KThursday. March 14, 19gp THE DAILY NEWS PAGE SEVER Man in the Moon a CLASSIFIE D ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND Gardening note: Took a look at my pronpective flower beda THIS IS THE Page which most people read because it is full of human business interest to young and old. odu;v and decided they were too ft' v !t at prewtnt-for physical ex erric.i ana health culture. .? tin: There's one thirnr thev can't lake from us in Prince Ilupert rive before long. Th.f v, nri'T (I. ld talk about the bread March 14, 1919 .'lCCjunrriL-. M. P. for st minster, is urging in . . of Commons at Ot- tavvu tli.it fishing licenses ahoufd not he r ranted to foreign citisa. iTli ! .it'ii. -rs have dearly cap tut'Mi Ui,- fi;h'i'ies ow, tie aays. The Croat War Veterans' A- i ... ;.iT Mn ana Trades & moor t Count il have passed a joint reao- ilutinn pioti'sting agatttt hlglfl rents in Prince Ru Newman Erb, president of the Priii. Rupert Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Co., in expected ia rim . RuiM-rt shortll' 'fto jfen- ti.in with the comifrmJht rm -hitibunding operations at the local y.ird. UlliOH yojir 1 logical 1 nmlC bast yia PORTLMI) thru lvtirld (anions gorge; y r J fine J fits! 1 mi its to Salt Lake City Octden Denver Oman a Kansas City St. Louis Chicago and oilier raslcrn points Superior Dining Car Service I'NION STATION SEATTLE MILK MILK I'rehh Pnstfurircd Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENT1NDA1RY Telephone 657. High Low High Low I AW High Low High Low WATEK NOTICE IHvmlon and L'ne fnnd that is a plenitude of fresh take notice that Alfred h. Brvant. llr. iwnisa address l 009 Bank or Nova, jouvwa ouuaing, Vancouver, u.v., will . apolv (or a Ilcenco to take and use one thousand millers Inches or 28 c. f. s. flTis hard to part with thinKa we ttMB .& mtrfl PfOAlr nlu-.ii AUk -v.. Mae. Sunrise Lease No. 103 and Creek , . u uawy and May swaom. Snrinir is cominir. The lnr. Water to be diverted from Buck Quleh I rV.nl 1 lifMn '.!, i, ..,111 at a point at lower end of canyon of aald fparu is a n little HW but will ar- efeek and carried by ditch and flume over bench to point of use. This notice waa posted on the ground on the 2 1st day of December. 1928. A copy of this notice and an appllca-tloh pursuant thereto and to the "WfttAr Art" will ha fllri In tha Affirm i all bunk. I know ' the Water Recorder at Telegraph . creek. R.n. ; j: opii: who eat nothing but meat Oblectlone to the aDDllcatlon mar be and v. stable anf cae and pie TArTXJ. .Mild fruit and forget that the Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B.C.. -i PRINCE RUPKRT TIDES Thursday, March 14 3:14 a.m. 21.4 ft. 10:41 p.m. 20.0 ft. 9:89 a.m. 3.0 ft. 21:49 p.m. 43 ft. Friday, .March 15 3:51 a.m. 16:33 a.m. 10:28 a.m. 22:28 p.m. ' nunu.i 11:16 a.m. .23:15 p.m. 21.3 ft. 18.8 ft. 3.8 ft. 6.1 ft. K Saturday; March 16 ? llftE 4 -f:34 a,m. 20 ft ' "'- "17:30 p.i pirn. 17.4 ft: 4.4 ft. 7.6 ft. ay, March .17? - . T. . :26 .rrH'20.2- f H 18:42 p.m. 12:2L p.m. 16.3 ft. 5.1 ft Monday, March 18 6:34 a.m, 19.4 ft. 2rJl08 p.m: 15.9 ft. 0:10 a.m. 8.9 ft. 13:38 p-.m. 5.5 ft. RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We Hell 8 tlrida of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND (iltAVEL Our price, weights and measures arc right So la our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 20 1. Night Phone: Red 317. Try a Daily News want-ad. It will bring results. FOR RENT FOR IlENT Furnished flat, four rooms and bath. Phone 547. . . . V When the noul is full nf. hm,t . JF0R RENT-Autornobllen. P ianos ltut " phonographs and sewing mach- hard .still to find a towel m mu Irom uefUie nd win no: mes. walker Music store. u u, i. f ii t ' Vhen the eyes are full of soap. uaed for hydraulic mlnlnn purpose upon . ine mine oescnoea as Keaay Money Ff)R KF.NT h nrnishen hnufui- kieping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf i FOR RENT Modern four roomed flat with bath. Bank Block. Apply Weatenhaver Bros. tf. FOR RENT Seven room house with bath, near Auditorium. $20.00 a month. Phone 76 or 206. . tf. prairie funner. trdjJ.r and baker ZSSLHPSl r2SZJ&. FOR RENT-Furnished modern al:;o