PAQg SIS ST; PATRICK'S ' TEAS ARE HELD Three function Being Held This Afternoon to Mark Season ef Ireland's Patron Saint Pbeerwnce of the St- Ptriks Day season ia Prince Ropert efeusences this afternoon with no fes tfts three tflenm teas SllS Jl f eeatJy won a. city oratorical eo- Onfted CWBrcfa fa test ftrtftnes are being toM by K "LJ? vS c 15 Clark. j, The ho of Mrs. Jarris Mc-MkM B. M. Earle as battens, an- . . . . . , , either siasilar event ia' beta? held aj the bom of Mrs. Jarris H. MeLeod. S Tenth Aveaae East, jgr the LaWes AW to Rafart Bast Uaited Church, while a third fa action is being held by tfte Women of Mooseheart Lcgioa at the home of Mrs. X. NuMSt-fcua. 346 Fourth Avenue West. The room, of Mr,. Jack s home are suitablv decorated for the . a l WaaammT tVLRTONE nabeodit a- at a Ckmzrd Cabaret i Dinner . . . ereryonefS catcbes the Iighcbeancd ptrit of camaraderie. Coloured lights, and lattgfrrrn ttrcaniert asvl Mr erentio, ballooat. I favoan. and the nunc of miuac and ' V I rJcntf of recrcadoa on a CfananJer. SaSCUnard eTX-..""3- nJtinn & , I'ar ( rrf. &ymBV Jws-U, er say steufa OfrsX. WfcUy Saasnis to Eurepe Proan May 3rS from Uantrol (sod Quebcci CUMARD CAMAStAN SCRVICT TO TRAINS n .j arrm LADIES' MUSIC CLUB trrrmin vrcxrnn i UlLEimU ILOlLRUAIi Attractive Program on "Old Eng lish Composers" Given at Home of Mrs, Parkin "Ohi aclih Composer" was the subject of study for the Ladies' Mask Club at the regu lar fartaiehtiy meeting which was held yesterday after aeon at tk kMt nf Vn A T PirM Parkin. a .t.i a i iisi aaa. a ai program was arranged by Mrs. Parkin who. herself, able paper on the subject. Other ioh on the program were i follows: VioUa solo, "Old Kaglieh Airs." - paaied by Miss Larna THe. Vocal sow. "What Shall I Io?" (Pureafl). -Mrs. Rraeet AadersoauTMpn. in Vitimut mA w. i aecampaBied by Mrs. M. H. Blott Piano solo. "Overture." (Ed - ward Backei, Mrs. E. W. Maren- tette. Vocal solo. "Sally m Our Alley." (Henry Carey). Mrs. J. J. Muldoon. accompanied by Miss Lorna Tite. Vocal sola, "She Wandered Down the Moaataiaaide." iCUy). Mrs. DeajaJd Ross, accompanied by Mrs. M. H. Blott. Vocal solo, "The Better Land," (F. Cowcbj. Mrs. M. H. Blott, accompanied by Mrs, Ross. FISH TR4PS SOLD AT i KETCHIKAN RECENTLY, One of the major fisheries transactions of the winter appears in the announcement at Ketchikan that Steve Selig. oat of the large i ode pendent trap operators af the j Xetchikan district, has sold two! floating traps and one standing trap, with all of his floating! equipment, including boats aad piled rivers, to the Alaska-Pacific Salmon Corporation, the successor to the Snnnypoint Packing Cook pany. The standing trap that at Island Point, ia considered on of the bee in the Ketchikan district. TUG IS COMING FRIDAY TO TAKE BARGE SOUTH Canadian National No 2 and Car Ferry ta leave For Port Mann Saturday Morning Tug Canadian National N'a 2. formerly the St. Catherine, is due in port tomorrow insgnhag from Vancouver to pick tip and Uke south the big car barfe that has been built at the meal dry-dock for the Port Mann-Sidney ferry service. It is expected that tag and barge will leave for the soath Saturday morning. Systematic saving provtdrt the money for family "good times." ,r ( T1 First United Ouek laa. 3Irs. jFnai Vfc&ecs fe assisting Jibs Esr!e in receiving the guests and IB charge of the tea table are Mrs. TboflM Rom, Mis Barrie, Mrs. Alex McNeill and Mrs. T W. Silversides. Mrs. J. S. Irvine ab4 Mrs. James Krikeysky are iioadaeting the sale of borne eook- ia and Mn. fi. V. Wilkinson j is cashier. A special Irish musi- cal .