nil f. May 27, lD2f IKE DAILY NEWS FAGK BEVTCH iUan in the Moon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUNI j is said to be looking grocery stores as a re , ... THIIS TJIE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE RRAD BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN 1 BUSINESS INTERESTTO YOUNG AND OLD& nil oJ v .aslf , 'Ot food (- at the ' ' - i- ' .J' :h pi'' nics.'. you til ,n m can't distinguish y6ir- unv other way you can m t:.-i.t, V 1- ntTer ke a noise at a ls -. li.iu a little lamu ' n V nromt 'f Mruart I Arm-. Irm- -Uirt, ' viva I U. " Muiia M .T 76 May aa ... ll.lnl A' i-,ka Vi.lntK- base- of the rne,n who always ,f they thinlr just tky It Hi. wed her to school u elled fifty miles an houH (.ir nearly, as a rule. , ,.it5 when asked by the In might eee her home n iiily shown a picture lime I kisis you, It a better man." miu don't hare to try huven In one night." Ten Years Ago in .Prince Rupert May 27, 191? J.' a irons Library In this lie closed und Mrs. Bac-. been in .charge, is wn. it for halibut here is igher. As high as 17c w.i.s paid at ' the Ex- morning. imiuun, superintendent -. reports to the council 1' vhone system is wor-.if.acity and a; large ex-w ill soon le necessary " provide needed ex- MAIL SCHEDULE k the Lat Wrdnmdaji, SaUirdiys, maU 1OJ0 am. Wednesdays tri rrwr. aao p.m. .9 p.m. . . ..,.a.jn. ....4 p.m. . KDSO a.m. am. Prtmler, Aiijox and Alice . I p m .3 p. a. 3 p.m. Premier. Anyoi and Alice I" v. liner phtntt ' .as Hltrr Wlnt "y ' t. Vtwn Clianotlte t ! 15 .' ' t(ureii Charlotlr . ,..7:0 p.m. .. 11 BJU ...7:30 p.m. 7 p.m. ....a.m. p.m. ''IVt Slnipon and Wales Wand 1 ' - , i..a,m. '"m rrt Mlnijwnn and Wale Itland STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Vlnn.nt. & Prince Rupert .. .10 p.m. Catala 3:30 p.m. 35 Prince Oeoi-Re 10 p.m. Princess Royal 10 p.m. - Hardens ....12 mldnlxhl lTlncess Louise p. I. .' Vancouver s Cauia 4 p.m. w "" J.iN 4s. pr, Oeorea 10 80 im. Princess ltoyai .... pju, i,:,.UT ss Cardena a.m. ,. ' Prince Rupert 10:30 p.m. . frinceas Louise a.m. '!' Niw Klver . Catala 8 p.m. I1B - Klver Catala 11:30 a.m. Arw'rl' fcnilcr, Auyi and Alice IWc Si; ... as Pr. QcorR ...4 ppiil - i rince itupert.). vg Arm'"'1' '"rmlerAnyot and AMc'e " " O i' T,Vt " Prince Rupert 1 T30 p.m. X .. tatal ii:3ua,m. I.r i. f nnce Meorge ?:u p.m. , ;iwn cimrlotle i.' 5 Prlnco Jr Arm. 'rince John 8 p.m. M? '(""'n Charlotte . . ti. . ., . l.lands . . ' mu ' " ALixka- ,,,. Prince Louise ....a.m. Prln.... ....... n rr. L "rt NlmHion and Wale Inland -aracna a.m '"in 1 ",rt P Simpson and Wale Island vsraena vMt' I fry a nnn ki.. . .. W1 brlntf I'esults. WANTED WANTED Three tents, not .smaller than 12 by 12 12 ounce canvai, Phone feed 025 between C and 7. - ' " 122 LOST LOST Hunch of keys. Finder please return-to Pioneer Laun dry. Keward. 123 LOST Lady's kid glove, between' Selvig Bro. and Pot Office. Finder please return to Dailv Watrr Mark to atakms (nl. and oon-talnlng fortr acres, more or taea. THE ANOIJ BRITISH COUWBIA PACKING COMPANY. UMITBO. Per "W. E. Walker." Acent. Doted Ma? lWJt. 1039. ' ! LANIl .ACT Notice of IntrntlAn to Apply ' eltalia to hloh water mark: thenoe toi- I lowin hlh water mark back to.etaUac ...... pjn.fjaMt; alxl cortntaijw ilBj aertwftiore or TUT. A NOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. UHITSD. PeW. E. AValkeT.