fAGE FOUn The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBL PnhJiihed Etrj Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rapert The gov m regard engineer and it loo the kind of Drovemen has waited Away back neer and C discussed wmn ;Iy News, Linitftd, Tfejrd -Avenue. R.V. PULLEN Transient Display Advertising, per jbc. per lawruoa Transact Advertising on Front Page, per inefc . Local Read.-, per insertion, per line BARRAGE ON GOVERNMENT BY MEMBERS Maasfct Masjhftf and and Act i MBS t. in u "- Kenn SalBMm Fisberiea CANNERY MONOPOLY , I'fCHriacial AutinritirH Ashed to Take Actisi to Preserve Fish Ri North,'. . .. ' i 1 r SUBSCKIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly pertoa, paid In advance 15,00 For lesser nerfai. paid in advance, per taoath - Br mail to ali narU of Xortfcerk and Central British Columbia, paid In adsaare for yearly period Js-GOj i ClaMiftMt Aiiiailimrg- nr inrtina Mr ward ... Pattullo said. Grave infraction of the regulations were taking j place and apparently he ha' idone nothing. What was the use, he asked, directing attention to international conventions on f:sh preservation and ifrnnrinv he "mining" of fish under his vr- nose. Fish were being Pattella, Wrinh ? M ' prov i'r. 1 ... iv was ossBg mined and no I J V.J . . - wwlu iiau uecn receivea irom the Gcn-ernmtnt that they were Uk- any steps to prevent it. Howe Questioned Mr. Howe 'was pressed both by Mr. Pattullo and Mr. as to whether the Government had adotrted a noliev of limit. t VICTORIA, Har h Is-Trifc4?f cw,erJr liceAses A. any rate Icism of the inactivity of ware iiioL 1.1 11 US the UK.i pending the decision of the " uvvioivii vg fcllC Privy 1 1 v JT Commissioier of Fisheries in re-j Council on the right of the I)o-grard to infraction" 't reruIationsm'n,n or the Province to grant for the conservation of fih wew ''cer! snd was asked if the leveled at Hon. S L. Howe by T. : "Pesenttitions to the Dominion D. Pattullo in the Leffislat .-re j Government to issue no more li-when the account. of the Fish- re1""8 ws made on the renrea- eries Prpartment weie under re- crtitionn of the cannery interests view. Mr. P-ttjllo 1r.o tharged the comtmVK'ncr w;th setting Ui saonopolicn by ti.-, e.omn-.rnda-Uon to Ottawa tint no more cannery l censen be granted and nd if the commissioner had re vived any assurance thnt thr nnneries would comply with the egulitions for the conservation Mr. Howe ropHsd'that the ren- took isue wilh him when he re-1 rf-entrttion were made to Ottawa plied th;.t th? d;i;rtment was!"'1"0" anV word from the catl-waitinjr the decisioil of the! ,erv interests. Ottawa wa as-Privy Council on cannery Wcen-p61 not to 'ue any more licen-aes before formvlfit-'ng a policy. ' rending the PrWy Council The denartmoBt held a watch-!!!eci8ion- IIe denl'd there would in brief for the nrovinee. Mr J n-v nnery monopoly. "A Garden Field Seeds FKRTILIZF.R DULKLKY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. IJIQ,NE 58 noon ns n.C. knows Its I ' will fnrmnlsto tvnlU., " v-1 Isald. v-nHvr':-a ' mr. rnuuiio tnought it was tr nre that no representations 'had been made to the rommia sioner by cannery intereata aa representations were made to him 'during a time he was acting na I commissioner of f isheriea. He thought a search of the files i might show representation went through the deputy. i l!.mlu In Huff I had no right at all. That was the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada and stood pending any other decision. As the Supreme Court was in itTafm tiataT not much prdHbilrty & lift il. a' ' jfv wai would be apaeC- As rttd Wtm it was wide open. Anybody could go into the canning business. Action should ,be taken to pro-Tide ks gorirniag the situa- tion. He spoke against limitation Legsl Noos. insewl' per state ItBe C JsftWttf''or cSnaerW Or four awnth fr HM By nail to all otHer parts 01 brrUsh Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid la advance per ear .... ttJ" 8y mail to all sx&er couiitries, per year S79 afember of Audit Bureau of Circulation DAILY EDITION Thursday, March 14, 1929 MBS BOWROX'S APPOINTMENT a . t il I tl.4Bi01 "tenses ana cunaiing we in- yrggtdastryv (.Conservation ot ran 3k should be effected he argued by regulations, not by limiting the y rat& its kh attempt to deal with adrffi-' cooperating with Fish had been "mined" for years in the face of persistent protests by the late Hon. William Sloan and "be charged that bow a ruling had given the Provincial Government control it was remiss in its duty in not taking the matter in hand. Dr. Wrinch went