. 3 Page ) THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. {H. F. PULLEN, MaNnactinc Eprror. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by earrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. TELEPHONE 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. | Contract Rates on ae ang ge: Saturday, August 9, 1919. : = > DAILY EDITION. Ger Stipe we Step in Development. The building of a ferry slip at this point marks another step in the march of progress. The development of this port is the great thing we have to look to for the permanent upbuilding of the city. It, combined with the fishing industry, will be the staples. Other industries will be largely subsidiary. Car ferry services are becoming one of the popular methods of delivering freight. In Victoria and Vancouver and at other points in southern British Columbia car lots of freight are dropped at the points where needed and shipments picked up. Discussing this method of handling traffic, Captain Troup of the C. P. R. Coast Service said recently that it was foolish te think of building railways to all coast points when they could be serve: just as well with car barges. Importance of Banks In Encouraging Trade. - The condition in Siberia draws attention to the value of a sound currency and the value of banks in foreign commerce as} well as in local trade. Banks are the media through which fo eign credits are arranged and payment made for goods imported or exported. By means of the banks a system of barter is pos- sible, different from the old in that it is rather a barter between countries than between persons. Without the banks trade with foreign countries is*difficuit. With a bank at Vladivostok, for Siberian currency behind it, instance, and with a stable trade would be possible at once. Siberia wants our goods, we are prepared to sell, but there is no! medium of exchange by which that trading c@h be brought about Either Great Britain or the United States might establish a bank there, or a joint bank of the Allied and Associated Powers wor answer the purpose, as a dependable institution through which this country could trade. Why Russian Currency Useless. The Russian currency is inferior because there is too much of it, because it has no gold backing, and because it is valueless outside the country in which it is made. by the Romanoffs, by the Kerensky Government sheviks, and by the Bol- something like $100,000,000,000 and besides that there is a large amount of forged currency. Governments have attempted to pay their bills by printing more notes. That cannot go on indefinitely Paper money was issued und the Kolchak administration, the total amounting to! engaged for the THR DAILY NEWS | Beautify your "7" sc somo’: For the East. Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- Complexion t | irdays at 9:30 a.m. | —and rid the skin of un- | Roan tan @ | sightly blemishes, quicker Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- and surer, by putting your days at 7 p.m. | blood, stomach and liver in | for Vancouver: good order, than in any Saturdays .1..scccveses ~ p. m . Sundays ped ties coe .m | other way. Clear complex- aes a 5 Z = . . J@OEBGEYS «64+ eeeeeeees : : | son, bright eyes, fOsSy |Thursdays .........+- 10 p.m. | cheeks and red lips follow | From Vancouver | ° BumGOPO 2c ccvoicoees 10 p. m. | the use of Beecham’s Pills. |5¥"¢*7* ---- ~? ae : Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a. m. They eliminate oo | IGRI iis fos vos ctutoces a. m. matter from the system, /Saturdays .......... 10:30 a. m. purify the blood and tone Sie tame the organs of digestion—Use SE ocd esae ens 10 p.m s WOGROOEETS 2. cece tes 10 p. m.} jSaturdays ......-+..+. 10 p.m.| From Anyox: TUGGGRTE occ cei soccccecs p. m. RUPGGAPO ..ccevssies cose DM DUMGRIS 4c cicceciccevees p- m. PILLS Tor Port Simpson and Arrandale, ; . a, a ee 10 p. m. Worth a Guinea a Box From Pt. Simpson and poate Cieatians of fomeiel Ycinste Demanere wits Every Bes TUGOERTS «cc cccsceseesecrss m. a eee For Port Simpson and Naas River points: Pee écaé vaadecsic’ 10 a. m. From Port Simpson and WNaas River Points: SUG og 40 wh 8s oes oe p. m. FOR FLYING Exhibition Directors Unable to Secure Aeroplane—Symphony Orchestra and Pierrots at te Perform. Queen Charlotte Islands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper Island poiats: Wednesdays .......... 