- Aent. dnted May tTth. lM.p1i , Notice of UMI ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to I-eaw land In the Prince Rupret land Heoordlnf mk fall Dlatrlot ot Prince Itujiort and attuate! sn the Mat shore of Portland Canal one mUe eouth-eaat of Spit Point. Take notice mat ine aouo ormma Ooltunbla Packln Company, LlmMe4. of Vanoouver. B.C.. oeeupatlon. Salmon Oannera, Intend to apply tor a learn or ; : the following described landa: . : commencing at a post planted on the f 1 et ebere of Portland Canal one mUe aouth eaat of Spit Point; thenre North . i..tau' thenrw Seat fort Chain; . . I) 10 an. thenee South tn chain to HUrh Water . Mark: thence following high water mark back to etaklng poet; and containing, p.m. fort i acre, more or lea. ..,.. I TT1K ANOU BRITISH TOLUMBM. PAOKINO COMPANY, LIMITED. 10:30 a.m. ' rer "W E Walker," Agent. ' Dated May 17th. 1 UXSlt. .CT- Intmtlon to I. run- land .ipijir to FOR RENT F. ,W. HART'S Office, Block. DR. W. C. ASPINLIi Email 124 FOR RENT Four room flat with; FOR SALE- bath. Furnished. Phone 047. tf. FOU RENT Furnished apartments and furnished shack. Apply Mussallem Grocery. tf I FOU RENT-Furnished modern four room flat, Clapp Block, Apply Westenhaver Bros. tf News Office. 121 FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos . , phonographs and sewing mach- FOUND FOUND Large buckle, studded with .brilliants, on Third Avenue, Apply D'atjy News Office LAMr ju-r Notice o( Intention to Apply to . I,rue land In the Prince nutxn Land KroottUnt; District ot Prince Rupert, and situate on tha ran of Wale Island half mil Bourn Baat or Baruett Point. Take notice that The Ancle- Brltlah Co lumbia Packing Company, Limited, of , Vancouver. B.C. . occupation. Salmon, Canner. Intends to apply tor a lae ! ot the following deacrttMd land: 1 Commencing at a poet planted on the . Ooaat of Wales Island bait mUe South 1 Eaat ot BertleC Point, thence North I Bast ten chains: thence South Baet forty chains; 8outh Weet ten chalna to High . Water mark: thence following High ' 1 Ines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT furnished house kaeping ro6ms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607, tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping suite and single rooms. Palmer House. Phone Red 444. 140 FOR RENT two modern houses, newly decorated; one well fur-nished. Apply 215 Fourth Av-erjue East. tf FOR RENT To responsible party, five roomed flat, completely furnished, with piano. Available June 1. Apply Box, 192, Daily News Office. 125 CHiRoruAcnc CHIROPRACTIC ' ELECTROTHERAPY' You can make no mistake in )dti4ing these scientific muthodgj uwat ot ptiik aupwT and Mtuataias their use is now , world, wide oTt&Srywale; SuTw """I all case of disease, Take notloe that The Anclo Brwan Columbia Packing Domoanr. limed, ot Vancouver. B la. , i iM Oamxr. Intende fe a Uve foUowliw dancslbed landa mt' oVitaf Pcl 1 the mtbWs adopted, , a tirtBM T.l.nri. II, . urn M . m I K ' 6 nnd 7 Exchange Tllock Consult