llllltM No Better Winter Breakfast than Warms' high in calorics and carbohydrates Healthful-easy io digest, a safe regulator Delirious heat in oven, serve wilh hot milk Made try The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company. Ltd. V., I: j i 1m t .-:r This advertisement is nut published or displayed br the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Colombia SCOTTISH CUP REPLAY GLASGOW. March sixth round Scottish the following were results : Celtic 2, Motherwell J 14: In the Cup repiay yesterday V J 1. GROTTO LEADS IN BILLIARDS Played Grotto went into the lead of the second division billiard league with a substantial margin over the j 1 Cold Storage as a result of the pteying of last week's fixture which was completed last night. The tobacconists made th first clean sweep of the reason over the L. Youngman 2)ii't 179. Four of this weeks second divi- 1 :on fixtures were also played last night, but the Grotto did not fare . 0 well it the hsnds of the Cold Storage, who won three of the games and are leading 782 to 680. on the aggregate . The individual scores were as follows: J. HUIman. Cold Storage. 200; M ?! McLachlan. Grotto. 175. U Buillie 200, Joe Beesley 119. A Jacdonald 182. W. E. Wil- ?,4, ir,ft 2H. J. Campbell 200. George How 1X6. , The final game betweon ENGLAND OUT ! SMALL SCORE wickets down. Th? wicket today Baptie. Cold Storage, and S. D.JJt Hamilton wacuuiMua, uroiio, IS TO oe pwyPS! tonight . Canadian Legion and GrrrttoJ will also meet tonight in the first division. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League, DirWion 1 Rirmingham 1. Arsenal 1. Newcastle United 2, Aston Villa 1. Portsmouth 2, Blackburn 2. Liverpool 2. Westham 1. English League, DivMon 2 Reading .1, Wolverhampton 0. : I A deliKt to the 1 connoisseur I a revelation to the 1 sceptic I DISTILLED I 1 IN SCOTLAND fl wo. H ! m James Buchanan ciCcw, VHaBBMr 9 B 26 Holborn, London, E.CJ. 'l&mKtim&r This advertisement Is not publisheu or displayed by th Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia colorful figures. BILLIARD STANDINGS First Division TEAM STANDINGS ..) PI. Ttl At Terminals . 5 5971 li34 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES HV. E. Wrmscftfft (G) 2 560 260 4br. J. A. West ttJL) . 1 247 47 W. ILTr (tfTl . 11 2721 247 F. G. FUe (CL) J. Andrew (CD GT) . . 3 718 29 . Id. P. Tlnkr (CI) . 9 2141 288 H P. Balagno (GT) 11 210 2f7 Al Donald (G) ..... 11 291 2S 1 M. Andrews (CL) . 9 2119 286 M. NcLachlan (G) .2 464 22 1 W. J. NffSfW (GT) . 11 2S81 2d E. Feneion '(OT) . . . Col. McMordie (CL) Alex Murray (CL) F. Stephens (G) . Bert Morgan (G) A. A. Easson (G) Y. Williams (GT) 1), Brown (G) ... W. Mitchell (GT) ;J. Bemley IG) .. n tt J. Blir & 1878 229 10 2342 224 S 678 224 . 6 1311 219 Ben Self (GT) 2 485 218 9 1942 216 11 2872 216 5 1068 214 11 2812 218 . 2 4S 218 ll 2818 210 B 1648 2uS . 2 38 ld( .2 U6 178 1 186 15C I. VouBgman (GT) 1 ioe loS (SecondDiiision) ' O. T. AV. Grotto ......:C....jp6 4M7 fill Cold Storage ...... 4152 898 Grand Terminal . . . 5 4121 884 Individual Avrraces J. May (CS, 2 160 200 F. Williams (GT) . 5 9M UM A. Macdonald (CS) . 6 1170 196 W. Willlscroft (0) . 10 1902 100 J. Campbell (CS) . 8 1515 180 J. Beesley (G) 8 1612 18& M. McLachlan (G) . 11 2380. 185 J. Hillman (CS) . 10 1817 182 Ben Self (GT) 5 919 184 W. Mitchell (GT) ... i 910 18 W. Bailey (Cg) .. 10 1811 181 C. Baptie (CS) .... 10 lg02 180 S. D. Macdonald (G) ID 1768 176 G. Howe G) ...;,.l 1 1800 174 E. Feneion (GT) ... 6 1002 167 John Bulger (GT) X 11 1817 16 W. H. Jarman (GT) 11 17IG 158 C. Youngman (GT) 11 1711 166 J. Dougherty (O) ... 3 459 158 Bert Morgan (G) .... 2 301 161 C Krause (CS) 4 682 140 J. Walker GT) .... l 88 88 WHAT It IS TO STARVE When tlje impassioned oralor held out his arms and walled pathetically: "Have any of you ever suffered the pangi of hunger?" a girl In one of the front seats nearly broke up the meeting by aildlbly remarking: ni tell the world I I was twenty minutes late for lunch THE DAILY NEWS Jhursday. Ma r ! Sport Ghat Baseball talk is already in the Made Only 25" In Second Innings ! air and ii is to be hoped that of Fifth Test Cricket Jit will turn out this year to be Match ! more than mere talk. Last year t there was no league baseball in FINISH UNCERTAIN Prince Rupert and it would i I too bad If that were to be again Rad Wicket Cause For Failure j the case In 1929. There are of Visiting Team Today at j plenty of ardent supporters of Melbourne ithe game In, the city and a num- -ber of new players are reported MELBOURNE, Auat., March 14. to have arrived here since last mtat held by the Anyox Club that it has been to have another. There as. e. Mates . men s ana mixed i far as biif time pufilism is concerned. Those two beatings