tt... OT 100O THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE (wardens and I Lri"" -v A JO. -A-Al t. JSkH M H B B KHJUHH I VI UN H U IINIMRIII II GETMJHE SWEET CORN DALS F(?u PRIZE vegepes GREEN PEAS -1 LAST CHANCE BldtBS Aty th,- - above all other of frost it is also a Ttgible1 i home garden that does not thrivt in hot cli ,i"t I'j obtained In Ita and finest qual- in the ; he mates. It is at its beat in he northern half of thjcountry. It hp& v grown and j, fc well kn0Wn in other Wttaliate vie- -ountrics. It - i a variety of the i p.r' in ;th- wjrrc the time common field corn but it has M-.-.g aha eating is a never been found growing wild. ,m or three hours. t the limit of time . .li tfml attar nii. Sweet corn wants rich' soli and it wants warm soil. It likes a ?,.d "P"1? of " but won't I, (Tinning to go off of brilliant red nran wilUw -' f nrioui -one ( the quickest plants in tha i This was the 'i ' (ixrmrib which on ,1 few inches high nstrous "comb" of n. It was some-monstroRity but of ' i ng and singular 1 1 .- monstrous form. i sui-ressora to these ure of an cn-i nt tyie and of an 1 .) rvmoved from 1. it inns of the carpet These are the i lis or celosias which i' and texture and luilliancy of color-i; h plumes. arioun types of the ;) which have great Un ity and deservedly i :.- wool flower is a i-Ulition to the liot 'f with balls of .-'tid making a bril-i the gurden. The v must remember is urr !n ing things. They ' ines. If we treat n-eat machines, we 1 trouble 'I water, just as gaso-aoed oil. Hut If we .'.no more gas, It will t ut if we give a plant 'h.m H needs, it will :ti' many people who 'it for no other rea-'t they forget about living things, and ( 1 n like machines, water plants when ty and give them ik it that time. They V thirsty when it has i' u wpplf! nr when i" very hot and the' tur several Inches 'inn-times attacked d they neeI protec- m There are pow-n be dusted on !' julds which can be( itm, which will keep and kill those brrun to eat the .A Jig TYPES &3CKCXM.t CHUDRENS'lGARDENi plants. Sornt- of those things are poisonous to you and some are not. All should be handled with touch them Never great care. without asking permission from your mother or father, and being .shown just how they are to be Of epurse plants must be fed nnd while there is food in the soil wW"h they take up through their rorts. they will alwaye do better if given extra amounts of certain food esrecially when they are young. Thtse extra foods an called f,frtlew; and. they arc wll worth using. One called rritrogen makes the plants grow fast: one called phosphorous make 4hem grow tall with large and long rtenw; and one called po'Psh helps make the flowers brilliant and the fruits large. The safest way to apply theso! fertilisers Is in the form ot a mature of nil three, in a form which will dispolv easily in water. Advertise your wants in the Dailv News classified columns. garden list to germinate, the seed coming up in less than a 'week. The-camations-are-another class of pinks. A great variety of pinks can be used to excellent advantage U) the( garden. The rich velvety reds and crimson of the Chinese and Japanese .f ink very often fringed like a napkin, can be quickly raised from seed and brought into flower. The biennial and perennial forms, however are the most useful. The hardy pinks seem specially designed for edgings, making a flat cushion of blue grey foliage ornamental at all seasons and during June being covered with a wealth of bloom. The old fashioned June pink crossed with the ! carnation has, given-', us the All- woodi pinka; race with flowera, of the substance of-the carnation cfeTOTO"CTU,l')l-'' 1 ' The National Garderi. llureau. through this newspaper offers to any garden club or other organisation amateur flower and garden show the bronze medal illustrated above to be awarded for the befct collection of vegetables grown in a home garden. The object of this offer is to encourage competition , among vegetable growers. Medals may be obtained by applying to the editor of this newspaper. PINKS ftF PF ilFFfTIfiN 1 ...... L- U opular taste has swung away : n is a hot weather from the older white kcrnelled There is nothing more appeal- and the freedom of bloom of the .id cannot be sown corn to the sugary little Golden intr in the irarden than the irreat June nink and retaining its fine : til the weather has tc of the likelihood Ran tarn corn, as yellow as the race of pinks known botanieally clove fragrance. "f-. vel lowest field rorn. 