fAGB FOUR The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - MUTISM tOLUMHIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Kupcrt . -DaiJj Newa-Limited, ThlrdAveaue...-... --;r-r j Ilfr. PULLEN Mauaging-Editor DAILY EDITION sudsciuptioNiWe 3 City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 For leaser teriod, paid in advance, per mdnlh 50 By mail to a.11 parts of Northern and Central British .Columbia paid in advance for yearly period . . . 3.00 Transient display advertising, per lnthper InertronV$y.'. r ."iriu, ri. Transient advertising on frontpagcTpej;ln.....M4 A80 Local readerk per insertion, per lines!& Jmi Classified advertising, per inserff6tt; per word yT; .VI ... . 02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line 15 Or four months for Ej mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United State, paid in advance, per year 6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year .... '. .. 7.50 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Importers' Telephone 86 i Member pf Audit Bureau of Circulations Monday, May 7, " 199 ' jEXCUKIQN. TO PEACE RIVER , C At thejend of August the Canadian Chamber of Commerce will make a tour of the Peace River country. Already in tne East eighty people have signified their intention of making the trip. Vancouver is likely to send nearly one hundred members from their Board of Trade. Every province of Canada will be represented. Members of the Alberta Government will be of the party and probably members of the Dominion Government. It will be one of the most important groups of businessmen that has ever toured the west. What is Prince Rupert to do? It is hoped that the port will be one of the outlets for the Peace River; but very few people from here have yet visited the country. They know only what they have read or heard. We suggest that a delegation of at least twenty should go irom rru to combat arl Let these fciastern imDortant centre' ahft-thitbKmriLUMe ' a rt&mifornri iri i sociation, Canadian Legion, -Salmon Fishermen's Associ- send men oi w work or though oi a large dele! FRANCE: "Itqjy loves me r0t, she loves me, she loves me not! .She does or she -but I'm pJepared for whatever comes to pass." Jl) 420, Florence i ROTARY HOLDS ITS CONVENTION Immense ffair in Which 18 Nations of World Are Taking I Part BIG TEXAS WELCOME l ive Hundred Girls Take Part In able to their town particular crmft may be freely discussed by Suppose el'ih)'bi:tahtllFran ifcfctionln thd city ere gfe"'01 alone, to finance detetefctes, there fouM be a ri'succtablf rdbrc- l?Tn 1 Mammoth Pageant This Evening DALLAS; Texas. May 27. The people of Texas opened wide their arms Saturday to extend a traditional southern welcome to the Rotarians representing 48 nations, arriving for their twentieth annual international convention j In it beautiful early summer; drees of green, the Texas State j Fair park beckoned to the thou-j sands of visitors who are hold-! ing their meetings and most of j their entertainment affairs in the ! park builuings. Special, trains, auiomoDiies ami airplanes urouxiu Jtjie delegations, some of which have been en route for weeks, and the; international house-warming liar which the Texas Rotarians have beensplanning for months is going on. i One of tne outstanding features of this convention i the division of the thousands of visiting business and professional men into separate groups according to their t-veral vocations, so that the aim and object of Rotary as applic MOKE MORROW MYSTERY tarians from many different parts the mystery, of the world. There will be more ! than a hundred of these miniature international craft conventions tomorrow. The international fellowship whicn is one of the great objects Hans will fiftl 'In the' ark and 1n the elcome of Dallas bftIM Wlelll"iitMo- the I) alias Rotarfccpn- will be unuMwl. The Jldiise of Friendship, distinctive , gh3l L1 r There is plenty of activity in the Morrow home at Englewood, N.J., where Anne Morrow, fiancee of Col. Lindbergh, and her sister, Elizabeth, above, are now staying. The latest party is reported to be in honor of the engagement of Ho-: Miss Elizabeth to (whom?) that's PEOPLE RUSHED TO THE STREET -RESULT QUAKE uaHer for lftWre-flPWWTttt. Th -I'Ktun .Dotation, St, A,,1re;v;? Society, Liof Erickson'Society, St. t-TS STfc-Z ucuie ouwety, vainaua ioage, i'layers' (JJub. Prince wh'h ten? r notrv clubs, will i wuu, jiercnani service UUlltl, tiallbUt Min of V'- wl attor Vessel Owners, Women's Canadian Club, Automobile tnth of their guests Club, Yacht Club, and possibly others. thv n,,,r t und of tse n is not siurirested that these nrimniKntintia d,i t i"wT.i;itw ' Tu V"Y'"' "An Afternoon in the 8ouh." : ,caf : n representinir their narticnlnr lmhfl of 4-.. v j DUt SnOUld help tO finance the Send in a in hnnor of Praniil-nt mnA lion, so that the city should not lose this x,r- I. n. Snttw of Tmolco. unity of Of jwterestine the bis? men nf tVi mimtrv ! Mco. ..ml t off? of opportunity rnnce do SO. Runert da Pacif'w mitlot fnv T n: f.. rv Interr.