V, M.-.rsh 14. ICS Come in for Details of the $30,000 Prize Picture , Contest Let us tell you how easily you can qualify for a major prfce in this big Eastman Contest the greatest in the history of phoUy&mphy. Entry Wanks and complete conteat information are available at the Kodak counter now. Come to our store to fill any photographic need. 'Ve have a complete stock of cameras and dependable Kodak film. And our trustworthy Kodak finishing makes the most of every roll iif film. yfic Pioneer Drttffists THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST TELEPHONES 8? 1,200 I Evince CyKitfoert, CJ. KZ. SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue Phone 7(55 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. Here Is Sound Value HliREN A WATCH OF ATTESTED ACCURACY AT A MODERATE PKICB $18.00 The movement is IS jewelled, made by the new system so that every part is interchaagadai. H part is b rosea, a mw place will fit. Latest wriat styles suitable for ladiea who want servica. White or green gold filled, name movement in solid 14K-Kold case $22JiO John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS EGGS are Cheaper THIS WEEK-END Fresh Pullet Extras, per dozen ,'c :! doen l.lu Nabob Orange Marmalade. 4-lb. tin &0c Prunes, 4-lb. pkta Bartlett Pears, SMia, per tin 0c rre.vh Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. ..38c Fancv Yellow Newton Apples -r-bot,..k...........W-W hi TVruaWaa 4 TMMn i j . . . .75c B.C. Granulated Suger, 10 lbs. C5c Bush's Grocerleria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER ANNOUNCEM BNTS Women of Moose heart Legion, t. Patrick's Tea. March 11, at the ume of km. Munaattem. ' ' See "Officer WT at Wst-oltne Theatre, March 18 and 19. Mooae Whiat Drive and Us nee. March SI Presbyterieji Easter Sale March Good Friday evening Baptist hurch UmknA Lontnre, "The ins Herald:" Refreshments. Rojrnl Panfe . Whist ind Dance, Ska' Uame, April 2. Aaflkwa W. A. April . Unit Church April 4. Sale, Jkuaar. C.W.L. Spdng Sale in Catholic 'all, Thursday. April 4. After-uion from 8 to 6. Social in eyeing starting at 8:80. Gyro lloedown. April 19. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER 'utling. Workmanship and Styti All Guaranteed U1TS STEAM CLEANED ANL PRESSED We Drilver to Any Part of th( City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 Ir Alexander PHONE 87S DESNEK IlLOCK DENTIST Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Dig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. J. II. CSG. (Ioshc. l'lione Frank Williams, violinist t 'now devoting all his time "to teaching. Orchestra .class for! i pupils. Phone Blue 489. (J2 At a meeting of the school board last night Miss Mills and Miss Mercer both stated the urgent need of repairing the playgrounds In the different schools. At the monthly meeting of the decided to wire right away for a commercial teacher for the High School to assist Miss i Pearce. Re,v. T. D. Procter, Anglican rector at Hazelton, is making the round trip to Stewart ami Any ox aboard the steamer Prince George today. He will return tq the city tomorrow morning and proceed to the interior op Saturday. At the monthly meeting of the school board last night it was decided to accept the application jof Miss Marjorte Peto, who is at j present living at Winnipeg, to as- m in the Donseatle Science Ctasa two days oat of the week, her services starting after Eus- jter. Seats for "Officer 666" now being reserved at Orme's Drug I Store. Don't miss the show of : the year. Big demand for tic- keta anf patrons are urged to reserve seats without delay for Monday or Tuesday night t avoid disappointment. Curtain goes up at 8:15 prompt. 0 The Canadian Legion, at iu regular monthly meeting l-,.t night discussed the advisability of sending a delegate to the j . i--vincial convention at ('hilliw;u k in May bat deferred decision in -tM hext north. Business was tjberwite of a routine mature. lVesfdefct M. XL Lamb occupied th chair s&d there wan a good attendance of comrade. Having been delayed in the north by stormy weather, C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary, Capt. ('. C. Saintey, arrived in port at 3 o'clock this morning from Alaska, sailing about an honr iater for Vancouver and ictoria. Th Mary will make her next call here northbound on Wednesday of next veek, being now on a ten day schedule. Cowichan EGGS FOR REAL SATISFACTION FRESH AND UNIFORM PUL LET EXTRAS Per dot. ...38 S doe $110 SLICED RAW HAM Per lb. 4T HEINZ KRfiSH CUKE RELISH t Per bottle SSei PLUM JAM 4-n. tins. Baeh 4te HORN 88 CUSTAUD 18-oc Umv' Per tin ...... GELATINE Home's. Per pkg .108 CLASeiC CLEANSER 3Uns ..9eJ PEP Per pkg ...IU FRY'S COCOA l-2s. Per tin i'ATTERKRUti' KANDY A Dudffiil Alttfwtrvl ufa.AAa f sk1 "Green Stockings" was. pre-j Basketball tonight in Exhibi-j Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McMillan seated last week at Victoria by 'tfon Hall at 7:20. Port Simpson iwi 11 sail tomorrow morning by the Players' Club College of Victoria va. Prince Rupert Admission &0e land 25c. ill . i t l i. m ' Shtjl;! I. Il..f ... uilhhiu biiu Brace aieveng xor vmmiai "uuucu. their' "valuable help 'in giving DSoett to the IRerarV societieii.' smith sail sailed Mis Rnrbeau annouwrts her Spring Millinery Opening on Friiav and Saturday. Ladies arc invited to her new premises in the Besner Block to view