Monday. Hiy 27, 1929 We want to make friends and hold them. By courteous service we can win this. Let us take care of your gti,,oil ana greafjng needs. Guaranteed work. Wf make a specialty of pumping tires far ,.; .ladies. Let us help you today. , ... , . ....... ,.. BUY DOMINION TIRES They Are Good Tire i mi r S. E. PARKER OX CUTTINGS $3.50 per Large Load HYDE TRANSFER" PHONE 580 I7l4rilmue yHeatefStorage East: i "" Jack Bulger returned to th .in the Catala yesterday nf-I'-rnoon from a fortnight's trip "nth in the course of which he 'H.nded a recent KnlgKU of 'ythiiis Grand Iodge convention mi Tratt-ntrB. Bulger and child n mainintf in Vancouver for Mrs. A residing children jLum t..nMn v.fnmlnfy i roner are aooaru . was a jmssenger ala yesterdsy afternoon through to her home at Al ...t. .1, will sro-nd a wn.r,. n 1 1 who vtiuje longer uemiu iv.- - iht home. Jn0rth ,ast n g attending school, bv Mr. Fal- ne wuo - Ai. tim mnieu A new shipment of Nanaimo-Wcllfngton Coal ad Bn:on Hard w O. Pulton returned to the ! city on the vnevts Union steamer Catala, Cmpt A. F.. Dirknon. arrived Ml port at 4:16 yesterday afternoan from the south and sailed at P-m fuf. An vox. Stewart and othe thern points ot can, wnenc l'oorn Miki,Tbr Arrandale; A. Gillis, H. Hfltkr P. Mger. Jaek Krug, Stewart; 11 Orr and II. Clarke, Ut trouVjHie ytn Makea you enjoy tur nals and Meep better. No ma- j ier-.Wn you nave wna iw yvw aMjvw- arnUUM bowela. Adlerlka wUl aunMfte 1 youS Qrmee. Ltd.. drugs. , xnr DAILY KSVS Local and Personal News In Brief . -' 1 1 1 ' ' ' I t - SPECIAL Cit nnrir i r nr Lavender' Mentholated Shaving Cream, 50c,Laven-' dcr Talcum Powder, 36c 85c value. t ' BoUi"f6r 50c Klenzo Shaving Cream, 50c, Genuino Gillette Blades, 50c $1.00 value. Both for gfjg Our Bathing Caps have arrived New, fresh stock. Values from 15c T0 Sl.OO 3 I'mes yftc Pioneer Drtitcists THIRD AVE. 6 SIXTH ST TELEPHONTS Hi,20O Well Mannered Service to Motorists 4 a Tuxl Phono 4KIj: i Taxi, tf ' Dentin Dr. C86, .1. K. Cosse. Phone Football tonight 1I.JL8. ."Col ombo" vs. Prince Rupert, t G :45. Mniialion Kc.' Udlts ft Me. aw kMSmA'tW; and crowning of May Queen, Monday, June 8, the King' Birthday. 122 Mm. J, Horsuk of . Woodcock arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the inter- j (or for a brief visit in town. I L. Jensen, well known diamond , drilling mun, was a passenger aboard Catala yesterday" af-, ternooti going through to Ste.w-j 'art' .'', , . I TOOK THE HEART OUT OF HIM "FRUIT.A-TIVES" Restored Vim and Vigour What a hireling "Fruit-a-tivei" nro proves to thuue worn out and weary by the day's work. A blood purifier, a builder ofhealth and Btrrngtli, this marvellous tmmeuM, made of an extract f row fruit jwieea, tulind with the finest HMdwBBal ingredient, is just what ii needed to regulate bowels, kidneys and akin tWfxn the sppetitie steady the nerve and restore the whole system to iu former vigour and vitality. As Mr. John O. ltingheim, Wynnoal, B.C., writes: "My nerves wase somploiely gone and I was so tired out and run-down that work seesahd impossible. Hint taking "(VunVa-ti vs' ' 1 am eager to work and We is worth living again." One cannot realize, until he has gone through the mill, how fine it is to be well again. I owe my pretent good uoal nas just arrived tpr Albert j beaut to "ruit-a-tives." Try it. land MeCiiffory Ltd. Thne yoV e. box-at dealer, every--order ' now to UG and 117. tf ; yesterday afternoon's ; wvnuvrpupwTQ I train from Lekelse 'Lakt where he has been getting his summer home in readiness for occupancy this season. J). II. MorkiU B.C.LA was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening going through to Stewart where he will spend asjmb of the coming summer engaged in mining survey work. Mooteheart