pace eight Monday and Tuesday Specials ! Special Values in Children's Wash Dresses i PANT.EE DRESSES in dainty prints with contrasting 'collars and cuffs.. Sizs 2 to G years. Regular $1.95, i for ,. ) .7:;:Zf,:L ,.4.t $1.50 DAINTY TUB DRESSES in pretty floral patterns. Pantees to match. Sizes 2 to G years. Regular $2.35, for ....v $1.75 PANTI3E DRESSES in broadcloths, fast colored prints, organdie trimmings. . Regular $2.75, for $1,95 SOCKS Half and three-quarter lengths, in cotton, lisle and silk; ' plaid:fancy cuffs and plaids, etc 'Regular 50c, 3 pairs for $1.00 I Regular 60c and 75c, for AXn AND RQo Cyrrnce CA.u6H 4 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halliaiir IWn Prinrr tlaiwtt tor'VANrOt'VEK. VICTUHI.VmnMin-lta.llotMllfilrrt llavrtle. Tur. il.IV. ti 111 lor VAM Ol Kit. VICTOHIA. tlulltlr. Alrrl Ihn. Hr . KrkUr wMttltht f ur Al ic e M. AXVON. STKUAKT. NA4K IIIVRU. MIH4U). S44 V m Kji POKT XlMrxON AM) M AI KM Hl.lMi. ThnrtdJV. o M IM liwl Wmue It M SMITH Mutt ITIimt IWpnt. II C TrnMfli llkrl mid tii Vlrlorll am ttwltlr .ami htntr rhrrkrd Ihrotifh la ilmlliiiitktn. pacific ' .7. '. . jt B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To'Krtrhlkan. Wrangrll, Junmu and Skon-Mf l, lf, 2l-To Vanromrr. Mrtorla and frattl May 6. It. afi I'lUNCESS KllV.Ur IK Mil lalK tit.. Vanraiurr anl Vle-turla ftty I'rida) . p.m. AemU lar all Mranuhlp linn. IV. r OltCIIAKI) (if.VEIt L A (IK NT Jril Ave , frlitrr Kuprrt. II C Phone 31 Canadian National Q7ic Largeft Kailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE KaHttill MllNCi: IllTEUT ter VAMIH'tKH. VIUIOHIV MKtTTLt:. and Inlrfwrdlatr inU. rath ThHrUy and SmhA). isata p.m. Ivr ANVOX and STEWAUT, mill IVnIiumU) ami Saturday, 4.-00 p.m. Ivr SOUTH AMI tOUTII HI. KEN Cll Utl.Ol 1 1 lLAM. IvrtHi(hll) PASXKNflEK TIM IN. LB.IVE PIIIVCF ItlTHIT ll.UI.Y BXCEI-T Hl'MlAY at 11:30 a n far PltlNCB OMHKIU, EDMONTON, HIN.MI'EU, all petal! ttrrn taU. 1'aHrd IHatra. Alll.NCV A LI, OCEAN NIUAMMIII I.INBh City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave- Prince RupertPhone 26o W0 "Caterpillar Tractors" MEAN 11ETTEU, QUICKER, CHEAPER LOGGING Sole Distributors for It. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 010 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER II. C. Hrqnches: Prince George, Kclowna, Nelson Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results TELLS CONGREGATION OF LATE CONFERENCE Key. A. Wilson Deals With Recent Gathering in Vancouver at United Church Services Yesterday At both morning and evening services yesterday in First Uni-ter Church, Rev. Alfred Wilton spoke upon special features of the recent conference in Vancouver which he attended and at which he was returned to the local congregation. Mr. Wilson dealt in the morning with home mission work as reported to the conference making particular . reference to the work of Rev. W. II. Gibson among the natives at Bella Bella, that of Rev. R. C. Scott on the Thomas Crosby marine mission and that of Rev. J. II. Smee-ton of the Cariboo sditrict. The social service report of Rev. Dr. Hugh Dobton was also referred to. ' In the evening, Mr. Wilson referred to the Inspirationai .features of the conference and mentioned three inspiring devotional Hdresses which had been given by Bishop Brewing of the Re- forrned t:pwopal Clw bf AW of thf Ar&lferffV Mrs. I C. Miller sang a vocal solo "Free as a Bird," at evening orvice. Mrs. R. S. Hackett, wife of thr tosMent engineer for the Union Steamship Co. at Sec hU, and wtmm PORK LEGS Per lb 40c SHOULDER PORK Per lb. 80c LAMB STEW Per lb 20c LOIN CHOPS Per lb 40c Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited G17-423 5th Ave. E. Phones lrt&M P. O. Box 575. