamnp unn XV C. Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prlnre Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National CThc Lnrgcft Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate points, each Thursda-and Sunday. 10:09 p.m. For ANYOX. each Wcdnedav at 4 p.m. For STEWART each Wednesday. 4 p.m.. and Saturday, 8 pm. For NORTH and SOUTH OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. r.tSSKMIMI TKIH IFAVi: PHINTE BITKRT MOMY. H)MI)Y tad HATUIUAY t UM a.m. for rMSCV. (.KOIUil.. KIIMONTON. WIXXirKO. all P"l CJ"la, tlillrd SUte" ACIENCY AM. tCT.k sTCAMMIir City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 260 COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG-Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton . . . . . . 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD MILL ENDS Per load S-J BOX CUTTINGS Per load 3.50 HYDETRANSFER PHONE 5S0 Mr and Mrs. W. Preston of , Charts Unwell knownSte-TTTacn .are sailing this evening on art mln ng man h PWr fe.Sr Mary tot a tr,p ffuvr A successful Christmas dance Inr Scandinavians was held last '"in in the Doston Hall, quite large crowd being In attendance at the affair. Accordion. iQlln and piano trfuslc was played P Hanson and Farstad. The hall suitably decorated In accor-aanco with the festive season. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Tolin of Stewart are passengers aboard the Prince Rupert today bound for Seattle on a vacation trip. Mr. Tolln Is proprietor of the King Edward Hotel at Stewart and Is also Identified with the Mountain Doy and other Portland Canal ! mining properties. j i i Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Rig 4 Taxi, tf George O. Bushby returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Terrace. Miss Jessie Rothwell of Booth Memorial School teaching staff will leave on tomorrow morning's train lor Reelna where she will spend the Christmas and New Year holidays. John Dore. district superinten dent of Government Telegraphs, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train" from a trip to Kltwanga and Smlthers on or-ficlal duties. Miss Ketta Clark, who teaches school at Driftwood Creek In the Smlthers district, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the interior to spend the Christmas and New Year vacation at her home here. Miss . Alice Pillsbury arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from her school teaching duties at Terrace to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Plllsbury, Fourth. Av-nue West. Dr. C. II. Hanklnson of Smlth ers Is expected to arrive here next Thursday from Smlthers to take over the medical practice of Dr. J. A. West, who Is' moving to Vancouver. Dr. Hanklnsons prac uce at Smlthers has been ac quired by Dr. Vere Agnew, for merly or TeiKwa. R. H. Worlock returned to the city on yesterday afternoons train frorai one of his periodical business trips between here and Prince George for W. II. Malkin Co. Ltd., and will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for Victoria where he will spend the Christ mas and New Year holidays. Jack Pederson, well known pioneer northern mining man. is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today bound from Stewart to Vancouver, ue will spend tne wlhter In the south. Mr. Peder son. who spent the past summer n tne siDoia district, is aiso Identified with the BlackhlU Mln- 'ng Co.'s property at Stewart. city from thf Interior day afternoons train and will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert to spend unrmmas ana New Year vacation at his home in Vancouver. Provincial Constable William Harrison of Hazflton arrived in the city from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train, hjivtno In his custody two men whp havrfyHl een sentenced to terms at onrt, la for vagrancy. Constable Harrtjt E R.C.M.P. also fraught, in from J-ai Hazelton Wllfrier Beney, who has l been sentenced to six months' Imprisonment for supplying liquor to Indians. These three men, together with John Mejones. who was recently sentenced to six months' Imprisonment for attempting to break and enter in this city will be taken south this evening on the Prince Rupert by Provincial Constable Daniels of the police boat P.M.L. 8. H01EL ARRIVALS Central Hotel UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Steam Heated. Travellers' Sample Rooms ' Hot and Cold Water Free Buss Meets All Trains and Reals Rates $1.00 and Up SPECIAL MONTHLY RATES JOHN FRY and A. DONALD Proprietors PHONE 51 Central Mrs. A. McKenna and Thomas Wallace. Queen Charlotte; J. Wo-Icieshnwskl, Pacific! J. Williams. Smlthers; M. Espeland. Blllmor; J. McKenzie and J. Doherty, city. H. C Stratford, Steveston. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUDHOMME, Prop. Cpr. of Fraaer and Fifth Sts. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Ranymaer, Port Clements, it. u. James, ver i .on; J. Williams, Smlthers; C. IlRllstrom, Vanarsdol; J. W. Sleigh, Anyox. See Joe Brown For Your Xmas Needs WE WELCOME YOU AND OUIt PRICES ARE RIGHT Next to Capitol Theatre THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TFIREE Christmas gifts for everyone. Toys, games, books, dolls, meccano, fancy goods, radio, gramophone and records at McRae Bros. (299) J. H. McLeod, collector of customs, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after having made the round trip to Anyox, Stewart and Ketchikan. C. P. R. steamer Princess Mary, Cant. Anderson, is due in port at 3:30 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. George Hills of Stewart arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning irom the north to spend tne unnstmas and New Year vacation here vis iting with their parents. The concluding performance of the musical show "Hello Hawaii." under the auspices of the local Moose Lodge,, took place last eve-dance at the last two nights' per- attendance. In fact, the attendance at thelast Iwp nights' per- A. R. Holtby returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to the interior on official duties. Dr. Hugh L. Df&y will sail Mr. and Mrs. Vic Menzie jind"; -hl'd are salllni tonight on the PrlnrM Marv tftr VlrtoHft where Denllst. Dr. J. R. Gosse, Phone G86. Trades and Labor banquet in the Commodore Cafe tonight at 8 o'clock. A few tickets left. 20 Per cent discount off all Toys, Ideal Gift Shop, next Ireland's the Optician, Third Avenue. (300) Mrs. B. Walker and daughter Muriel, are leaving Sunday eve- nine for Anyox where they will spend Christmas. Charles H. Clay, who arrwed in the city earlier in the week from Anyox, will sail on the Prince Rupert this evening for a trip to Vancouver. A. E. Vocee of the Anyox High School staff and Mrs. Vogce are passengers aboard the Prince Ru pert today sound ror Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays. R. L. Healy, assistant general manager of the Granby Co.: H. S. Taylor, superintendent of the company s operations at Aiienoy SEAL COVE CLOSING IS FINE EVENT Young People of East End of City - A ...... U Tki,-lflaa IViill t Entertainment The closing Christmas entertainment at Seal Cove School was well attended yesterday afternoon. A very interesting program was given under direction of Miss McArthur and Miss Margaret Palmer and the pupils showed great ability and careful training. Following were the selections and those taking part: "O Canada," Div.I and II; reci-1 tatlon, Anny Sorenson; recitation. Flora Leslie; Piano solo, May Mac-phail: recitation. James Berrel: 'Acrostic "Christmas," Or. I; "Wel come song. Dlv. I and II; monologue, Edith Sievert; "Highland Fling," Georgina Lamb; "Lullaby." Gr. I Girls: recitation. Jack Dur- ran and Willie Wylle; "Eskimo In the southern interior, and . sons" and "All Thnr th Nioht Messrs. Harvey and Lumm, com- , Div. I, Or. Ill and IV; recitation. pany auditors, are passengers victor Cavenalle: Songs, Gr. 1 aboard the Prince Rupert today and n; -Dutch Folk Dance." Or. Wing ouin anor waving paiu a m ana jy- "Dutch Song." An- vlsit to Anyox on company bust ness formances wav much larger than all have an opportunity of meet- tavored tne iirst. lng the visitor. A PUBLIC MEETING in the interest of j Aid. A.J. Prudhomme, candidate for Mayor, 1930; Will be held in the Moose Hall at"rcav. December 21, at 8 p.m i All candidates for municipal honors are invited. 1 drew McDonald; recitation. Phyl lis Hill-Tout; "Song of Gladness. fir Ttl and TV nirU- "Jnnanosp At the luncheon of the Rotary Fan Dance," Yoly HIrano and uiud yesterday rresiacnt uryant Yoshlko Nagasuye; "Fellcltatin' annoi-ncea mai rneir cuio wouia;pa," Hector McDonald; "Irish Jig." be visited next week bv Dr. Irving May Macphail; dialogue. Dlv. I of Kimloops. a member of the and II: recitation. Stanley Ander-natlonal executive, who would (son; "Picanlnnles." a singing dia- aanress mem at me mncneon. a ; Jogue, June Gomez and Harold receouon 10 uie memoers wouia ; Anderson; "Mammy's Lullaby," be given at his home on Christ- or. m and IV; recitation, Eileen God Save the King." Special Reduced Fares On C. N. Coast Steamships i Canadian National Steamships Basketball tonight in Exhibit-1 announce that effective December ion Hall. First game 7.30. 