LL. X. NO. 185. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 9. 1919. f \ nti-profiteering Laws are Proposed by English, French | ‘JOINT CONTROL OF LEATHER MARKET Ottawa, August 9-—In ordet | prevent the inordinate of the wilk\p ow enalty Provided in Great Britain is to be $1,000; President) +0» (0 ow Recommends that United States Congress a ees Continue Food Contro! Act to take Effect in Peace 7 imes. United States appoint | BANKRUPTCY AHEAD ; ’ } News via G. T.P d the United States contemporaneously. The government bill “'. Louis | d to require that articles be sold at that price. it is aiso em- “| THE DAILY NEW BY U.S. AND CANADA and U.S. Governments: :: Sie co oat a commis- | joint control of the __ IF SPENDING GOES ON, - - erty (Special to The Telegraphs * BASEBALL London, August 9._-Proposals for the prevention of profiteer- ji PAidon. Aumint e “t ie: 5a ic are being made by the governments of Great Britain, France \merican Leag New Yi 6,\tinut spending at the rate we are Cle elie 8, Bho. ston |now, doing it will lead straight to) Gr: amby, and Mr. GOLD STRIKE in Alice Arm District Over New Find. Special via G, T.P. Telegraphs.) \lice Arm, August 9.—A big | oid strike has been Robert MeGinnis at the rn glacier the granite contact excitement prevails prospectors of the rushing in. head of Considerable among the district who SAYS CHAMBERLAIN * sv crai large strikes of silver ore have been made on the prop- belonging to Mr. Bone, su- perintendent of smelters at the Hodson, chief Washington, August 9.—Addressing Congress yesterday and oposing remedies to check the high cost of living, President | ilson declared that the existing laws in the United States were dequate and the high prices are not justified by the supply, | psent or prospective, but are created in many cases “artificially d deliberately by vicious practices.” The President recommended that the Food Control Act be ended to peace time and that Congress exclude from inter- te regulations shipments of food which do not comply with its pvisions. He recommends further that a law be passed with a substan- penalty for profiteering and that cold storage law be enacted which a time Mmit is placed on cold storage. He suggésis t goods released - from cold storage be _marketed at Ane price vailing when they went into cold storage, an ai goods | pr-state commerce be marked with the price at which they the producers. London, August 9. The Food Contreller announces the re- . . : Members f t Vi Trade being { ption of control of the supply and distribution of imports of \ Pri R * - asl l the TI , : : . i lhe ‘ ipe i m) oO ’ I it womas ospy n, | and lard and that the prices of these articles will be) i anior inspector of fisherie eB Bale y, president o ervised. cer, president of the Vancouver organization e in the centre ALLIES IN ACCORD WITH GOVERNMENT RUIT VENDORS PUT DOWN ANARCHY, DOLLY V ARDEN PROSECUTION esse corres ac’ AFRIAL TRAM Issued Proclamation to the Against ennai and Killas People of Country. ismissed by Magistrate Mo- tram to | installed on as a bueket d can be M Pp Rk E ind was always popular with the}; ,,, of high vile youne people as he was a really Hane ; h SET UP IN HUNGARY LINE COMPLETE ois occ wered to take proceedings against any offenders before a court j - : summary jurisdiction, penaities not to exceed £200 or six Bei: \\ onths’ imprisonment. - e Board on a trip seen J. T. C. Wil- and Chris. i n- local by the } left may be he local board, of the VaneQuver orld irtesy W. A. MATHESON IS INSPECTOR Feturned Soldier Who Had Been Wounded Chosen for Position \ number of applicants were snown to the aldermen and these told of their qualifications mmolel hie took New Show ae Sanh ae yu pre & pa ea icular interest along with 8, P.| HARRY MOREY : ETT BETTY BLYTHE BLYTHE Spaenakiinn is oe Karl an Kifles.|g™ ‘sé , ery frequently he was high man i E M Cameron was among the a TONIGHT mei sree Houdini, The Gr first to enlist from this eily and Hand. uff K ng of the — seth a ee na! West «Fields Elsie Sageore al sf the Pollard Os Since his return from England h | “Under ‘he Greenwood Tree” From Society Belle to Gype y Girl Vv audeville china 7) The Mas t » M j © yatery”’ in an Entirely New Show | I BIG | ARTS has beep engaged in business in Vancouvel . sf nd $0 cent Chilfoniers and dressers, Spec ———— 7:15 and -. 