10 a.m. ‘rom Masset, Port Clemente and Upper Iisiand points: Thyredaye 22... ccccccces p. m. : Arrangements had been made|‘%er Skidegate, Queen Charlotte}| lwith the Aero Club to stage a City and Lower Isiand points: series of flights here during ex-|Fortnightly. hibilion week. when it was found| From Skidegate. Queen Chariotte that the Athletic grounds here| City and Lower Island points— lwere not big enough to allow]Fortnightly. ample space for rising and alight- ing Consultation with the air- For Skagway and the Yukon. imen in town confirmed the diree- Mondays. tors in the view that nothing can From Skagway and Yukon. be done this vear in providing in Saturdays. that directio The only hope of stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp securing flights here now is to Point. | get someone to come with a For—Thursdays ...... 8 p. in. i|hydroplane. From—Saturdays ...... p. m. Phe exhibition directors lookli~ tue supneME COURT OF BRITISH for y far the best exhibit they COLUMBIA have yet had. There will bejin THE MATTER OF THE ADMINIS TVA plenty of musik the local sym- TION ACT i —— end phony orchestra, which has been|!' THE MATTER OF THE ESTATI TONY LUCICH, DECEASED, IN Tr much strengthened of late, being TAKE NOTICE that in Order of Wf one of the mueicel are izations | Hemour F. MeB. Young, made the 9th day ne f the musical ganizat! n f June, A.D. 19149, | was appointed Ad Ccasion here | ministrator of the estate of Tony Luci! ; : om leceased, and all parties Maving cieims also be a band of pierrots against the said estate are hereby req who wil rive ntertaingr ts,|% furnish same, properly verified, to il ¢ entertainments on or before the 493 day of Septem! er These will be returned men and|/1919, and all parties indebted to the o< will ; ; y : . tale are required to pay the amour psomething inusnally good 18] their indebtedness ’ : © Mme forthwith New Officials looked for. Dated this 20th day of July, 1919 2 ; . J. H. MeMULLIN, For the City. + rhe direetors are finding it OMecial Administrator Tet secure © ¢ rac. Three officials were appointed last night to the city hail staft|?""CU't to secure outside attrac-|\. tus supnEME COURT OF BRITISH i ti and it is possible that thi COLU MBIA and all three are competent men I'wo were already in the em-|,,..., ; — : ' part of the fair will have to beliy rue MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA ploy of the city and they had earned the right of promotion. The third man is a returned soldier who has been wounded overseas. All the appointments should be popular ones and doubtless the city will be well served. 3 Modern 7 Le ene Cars at your Service Day or Night STAND ™"Asovse. ROYAL HOTEL . Prres Section One Lots for Sale Lot 13, Block 6 $475. Assessed $1,900 “is 4. 14 apd 15, Block & ef sod Assessed % ebdaennss «++ 6,900 Lot 5. Block 4 . \ 575 Assessed at ° 1,80¢ Lot 2 se 7 6 --+» 485 Assessed at 2,600 lot 7, Bk - 425 Assessed at 1,700 Lots i — 17, Block ed. "$2, 750 Assessed at 7,800 FIRE 'NSURANCE pomitted. TION ACT — end - iN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ADALINE EDITH KILBURN, DECEAS+) ARCHDUKE JOSEPH Dy INTESTATE. NOTICE that in Order of His ! Honour F. McB. Young, made the 240! : NOT TO BE KING, day of July, A.D. 1919, | was appointed 2 Administrator of the estate of Adaline Edith Kilburn, deceased, and all parties SIMPLY PRESIDENT) ss si sotut"the Sit att" hereby required to furnish same, proper! verified, © me, on or before the ist day of September, 1919, amd ail parties in debited to the estate are required to the amount of their indebtedness to mx forthwith Dated this 806th ft of Jul 1919 McMUL ‘as, Omeiel Administrator SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Vienna, August 9 There is no Loser m of making Archduke i } Joseph king of Hungary, aecord- ng to advices received from Buda- pest, the holds | mM rely that of president. ' amines TAKE NUTICE that Nell McLeod of An 3 you, B.C., machinist, intends to apply tor INFORMATION WANTED ermission to prospect for coal and petro eum on the West Coast of Graham isiend, in the vicinity of West River; commencing information a : the