of his of late first at the hands of . old Jim Maloney and then from) a year ago was fighting the world's champion for the title. ' At the close of olav in the fifth 1 rear. Talk fin it that there will junior leagues which are still cricket test match between Eng- be a three team league this sea-j valiantly carrying on in spite of . land and Australia today, the son with dubs possibly from the the fact that the senior and lad-scores stood for England, $15 in Gyro Club, Native Sons oflli' leagues have dropped out of; the first inning and 257 in the Canada and Eagles. Some of , the picture. Intermediate and , jeet should be to have a three ' selves and It would seem that the i favored the team Senior league. Two team, fans could work up an interest' A .. ... wn 1 1 n n uwUm n A ;r r , . i ! : 4 u . .j 4. : j . m i inusinuiaii wnjio auu n ti leagues nave nol Or a very UC- I nicjr nailltru w insiCitll ui ur- cor.t;nus treacherous tomorrow cessful In the past for it needs moaning the fact that there are the Antipodeans may not hare more dubs than that to sustain j no more eenior or ladies' games. rakes (lean Sweep Over dram ; n easy task to win. If the wic- interest in the game. Terminals in Second Division, ket is improved Australia should! Referred Gaaie Heine: win it riot vir tnrt- in th ri So fUgcWiful was a recent EARLY DEATH BASEBALL UMP PHILADELPHIA. March 14: The death of Sherwood Magee, Crand Terminals, the score being iaged 44 from pneumonia ng xnme was piaya iau nignt ...1 II' c lir: ! I . r. 1 a r " wirii . a . 11 iu:.n.iuii uvat i . t JaIli I. 1. . 1 umpire League and for many years member of the Phila- !iD(? of a&e of baebirs most tounut defidp 1 will b Basketball is also having its ups and downs at A lyox and a blow-up in the Intermediate j League hi threatened, it btiriK' rumored that the Stoje Offk-e team will not be seen in action . j doubles as well as singles and 1 lira in this season. Sehior and 1 I quite a number of entries are i Ladies' League activities an-! expected by the time piay gets ' however, being continued with i under waj- on Tuesday of next j considerable success. Winners week. Anonymous donors have j of trophies awarded ! by the ; put op cuds for single play and Parent Teachers' Association for the cltib will provide trophies' Junior League play have' "hot yet ' for doubles. , been decided. High School has won four games by a close m. r- Apparently it is to be "cur- gin over Public School, the lat t tan Legion 4 4637 1141 Qrbtto S M77 1U5' tain for Tom Heeney, the met- game was a draw and three more eoric Australian heavyweight, as have yet to be played. HOCKEY MAGNATE DIES AT SEATTLE Otto Von Porat, the Norwegian Pete Muldoon, Pr.rt Owner of the heavy, who is a fairly new fig-'! Seattle Hockey Club Uan j ure in the game have been bad 1 Heart Attack blows to his career. To be I bten by a has-Deen ajnti then SEATTLE, fcirch 14: Pete by a never-wasser should settle Muldoon, widely known Seattle the soap of the Ansae' who but;1101' proroqter and apqrtsman, aiea as tne result or a heart at- tack yesterday ufternoon while driving to Tacoma with Nate . If tbey would, basketball tans , Druxman. hia associate iu the of this city could derive con--Seattle hockey club and Hugh siderable entertainment front thejM. Campbell, former mayor ut doings of the intermediate , and Seattle. RIFLE ASSN. PKHSIIIBNT OTTAWA. , adier Gen. J March 13: Brig-i wjstarted .;DffFt-,.nf Van-,fe7 together I second. Australia made 491 in I these orrinltions are already .junior league activities are being. uver today fleeted the first innings and had scored ' taking the matter up of stippor- continued with considerable zesti11 of the Inninion of only seven in tne stcond witn do ting a team. An ...v. -r rt - - - Int., . ... inmrltn t&t. ton the nart of the nlavpra thm- R'He Association pretiW anadi Could Rot S!ceB Heart Would Sfart rumpmg and Pcunii, irs. r red P. Avenll. iy , W murh with ""TP- .1 Would v. j.ri .... . creaming, ,) . , , pumping ail p., ,.g A neighbor . , 1lloiQ Biead.& Bcliei Bread. FLOUR l4 r& taking !,, . . Sni & ,1 only tM.k Ttm Bfkt a boi t k! (PlP'SWi or mmilctl ii. rr. , tt a t. m by Th. t. m,,... "4v;:n: r&mi. out. v w- 7ie quality is always the same Jr. it FOURTH STREET TH lw mm know values SURPRISING number of shrewd, successful business men. who can afford to pay almost any price, wear Tip Top Clothes. They know the worth of their money and they know just what great clothes value thoy can get at the Tip Top store. Tip Top Clothes are all tailored to individual measure all one prfce. Hundreds of smart, new, imported woolens are offered for your selection. Sec them now. Save money and get better dollies made to your measure. P. CRAVETTO Clothes HUNCH RUPERT. 'I