"fe : rriday August 8, 1919 THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 i ae iD tenemsmne Semees —— AD - Seni => © Soldiers Who Served Overseas Al purrer (fae, ™ ™ ® DURING GREAT WAR. & « © EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF CANADA YJ Ponce mares von a Contains May BUTTER Casualties. We want every family in town to try pg vio : OUR OWN BRAND BUTTER :: PTUs. ~ The Department of Labour and the Oye Provincial Governments have organized Prince Rupert district did a big share in winning the war. F id d S d a System of Employment Offices from Practically all the boys that amounted to anything and who were rl ay an atur ay Only Coast to Coast for Returned Soldiers and fit went overseas, Over 500 served in the military or naval forces we will sell all classes of workers—-Men and Women ond many gave their lives for the caus: —trained and untrained. ae peace has been declared it i flitting time to take stock 2 lbs. for $1.15 of those who did such noble service nd the appended list is as 1 ; A Special Section exists for Pro- complete as it has been found possible for the Great War Veterans Only 57ic.; Regular Price 65¢ fessional and Business workers. to make it. If there are any names missed the War Veterans ' vould like to hear o e in order that - records may be To look after the special needs of the seneanetti | eee ae ? ym, 2 FU | ] ERS ! | D RETURNED SOLDIER there is in each 9 e Some of the boys lived in the outlying parts of this district of these offices, a representative of the prior to the war, but the vast Two Stores. Phones 44, 45 and 534 INFORMATION AND SERVICE BRANCH ee tee Ce. ee ee el a ea DEPARTMENT OF SOLDIERS’ CIVIL RE-ESTABLISHMENT , Milled or died on service A: = —— * Wounded. sucak, Y, Cummings, Pte. | Abbott, Pte. G., ‘8th Batt. Curl, Pte. M, Section One Lots for Sale NEAREST OFFICES \dams, Pte. R. Currie, Pte. J Lot 13, Block 6 $475. Assessed Adams, C. C. Cyr, J Lots 1%, 14 and 48, Block 581,800 Assessed at... 11)! "| “iBee Adams, W. J. ot 8° Block 4 676 Assessed at oo...) -. 1,800 Cranbrook, 10 Baker Street Allett, Pte. A.. 16th Batt Dalton, F. E., 62nd Lot 7, Block 7 pe nm une n Coe See Fernie, 162 Victoria Ave, AN Pt 4 ; : sth Dalgarno, C. 0. M. § Lots 16 and 17, Block 96 20:30 Aetiened oe 4 ae binle gave Seen Kamloops, 246 Victoria St 5 - Fe. 2. D.. 6th. alee » & YW. MM. B. ‘ 4 Nanaimo, Windsor Block 7 Anderson, W., C.F.A. Dan, A REAL ESTATE THEO. COLLART Nelson, Royal Bank Bidg., Baker St ais Darley, Pte. F. B.. P.P.C.1d NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSU" NOT New Westminster, Board of Trade Bidg Angus, R. Da = Pte. A. 47th ere WESTHOLME THEATRE BLOCK Penticton Shatford Block, Main Street Anselme, J. = 4 i bn 9 Prince Rupert, P. O. Drawer 1674 Anthony, M. Davie, Pte. R., 48th. Revelstoke, First St. W Aust 4a WN . Davis, Pte. A.. 16th. i — Vancouver, 140 Cordova Street ae von : N. Davis. 1 Harris, Lieut. E. D. | MacGregor, Capt. J., V.C., M.C. Vancouver, Alcazar Hotel, Dunsmuir St. Averill, Capt. C. Ly "7 Haslett, L. * |and Bar., D.C.M., 2nd C.M.R.'s Victoria, Langley and Broughton Sts Armstrong, W. A. L. avis : Hastings. © 6 GQ et a a Vernon, 235 Barnard Ave. E Agnew, Maj. A. W: * Delisle, Pte. W. * al se g , pl. A., 16th, M. a —" Set. D., M.M., 2nd De Longchamps, A. : a ae . bee wy Bacon. F. ¢ RNR Bs Musser. Capt. aa at ; Helas. Set. C.. 72nd McGee, Capt. Bain, Sergt. C. Denning, Pte. W. E., 102nd. ec Pt WF y Sean oe ee z y i “pp e ’ . : ‘ . Barker, Pte. W. J., 48th. Dennis, €., Royal Seots. * > I mM : e. A. B.1. McIntosh, Pte. ».. SPs » Barrow, Lieut. A. R. M Dennis, Pte. W. G.. 48th * neppere, mf. | McIntosh, Sgt. R., 48th. Barnes, W. T. Dent Pte. E. E.. 46 ‘ Heyes, Pte. H. | MelIntosh, Set. J. - = ison, Le. ° bey 6th. Holland Pte. F P.P.Cl I ° } Mel » 9 Barnjum, Lieut. H. T.. 3rd ¢ Dunjak, E ee j "dlp cnadlaliaalle ieee i cintosh, Pte. A., 20th. Tv 7 Holmes, *Le, , = 5 . Me 7 Mia € D. W. MORRISSEY Phone 573 WILFRID KELLY R. T. Doherty, Pte. P. * eee ee ee hh Oa , . oltby, e, a . . : an P. O. Box 1664. Basta, M. Doherty, T.. M.G.Bn. ’ Me ntosh, Pte. C., 103rd. Bathurst, Pte. J.. 29th. * Dolling. Lieut. #. 