ee THE WAILY REWS bawe 5 a] PRETTY WEDDING a ee ' im LAST EVE | Daily News Classified Advertising| | ; C a — ee A 8 a tt tl —_ tee 4 AST EVEMMG#e see —— re WANTED. 1rOR SAI d two heat mm ers 840 Five oomed house Miss Mac Ryan Becomes Bride of ‘YAN TED—Three first-class car with ' W. J. Alder. Thos. J. Maloney in Presence penters, returned soldiers pre. | Of Many F 4 ferred Dalgarno & Watts, at| PIANO Fk¢ SALI In first class a FI y PUSWeee Kelly job, Sixth Avenue and} cond p reasonable. | avour for f Patiow. 185. | Apply hird Avenue West.| ev r t st h a last: WANTED to buy Underwood type. | FOR SALI M h Range. Al © y 4 € Cathol Church i in good condition, State mn Apt e News | Ml Ry price and where seen to box 184 c a ' ” 85. Daily News office tf NGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED Mrs. J. J FOR RENT | . YORG WTO. CANADA " H ut © GENERAL SERVANT WANTED Wi: ey, of! Apply Mrs. Guttstein, eorner of |¥O : ) 2. ? latlow and Sixth Ave. West } al i si a — ——$—$—$— | the NO K. Mod EST AND FIELD perfor i by Rig B ,, Wanted to rent, three or four venir Bla } 1 RB , med house with bathroom IN FINAL PROGRA) Box 286 Daily News ofice, 84 |FOR RENT—Furnish board if eg ed i what i f mous Vaudeville Troupe Gives che entered thy ; WANTI " : sas for :an her W as f gel ork, niander, secon ve. mer ~QY mx 421 tf Entire Change—Elsie Fergu- on in “Under the Green- d PHOTOGRAPHER FOR RENT —F« wood Tree. WANTED Piet .ditew* eat twenty minut ’ 4 enced amateur photo finisher © : at ’ d i ; Able to handle quantity I or ris : M j ; good work Highest wages né N th e ! b 4 \j y | W. Chandler, Sixt! A\ t I ; at 7 Street, Prince Rupert 84) is i - rane , can i \ ‘ h with rh ppers to mat FOR SALE wd. Phe R ; ; ae MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build. | FOR NTO W.J.A : nat ng Loans. Apply Prince Ru- rR toa Stein Rah. Gmc aed ase Lost Li. sealed air-tight and pe Nickerson, Secretary. tf Lost w o . . d - ia ae a | impurity-proof, im the wax- is the | FOR SALI Evinrude and row 7. = path A ; ; idal i ; : ed \ 4 e ' ; rhe film story tonig “pyrene done. "*-| boat, good condition, Cheap.| ™ eee 2 eee ae wrapped, safety packages. ov q the ae Apply “Boat,” Daily Ne i Sea ae —e Fs In if , tu Daily Ne sh society woman of t “0 - —, ‘1 , ~ | LOST—Bet n Th Ave. ar Be sure to get th who. longing for the ‘ I s ‘ wo trunks, 805 eat h wh F ne ve ae Dag rh me reso Si hve waterfront j { k ' ne W oa S 6h : ' , 5 : \ 1 ti om 5 pei or “4 vant woods alone i : ‘ ‘ less t \ i Find piea . 1 romantic young \ 1, |FOR SALE—Old newspapers, tet return to D News 8 | Sn nts a bundle F ntil she meets a young ro ; LOST, Strayed sto! as because it is supreme wh nee : Vue rie \ ‘al £. brass 8s id ss ahie te & baal advan, | r ap HOUDINI IS HERE, collar and Finder pleas in quality. j comn i ith t poli aoa THE HANDCUFF KING - ie e in the Daily News \ is | j ring the OST t eo ; i # aia dis Canada — f™M and i idini, the Handeuff King ' 58 coe “I ; The Master Mystery s the big et coal , \ 4 " x ; which opens tonight at ? 