exhaustively into various methods of conserving the salmon industry. He said that only one experiment by the Canadian Govern meet, the drastic Miss Lottie Bowron was recently appointed inspector fonr vearSf suited in in-under the dQuca Lionel department to investigate Hvingicreasair th ran, whereas the conditions at outlying points wfcere young school teaekers United states had got ripiiu by receive appointment, and where there is seme doubt of several jasafcoda. He a repea their being proper accommodation for them. She is a ti,c of n sfcnment woman whoTieems eminently Suited for ihe poaiion fcii bJ vr every way except that &e had been prominent? jdenti-K!JE1 7unX"iI fied with rvative party Sties' Her aPp6tment'r,thtSn fr h? was attacked by A. M. Manson on the ground that she .topped him because they did no would be used as a Conservative organizer wherever she approve his method of cloiinj Went . the ft ream to ali other fish thai If Miss Bowron is going a'round the country talking wkeye. politics, she should not hold the position, but if it is simply ; He urged the Minister to at a fear that she may do so, then the criticism is not sound. thesc mthod and k It was not to be expected that a prominent Liberal would c oa,d don receive the appointment We believe Miss Bowron to be 1 , Premir, To,m jid tbt u a very capable woman and well suited for the position and J, t!T"T Hu.kfUo. ttuii.. fU i-i-l-t. ;rZ Minister of Fishene. and to th -v-v 'V m. c8"lu'J ft that a deputy minister fo iug iu ncr ntgfswi Jjynuca in me CUUITSe Ol ner WOrK. i nere ' the department had been is some dou ficial, but, a cult situati meat was as lOXOe eilieacy OI appOmtlUg SUCH an OT- ed. The Province was ds.rou. 1 he future will tell whether the appoint-!lon ton" th " ot conser led or not . vin restoring this importan TAKING QUICK ACTION . ' ' ZjTL HJTSSS ' of fisherleB. but said the Prov enune the Domin nt at Ottawa seems to be losinir no tirrw;flce hd duty to Perforr work on the fishermen 'sfteabi We. TUp f' Iv has instructinns tn riii-vov 9 snitohU ait "r Wrinrh Wrinrh m inted W wbb T M I7UI1MIH. 3 a S. if the wofk win be in hand soon. That is ' we like. This wearv waiting- fnr im. t never rrHrv is aniinwlno- Priia Pmurf iuuK ffmrTi,DIPno 91 ppee amis. ine umemm Mr. ww was federal enoi. . W. Pick was member, probable sites were the work was expected to be done. had beer OUt th.:' kfitn contm THE DAILY NEWS Thursday. March II. taetMtlt right on the initios, of its flshorie rged that of lirmux And the Dominion ! Mr. Howe mate aaolieatioB to have this precedent 'followed to that B.C. could also control this purely provincial industry. k i r . The Letter Box POINTS OF .MORAL Editor. Dairy Sewas Olof Hanson's newt schieve-menU at the eapHaJ aptly illos-tratea what a ssaa of determina tion and pleasing paraeaality can accomplish in dlnliaaatic c.tcles. It also emphasise the favt that j the influence of saelMiinders in i the House of Commons is wan- ing. and that personal a; jal8 to members receive sympathetic consideration and brin: better results. LOUIS FOT.KRID PLAYS A PRETTY KNIFE AND FORK Since Frmt-a-tives Brought Relief From Indigestion MRS. WHITE It looks Kimcwt like mpe'V' way s wtahh of health floods the under the hlirg inijeooe of ruii--tnes." IikUmUob, t!M and Pain after Eatfitaaarhtssad osupa-tioa simply disappear. .Km Mn. E. White of West Tejtonto, Ont . autea: 'I sirred f-f 1 jgaaiion for Bsonths and ooaki aol- a aave meal Sbo; wlriy 'rVn'-i-tivra' everr trv-e of StoiBB'-h T-wbk- haa imU-i I n w nt JytUoe aad ftri like tf penan. " 4. 'lrui!-.-i-r w-J) Hr erliora Iiliri-n ar i DysMi-i -. and SO a bca at .!rle-a 1 sixrr. T St. CHAgJ3 Pyp Hilkihe basis of so many important Dishes on every Menu T3o?dct AO"" TtfHOLSsoMB, nourishing, well-balanced, home-vi cooked meals ensure a healthy, happy family. Such meals are certain if you use plenty of pure, rich milk, which is in itself a complete, well-balanced food. Borden's St. Charles is not only a safe milk but it is more than twice as rich as ordinary ml Ik, since over sixty per cent of the water content is evaporated. It gives to cooking a texture and flavor notliing else will give. trSend for emir cook book and convince yourself of EL tMabct by trying a few of tha afenfta, trttatl reStpra. J THB BOftOEN CO. USimBX Itum ir Aw.i. RW., ir. Drr. A. Mm ni mm rw St. Chmrtm Uttp Book UKSWEETEHED EVAP0RATE0 ' : - . . fey RICIi.i.OND S LOUVRE t I ,i ? Stock Bought at 40c. on the Do r a. " l-tr - r 1. V ' BARGAINS FOR YOU! '4 "H ale Starls on Friday Morning af 9 o? liar Clock