Ladies' bridge, whist and dance May 28, at 8:30 prompt. Admission 50c Birthday Tea, United Church Hall, Mar 0- Fat Workers June 17 and 18. Fair Board. Miss FcaHcea Cross returned to! 1 1 1 1 the-city on yeftoMsay afternoon's Moofe Annual I'icnlC at Dlgby train from -Ttrraee where she I Jbne 9CL " id a br4et ' Tislt with Missl AMce Hllsurr Wi Worn the Mh04 ieeleM( stttfi' rhret1 .;. v , '4 -nit 4 4; -t ' Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Etitt and & li. John4efl retarned to the HjrJ OBJ" yterday afeertooH'a tnrtn,,flm,'Tewtio1 where Ihej atMNH"'lrie htfUthnK weehemi as of-K. L. Mcintosh. ' Pet Selv4Vo -df Jaek Selvig, and brothet"rf' rW ell knoWl local luher, r-ivd in the Giatnam Dnnce to be held at Port CTeaMBts some time in June So be lirared buy a bow I ' tit' K. of C. 'picnic, Sunday, July shthd. left an this morning's train for Humpback ay, 1' Island, Pnea unui tan. MontrMi whare thy will embark Willi ,tue aiaoiisnmen; oi: .which t rw : i.-m )r a visit t JSagland. It. II. Ire .nf the Forest Branch my on yesrony iwfni..n ,trived Jn the city yester Oi fMr-wayr and taiHfrBt.i. bi ' i will take up residence here. George Carmichael of Queen Charlotte City has been appointed to represent the- Provincial Government on the board of management of the Skidegato Inlet General Hospital at Qneen Charlotte Oftjr. day afternoon from Namu. - train train. Mrs. John Dybhavn sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on a trip to -Vancouver, j Peter Bruno was. charged in! city police court on Saturday j with selling liquor, the case being adjourned for eight days. , ion Miss Huldah Graham returned ! to the city on yesterday afternoon's train after having spent the holiday week-end Visiting at Terrace with her brother. William Stewart is appearing before Magistrate' MeCIyraoat in city police ctfurt this afternoon on a charge of dtyng an automobile while under'the influence of liquor. Bishop' and 1 Mrs.'1, Lloyd of Prince Albert; 5ifsk, after having spent the weekend. I" the city in the course of. a trip to the coast, left on this morning's train for the east. . George Arseneau And Will Lam- iur a " ' ' iiujjch inji iu Vancouver business in connection with the men's furnishings store they are about to open here. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stork and party of friends made a eruise to Poreher Island aboard Ing Friday morning and returning to port last evening. EMPIRE SHOPPING WEEK May 25th to June 1st SHRED 1 L. W. Patmore leu on this mornings train' for a trip to Sraithers ori'leval business. This afternoon's train, due Mrs. A. L Abbott and Mrs. Ho -T . .... .... T f t a iil.rj. H11. annA Mra! F. Dalby, who has been "NOTICE L. Jesaen and I). H. Morkill, for To Whom It May Concern: view. Apply McCaffery, bons and Collart, Ltd, ' I '. U.!l .H,l' V Z LINDSAY'S Pnr.ce Ruperl r reed ,n Co. n , , Pi Received fresh supply CaTtagC ailtl M01age Pratts' Baby Chick Food, i'hone 68 to please you . Coal, Sand and Grave) We Specialize In Piano and .niOMBR innvr ra AM), avu rra Fritriliute-Moving; 'i he-J identified, sal ed aat.jiiirnt wiw'.uwiiiwr'Wiuwwi, vi.. by trfve IViiKj Ji4irrt'on'bB return Vt. Wi Mounce, is due here Wed to VMtt)uvr. ' nesday mgbt from the. south and stable Service of the Hty detach ment of the provincial police, is making satisfactory progress in the Prince Rupert General Hos- yesterday afternoon's train after 'pital where she has been a pa - sii t i f i T-l. a weK-ena iwmng trip io else Ijakt). tient for the past month following an operation. The snorts and attractions afternoon's made propositions to, the biwi connection wfth'the ptaglrTj wjU discharge locally a. cargo of on the Catalan Mrs. Sam Service, wife of fJon coal ad powder before proceed i -a. l O-t - , - aL