8 Le) ‘watead! Wie aah; ah (tbonein’s Pictures, 7.00 and 9.00, Seetintiies 6.15 ae 10,15, Admission, 55c and 25¢ Furniture Store, 185, BIRTH \ son was born this morning | to» Mr. and Mrs, William Seal Cove Cirele, at the General Hospital, htev. Oswald J of the Dale House, minister Avenue Presbyterian Church roronto, is in the eity and will preach at the Presbyter. ian Chureh here tomorrow, Carhartt’s overalls and gloves, ‘Agent, J. F. Maguire, Smith Block, - Sunith, ON KITSAULT Excitement Among Prospectors made by on the Kitsault near TA Xl -Phone 75 and 35 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE) PRICE FIVE CENT * OFFICIALS ARE APPOINTED FOR CITY POSITIONS W. D. Vance is New Treasurer and E. A. Woods is Clerk—Both Have Held Positions Before. The new city treasurer who will take the place of E. D, Johnson is W. D. Vance, and E. A. Woods is city clerk. One new appointment is to be made to the city hall staff Ito fill the positions made vacant jby the appointments. | Some of the aldermen suggest- ed trying to get a lawyer to fill : ; ‘ i: Philade Ip! hia 5-2. Chieago 4-¢ | ree tLional bankruptcy if w { s, > at Gre jthe dual position of city clerk and ' : yg : ey j ‘ oO sfaye: ranby, on the Iliane re provides for prosecution econ ss aoe ae guilty of | vasal: Mites cietetie’ (aad obe ' sr at ps a all ¢ ‘ala . ike . nec Ween v iaiee |solicitor as the late Mr, Peters fiteering. It empowers the Boa °o rade to investigate : “: prog mh, as oining the d Metals ‘ ms , 0 g P g National Leagué—Pittsburg 3, Washiae given by J. Austin Cham.| athine: enurincete tank Meee t jhad done. It was pointed out, ices, costs and profits and to inquire into complaints of une) Breookivn 0: Chicago 3. New York | berthif shancell f the Montene: ate het tockiue over jhowever, that it was almost im- — ‘ ‘ t ce Oo 0 » ex. | ; ” ere “| asonable profits, wholesale oF retail. , Gineinnati 4, Philadelphia chequer, in the British House of |t ie distriet in the hope of findine| the positia wf d ‘hone ae . . ’ rn ' - : _ >] é e , ¥ ‘ ‘ne Board is authorized to declare what is a reasonable price! Boston 9, St. Lovis 4 Commons yesterday la suitable property to. operate: 1@ position and re were so } : ‘many opportunities for lawyers \these days that it was not likely ithey woufd be able to get one. A letter was read frem Harry |W. Birch stating that he under- |stood his name had been suggest- led in eonnection with the posi- ition. He had decided that he ;would not take it if offered, but |would prefer to see Mr. Vance get the appointment. . After some further discussion a vote was taken on each name land the appointments were unan- l\imous. Both Mr. Vance and Mr. Wood ihave been in the employ of ‘the city for a number of years and | both have held the positions be- ‘fore to which they are now ap- pointed. Mr. |Rupert’s first city” clerk, but his place was taken by Mr. Peters the positions of elerk and soliei- tor. Mr. Vanee left the employ ‘of the city for a short time in or- der to go into business for him- self and on his return the posi- ition whieh he had held was filled. The appointment of these two men makes sure a continuity of the present policy as they are both in eldse touch with the work and anything they do not know about it they will be able to learn = fore Mr. Johnson leaves. Both are well qualified for the positions la a should fill them with advan- Itaz® to the city. i sindintegaiivenncsetnianatinnaaalinin Spoelal by Telegraphs n at Budapest after a co Mordie this Morning. Bud t Aneiet-O.2-A dotele aes ferent : mar Arenas a 9 With the City. ret no t's ioe order out of chaos following| WHl be Continued Steadily; ie Muncarien mnvereniens. W. A. Matheson, a returned sol-| Magistrate MeMordie th the Rolahovik rule in this country. Cther Properties at Vienna * AGaunt in” view dier, Was appointed to the posi-} Milles as “— At sins Senet the new Gov