'ni rllant Kum Prnm u'a lift I ... t,. Inrh. Mh ri.m-n.1lmr. 1 "c 'TTtH f" i ...... -- iincr luiik fntm InvfinlM thiv ivin the best skill ol the rock gar-1 ...B vz'i-vs -i te grown with Utile' F-(l. lew trouble iifBiflmRiBBii I ii li 'ii j'.:am Kiaz iHniiim ? anwr ivi inn Willi MTirRHiiinif iti:&im .. .. . 1 1 ll Vli; l u Li "V I Lll nun Ui'ill vilii : rvr. - " luan thp Juimn iuu livhrirti al iii4 of rart bed- iilrayiye has'bnen devepcdreat'rnnjr: or' thndttntfinr rock gar,ien a cro8S be ..rtifuial design, jnto bpautiful typ-s. the Pride" 'I' iraKrance. t ween the AUwoodis and the Al . iy showy annual (lf rastto CouM being one of the- Tne svet Williams belong in ine pink having originated a new (. iiKht to tne cari fnwt. This strain grows Into ine '"mny. am otinem are very ,.r Pni,0 inks ,iberaUy rom I BEAN PLANTIN G TIME IS HERE Vheri string bennH rnd sweet corn nre planted the' vegetable garden is practically complete so far as the spring season is oncerncd. They are the of the main crops to be planted in -.uant'ty. The string bean is the omnipresent vegetable. Everybody tows it. everybody likes it and it produces for everybody. Just where the string bean Hgin-ited somewhat uncertain but it is believed to have come ' rom tropical America. In ancient Jmea only the ripened beans were aten. Just who discovered that he green tods were good to ear without waiting for the beans to develop is not recorded in horti cultural history but it has been known, for many years. Instead of working for the (Mill seeds, the only ambition in . rowing strhiK beans is to de velop as quickly as possible nn . L- 1 . r 1 I . r. tuunoani crop ci lenucr pous. io do this, warm, mellow and rich soil is necessary for the best results. The. bean will produce under adverse conditions, it Is true but the yield is tenfold greater under the best conditions thnn in poor ol In partial shado where they are sorrietinu's grown and even there thjc yiolil a picking or so. GOOD KHASON Office Hoy. Lady to see you, Biiny Employer Tell her I'm inngayt'd. "That's what she's here about, sir. You were to have -.married her today." Public Opinion. The time for the last planting of peas is approaching. Make the most of it. The green pea season Jjhort at best and several plihtfn'irs are needed tn make thp seawn-fk substantial one. Plant early varieties for the latest crop. Peas do not flourish when hot weather sets in and they must be pjantea po mat they have practically 6dm Dieted their vine nrn- duction by July and can devote uie remainder of their career to maturing pods. Annahell Annual Says: PlanUjBome cos lettuce for late -loii.agir. It stands heat better -banSd or leaf lettuce. . utf In a row of Swiss chard for all summer greens. Don't be in a hurry to put out ogg plant. It won't move until it is hot Then it will sprint. Thin the annuals, especially popples. Let the pojis have a foot ;ach way and grow real poppies. Sow mlpiglossis in the o-en ground and let it have its own ay. It is finicky but will sur prise you by making some good , plants a part or every seed crop feerni' bound to die so sow lib-rally and thin when it looks ithv. I I t I 1 PLANT for BEAUTY and UTILITY Gardens for flowers as well as for vegetables 1 Seeds, and plants must be bought with care to assure the perfect development of your "crops." Make sure tb,at your months' of labor on your gardens will not be in vain. Buy only the finest! They cost no more than inferior ones. Prince Rupert Floral Step OIKS. K. MwCAUTIIY) Third Avenue Phone Hed 183 II tff ..feJJVti I' sVHMsslBHIW4MsstUiBW -1 1 The true purpose of a Budget if. -I TVKRY year you spend a large proportion of the!nftney$u get. So much for clothing. So much for ihofc. ' feo ' much for things to eatfor house furnishings, book and wfrat not. f . i " ' Here is the way to get the most for your money. Keep a budget. Decide what you can afford to nefil fbr each item, and hold yourself within thl amount. Then to get tho most far your budget money read adver tbements carefully. The advertisements you read tell you what Is newest and beat. They give you the latest ideas and lm-provements. They help you to get more from each dollar you have apportioned In your budget and so live better and drew better with the same income. 4Sfc. ' " The true purpose of a budget tl ennblo you lonpfiif wisely and only by careful readfng of advertising wu yo.u hope to accomplish this result. ' "' t Kcad advertising regularly. It points the way to better living. m