ai iMi to tM Wales I71a talo Island. rl ' : Thomas Peddle, High School principal, returned to the city on ing Frank like B.CJS. nd party, of five men are encamped at Union Bay where thejr are making surveys of the hydro-electric development site for the Power Corporation of Canada. visiting for the pat two weeks ' committee of the fair board had Archie Thompson returned to Ith her son and daughter-in-law a meeting yesterday with Harry tne cuy on yeeieruay siwnuuni in Edmonton, will return to the C. Willis of Vancouver who has train after having eyent the hH- city on Wednesday rd in day week-ond at Xe.rou with his 'g of mother, Mra. James 11. Thompson, fa YU l.JJ JLLt'1i;yr -TJantej-tttinmeiits ' Ih'athe fair bulk 'ho is in residence at her sum 4iTWnfJopitlllvWJlliam durfng this year's Exhlbi- mer home there, will return here tomorrow a-uth. of Anypx. after having tion. ning and hU south at fewllanId 'the city, ';.dasaengiTH coming nortbsij W theiGafXlallist evening vesael included: K.; 11. J.M. - vu i-tum in ih nmcMfr Mis Gladys Fowler, Jack Bulget. toHB ? A. J. Jank, Mrs. Cawley and 'I): ' ' ; ' for Prince Rlipert; I. .- ' I Pacific Salvage Co.'s power Mr. Nader, vice-president of the -'t-esael Parfiena is' due back to- Bank has States, arrived in the city on yes- manager of the Power Corpora- Gib- before Magistrate MfGlfrnbnt 123 charges of having stolen goods. Imanded untj tpinjr4w morninw A.f.fc "f L Wf'-' jThe goods in questTin consist ZhXm 'f.US from Matter Me-halibut gear which is alleged ton'- Consisting of have been stolen from tne naiiDui, jjgg, YOUTH'S AND BOYS' boat ingria u. EMPIRE DAY CELEBRATION The occasion of Empire Day was observed in First Presbyterian Church last evening when the pastor, Rev. T. Ivon Jones M. A., preached an appropriate sermon. His subject' was "Some Reflections Upon Empire Day.'' LONG TROUSERS At my reduced prices, nnd see them. Call Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE The Firm That Drought Eastern Prices to the West fcnd, lit EAT Made of the finest Canadian What by Canadians in our wprujcrful imw Cana. dian Factory at Niagara Falls. Keep the wheels of Canadian Industries turning. "Empire Buyers are Empire Builders" PnrtU Mtnrnl to thp ltv on couver; Mr and Mrs, yesterday afternoon's train from Palmoral Cannery; A. E. Dilger, a trip to Terrace. wwinpeg; u. aaams, ueveisioKe; . 1. '"B. Cayron, Vancouver; JHahop The County Court case of Ing-'aI,d Mrs. Uoyd, Prince Afbert; the power cruiser Sunbeam Hjvald Hansen vs John Dahl. in over the holfday week-end. leav-1 ich plaintiff claims f 200 on a loan, has been the June court. adjourned unUl ftaa frpno MrAfea wKa Vkxi I Charles R. Cocks, who has been been spending a couple .of weeks 'on a 'ttfp' I "to'-rirljfland, arrived in here with her parents. Mr. and the Kit 'A tW of the week Mra, -George McAfee, will erfillnd -vrtll pth1 the next few days torao.rrpw afternoon on the Cat-'; ' town before proceeding to nla for Vancouver vhere ahe will "rtrt Kaarngtort. ' Join thmit56eSfui Lib-1- - ' ' ' , rary,. x , r.L. The, opening, of a new Salva- ,11 i !' if ; Uon Array hai aa corps at Gan- USfiV FJliaquhningham. who von, Qfjg tfe Naf lyi'e which T&m itJs nV VAn nnrih in xon. was Ju) nave . taken Dbice. at the ..Mra. W BL Penpjng and sona;nection with the. pew. cannery it,,fl'J W piosth, ha,f.:ben post HOTEL ARRIVALS W. E. i e j aw s-k wis i ti; tram ih Mar at S-SO wn nnr. : KMS, Bmitnr; ilIRS JJ. WOOO, Y Chaton, tiunnlngham, Imeson and Prince Itupert Walker, Naas; IL ,Pas- Ingraham, J. R. Baiell, C. E. Fred O'Neill, Van- A. -Main, Air. and ilrs. J. u. r3iaterrwrs. Thomson, N. M. Innes, A. Currie, William Adams, H. Atchison, J. Hay and C. Ileid, Claxton ; J. D. Fitzgerald, Lanceville, Que.; G. P. Lyons, J. W. Souski