this season's fashion ' trend CI At the monthly meeting of the Those nn-ent at the meeting Peddie, Juish Mi-Arthur and Mr, Williamson, secretary. candy. Per lb 48T'r SLICED PEACHES Del Monte.t 2s. Per tin 24c UPRIVBK TURNUPS 8 lbs. 25c i illXED NUTS Per lb. 17c QUAKER QUJCK ROUIBn Pkir. --lu,. -ftwJttdi ALL GREEN VEBnyfflffij IN SEASON fT" Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Right PHONE 55 PHONE 5C The main feature of th 'rram at the reirular weekly rheon of the Prince Itupert nartm WW ry Club in the Commodore Cafe Vancouver last night by the Prince George to make ;tbe round trip to Stewart and Anyox on business. Union freighter Chilliwack, Capt. John Muir, after having spent the day here discharging die thanked the school board foriciirtoms officer, has taken the the six new "typewriters, three ;w house at the corner of Underwoods and three Iteming- j Fourth Avenue East and Bowser tons, which had been received in Street which was built some of the school board last night Women's Canadian Club Ban-vere: Chairman T. McMeekin, E. quet on Wednesday, April 10. Harrie. W. Gilchrist. J. Thomp- Speaker, Major McKeand, assis-: on, Mrs. Spencer, Miss Mills, tent-Commissioner for N. W. Ter-Miss Mercer, Miss Vickers, Mr. ritories and Yukon Branch of De-- the Prince George on a trip to Vancouver. aeharje of tdrhlf-enttes and sen tence was reserved for eight days. II. Mochida was again haled into city police c'ourt before Magistrate McClymont this morning to answer to charges under the Motor Vehicle Act. He was finpfl 'tjft frtf foiling in ranrti4 sailed at last midnight cargo, accMent and an ,daftional J0 night on her return south. school board last night It was school board last night Mr. Ped- M. L. Stepp, United States for failing to attend at cene after an accident the The fire department had a call at 3:30 this morning to the home of Horace Duhamei, Fulton Street xchnge for six 1921 models. itime ago by interests represented and Efnt Avenue, where a board by Thomas McClymont ever the clean out hole at the base of the chimney had ignited, setting the side of the basement on fire. There was slight damage through scorching of walls. J. P. Forde. district engineer r ,u tA 1 a . eptyof the - Iaterior. Men lv'r r i: - r r- puuuc wurw, who is uayiDK a p.m. e : brief visit here to make prelim inary arrangements for the con- Huh- T iohJiiDybhi vn' returned to the struction of the new fishermen's Rot-eitV anifAieeday from a trip to floats at this port. j! sail by He travelled north the Prince George tomorrow mor- Ufut.v waa iiimla. nf muiiiV.il nn ihs Wnamftt rnnn fih nap- ninu' on his Ktnm to v irtiri;i ri'ki . u v it nuuiw, tliuu. wa, . - - - - - - f ' c- - - - selections by Jack de Jausserand ker Jedway which had a new This morning Mr. Forde visited and his Prince Rupert Capitol- engine installed in the south. Digby Island where improve- ians. President George Rorie Capt. Johnny Hartlin brought ments are also to be madeby his occupied the chair. the boat up the coast. detlartment. 0 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert John Sfcanmess. Seattle: D. At the meeting of the school' T. J. Shenton, inspector of( R0y Sweet was found guilty i Greenwood, R. L. Smyth, G. T. board last night Mr. Peddle said: mines, sailed last night on the by Magistrate McClymont in city he wished to thank the Re.'! Prince1 George for Stewart on .police court this morning on a IScouler, W. M. Chapman, R. T. (SherrUf and J. Wilson, Vancouver; D. M. Ostrom, Toronto; Judge F. McB. Young, Prince j Rupert; J. P. Forde, Victoria. Savoy G. D. Osborne, Cereal, Alta.; W. J. Goodwin, Terrace; W. Monks and Johan Hansen, Royal1 G. Meneghello. Vancouver; Ed. Anderson, Cow Bay. ' Central H. Crawford and Robert Lowe, Vvhitehorse, Y.T. A MARRIED MAN ALRIGHT "Well, Jones. I can tell you're a married man all right. No holes in your socks now." "No. One of the first things my wife taught me was how to orn 'em." Woman's Age. Robert Lowe, well known Whitehorse merchant and long prominent in public and political affairs in the Yukon Territory, is a visitor in the city on his way east. He arrived on the Princess Mary this morning from the north and-is registered at the Central Hotel. i Cross Section of 2J j" cable TliisUad-coverfirabUntntincpn"! i dUiti underground, replacing at many overhead wiretascouUbeUf Tied on twenty four poI each ui'rh ten ctom trtnJ,ond through ifhich catkaoopeoiktruyconvcTKiM'tft cue and prwAcy, Expresses of the human voice ALONG each one of these little tracks Yxyour voice moves approximately with the speed of light. If you could girdle the earth seven times you would notice no appreciable lapse of time between speaking into the receiver and hearing your own voice at your car. Such efficiency means that each wire must be in suk'ted from every other, and it must be done so skilfully that in all the mi lea of cable scattered over the; Dominion today, no serious leabge occurs. Literally thousands of these little tracks are bound into the great cables that, underground, conduct each VofCe unerringly to its proper destination. The manufacture of these marvellous cables itjone of the many activities of the Tortheni ; Electric Com panyandoneof its coiltributiow ' to modern civilization and the ease of living. Northern Electric A Txtional Electrical Service 313 WATER STREETS VANCOUVER, 11.C j