R. E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR 028 Third Avenue Office Telephone Rlue R5 Residence Telephone Red 589 Established 1921 LAM ACT Notice of Inlrntmn' to Apply to leane Ijnd In Land rteeordli.C District of Prince i Rupert., and aituate south-west aide of' In the Prince Rutoert Uad Hooordlng walea Island. ! rMMrlot of Prince Rupert, and' situate Tak noUre that The Canadian Fish- on the South West Coast of Walea la- ng Company. Limited, of Vancouver. R. I land facing Boston Islands. C.. occupation, a Corporation Ineorpor- I -T.lrA notice V nSV live nuaiv unurr laws ui mr i tuiiun , ! rMumbla Packlnc Company. Limited, of Brltlah Columbia, Intends to apply for I Vancouver. B.C.. occupation. Salmon , Imuw of the following described land: ' Oannera. Intends to appiy ior a www commencing at a post planted on an the following described ': unnamed point on the south-wt aide Oonimenclng at a post pianwo " of Wales Uland. opposite Proctor I- Sc-uth We Ccst oi 2n land: thance norterly 5 chain: thence poatte Boston Wands: 'r??.n. westerly 20 chains: thence southerly 9 iionm Hast forty chalna. inenre ,K.n.. on h.n. inn. """'. .. nuh water Mara: South ten ensin- w . ... "r;r-wi the the ihore ihore line line to to th the followlim iiw "" " themce , in area to staking pout ami . point of com mencement, and containing 10 acres, more or les. WWtkd. Canadian nmnoco a Agm- MnTh. ".ted Apr,, 20U, 1M. nr-ted Doted May 17th, low- FOR SALE I 1 toil SALE Large range, as new. Phone Red 444. BOARD AND ROOM good 12G Studebaker coach, mechanically guaranteed. Burns andCo. Ltd. tf FOR SALE Five roomed house, furnished. All for $900. Phone Blacic 470. 123 FOU SALE Bed, McClary range, h Cheap. Must go' this week. I Phone Red 409. 123! FOR SALE Lot 11, Block 20, Section 2. What offers? M. Murphy, 1785 Davie. Street, Vancouver, B.C. 12Gi ! BOARD And Room $35 per month. Phone Green 21G. tf Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES, liROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and truexs from ;, YOUNG BROTHERS wo: t. IV THE MATTER OF THE "COMPANIES. ACT" NOTICE 13 HEREBY C1IVEN thai the underalgtied wUl apply to the Registrar, 'ot OompanJea. Victoria. B.C.. alter Um j Our aystemDf drugless therapy SSL.JSSsr tiU S, .SiHoe-s not leave your recovery to -MoOattery. oibbona & ooitart. usniud." aieawot . 1 DATED at Prince RUMrt. B.C.. tWa1 , j . . Ichsnce1. owing td the certainty am Mr. A.p.. fiiaj. , , "OQVEKNMKNT UQCOH AQT Notice of Application for Consent to , Transfer of Beer Licence. I Notira u herebv eiven that, on tha, ninplr'5Si leVenth day of June nex(. the tmder- i ., nit phnniMi (.rccn: 211 I nones lllaCK. J(-fTWd .mtenda to apply to the LIquof Boara ior consent vo irauicr Onrn Kventnira control upon renings , if fieT Number ma and issued In respect of premise being part ot a; building known a Tourist Hotel .situate at Terrace. B.C.. upon the landa de-. CHIROPRACTIC "! " "! 2. Bloc,t Du- Oeta results where other meth- .S'SJ Oolbacrlnl and Angelo EustaehK, licensees, to John Allen MeDougall. of Terrace, British Columbia, the transferee. i Dated at Terrace. B.C., this 30th day of April. 