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing priees from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice dally. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D Johnston Co.Lid. CIO 2nd Avenue Phone Prince Rupert, IJ.C. Dr Alexander rilONR 57 DESNER BLOCK DENTIST f.TIIE DAILY NEWS Monday. M PVaV.": girl on barge v Monday "The Girl on the Barge," Comedy, Bathe News. ' : . Tuesday, Wednesday and ' Thursday "The Singing Fool," Com- t ely, Oswald, and Paramount ' News. - Friday and Saturday ' "Th Trail of '98," Com- edy, Collegians, No. 4. Following are retail prices in the city today: Yellow Newtons $3.00 I Winesaps, C grade Z.0 Fruit- Naval Oranges 20c to Unions, Sunkist. doc, S6c to Californfa grapefruit, 8 for Bananas, S lbs 'Jbrtractad honey, per jar t sty i Pastnr florfrt 10 - 130 Pore Compound 26 Eggs B. C. fresh pallets 28 B. C. fresh Starts, dot B. C. fresh sains Local new laid Meats Fowl, No. 1, lb., 88c and Roasting cMctam, lb Broilers Ham, sliced, first grade Ham, whole, first grade a u e .86 .40 .46 .40 .46 .46 Ham. picnic, Mb 27 Cottage rolls, lb. 30 Bacon, back, sltoed, lb Bacon, aide, sliced, best grade Veal, loin . .60 .36 Veal LEG shrdlu? Pork, shoufesr ; 26 Pork, dry salt Ayrshire bacgsvlb. . .86c to .60 Veal, shoulder 36 Pork, loin 36 Pork, leg 36 Beef, pot roagt, 16c to .80 Beef, boiling lKVic to .18 Beef, steak 80c tb .46 Beef, roitst, prim rib 86 Lamb, shodldar .26 Lamb, lev -16 Lamb chops Mutton chops Mutton sholtler Pish Smoked kippers, lb. 16 Kippered White salmon, lb AT THE CAPITOL Rupert Hughes' Story Dramatized, Deals With Poverty and Death, Life and Laughter The program at the Capitol to-1 night feature the Rupert Hughes story, "The Girl on the Itarjre," which is the dramatized play from the tale published in the Oommo polHan Magazine and starring Jean llersholt with Snlly O'Neii; and Malcolm MacGregor.. The film is crowded with ex citoment, color and all the thrill of life on an Erie Canal barge, where i poverty and death mingle with l life, lore and laughter. I The climax comes when the girl out of the storm-tossed waters , climbs hsnd over hand up a swirl-: ing rope to the arms of the man : she loves 26 26Layui 1 Laying ajlatrab Comb honey 8 Dates, btiTk, 2 lbs 25 Raisins, bolk. 2 !) 26 Ithsbarb, outdoor, 3 lbs 36 Australian Almeira graes, ' lb. -10 Butter-No. 1 creamery 0 No. 2 creamery, 3 11m 1.40 Shorts 2.10 .80 Middlings 2.00 ,40 Barley 2.76 mash . . . 3.66 trJH J810 tch food 8.10 UMfMlD ....4.60 Oround oil cake ......... .i 4;26 JUby chtek feed ..... .'v. ... . 4.80 line ost chops v..'. 8.26 CraeHed oats .26 Fine barley clmo 2.86 BBlHrtea Lemon and orange Pl . ... '.86 Citron peel .40 cooking figs, lb IB Camembert 8-o. pksT 86 Wtile figJ, 2 lbs 26 ton. Bobbv. arrived in the city I Kraft Linbetwer, Wa .86 .Currants, lb JO on the Catala vesterdav afternoon ! Ontario solids 86 Apples from the south. They "are makinciNew Zealand soHds 80 Peaches, peeled the round trip north on the ves-1 Stilton, lb Apr cols, lb. el. We wwh; public to introduce to the Our New Butcher Mr. Til brook, of Vancouver, who we feei confident will came up to your, expectations ami give you VEAL STUW Vellh ....20c LOIN VEAL Per lb 36c Kraft .46 Prunes, 90-100, 4 lbs. Norwegian Goat 86 Napoieon Limbergcr T8 Roquefort 76 Swift's Brookfleld, lb. 4ft Gorgonxola, lb .76 McLaren's Cream, Jure, 46c, .86 lirookfield Swiss. Vlb. pkg. .80 Grayere . 