-trogram includes piana solo by Mrs. G. C Aneneau. vocal br Mrs. H. X. Brock leby Mrs. T. Rosa, and readies by Mrs.. J. C Brady. Master jscw aw mwv MTMiil avwi eoEum for the Rspert Bast Ladies' Aid tea. Mrs. J. V. Moerenonte and Mrs. T. Rosa Mackay are pouring with Mrs. C. J. Norrington, Mrs. A. J. Squires. Mrs. Arthur Leign-:oa Mrs. M. M. Lamb and Mrs. H. Mahaffey ia charge of the tea room, sashrted by Miases Helea lirtmi PhvUia W- ..wl Bath M(jjrr iXrur Mrs. B. G. - -ale and Mrs. A. Gomez are .'oaductiac the sale of looking whiie Mrs. T. M. McAllister is in ehage of the eaady tehle. Mrs. A. Freboarg id ea shier. The program includes roeal solos by Mrs. William Mil lar and Mrs. McLeed and piaaw elections by Mrs. C. E. Cullis. General coaveaar for the tea of the Women's Mooeaheart Legion at the home of Mrs. Massal-lem is Mrs. A. Bartlett. Mrs. Alex Mackenzie is poariag, aad assisting in serving are Mrs. Einar Larsen. Mrs. C. M. Nkker-soo. Mrs. A. Wicks and Mrs. W. F. Bussey. Mrs. Fred Hardy ia in charge of the home eeokiag table. Mrs. Jack Preece. the raffles, and Mrs. P. J. Ryan is cashier. The program includes vocal solos by Mrs. J. J. Mul-coon, Mrs. P. C. Miller aad Miss Beulah McKinley and piaao selec-tioas by Miss Catherine Maaoal-lem. Miss Aletta McKJaley is piano accompanist far some of the vocalists. The rooms are attractively decorated with shamrock leave, daffodils, taltpa aad ipaway willows. j -YESTERDAY'S STOCKS . TORONTO, March 14: At the close of the aiirhangr here yea-i tender the fallowing were prices of outstanding stocks: Arao. 43'-?. Home Oil. 2S.0. Hudson Bay Mining. 20M. . International Nickel. 9.76. , Msnfefr. 1M. Mining Corporation, 4.40. Sodborjr Basin. 11.1. Sherrht-Gordon, 9JS. Teek Haghes. 96. 1 Ventures. 11.40. anns: an A. H. CARSON Prince Rupert Branch CVERY office of the Bank of Montreal Has a Savings Department where' small accounts are welcome and every depositor is encouraged to save regularly. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF Jo70,000,000 r THE DAILY NBYT3 1 A fiEF) NATIVF j viVJJul 11x111 T Lt .. PAmmAWAY sami Accept I hrbtiaHity at Kit!- - aiaar-PBlfTAT R1TIMAAT.- March 14 The 49911 occurre1 her 011 iIrt 8 ( m. m awei AIM, Amo. - tvincssai n.iuBMWi. . . m akaMl OA -.. m sam mM fne aaasaaaaa ZZT " V t. JIT ..rT: years was a Jeauing ana eiempiary th ritisea. In the "arty years when ...... ' l. ' " 7 - p.. v elaiad to the Kitimaat people he . iTTiTh. ii'SCi hinf w iite caaaf i lemserance asm wnsi 'a leadia soirit in ornuiialBg ai Udze of the Royal TemaJars af , mained loyal to the easwe throwgh. oat. Of recent date he was aa- xioas for a revival in temperance work and that the young people nhnullt be r.d'Jced to ..oin. Three -i Mr. Amos' brot hers attended th last rie and tixtk part in the st-rvices both in the church aad at the grave. They were T. ow 3 1 i Smashing - 100 1 0 VISIT A .ft. 7 rl Third dnrnmN. " ' -- -r1 t ffaas and David , (Grant. Be. JJr. Moget It is.aid of the late Mr. Amos that he was kind and true and deservedly commanded the respect ' .ad esteem f his feileM citizens. ("TT . WrteBeeh aa at the gra-e- .side, though the day was the moat incleraeSt of the winter seaso, Mr. Amos nredeceaaed her hoobaad six months ago. A brother, Charles Amos, who baej also nassed iwu. wan otaofBs .... w n. ..... w i ? nm ntr tnawantty or. xnl eanttnA fr.r ta fith wnoi w j DANCE BY REBEKAH LODGE IS SUCCESS j ' A successful whist drive and dance was held hutt night in the Metro pole Hall by the RebeLah Lodge There were 20 tables of whlt aad prize w'nnerr were: Lidies' first. Mrs. J. Mair; second. Mwa Rita Johnson; men's first. Bert 'Fresh from the gardens1 'Morgan; second, 0. Kelly, After cards refreshments were served aad dancing followed with Nmasie by the Oddfellow orchestra. A. R. Philips was master of! reremeniea sjad the commfttee In charge consisted of Mrs S. V., Cox, convenor. Mrs. H. S. Pelle-j tier. Mrs. C. O Campbell and Mrs. W. S. Hsaacaoud. Itnity Mewa want-ad will rpfiuiis. Selling! Now Sellin Frizzell's Dry oods & Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Undergarments for Ladies, Misses and Children o Reductions on all Coats, Suits and Dresses Great Sale of Hats Values up to $6.00 and $8.00. AO On Sale at - - 70 Gv Pairs Children's Ail-Wool Stockings Sale Price, per pair, 25c. only Ladies' Spring Suits assorted sizes. Sale Price THIS BIG CLEAN WANT SWEEP SALE IF YOU ARGAINS Frizzell's Dry Goods & Ladies ' 40$'- Avenue, And the aim is alyavc Vear ' ! Prince Rupert awsmml . mna.smamaSamamamamm1 Thuriiv LINDSAY'S Cartage and Stom Pfc'snt US Cart-tge. A . M - . Coil. .- 1 iX' w' i i