-.t,1 nd fi.n . tV A" ..V'y " "". T" win h , ,m. V4iui urvii UIU&IOUL him IIlllinriLV Will Tinrl if imnnaciKln r4.n : f '4 AN ITALIAN SLAM that brflltont fete. FAREWELL SERMONS ! PRE CHED SUNDAY Kcv. W. P. Price Ieavcn Pfom Congregation of ll'ret Ikip-tlt Church Here . Rev. W. F. Price preached xiiitable farewell sermons yesler "vpninr for Mr. and Mrs. Price. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. People Startled by TcwMrr Yesterday waJJ,and dishW rtydT. OcH- nu oi tnc.scina storer in the l sentation. Aihe, orders likely tojbe ablUond lotion' hZ, A- I at least one ttorJollpWing, have been 2g6jtefJrCity hyjor it stn h'yr a . '' Council, Boar$?6frr. Arrack. May p. -a distinct Club, Tsimpsgf Masonic Lodap, Tyec' Masomc-Loffxre m1 y m' earfru?k .V Shrine Clujpa iVpX? tory of KjflglfriTemnlars, Elks. Moose. Entries. Odd- RJrSP and LAeise iSiTai In Kiwurt-i lias tin sr?t nuiiai nrs'i" ""i i1 a . . . , r K'ock mt tp the street;. y asrM0. build ins mm. i Ik nickers 4t LaWlpe Lake ex perienced the sensation of the Rupert Singers, The Churches, Pioneer Association Na- n"nrf ,h cor of those coun- earth waying. causidV dizziness. uve oons, iraues anu LaDor Louncil, Knights of Colum- lr ,n re M"'m surround bus, Daughters of the ntry w' in Empire, Eastern Star, Royal." m7r?oH' mf Purple, Mooseheart Lemon. Rebeknha. PvtWnn 'aiiil :'w.n,.n". TT"1- 1..the.c,l ef innieo PRAIRIE SEED IS AIL SOWN Pn t Pretty Gcml So Far In ite of tool Weather UlliiKlPF;. May 27. Seeding rnelr 'n lKe praipjis jyoylpcei m aov coinpieiea, arconring 10 me fdvfi weeWy rroa- nnrmrt jof the Canadian Nitt on.il Kjfvflis. (fen-enHy jpenklnir. nboutTB per cent : of hevonraiT g-ains are aNo in the grp-'i'id and i expected that tlie rejr inler of this work will lie eanVtVtH this wnk. AIUioi:gh, on the whole, the: weatlier has romainnH dry and coot, there i plon'v of moisture i In the Jfound for preont neeih, 'ant-lHe -r is no nint (or anv : J anxiety In the majority of se-tlons whot 'n "bovo tihe ground ana the fooler wittber In aait 4mm I l A A ...1.1 -I. 1.,.. ... v:. t,.... . L" .nil iu-rn rvov, which. the pulpit of whkh he has re- tf ihe. ..H h lack of moi-! signed in on er to lake an ex. w. n rains have tended rest lie and Mrs. Price hf xerlt,red. there were! will leave on Thursday morning jotMfrrM ahowers in many p.irts by train for Lloydtninster, Sask., duWsgtfo it week which have! wnere they will visit with their aldojljln hullding a reserve of son. Col. Prfee. : moltn" In f -ir. nri comhUinl i There will be a congregational are ol-'d about dry conditions : fun-well meetinji- on Wednesday except f'nH b-mt the Prince AN hert n-' Mrlfort drtrM.s In Sa- i skatche- -nn a"d th nonnyville ii4trt In AHf-ta. where tho high wlrnl r-"HP( n rtf Ajplfix oufeof tbo PirKpr sorM. tri.ftlaji', itotfa bo-dltl-inn i.re pltciilarTy good at l,ie "i"mi( and. In Sn skatchenn .-ml A'Korte ney may be rated as average . . , ; UK ASSURING I I Nesrs: -Mci niH Man Are you a messe-'irov buy? j Urchin ' i nit itrnuntly) No sir, i it' mv sor toe tht makes me iwBlk th's slow. Western Reserve I Rod Cat. Monday, May 27, 1923 The "Spirit" of the Three Musketeers By the golden baldric of Porthos . . . by the gleaming sword of Athos ... by the grace of Aramis ... the brave old days in France . . . days when every gentleman adventurer had faith in his star ... and the Three Stars of the Three Musketeers blazed brightest of alL THREE STAR Bottled at Cognac, France HENMESSY BRANNY M7R This advertisement is nut published or dlst.lmed iiv tht- Llquvr Coutrui Hoard or Hy the Government of Eritlth British Columbia. H ' a ue rut unu ,iw?w v ww i: 7 W ' v 1 s Dull" iHntltl U OmiIk-It LintJtmnt Sm. SiS9, mrmilablt ! or thtt Mq4 In CanmAa by thm mmktfibf th Jamou Dminion Batlltthlp Llnoltum MWOWEOH Put fresh colour, cheer, cotincts, in every room . . . without spending a lot of money ... by choosing appropriate Dominion Linoleum. This attractive, easily cleaned material cornea in a wide range of designs' and colours ... in convenient widths that make it the ideal all-over floor Covering. Save yourself hours of tiresome beating and sweeping; yet always have "dean floors . . . pleasant to walk on and a joy to look at. , Dominion Linoleum offers eridlessiselec tion and wears for years and, years. . .Quick and easy to lay. , !; ! Other Heaiitiful Dominion Floors Dominion Inlaid Linoleum, with tho famous Domolac Finish, lends distinction to any room. Lasts a lifetime. Moderately priced. Dominion Linoleum Rugs in standard siies at popular prices enjoy wide favour for their notable beauty and durability. At House Furnishing and Departmental Stores