46 Brnokfield Canadian Cheese, ' 26 -.-lb. pkg. ..i Golden Loafj'ib., 4 Jack. lb. .h... 60 Romano. Sattdev lb. Gamraelost.1 hk-ib .80 I Bravo Swiss, carton ....... .40 Chedlet, carton 86 Floor 26-1 b. box 1.88 Prune. 80-70 lb. 2 lbs 86 4040; lb. 16 Prunes, B00, g lbs 86 Kvaporated pears, hahnm. lb. .86 Vegetable mm-- :s Potatoes, sack ..... .82JO to 8.00 Parsley, bunch W Garlic, imnorted, per lb. . . .88 Nm .mil nninna. ImumK . . .08 4 Green peppers, lb. ...V. 88 Mew cabbage, per lb 88 Turnips, ,6 lbs .86 New Zealand onions, 8 lbs. .86 Arizona head lettuce 16! BRISKET BEEF tPer lb 14c piour,' 48i,tb. H kiird wHtat 2.80 Mmticlin Umatoes, lb HAMBURGER Per lb 20c Pastry flour. '4te 2.80 vietorta hothouse ... ... .86! Cukes, hotmtuse, lb .86 California celery .80c ad .16 Victoria cauliflower, 80c and .88 Leeks, bunch .'10 Sweet potatoes, 2 lbs 86 Parsnips. 4 lbs .26; Washington spinach, 2 lba. .26, California asparagus, lb. .. .86 Sugar White, 100 lbs 8.60 Yellow, 100 lbs 8.00 "BUILD B. C." w It's B. C. That Does It tVAWUITO, I A lady from Quebec visiting in Victoria in 1926 wrote a king if Pacific Milk could be obtained in her home city. Now she lives in ! British Columbia and again shej writes. She says she prefers Pa-. cific to any milk she has ever used. 4 Thm is just a compliment to British Columbia. This province pro- .45 duces superior milk and every now .40 and again proof bf this in some .80 new way comes to light. .20 Red smoked salmon 45 Smoked bUck cod, lb. .20 PACIFIC MILK Factory nt Abbotaford, B.C. HiZh!b:. ::::::: 'SiwMmmmmstamv Salmon, fresh spring 35 Nuts Almond, shelled Vulencias .66 Brazils . 85 Walnut, broken stalled .... rfO Walnuts, shelled halves 60 Almonds 86 Peanuts 20 Miinchurian walnuts 26 California walnuts 45 No. mixed nuts, lb 86 Filberts 25 Feed 100 lb.. Wheat, No. 5 and Bulkiey Valley 2.76 Oats 2.76 Water cress, bunch 15 Bran 2.00 SUITS! SUITS! .MADE .TO ORDHIt Cutting, Workmanship and Styl All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED Wc Dtliver to Any Part of (he City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 'II . n u tat. MONDAY ONj v j Two Show- 7 and 9 p m RUPERT HUGIiliS' STORY 'The Gri on the Ban With JEAN IIEUSHOLT, SALLY 0'M IL and h'K cast. Comedy NEWLYWEDS' HARD LI ( K. PATIIE NEWS ADMISSION, l'c ,,, ,. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ' f AND SHIPYARD OPaTlfATLVfi (J. T. P. 20.000-TON I'LOATINt, LI! i 'Hnginccra, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith i ... Makers, Foundcrv, Woojlwnrkerti, Kit ELH(7TRIC AND ACETYLENE WEIJHNf, Our Plant Is Equipped lo Handle All Kim' tf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONUS 4S AND 386 Travel Funds jbr ! . CaivldjajTravellers I WHEN planning a trip cither to great cities or unfrequented places, you may obtain from the Bank of Montreal travel funds suited to your individual needs. Travellers Cheques in convenient form and cashable in Canada and in other countries, or Letters of Credit that are ac- cepmblenhe world over, snnnlv funrfc wifri rrv w safety and con- JlS vcnicncc, ill I M1 r.tiTKria T ' I Head Office, Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8i7 Total AsscU in excess of T Imvo siiitiniliitKr vnti ttrnnt vmi llIlVO ant. Wc get together through the classing '