25 to February 28. a substantial re duction will be made In the round Miss Jean Keith of the Anyox trip fare Prince Rupert to Vancou- publc school teaching staff is a'ver and Victoria. Return, fares passenger aboard trw Prince Ru-1 rra Stewart. Anyox and Ocean this ewntng on the Prince RupcrLpert today bound for Vancouver j Falls to Prince Rupert will also be Vancouver where ne wuu George II. Stocks, formerly onKpend the Christmas and New era "lh WlrrvfcWjA o1 x Bryant, lekcher of the tq , spend the. Christmas-and New reduced ncicets wuioe limited to Year vacation return March 31, 1930, and will be po", m ... good going and returning via same. I '.Colin Murray, who is alleged toln.e only. Full particulars from thelhavo.boeo beaglnc along the wat-1 if" 55" uince, Third Avenue. wilBCrfront recently, in rnone ou. , (2vai ndtan School at Metlakatla. was charged ail this evening on the Prlncef cuv ponce court this morning Rupert for Vancouver to spend with vagrancy, the case being re .. . . . , , . J 9 . I L. i. J ' nr unnsimas ana rtew xear 'uucu iui nuiu uaya, holiday season. , TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FIGHT ON TONIGHT AT THE GARDENS CARDENA DUE TONIGHT Resuming service after having undergone overhaul at North Vancouver following her recent stranding in the.Skcena Slough, Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A. Johnstone, Is due in port at 9 o'clock this evening from the south and will sail at 12 midnight on her return to 'Vancouver and, IwayEQjnts, STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! IMAS Suggestions for Dad Motor Meter For Radiator Aeroplane Propeller For Radiator Cap Ealoon Tire Gauge Have a Iltatcr Installed Handl-KIt Screw Driver Set . Car Owners Socket Set Set of Seat Cover Wedge Cushions For Short Daddies Electric Cigarette Lighter, ., the kind that clamps on , Jlamp on Clock let Him' a New Tire v Pair of Skid Chains Parking Lamps Cowl Lamps Step Plates New Rubber Floor Mats Nothing would please and surprise your Dad more than one of the aoove suggestions put in nis car. Phone or write for any further particulars. Service With A Smile That's Us "Service With A Smile" Thafs-Us S. E. Parker, Ltd. gan and Benny Bass will meet to- Tnlrd Avenue night at Madison square Gardens FORD DEALERS they will soend the ChristmasEATER For sale, almost, new. in a contest for the Junior light- jiKHweoHoH Phone S3 and 'New- Year holiday season uiwa ov iui wciruu cuampjojisuip. ,: ji . . .wwhkhhkhjiwhkkhkkhwo fwith Mr. Mnrie's parents. Simpson, manager of the ara FTsh'ne & Packing Co., and' Mrs. Simpson, who arrived in the city yesterday from Mas--ott. will sail this vrvning on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where they will spejpd a vacation Hector McDonald one of the' -iirrintendents at the Premier n'ne t a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today bound for New Westminster where he will spend the Christmas, and New Year vacation at his home. Gordon Kerr ol-the Power Cor- nnrafirkn rtf rtanaf4fcvaet.lff fit Rte-ur. art arrived In the city on the Prnr." Rupert this morning from the north to spend the Christmas holidays here with his parent,1 Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kerr, Dorden Street. j I Manv schoceacTlersntrbm the1 I'nterlor arrwed in Ujeojty on 'yesterdav afternoon's train and will sail this evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver and other points in the south to spend the Christmas ' and New Year holiday season. atrt tTiltrtamo m. ti I Baptist Christmas Tree, Decern-1 !oer 20. Canadian Legion B.BJB.L. Tree December 1. Moose Christmas Tree 2a. Dance Moose Hall Eve, Empress Players. Christmas; I Ladies' Auxiliary St. Andrew's! Society Hogmanay dance Decern-1 ber 31, Moose Hall. I Moose Charity Ball January 10 SUITS! SUITS!, MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Stylr ! All Guaranteed j SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to Any Part of th i Ling, the Tailor Phono, 0,1 D , , I'. hmv.i;'!' i : It! BLACK & WH ITE" PR II ll mtSi ICOTCH WMIJKf SLACK tHTC e a 0tCl OLD COTCWvWBr we! ttUJU Wis SCOTCH WHISKY II it PISTILLED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND. ALWAYS RIGHT" James Buchanan & Co.. Ltd.. Glasgow & London Also Psomiitohs or BUCHANAN'S LIQUEUR This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ii. jfjpi i m m ii m "IMMMisjiMW "H'i ZlSKKjMBfcKiAjBlllHBllllllKsBsfl