1039. Applicant and tranttetee, (128) JOHN ALLEN MtDOUQAI.L. uction SALE AT 708 FIFTH AVENUE WEST ON TUESDAY, MAY 28 AT 2:30 P.M. ConsistinK of Oak Dinintr Room Suite. Rook shelves. Singer Sewing Machine Dre&sers. Beds. . . , Chairs, Rookft, Etc ,and mis-cellnneoua articles. CEO. Auctioneer ' ... , J. DAWES Phone lllark 120 BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFI2 Experienced operator, modern methods in nil Uncs of bounty culture and hair dressing. Alake appointment by phoning Red 139. DRESSMAKING MISS E. S. SMITH Phone 775 ' AUCTIONEER. I Experienced dress and coat maker. Room C, Exchange Block. . SALVAGE ANH TOWING "If It's on or under the wnler we do If . . PACIFIC SALVAGE Co! LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving . and General Salvage. Work. !,,, ; ' Bouts and Scows of all descriptions, for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains In Gas Knginee. AGENTS FOR Van Blerek. Rtisthope, Hicks (lallantyne Engines. .Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone. Day or Night, P. O. Box 1561 FURNITURE G4 I offer, subject. to prior sale :j fpimnn 11 pnn jit i'tir.!1 t KT VI 1' A It I AJK' 1 hU UK Used and Tn splendid condition. ... 4 .-Vi WMJ Also one oiyf ."Viiei . MACKENZIE FURNITURE PRINCE RUPERT' 'AUCTION j MART. 'WeWy, feel? 'or -exchange ahf kfnd' ok- furrifture or household' gb'ods, mUsicaT 'instruments, machinery,' etc.' General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block A. L. HENDERSON, Auctioneer and appraiser. Cash for all! goods and furniture. Emad Rlock. 124 Canada's Leading Tire GOODYEAR SUPERTWIST Sold at Vancouver Prices and Guaranteed ' High Low KAIEN GARAGE-. ' Phone C2 ' "Service Right. Now" ve PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Monday, 'May 27 3:02 a.m, 10:1C p.m. ... 0:54 a.m. 19.C ft. 1G.8 ft. 4.3 ft. 9.9 ft. MBf wivMi-ijii mMI Kin .o lanf i mi x t o . l.D.tlllMO.S 1 T"ar Typical ROUND TRIP FARES mT?mTTTni mrnimnnnnni i i.-hl ;iilr!,,l,5" S T.'..l; MdNTItKAL ,Ut l 9umi ixqs ifti .ii iiii.m m:w vokk. . i.J.i ( ALIi.K i.; i:o a... us lour via V:dciir 4s. Hj ? I'elnt lititiA.mll.iElv lw l ull lnrtlMl -! lutMi S:ile, l.lmltn, Etc. CITY TICKET OFFICE r,28 TIIIKK, AVK I'HONE SCO ii !;?iiiiii'iiMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iir.;r. DEMAND n a im i 'i n u in in hi ii i.m 1 11 iiiilliiii 1111 inr i Ranadian National "Rupert Brand" Kippers 'ink' ...... .... i ,rr0ATiE3.T,BKEAIFAST FQOD." .1-' -i Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold StoftgrCo.; lit. Ml" ! .' ' ; c l. ii: '' Ml-.- I'rlnce Rupert. B.C-, THE GENEVA POW-WOW ' ' CHIEF DRY EAGLE: (to Chief Big Dull): "Have a puff, brother. .. .you'll enjoy it". CHIEF BIG BULL: "My favo ite brand. I hope you stick to it.M The United States ha propo cd t Geneva, a reduction of nil classes of warahips. The proposal has been warmly welcomed by Great Britain. News of the World. There arc often gaad bargains in the Classified Col umns. Head them. . ' BRINGING UP r AlHLK t By Ueorge MclVianus fSmi " :'lf" I rLL.juTl TT cor XoIew"' f njo 5ME!crQEEN TfCY i n 1 (o swetook him 'I ' jT. clliiJ of?op im Fwrr fervou-hima fflp j .. j m nnr -inminr to -ski a,fternoom " - t) a, IbII Ttmur. Utrvlf, 1" OfX BiHala rltH. rwrwc - '