4.6. 2.0 Honneyman, E. H., 16th. * | McKay, Cpl. N., M.M., * 48th, y Bayles, — Welsh Pusitios eg ae ee House, Pte. J. | McKay, Pte. R. * ince ul ert rocer Baynard, . F. Donald, Pte. M. 48th. * Bowlin, M ! McKay, Pte. C.M.R.'s. Batcher, 8. O Dowling. Lieut 7 16tl ‘ Hull, Lieut. Eva B. ; McKechnie, Pte. J., CE. : 0 ing jeut. ea a - ais sie ; : i 2 es Beak, W. F. Dowling, Pte. F.. 102nd. * Hull, Major G,. B. Forestry Mc Keen, Pte. E.. 7th. jennett, Seret, J. E. 16th, Doubleay, French Army Hume, Pte. W. McKenzie, J. * Company Bernard. A D os ty M — Hunter, H., 2nd C.M.R.s, * McKenzie, A. * é » ae ree ich aa es ; Hunter, A. McKinnon, Set. R. G. * stock on hand than money in bank. takes this sell, Cpl. J. I run. Co. C. I Driver. Pte. I 72nd. , ’ . a &, ; Hunter . McLee the pub lic high grade value for their cold Bey, Sergt., ist Pioneers DPucich, B unter, & wil eh Mcl.ean, R. a ces set fortl ' Biddle, Pte. E. 16th & S.E.P. #** Du Bert Bar Hutchinson, Pte. W., 67th, | McLeod, Pte. A. K., 29th. * t fi ! - - will be maintaned until Birkett. F. W , > ; ; — Hutchinson, Pte. J. F., 16th. McLeod, Pte. J., 102nd. * ent is changed, when a further list of good . ; . ” uBy, ¢. wwe 7 ‘ , : low. These prices are absolutely for cast Black, T. 167th. Dugy, A a, 2. . | Mehoed, He. &. S.C. Saran, N > 1 a ‘ co Bioom, 8 Ly a. = C.F.A ot on oe. en | eo oo c.0.D harging to account will Po . ee nil, Pte. B. T.. 86th. © McLeod, Pte. D. A., CR. prices Delivery will be made by auto on Blythe, W. G., C.F.A. ID an, Cpl. G. ¢ McLeod, W R.CL.N odiaiey guedtiase. Boon. Pte. J. °* Duncan, Pte. J., 102nd. * Jennings, Pte. F. W. 8., 44th * aialiieaiadl page: — ‘ i Booth, Pte. W., 48th. Durham, Lieut. G. M., M.M, Jessop, Pte. A. * oe pp. - arKin & Ward KF] IC Co came, Gamble, Pte. V. A. G., 16th. * | Lampe San e Caleme. P. sambert, G,. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH © ‘I Gender, & Lane, C. 8. M. M.E, 7th, * COLUMBIA. ’ , airns, L. wit ; ‘ . . at i. . a a oe : tian ° . , Meo . — «eee ” sndry, Pte. H. L. ° IN THE MATIER OF THE ADMINISTRA- LIMITED Campbell, Pte. R Garnet, Lieut. G , 16th Fus I ' ectric igineers and Contractors C mpbe iL. J Mi D Gendreau, Jas., French army. Laurenson, Pte. J. S.. CE a and \ a 4 7 * , Gibb, W. .. * by ‘QD _ . . > p : y a full tine of Electric Ranges, Wasbing Machines Campbell, J. M. ) , - oe Lawset, Set. R., C.E. IN THE MATTER OF prHe, ES" ATE OF \ 1 bson, e,. ‘ J : VIL LIAI > Eb, ; ‘im Gleaners, Hot Plates, Grills, Irons Cameron, Sergt. R. W., 16th. * . Leblanc, H. PATE. Po: . i Gibson, Lieut., 16th. * Lee, Capt.. 30th casters, and Fixtures Cargil, RK. S. M., 2nd C.M.R.’s lingham. E. C. R.FC L mi ’ . R . TAI NOTICE that in order of His es furnishe : , : ais ; . ° SELB Sas ¢ Hie Shey oF Ate eek, Gunner G,, Oe ® jonour FP. McB. Young, made the 18th day ed on House wiring and Motor installation Carss, ~ - - oa ‘iodenrath, Lieut. Eva B., C, A, Lees, A . of Duly. 4048, : A Adminis . arss. Pte. J.. 46th : ‘ ; rator to the Estate of William Clark, de MARINE DEPARTMENT a : 4 aan * M. | Leigh, Pte. Cc. * ceased, and ail parties having