PAGE EIGHT Support :he Home Theatre and keep jour Money it, tie city. Westfaolme Theatre WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 7 AND 9 P.M. 5 William Boyd in DTVOrin A TTYF70 A fcfwatienal. larilHac ceawiy-dkaeaa. SUE CAROL, ALAN HALE, ALBERTA VAUGHN AND NOTABLE CAST COMEDY "JUST DANDY." TOPICS OF THE DAY ISc aad lee. COMING Tie screes' greatest Mystery ssatia, Tk Canary Murder Ca, aad tke Priace Repert Presaier UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8iia IN UMtHU VICIUC.U. TsrWai. IM mm. i rata rrtacr Ium. 9asaaa bbj. watieaii. Mtett Imr I IMtHlfK. IIIIOEU. BlJ. Unt ta. Ht, ITMaf ISalfcal li alio tut. lmui. jiitrui waia.- ri -ttr VIA BIIEK. SuJT It tmm atraw. K. M. ?M,TH. Ara. nan Bcf. BJ Itfcttn Urrt hM - Victim -Jtit aS htX c-rfca uM ta aOiillr B. C COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT T (Xckui. WraacriL Jaaau ua kswaj Man St. St. srJ !: ia tiaraam. Vtrtartt anal van Mar. IS. St. fe miX BOWL Orraa lalK :- taarabvtr aa Vap- -v- larka nri I rtati 1. a IpHi lar all raiai w f oanttao. gcnebu. gew r rttar Ba;rt. B r ram SI Canadian National cThc Largcfl Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP, AND TRAIN SERVICE MSBag taaaa fUKt Bl MKT tor V1MW ea. lOTOWtA, SCaTTUL rw aifltwaar am AXiVX. . MaatXKMaT. J mjm. rr osmi asb mm ta ojim oublvtic raMCKcu laaiMi uuvc rarr at raari 1AM Mlln. HUletl ami MltaBAl ml nj( aaa. tor MM1 trto.ix. MixMrts. aa lamri lOOCT ALL eCXIN TC4M4lr UJffiS City TV&et Of flee. 55 Third Are, Prince Rapert Ihee 26 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ippers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD" Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Phone 615 Prince Rupert B.C Spring Opening Sale at Jabour Bros. New goods arriving daily and ame is open fur your inspection. We are offering 20 per cent off everything In dry goods including IauW and Girls' Millinery and Ladle Spring Coats, alo IS per cent discount off Ladies' and Children's Shoes. Friday and Saturday Only the 15th and 16th Jabour Bros. Ltd. Third Ave. and Seventh St. (ever. returned fraai Vi day and is easy today everytaiar ia tke store. Just lira re tae Taiaes yoa wui oe aMe keaiw to purchase aow with every dot- owH app, Mahe it a petal to visit The A six at real Sale plan operated tioaal Airways mtan a iew aayr oat wnetaer V, M ii win caii at mace ifapen aas tot basa asosrtsiasd It weald allowed to operate but that would be easily ob-i itained if the plane : air worthy i ma tne pilot has proper ex per:eice. CELLARS SPECIALS TOMATO KETCHUP Heini. large. 2 bottles &5c HEALTH BRAN Tillson's. 2U. FAWY InmTTS-aPngB Meek, j 3 1. f.:..v..Lio! SUC0D PEACfftS-IibbA. ! J Hus ...V....T0; ORANGE MARMAIADEabob. 4s.' ar tia Stc OBK AKD BEANS Royal City. lioss. 3 tins 36c j IF SOAP SUDS 2 akto S5c t RESBRVENE SOAP So toil i only boil. 9 cakes 95c I Sellars Grocery Third Aveaue PHONES 45 AND 571 FRUIT m SPECIALS! CANNED FRUITS ARE HANDY TO HAVE. WHY NOT STOCK UP NOW AT THESE REDUCED PRICES. RASPBERRIES 3 tins . ...1J0 STRAWBERRIES S Uns . .ll.M FRUIT For Salad S Uns LOGANBERRIES 8 tins ..HM PEAKS- Mas ftSc 1'EACIIKS 8 Una S&c APRICOTS S tins gfe 1 Tin Pineapple. 1 Tin Grape Fruit. 1 Tin Qberrisa, 3 tins 8c Peaches, Pears, Apricots, 2's. 8- tins UM Mussallem Grocery Co. Lim'ted 617-423 6th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. O. Box 575. THE DAILY NKW3 LOUVRE OUT OF "SUBMARINE" filARVELOUS FILM; ! LIQUIDATION I THRILLS CAPITOL AUDIENCE SALE NOW ON. The nughtv drama of the sea "Submarine" was given (a wonderful -premiere' 'last night at the Capitol "Sub- a. J. Richmond returned marine" is a fat-moving, soul-stirring submarine drama from Vancouver TESTER- v. ith much of the action filmed under water. It was mad day where he arranged at a cost of over $250,000 with some of the greatest under TO PURCHASE STOCK FROM CREDITORS FOR THE DOLLAR. Nc sea action ever filmed. The picture has just enough com-: edy to make it ideal entertainment and every resident o! ; the city should positively not fail to take advantage of the - surtiar tonorrov aMraiar at opportunity V. see this highly interesting, instructive and i 9 o'clock, the stock f Ricfcmoad's entertaining drama of the sea. . j Lovrre goes ea sale. Harff ,..,,,, . . t ranged with the creditor to par-' tV'-SaTiSS school reports CHAS. COURTIER ! banraias will bow be greater taaa Mr. Rfchasoad has last " Far Iv BwctiaaT of the la-: night the fol- were reao ii ar. i.