881 S 1]. ue ae ve ese omer won ool A eat Whe Flavour Lasts ouses for Sale Fe ee ee ascaeanead Uleae ak nls en Se . ; , i lie iP il Xj le ' ots tor Sale ber fer Sal ‘ gula ture at tt FOUND {OUEUEEOUAOYVSEETTEL EAGLE DEORE AD TEESE mT um i or aie i wed g \ th atre toment ts he (ireerT . >= === iin. |God” from the novel ef the sa OUND—Key ° = ¢) ume and feat ng Harry Morey wos : 8. A y Daily = = f hous pa ind Betty Blythe. In this story Ne ae Fee ___ | = = sen : thy j s bartered by her father wh MISCELLANEOUS i= en is == Pa ; Ts'o Aa hes piplame __|z I y = god which he has induced a friend | SEI MeGOWAN, the Cyels ; = = ' ; to steal for him. A mysterious} for 1 second-hand bi- | DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! = ? and interposes and th ian eye | s : ts. | a = ; vas to have married her is found} tera All s of light re-| One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your = ; lead. The plot is a curious o pa c. See \ near | > ; == mene BE ' j ; : i is most facinating ! Mel le Phor Bhi ivi = Efficiency~ = K 461. ' , = = eoscceconanlill as Use MURESCO, the great sani-| THE NORTON—The place for = = » = , - tary wall finish. A. W. Edxe Co. sha Hairdressing. Seca | Ss = OOF OP OOCOEOOEOODOOOEOOOD OED — ” ther daug treatin 210 Fourth Street | = = }. t Ale TENDERS WANTED Open 10 m : ay ; = a ayne = ] ; Zz , ut 4 } Db 5S are nvited = Wihg Alley d ae ae on Smithers, B. ‘3 OFFICE HOURS: = { Ul Plans nad’ epecidestins may be ob 233 Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only, = TR wrrear ir ij \ gi i ayy at wo the § ‘ ' = . Ne th rr | Meeks, Smithers, 5 a = Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 = ’ a eats a aN rs . : —. —-< ; : : \ I bb 6 i tes m ta tu} ndera, } = : —_ ; ; dnight ae ; = Dental Nurse in attendance.§ = Ke n t ha , = . Tas i! Smithers, B.C. on of before | = Phone 109 for appointment = ’ nuguss — Seo JENDERS FOR COAL = —_ _~ ~— f ‘ ' , ssf LED TENDERS address an me v turned ‘ and endorsed “‘Quotat . rs and Tobaccos =} me ees, Goon Wulldlngs win co: | ARRAN OUESEUEAAAEAEA 00 ° Cer tonoren—een~eotooenee. || IN PROBATE \ eeday, August 6, 1919, i - — toee iy | y : i N THE SUPREME OURT OF BRITISI the | ie bu P SO PL OROPOLEOROOBEOO OOP OR Dy sang Aly 3 soe ' OLUMBIA “ oad . Ist Col - wae . OM LEE CO. s ' ‘ ' and |IN THe MATTER OF THE AD < “Tepartment R SAI E t? } ; \ and tlawa, and from th d Avenu West ind ca y M u I : SATyEA ISEN “DE Dull aot’ bt Senmtieeed FO m ans EDERICK RK. GIERTS VF will not be te M Mrs Via \ INTE STATI 4 a , : Block 14, Section ( $3,000.00 cash VEGETABLES mia - MED young "made ee een ie ; 6, Block 14, Seetion 1 @ 3,000.00 Whole \ ; A + was . ; ch on ons ‘ane : % Block », Section 1 600.00 sale and Retail sirator to the estate of ee eed eae P : Contractors and ; ay EL ey Fa Works, equal to 10. per 10, Block 5, Section 1 @ 600.00 ! | I required to furnish sam the, tender. War | FISHERMEN, LOOK ! ) Exchange itt south to me, On Om before th me a ae : . ’ ; A D. 1919. and all parties or Wat Bond 2 16, Block 50. Section 8&8 @ 19006 . Rupert, =, C. : ty " bh oS i o? — etemnamnens i By — DESI HERS F : P.O. Be x 725 j ay hh he u JOHN H. MeMULLIN DAVID H. HAYS, 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. ities OMecial Administrat : Seale 7 ‘ pal Mr. and Jl lon t day of July, 191 “ my 4 COAT TIFE IF VOU NON’T WEAKEN By GENE BYRNES FICE HOURS ° 12; 1:80 P. Mm. te 6:30 p.m. TS fs > \) * % DR. J. 8. BROWN ar } USED GREAT LIFE a US ’ DENTIST Wh To BE THE You DONT ThK (Ve) w* Smith Block, Third Avenue. neaTion * Phone 454. ; eee. ee Peres “Prose POPOL OO LOS POOR OM Olel Prince Rupert FUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 pep day and up. Ge nnn aah FIRST.OLass OAFE \ La Carte ere fee OOO CC CMC jae ey | O° Does EE Peres Wr rrrnrene ‘he bei House vara st > aad h W ee i I dbyu me Hed 246 OC eens 4 eereerrorooes DO You Hod AT HOME, CASH BOY UNTIL “THE BARY CAME \ LONG me f oO | _ ai