claims Rese! Gases nee," Carr, Col. A. 9600 Godenrath, Capt. P. F., 16th &] Leslie. Pte. D. N.. 46th to furnish same, properly. verihed. to. te, ega Carmichae ‘ ; a ae ’ enue of aaa ~ . a Cailie Pertanian ee et ee Batieries Caukovich, P " = i. W.H Lett, Pte, G, a def TU oa ee te shea aap — vo : V0 ° > Leveque, A, of August, A.D, 1919, and all partics in Mosier Spark Plu Cavin, Pte. J Gordon, Lieut, MeL, * . , debied to the estate are required to pay that was"chosen for the ei eathiians flights Capple, Pte, A., 16th, # Gough, Pte. R., 72nd oe a forthwith. oo ee ae sat ‘a Bi, » ¢* . Lindsay, . : _ ervice @ens : : te. G. : THOMAS McROSTIE ) nteael Gepartment will help you to plan yout Chi reh, J = - an Dental Graham, D, Little, Cpl. A., 16th. Dated this 23rd day of July, 1919. » &duipment, A full line of Dynamos, Clayton, eis oe , Girant, Pte. E., 2nd C.M.R.’'s. Little, Pte. J. J.. M-T NOTICE A age Ratterie Switel : , : Corps I ” : ae oe 5, f t boards, Conduit, Cable I Grant, H, Living ’ 47 4 : / ‘ gstone, i7th. witnasiaations i Lamps, Searchlights, ete. meg - - io in a Grant, LeRoy, Limousin IN THE MATTER of an application for e : Clar *Le un G _ - -« . "os , ; the issue of a fresh Certificat f Tithe . . make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat — FN 2 ray, Pte. F., 2nd C,F.R.'s London, Pte. for all eainesaln, precious and base (save 1 ‘alleries charged and repaired (no time lost while Clifton tl Giray, Pte, A. R., 44th C.M.R, * Longman, Lieut. F. F coal and petroleum) under Lots ninesese 4 6) os o “eo al eut i ikth , oe : — . ° : (19), “Engineer No, 1,” twent (20), hird @ Y is being charged, we have one at your disposal Cloth t “ _ Gray, Seret., M.M,, 46th. Love, Set. W. R., CLE. “Northern Partwership No. 2,” ine hun- Venue (opposite Post Office) * PHONE 125 Cochrane, Pte. J Gruiech, M, cave Sok a ered ant, cighioon (888), atorshere ears. ; Cod, G Gukich, R. Buone, Maier F. 7. * “Northern Partnership No, 8,” two hun- Cole. Pte. W ié6th. L : k ” “ ered end nine (908), “Costiere pester. . , . o . : > . sund, &,. ship No. 4 Fractional,” no undre ollart, Lieut. T., K.0.C., W. Heggie, Pte, G., 47th, venty-two (072), “Northern Partnershi settee B “ aod ry ° Halsey, Major, 102nd, * MeBride, Pte. J. * R&A. 1. Rifles, Nod.” “ine huidred and sixty-seven elgit { y. (967), “The cl . Collin. Pte. J. A. . Hammond, C, 8. M,, J. E.. 46th. McCabe, Pte. J. 102nd. sixty-eight (968), Mipne Plato,” and nine ‘h Collins. C Hampene, - J, 102nd., pelea Pte. 60th. Minera Chaim al se 2 : 4 ani . Pte, ‘nn ric ers, MebD a ” 6 Cassiar District, e Smeeton I ea R Collison, Lieut. A., 16th and Hankin “ ist Pioneers McDonald : te . i6th force’ to bavehy gives sine te dite SP ereenenens ooms R. FP. ¢ Hankin, Pte. F, A,, 102nd, McDonald, Pte, R. i8th, intention we issue after the expire ot ~ ‘ ae . _" aR i 7 ; ; one month from ~~" 309 SECOND AVENUE Collison, Lieut, 16th & BN, *) Hankin, Pte, T., GB. MeDonald, Lieut. W., * 16th. hereof, a fresh certiNeate of The Business Man’s R Ceenas & Harlow, Gapt, R, A. U.8. Engi-| MeDougal, Pte. P. 102nd. above mentioned REAL jc ans Nestauran” wore a neers. McDougal, Pte, A., 102nd Soe ; ME COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH Garter, ©. 4. h | Hardy, Phe, A. 402nd, * MeDonald, Pte. A ' cuntboved 778-R . On on > J., 40th. i : . ” ’ , + = - © Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale + dn ~ 1. Hardy, Pte, A,, 402n4. McFarlane, Major W. T., 26th.) ° stiariet Reglaarer les, . 4 : : S Mee r i : Crewe, Pte. H. O,, 16th, llarvis, Bet, A. M.M,, i8th, MeParlane, Pte, KR, F., 62nd, V'''rhis 9 “ot duly, 1948, 0°