flPfflfay. M:rch 14, 1920 ur IRREPRESSIBLE jJever Tks of Ilia Work as Op position Leader, Declares would tnr Victoria writer i :mi iiion leader, as an ; l i rit;-, in fact, you 4mnd ii to Mr. Pattullo. 1 1- i hi' n'st of itie houp Is ! . i , r Mr. Hill McKcjule (I to wave hfcs hands, ii ,M. iiii'ie haa exhauit- - i!ri of his logic, OTIT . 'i in -ii has hidden mi! a newspaper, Mr, , si ill Koing etr-jf, de ls t. . i i'li in tne Victoria 'ii in HfK i ' I c session get, the . i s 'i w to go. Tuesday . .i'lfl up the government ,i a ifssoii and the gov- by holding up i.'itil halfiiast twelve i l ioK to teach him a les-. :! were a failure nli'i appeared on' ,Vd-pi-ifi, pinker-cheeked 'Mto al than ever. ' i H in fact, was the v. i. ii i oukl get any kick 1 1 of Wed nee day's pro-. ; i i- the late session . He started the ;i wi ll-executttl' raid; irncd five Conserwa-t i T -t bag be has se-1 1 is manoeuvre wa. 'I nil casualties to i onuection with the i. hone Company' i i"i . i Tnicnt measure, to v.Tiiment was Weak and Run Down Didn't Want to Eat Could Not Sleep Br, r- jr. no, v.:lt Pt. Mari. Ont$ w 1 was weak and run down: il i t w r.t to eat, and could Cot ft I r : 1 ii!t trod of living and I' t ; ' r dfi'h to free me from (often myJFttrr n i;i"ry M I frit I would never ri r,m again.. I thought I. i rr I jo i.M LKa eaunc ana kmc, t i nr We Mwmed to come to iHtr -fai 'ured nti'r r The T. MO- Co, Ltd., Totont j, Oni. solidly against Mr. Pattullo's proposed amendments to it. t Five Conservatives, however, after listening, to Mr. Pattullo, lined up with the 11 Liberals to amend the bill. That was not sufficient, of course, to amend it, but Mr. Pattullo's face beamed with the air of a conqueror as the division was taken, and he found five of the enemy safely within his ranks. That may be the last time these five will be seen there, but at least Mr. Pattullo had his moment. Mr. Manson followed "with the alarming suggestion that Mr. IlSnchiiffe was planning to corrupt the Innocent .minds of school (hildren with Conservative dogma. This would be accomplished, he hinted, by political appointments like that of a Conservative organizer who was being introduced in the guise of a special woman investigator to consider the living conditions of girl i.cacher3. Mr. Manson's addrem was notable mostly for Mr. Man-son's views on the modern woman. He gave the house an erudite lecture on this attractive theme, and offered it the conclusion of long observation when he said the girl teacher of today can look after herself without any female inves tigators to help hh;-.- Also, he said Mr. Ilinchliffe had broken the law in appointing the said investigator. This roused Mr. Hinchliffe to v. mighty burst of indignation and, though a lawyer himself, he informed a trembling assembly that he didn't care if he had broken the law because he had done what wax right. Whereupon, the men who make the law thundered their DRESSED IN RED LONDON, Mar. 13: Among the 'iveraions which relieve members f the Jfouse of Common's from the effects of a strenuous season the dress of the women x.embera occupies a prominent place. Lady Astor who usually ij':ii's cn-Hsod in sombre black "B? in black and white. recettly , tllrtieH the house by appearing -.v n blight red drew and. red -hk - - -.. I Jif was crreeted with such .1 ; I of merry laughter that her httke became as red as her 'i-'.ms One member Bhouted, MAWNmmVr ' Red." Until Iadv Astor's adoption of cd Miss Ellen Wilkinson pro vided the brightest dash of color n the house. She often wore dr!8 of vivid green which combined with her red hair made her '. conspicuous figure. Always have 3si the House Bovril is a food of such vital importance that no household should ever be without it. Get Bovril not merely for emergencies but for everyday use. Whenever a meal in a hurry is wanted, when someone feels tired or chilled, whenever a hot drink is required give Bovril. In the kitchen Bovril is the foundation of successful cooking. Sdlts Attnti: lUrold F. Ritchie it Co. Ltd., Toronto TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Working Boo's for Men Greb make, black or brown leather .All sizes .The famous well wearing "Panco" sole. SALE PRICE, PER PAIR . . 3.95 oes Men s black Kid Dreis. Shoes Take Special Notice All the regular sizes. Assorted fittings. SALE PRICE, PER PAII Children's Shoes AH makes, Nursery, Packard, Hcwetson, Williams, etc., all selling during this Big Forced Sa'c and Immense Reductions on every pair NOW I ft ! Shoes! Prince Rupert's Premier Stock of Fine Shoes " of A M acArthur, in a N'w is the time to buy your Easter shoes. Mail orders despatched same d? v as received. Ten Big Shoe Selling Days Ibis sale lasts. Mighty TOMORROW This Big Sale is staged for the people of Prince Rupert by the Retailers' Sales System of Canada Men's Dress Shoes Values up lo $8.50. Black or brown calf leathers, Goodyear welted soles. All the sizes. SALE PRICE ...3.95 1 rf Men's Shoes Such famous makes as Astoria, Arch Preserver, Medico, Lcckic, Greb, Williams, etc., all included in this Big Storc-Widc Sale. Ladies' Footwear Included in this Big Selling Drive such well known makes as J. & T. Bell, Gra-cia, MacFarlanc, London Ladie, La Duchesse, etc. Every single pair will be included in this wonderful selling event. Mens Astoria Boots Boys' School Shoes Black or brown calf, Bluchcr and Balmoral cut. Assorted lasts and almost all sizes. per pair g945 Friday Solid leather stock. All sizes, 1 to 5. SALE price 2.95 Morning Ladies Now is the Time to Buy Your Easter Footwear s Dress Oxfords Astoria make, "Richmond" quality, black or brown, top grade calf leathers. All sizes. Assorted lasts, SALE PRICE, per pair 7,65 Ladies' Oxfords Ties, straps and pumps, regular $6 to $7. All the fittings, all the sizes, all the different leathers, assorted heels. One big lot. SALE PRICE, per pair 3.75 EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN THIS FINE STOCK NOW ON SALE. NO RESERVE. BUY AND SAVE as Children's Shoes Packard make, Genuine Korry-Kromc soles. Regular values $1.25 to $1.50. The sizes range 11 to 2. SALE PRICE, PER PAIR . 3,(59 MacARTHUR THE SHOE MAN - - THIRD AVENUE Now in the hands of Retail Sales Systems of Canada MS