-ff .. .i .,mU- Taere war a lotat at iv ywM"!b carolled hi the High School 3 Stater Given Tremendous ceptien Lat Night Re- ! Charies Courtier, Canada's pre-; sJeight-of-aaad artist, last 77 boys. IIS irlavj'tifht at the Capitol, proved nisi 'aad aa average attradaaea par-t varaainy to lae was Degree, jceatage of aftf. twa fa addftam to rssaaraable by the Interaa-, m taa i, of wheal l&gi The Hyaias of the Old Church corporatioa ( -4ri. .ad iils kra aBa Choir" aad "Laaftrh. Clown. of I LaagB." Mr. Coartier. who ia late prin- ia Booth MssaorUl Scaoal thorc cipal teaor with the Da Wolf 470 pail eoroUed. girls, nonpar upera to. ass rran- BBt to fra ceTumate vjg n. tR aad aa BTerage cisco. was givea a tretnendou tae air aeparoseat eeiore oeing mMmAm-mm wr,,-m , tw. ovation oa his vocal mweenU- row Bare , ataac Pk. .. tioaa. imaaaiaalaa ratauHcahlv smk sjBoaatra to 91&&.U. fine rich teaor voice, his "Hymns Seal Cvmm School had a total of the Old Chare h Choir.. jatteadaace af girls, XSv aad "bToaght dowa the hoaos.J and boys, 29. wffs aa average at- W "XaMafh. Clowa, tint,' aith ueadaace perm tag of The saviax account so o Wetview School has a utteadiaee of 26 with aa nst monthly atieadaace tenure of 92.0. risner W eek-End Specials LAKOF. EG t,. Fresh extras. 3 doz NABOB f Or FEE 1 -lb. tia 60c SWIFT'S PURE tatSlV- 5 lb. tin 1.00 NABOB TOMATOB s. 6 tins .". We QUAKER CORN 6 tins 85c SWIFTS PICNIC HAM lb. 23c aWIFT PREMIUM BACON Tak- inir whole or half, lb. 4Sc SILVER GLOSS ST ABC H 2 pkgs ttc CANADA CORN STARCH Pkg 10c ROBIN HOOD RAPID OATS Pkg 26c NEW ZEALAND BUTTER 3-lb. brick $1.40 GHIRARDELLIS CHOCOLATES- 1-R. tin Me LOBBY'S LARGS RIPE OLIVES Tin 80c MINUTE TAPIOCA 2 pkfs. 25c HEINZ PEANUT BUTTER Jar ;..86e L1BBY CORNWEEr 8 tins 46c NAVEL 8WE8T 0RANGE8 60 for 9Se LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 bars ...26c R1NSO 3 p'.ga 25c Alberta Market P. GAMl'LA, Pioprletor Fifth Street. Phone 20- Mat. reettatrre ooae to the Aria Vesti men MASTER MECHANIC Shirts and Pants , The best made, and we can supply you at 30 per cent less! Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE U Guiboa fraai Pagttacci. broaght rht. aad roe ads af applaase. Mr. Courtier's woaderful per- aT.iforraace will be repeated to per- ThiR afternoon's trail", t'v.e ' from the east, at was rrir- t-J this n-.(rninp to b- :i iir:.-. ! ',ss: C OLOR! COMFORT! Thurw;.,-. warmth Tonight, 50c a- NOW ITS HERE!! MK.HTV DRAMA OF THE SEA STARRING J V K . AND Chas. Courtier Canada's Preaier Sleight-of-HaRd Artist and Late i Tenor De Wolf Hopper Opera Co. MVFANWY KAMBLE AND HER KITE RIDD1M MONTHLY ;CESSIN(; CONTEST - Ho Cojrtier? Valuable prize for three Ik-si gw all x rcns at.enling Cap.tol thi. wee HICK Quaker A lovely China dish in each package Cekc ia 2 to 5 minutes .. . -. . . a' a.,... : ; GOOD if.?, jg. a Wt zXiap.KifVt 27i rO, If y 1m net anal t bay a new- car, wy a imd mr tMt "hfi lxea ri reaeKtssiaa, ani that h xuaranlred to be a rrpreaen-tesl. 4Ww(n( are eaac wt new have for sales tKv Urea, leather im HHp: Caath, fair eensMtfoa. good tirra $IM litl iToDGK Cetered deUrety, K3ed conation frHM mt FORD Sedan, ft! eenettloa, fae(0qutpment ;;i..,4M 1I0 FORI) Covered eVIIvery. ut emhaulcd im FORI) Covered dettmy, Jut everhauled . . . .' $1106 1M1 FOIU) Delivery, good condition S10&M FORI) Ton tmk chassis, good motor, as in $ M.W S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone 83 Wi 1 H'Mailll" ! I'l'IH m 113!