and:C. R. Cocks,:, city; Mrsv J. Borsuk, Woodcock", ilrsj R. G. Johnston and H. W. Chambers, Inverness; Mrs. J. M. Hursh, Maconn, Bask.; franz lleppeler and Johana Hep- reler, Any ox; Nr. ana Airs. Ji. r. AValker, Montreal; Miss Jdsje M. Hursh, DougUs, Alaska; Mrs. G. C. Walter Duluth, Minn. '". RojtiI Crocker, Edmonton; Mrs. M. Holland and Miss Sarah White, Balmoral Cannery; A. Johnson, Seattle; L". TreitMi, Wil- larn. LitHL Bill Jjones and Guy A.'athie 1 -T 1. run: lie r istanu , iWn, -Ladner; Mr. and Mrs. Jones and A. L. Gordon, Vancouver; A. Carlstrom,,, feter Brozat and A. Carlsen, city; M. Johnston, J. II. Peets and IL Tis-man. C.N.R.; Mra. Vic Frandle, Hyder, B.C.; Mra. Cora Johnson, Stuwart; Miss Myrtle Baxter, An-jtx; I). G. Davidson, Inverness. Central Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Luce. Eng- had; !. 7. Iteprtn, Norway; C. Vnatad, K. Rtitj, B. t'ayron and i, Kort'.Uy, city; A. N. Uwonier i ml Jack Deo :'er, Emporia, Kan. ; Tt. and Mrs. J. M. Graham, C. K. R.; A J. Jank, Hazelton; D. A. Pborman, Vancouver; J. P. of Italy in Los Angeles, who nonow from Stewart having onJ)evlIn, Toronto; F. Canwron, been een on q trip to the Eastern beard J. S. 11. Wurtele, plant1 Premier. terday afternoon's train 1 afte tion of Canada; G. II. Kohl, loeat- Sa-oy having spent a week at Jasper ing engineer, and J. J. Little. jfr an(j fr8. George Webster Park and sailed last night on the local manager, who have been at J and Mrs. F. Johnson, Inverness; Prince Rupert for Vancouver en Stewart on company buslnefls.1 A Johnson. oiUr; Matthew Allard Take notico that I, K. S. Wong,, route to California. iThe pajrty went to Stewart direct .nd George Delongchamp, 'Ter- f or Anyox; Stanley Mah. for Mill did purchase on May 25, 1929, fntn Warke Canal where th) tttCe. ilky; Mrs. A. Falconer, for Alice the business and assets of the F. W. Hart will leave next week made an inspection of the Thulme uArm. and Mrs. K. 8. Hackett and Canadian tare, la ihlrd Avenue, for Vancouver where as honorary River power development site at W . . ' i tx n 1 11 . .a. i - . ... I son, round trip. I'rtnce Kupen, ux ana an per- vice-president oi tne Vancouver the end ol the weeK. i onR h iving accounts against the Pioneers' Association, he will , rC mDrtC UIMAM ! previous management are requir- participate In an old Urn' cele-; FINED J300 llAo rUKtr.O WUlUP.W (ed to present same forthwith to brntlon on June 13. Onlils return1 TO UFFP IN fH AIR I)ouKla Sutherland, C21 Second north, Mr, Hart will be accom- Ma, pen Chinese, pleaded IV OLtU Ui UllUU Avcnuei prince Rupert, B.C., for panied home by Mrs. Hart, who. gMty jn city po)ice COurt this W-fclahta I sat up In a chair. I had wsynu-m. nas ui-en recently H ' morning to 0 cnarge oi selling .atoAaeh fas no bad. I to Adtorik ljg tMgned) Jv. b. VtUNM tend a Grand lx)dge convention oi iiUOr and was flnel ISOO, with andfnothms i eat huru ny now. I j lhe Pythian Sisters. 'option ' qf three month iroprson- "-Mr". ' mittt Doe CHin Butler. I tne nR8T .poontui oc Aiierta TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY mt. mnovee a on the stomach and remowa . I Joshua lalt nnd and Joe Joe Sankey aanKey amounu of old waste mat- pQi np,NT Four roomed house, fort impnon inuiann, uiicicu fully modern. Fine harbor n city ponce . rarI,m l.-l- Unnn;, JI Ituiiraqni wn on IlHrMllhll I (IUOI 1VVVTV.1. If You Wish to ! Talk Watchs Come Here! If you jus wish' to seo and aek questions-come here I ' Or for any other watch reason at all come here I We expect to have to convitit e you before we -sell you . Wouldn't have it any other way, anyway, even if we could,. Fuur of the world's leadi k makes are whut we have to show you and talk about. We repeat come hpro and have a look. John Bulger, Ltd. THE U:VELLERS