Alice Arm. ict that the proclamatic tion of building inspector and! irged th keep Tite ot ie elebs tee teed al hduke Joseph, governor of th illeetor by the City Couneil last | e sana: ee 1) - lamation ippealing = to all | Alice Ar \ug } ihe tra tate cal g on the peoy , night. There were a number of * ig ste sta wees 2 - - _ t jon tne nil connecting the Dolly Vard aatéshiiah anian ts i) - plicants, fourteen in all, and Polish Grain Being Taken to ive i * ands > a hd vay with the ! a joseph Archduks | two ballogs were taken to decide | Feed the People of t stores ¢ l pl i and steady shipments aceial t is taken for granted| 40 was to get the position. On} Germany. ed otherwise than coh artom cle vill wt ‘ t an attempt will be mad i¢ first ballot there were five mmeugurnes hous It was R W. CAMERON | to the de { shipme { t up Joseph as King of Hunga unes and of these Matheson got (Special via G.T.P. Telegrapds.) iblie.to buy eo ‘ameltk Great eredit is d hree and Frank Salter two, both} Warsaw, August 9.—In addition It was not apiiens : oth ee or Young and Major Db : as a sh Si itil ii — ing returned men whe had been | to exporting everything belonging the proprietor that h VISITING CITY: ir untiring efforts t ao . , eid rites ™ inded; the others received one! to the government from the terri- stomers in the stors i s under operatiot ‘ m1 en Sal 13 e each, A ballot in which only|tories awarded to Poland, the vhatever they bought iam McLean who owns tl ee ww eee tile two names were submitted re-| Germans have made preparations , were There TOP Weil Known Jeweller and Sport nal Copperfield = | erty @ ceneanits ia uted in the choosing of Mr.ltg export into Germany this of resting while en Promoter Fought With joining th Dolly Va 3 ae H = Matheson. year’s crops. f the buyers ¢ 46th in France. lsouth has cresseul his ledge wee ° , ie Applications for the position | A despatch from the same felt- inclined co Miva anok’ talaceieine. dak. giinde om foree WOrkINE OD Wore received from W. Taltersall,| source says: “Arms and ammu- case also came up Among those returning to the) oojphides. It looks like a " a a Copper Greek to the | \injiam Brooksbank, Frank Salt-| nitions are being sent wholesale Shaw was charged city on the Grand T1 boat this } Doll Varden. — es, i = na c ria th ; GC. K. Tleberg, Rom. Sawvense Naa Bolshevik Russia by the Gare vach of the city electric | morning was R. W. Cameron who} 1,000 oz. Silver. vn the trail on Monday with the iw iW. shortridge, A. H. McPher- |! mans,” iw He pleaded guilty | formerly lived in this city, and Miles Donald, who is ag 6}. Be Re aR) son, W. B. Taylor, Hugh Killen, | a 1% This is the tivst' well remembered by all the old|opating the -—La Rosé bi Under Bond. John Day Bell, P. I, Palmer, Geo. | nature in this eity, timers of Centre Street days.|. imples into town yesterday the Last Chanée property be-|Crite, Edward Wray and W. A.}| Join the Cameron's jewelery store on th iM easay over 1,000.08, of sil iging to Arehie McPhail, now! Matheson i Pportunity now to pro- eorner of Second Avenue and Sixth | Che Climax, bonded by a P at bond and development, is In discussing the candidates EXCURSION 10 ANYOX wares at ‘Tit sal Sireet, where MeCutcheon's drug] p_ ipert party, has ih ri wing up bigger every day before a vote was taken it was| ' reduction 5° store now stands, was one of the|),.) the hanging ¥ rhe | The North Star has $300,000 |pointed out by Alderman MeRae Toni ht Yamith Goal, he Beal. Prines (*tliott establishments in this}irty Jooks very promising ok sagninnasion que am: shel mat a Ghd: RNENE Wee: : t. . ) work done } ' a fol 0 hers aus mo ‘CeSSAaPy ‘ ( : - Pert Coal Company, Phone 16 ara fore oinineg Bob Can og a : oe ' sted to it daily. It will be one of |speetor, Some people were un- ov 6. 6. PENSE ausenT Was a great favorite about town|);) J Han a s | irly shippers of the district able to colleet money. Hall Poe Fomorrew, Come on, ROUND TRIP $9.10. First Baptist Church ‘Sunday, August 10 q 11 a.m, REV, OSWALD J. SMITH 7,80 p.m, DR. BE. RALPH HOOPER [Toronto] Woods was Prince ~ A hearty weleome extended to all he