where S & post planted at the southeast corw : . ‘ of © L. 10342; thence cast 80 chain | ab its of Axel Hjalmar Arnese thence south 86 chains, thence vest alias A. An a chains; thence north 80 chains tw point of derson and Anders commencement Aasgaard NEIL McLEOD, ee ; Per Austin Brown, Agent ; ireu Re Norwe gian Vice C -ON-! pated May 18, 1919. sulatle, Prince Rupert, B. C. Ss ce , pert, 381 5KEENA LAND RECORDING pivisi ; DISTRICT OF OUFEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ofilee he being Fr: Porras ‘ ‘ ro alias Andrew Olson) is Saivation Gem. TAKE NOTICE that Edgar Devis, of Ar Prince Rupert Music Store WILL EDMUNDS, "Prepcioter “Everytuing in Music.” LATEFT POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS Repairs to Phonographs, Violins, Etc. Bows rehaired 6 master 6 veme Woodwind instruments repadded and adjusted Tre eee) eee me oni ee Prince Rupert ew « Music in Connection The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs North of Vancouver The Heintzman & Co. Piano The Weber Piano Thomas Organs All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. E. L. VAUGHAN O°" "Pin cte'aS tia Pe Prince Rupert Music Store | | “a . i yox, B.C., electrician, intends to apply for ar ' heetings Puesdays peemeaate nm to prospect for coal and petr: thursday aturds um on the West coast of Graham Island js and sat rdays at 8 DP lin the vicinity of West River: Commencing } Sundays at 7:30 p. m. at & post planted at the southeast corner Seppe des of C.L. 90,312, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south £6 SS SSS SESS SEH SES Bl enains, thence west bo chains to point of : Commine boele ul EDGAR DAVIS. Per Austin browg, Agent * A Dated May 18, 1019. ; Casual adver SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION le rUisements DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE : for insertion same day IstAN NDS TAKE NOTICE that Oliver Brown Victoria, B.C., cecupation machinist, im tends to tt for permission to prospect for coal troleum on the West « of Graham Island. in the vicinity of Weet fiver, commencing at a post planted one mile south of the southeast corner of © i 10312, thence cast *6 chains, thence south l* £0 ae thence one = petee. thence : north chains ol Commie « ee ee eee eee eee ment - " Se eee OLIVER BROWN : aor Per Austin Brown, Agent |IN THE MATTER of an application for the Dated May 1s, 3919 issue fa fresh Cerwnh a | the Kast Malt (i of Lot 939) Mange |SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION * News oflice before 10 a.m Changes in advertisements should be on hand before ; * * * \* should be in the Daily # > . > * 5 p.m. on previous day. * * . sat District DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William Traeger. «1 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that it is my] Anyos, B.C., cecupation machinist, intends intentk o issue, after the expiration ef|te apply for permission to prospect for )one (1 month from the date of the first|coal and petroleum on the following 4 |publication hereof, a fresh Certificate of| scribed lands on the west coast of Graham j title to the above-mentioned lands in the| island, tm the vieinity of West river: ¢ » jHame of Albert F. Young, which Certificate| mencing &t & post planted at the sour }Of Tithe is dated the sixth day of July,jeast corner of C L. 010319; thence west 1911, sid & BuMmbered 619.1 #0 chains; thence south 80 chains; the nce 4H. F. MACLEOD east oe. chains; thence north 60 chains jo cotbihe DcemMe tt District Registrar of Tities point of pee ane TRARGER Land ey ome. —— u c, Per Austin Brown, Agent June tein i 1049. Dated May 18, 19tv. - ~ BANK OF MONTREAT ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS / ny Savings Department _ , Deposits of $1. and up- |p — ward received, and Interest allowed at highest current 77% rates. Savings Department 7% @°% % oe accounts given special’ Hans Fi iti attention. i leat Deposits may be mace, | LI I and withdrawn, by mail as a easily, readily and safely as *= S$} y SF in person. H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, - Prince Rupert Branc FF wwre rw ~~ a masa SRgeee ae ee <2 57 2 See eee -3 Capital and Reserve, - $S8.600.000 =| Total Aascta, Nov. 50th, 1918, over $153,000,000 — sin > =