have to live. Ten Years Ac in Pr nee Rupert paper. ! The date of the first miMlcAUon of this notice la March n. 1829. ALFRED II. BRYANT. house. Harbor view. Monarch range, $25.00. Apply 215 F3uth Avenue East. FURNITlREf - L'rjiimii tiffc LINOLEUM & REDDING All This Week A. MACKENZIE. FURNITURE PHONE 775 PRIN'CE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind or furniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and (Shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Jpst phon$'&rak '120 andW wlU'callk JtEDRGE J. DAWES, Federal Block. JiOTici; v 1 . -NOTICE ISU1EREBY. QlVXXt UiaX k application will be made to the LenH- latlve Assembly of the Protlnce of Brit- ua uoiumDia at it present session uy the Corporation of the CUT of Prince Rupert 4hefelnaftet called trtGUTf fix an Act empowering tne uny m sen, irce partment aa a Rolna; grant to the Company elusive runt, power. FOR SALE HOUSEKEEPING Rooms for rent. FOR SALfc-r-Four roomed house Apply Jlussallerh Grocery, tf; and two lots. AV'enue E. FOR SALE Small general store. tntnt-in float Clttr. A Wlhl,, Box 184, Dally News Office! G7 Keq "J FOB SALE Kitchen stove, mahogany bureau and bed and other household articles. Phone ," Black 377. 62 FOR SALE One lipe shaft 18" feet long and 1 Inches thick. ; BEAUTY OPERATOR i MISS MARY MACFIE Apply 1040, 10th . Experienced operator, modurn tf. methods in all lines of bedarj; culture and hair dressing. Make appointment by phoning SALVAGE AND TOWING If It's on or under the water we do It" PACIFIC SALVAGE CO., LIMITED One 20 inch Hanger; Four 11 (Fully Equipped for Diving and Inch hangers. Two large Iron General Salvage Vork. Pulleys, speed 15 to 12 inch, Boats and Scows of all descrpi- 3l2 inch belt Two line shafts tions for Charter. 8 feet long, lVi inch thiek. .Row Coats and Canoes for hire. Three Iron Pulleys, three Bargains in Oaa Kngines. speeds 12 Inch to 8 inch. Twoj AGENTS FOR Wooden Pulleys. Apply Daily Van Blertek. EasthoDe. Hicks & News, ! FOR SALE Lots-7 aMS, block 30, sec. 8, 11th Ave. $150- for the two. Level lots. Lots ' IS arid. 10, block 7ic. 5, McUrida St., $1000 for tRe two. Lot 7 and .8, block K sec. 6 on 5th $1,000 fori the two. Lot 38,' block 9, set.' 5, on 6th Ave. W. $250. John Mcllae, D. C. McRae, Executors for the Estate of J. C. McRae. 61 WANTED scape gardening, also beautl ffWJipess, Jnsompin, Catarrh attd fying and feneral gardening", utnwimatism are completely re-A. Baxendaldi720 Seventy Avfc jHtfetUftf OP be:wXorm of. dietet-West. Late with C.N.R. t& tc v 8finnjpiflai tfealroent. imm sii viivuuiurancrs uiwu auvu wub I tip VTDtl O II aa It may deem lit. to the Power Cor- . AN 1 t,U Small Oomnany'a electric Hint heat and power In the supreme Court of British rluni- sjstem upon such term a may be aireed LU. In (he nutter of the .dminllra- upon. and to validate a bylaw (It as- lion Alt. anil hi the mailer of the tented to by the electors, to whom It Is MaU M Pan MrSrlli, lereard. to be submitted) empowering the City to enter Into an airecment wtul the Com- TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hl pany authoring the City to enter Into Honor, r. McB. Youna. the list dav of the same and to validate the said agree- December. A D.. .1928, J was appointed, ' a ff cumiiro vo me Aaminiairaior oi tne estate oi uan Mc-' ymSJ "I puwrri. pruueges aro Weill, deceased, and au parties having ts tfiereby conferred. cjalmi against the said estate are hereby ' rtWnilf-sW trt fitrnlaVi uma nsnnlu 1 PATftLJ Pfinte Ruper B.C.. thla.fied. to me on or before 'the 4th dav oft (th'dajet February. A.D., 19. a. r. JONES. Solicitor tr the Curporation o! tha City of Prince Rupert. 7-9w. FLU-GRIP Check before it starts. Rub on inhale vapors VICKS ty-rtlMMiM, BRINGING UP FATHER fvni. a. a., liw, and au partlea in-, detoted to the estate are required to Dav the amount of their Indebtedness to rrxw. rortnSrtth. I ' JAMES McNULTY. t Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the Btb day of March. AD. 1939 G.N.R. TOA1NS inr Ine Cast Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdaya at 11:30 ajn. rittil I tV r.lt Sunday!, Tumdaya and Thursdays at s:30 pm. IJallantyne Engines. Northern U. C. Distributors Cooltdge Prupelfers 'Phone, Hay oi Night, 564 P. O. l!ox 1561 CHlRpPKAQTIC RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY. This distressing malady ii very prevalent at this time of the year, and as a rule Is a i symptom of a deeper trouble. WANTED Kitchen range, cheap. BUch affections of the eyes, Apply Box liS; Daily News,"1-, kidneys, stomatn, etc. It Office. ' Gl:inay ke also due to the after ef- 1 fects of inf luenxa. WANTED Woman to do plain j Consult the Chiropractor In all sewing. Apply Annette Ladles' I rams. Relief guaranteed. Wear Company. CO j Consult GRADING." ExfffVaHns?. Coriereteir HR. W. C. ASPINALL foundationsi; ' Nels Rokkjar.'i ' 6 and 7 Kxchange Block , Room 9, 023 Third Avenue. '.Green: 211 Phones-. Black: 283 , Phone Red'625 or Black 700. j Open' Evenings ' - .- j WANTED-Obntracts. for making ; RESULTS COUNT lawns, terrace, balconies, roc- Pain in the side, Indigestion, kery, paths ihd drives: land- Gas on stomach, Headaches, Ner ft 1 VT.. A i t .- f L cottage .with. "?".""l o"a . 'rtUS' Xiil or ttvo lot in exchanger - W il,lfa.ne eTery week, mu oi its electric ngnt WXuSStStZ 120 acres improved land with c0$KVn "n'yr. and1."1 buildings Irt Hums Lake dis-. . nt I'hone Blue 85, Re, Red 1 trict. Clear' title. Owner In or lege to carry on in tne city oi prince Rupert the business of a light, heat anil power company, and for such purposes to lnstal, extend, operate, repair and ! maintain In the said City's itreeu, lank ina .otner pudiic Pisces poies, conauiu. ; urface and underground wires, cables Rupert. Write W. Funnell. Gn- eral Delivery, Prince Rupert 62 . SITUATIONS WANTED and an otner eruipment and appliances, .... .... , . . fpr the transmission, distribution ana HOUSEKEEPER Wishes situa tale of electric power fir light, heat and : power purposes, ana empowering the tlty to enter Into an agreement with the Company for supplying to the City and its citlnena electric light, beat and power . upon such terms and conditions aa the i City may deem fit, and further empow- 1 ennc ipe cut to ncreaiter purcnase or take over the whole or any part of tha I tion. Good cook. Domestic science diploma. Apply Box 186, Daily News Office. 01 IN riUHIATE Open Evenings 589 j Try a classified ad. in the News j 'and get RESULTS! MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon Closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board dally. We can give Instant ner vice in buying and Belling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We aNo have facilities for accepting Wheat rder. ou Winnipeg Stick Exchange. Representing Milter. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avitiue Prlnre Ruperl. B.C. - EMBARRASSING MOMENTS i "7D5Sci5 "THE PRCUD ' iSrffl fANt STtiOUS BVX JlipSa " w tvayf d fkng rfWHtU ty4mm t Owe rwts nf4 . . . . . Y.-. '.. .i I - . , i , . t 1 , : ; HYD T? hsnri a nit oinri PHONE 580 NEW SHIPAIENT JUST ARRIVED Mine Head Alberta Lump .i. $13.50 Mine Head Alberta Sootless Large Egg . i$12M Mine Head Sootless Egg .12.00 Pembina Peerless Egff ... Jpf. . . . $12.00 Also all othlrlae coal,' .. DRY. BIRCH, JAfkPIClJp Single load . . ...... jaiv. w . $3.50 Double load " Avh: A': . h. $0.50 . . . . . ljarjiy baen. . , , i . -jt m.?. ,m- Box wood cuttings, largo load . .... ... 1,. . .$3.50 Pia'noajd Furniture JlovWg". Epaeaa aodlWgage and Service - 139 Second Day Night " t venue Canadian NationaLSteamsliips DR Prince Rupert YDOCK AND I . I . . , I DID YOO WAWT1 NlO- BUT! WM,T tXj M WMT 8DY f ftHAUU I I KCiTx,,,i 1 IT TTVl ' K r y ' PTl k Traps J . rr-NCT V " ' H n IP M : Mm. . -SM , II M A 1 1 f) II 7i SHIPYARD Operating U.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating I)r lc. ICn.iineero, iischlniHt.H. 'Boilermakers, Blacksmith" lMitrn tnjkfrH. Founders, Woodworkers, fe. f ELECTIUC AND ACETYLENB WRI.IUN'J Our plant la equipped to handle all kind el MAKING AND COMMERCIAL WOHX. j PHONES 43 and 385 NNI$S SAWS The most economical saws to use Simondv Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Rcmi St. and Acorn Ave. Vancouver, B.C. MONTREAL St. John. N.B, sfc. wf By- Ge.orge McManus so you KitPKtrr your a-twa? -J ijj 1