PAGE EIGIIT PAcinc to any sup plying ing IjlP' j us with information on leading to the convic- 4 tion of any person selling imitation rugs as genuine Congoleutn. No rug is genuine Conguleum unless it has the Gold Seul on the surface. Congoleum Canada Limited Montreal. Genuine Condoleum has ihcGold Seal on the Surface oj Every Slug CONG GOLD O" SEAL MX LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartige, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano ana Furniture Moving. li com seal vsl Kl CVAPKSTTZ. 3 OtmiKOHCTUfX SI OLEUM UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED . !SillliU From I'rlncr Ituprrt tor V.WCOl VKU. VICTORIA, banxm llu. Ilutrtliilr. Alert IUJ. t ic, Tur- U), S:W p.m. , lor V.tNTOI'YEH, VICTOIil.l. Ilutnlale, Alrrt IUj. tie,, frbtar mWnlxht lor ALItt; A KM, AMO. xlMV.tKl. XAAS I'.IVKK. .Sunday . SHI p.m. lor I'OICT MMKSON AM) U'ALEH ISI.A.Ml. TluirnUr. a.m. lti Jnd AVfnuf R M. KMITII Asm! ITInrr Kuprrt. II. C. Ilroujh (Irkrl mid to Victoria and Prattle .and baxtuze rhrtkril through to iltttliiatloii. b. c. coast steamship services SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPEI To Ki I' lilkan, Wninfi-ll, Junrau and Nkujmiy April 20. hit 1. 11 ro Vaiiromrr. Vlrtorla and SraUIr April II, tt. ritl(Ts KOYAlr ik ran lallx. inc.. Vanrouirr and Vlrtorla rny IHda 10 p in Afrnti tor all Mmmthlp Line. IV. I' flKI'lllltl). liF.Vritll. AfiKNT 3rd t . ITInrr Kuprrt. II. C. l'none 31 Canadian National Qfie Large ft Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AN I) TRAIN SERVICE Nailing trom ritlMK III H UT for VAM'OI EH. YirTOKIA. NEATTLK. unit Intrrmrdlatr NinU. m h Thurnday and Mmlj 10:00 p.m. Ivr ANVOV and STLW AUT. rath WednrMUy am Saturday. 4:O0 p.m. lor SOIUII AM) tOllll (li:tN (II XIII (lilt; IbLAMm. lurtmibll). I'.U'KMIHK TIIAISS LEAVE ritlN't'E III TtKT taih M(MAV. UI DVKMIAY and SATUKIlAY at 1I:0 a.m. lor I'lllM'E (IMIItdK. IIDIO.VION, Ml.NMl-tO, all point Eaitrrn Canada. I'nlttd Stain. AflENC'Y MA. OCEAN RTEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Itupert Phone 2Gft MILK MILK Frcfeh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone GS7. SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET Aril Al'Onlin Itl mnm MEAT, FISH AND VEGETAKLES . Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. i-iifino vim BIG RALLY OF Y0UNGPE0PL1 Unique anil Successful Affair Last Night Under Auspices of Fireside Club The regular meeting last night of the Fireside Club of Finst Baptist Church took the form of a tally of all church young people's organizations in the city. There jvos an exceptionally large attendance and the affair was as successful as it was uniguc. The feature of the evening was an inspiring address by Rev. Dr. Frederick V. Dafoe of Chilliwack who took as his subject, "A Call to Christian Service." His message was much appreciated. The meeting was opened with a roll call to which representatives of the Fireside Club, First United Church Young People's Society, Rupert East United Young People's Society, Luther League and Salvation Army Young People's Legion responded. An address of welcome to the visitors was given by Vic Houston. P. II. Linzey presided and there; was'-communlty singing under the leadership of Rev. W. F. Price and V. Vaughan Davies at the piano. . At ' the tlose of 'the evening's proceedings, refreshments were served to the large gathering by Miss Agnes Dawson, Miss Aletta McKinley, Miss Bessie Derry and Miss Catherine Mussallem. FAREWELL PARTY Miss Lucy O'Rrien Sails This Afternoon Enroute to Honolulu A party of about twenty young people gathered at the home of Avenue, last night to bid farewell to Miss Lucy O'nrieh who is sailing today for Honolulu to join Miss E. Davis who left for there about a month ago. Dancing and games were indulged in until midnight and then delightful refreshments were served, after which the party continued in full swing until the Clean-Up Specials Let THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, Ari ' t CHINESE PRESIDENT j President Chiang Kai-shek of I China, who hj;s issued a procla mation at Hankow, declaring that he intend to resign as head of the Nationalist government. As a reason he says he blames himself for hot having foreseen and prevented trie Wuhan rebellion. He intends to travel abroad for rest ad study, then return to China as a private citizen. HALIBUT SALES THIS MORNING Total of 185,500 Pounds Sold at Local Fish Exchange Today Halibut sales at the local Fish Exchange Ibis morning totalled 185,600 pottos. Seven American vessels were paid from 11.9c and Cc to l&StV"aad 7c for llu.fiuO Mr. and Mrs. Comadlna, Second pounds rmle eight Canadian -arly morning. Miss O'Rrien goes south on the Catala and boards the Niagara at Vpicouver early next week. Mickey Quiqley, for intoxica tion, was fined $25, with option lioata recchgd lie mad 6c to 11.6c and Ge for ffcOOO pounds. Arrivals and sales were as follows : v tmeriean J.UP0 pounds, Canadian Fish rCld Storage Co., 12.6c and 6c. Donanxa, S&00Q pounds, Booth Fisheries, 1 14te and 6cf Yukon, 22JD00 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 13Jc and 6c. MIddleten, 3400 pounds, Pacific Fisheries, 12.6c and 6c. A roe, 8,009 pounds, and Viking, 7,500 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 18.1c and 7c j Rival, 8,000 pounds, Canadian of thirty days mprisonment. byiFh & Col( StQnge Q olicecourt this morning. ' CamMtn - T.M:.. . K 1 a AAA . l Livingstone, 16,000 pounds, i Royal Fish Co.. 11.6c and 6c. Ternen, 8,500 pounds, and In- grid II.. 6.000 nounds. Pacific fPiahries, 1 ijfp ''and -6c. R. W., 10,000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 11c and 6c. Helen II, 7,600 pounds, Royal Pish Co.. 11.2c and c. Helge II., 12,000 pounds, and ... 1 fiumla. 4.000 nniinri ranmllnn our KLKurmt; rL,uun ' : POLISHER and CLEANER do your work. ELECTRIC POLISHER Rent per day VACUUM CLEANER Rent per day JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAX- Liquid, Vii-gallon tins .... Liquid, quart bottles Liquid, pint bottles Paste, Mb. tins Paste, Vse-lb . tins OLD ENGLISH WAX Mb. tin OLD ENGLISH WAX 2-lb. tin WHIZ POLISHING WAX Mb. tin LIQUID GLOSS Quart tins CHLORIDE OF LIME 3 tins WHIZ FLY KILLER All si Prices 40c TO COMBINATION SPECIAL -string broom, 1 tin WhU Soap, 3 bars Foot Soap. All for VACUUM storage uo., lie anu $1.50 $1.00 $3.76 $1.90 $1.00 $1.00 ,.C0c ,80c $1.00 ..75e ..86c GOc zes. $3.50 -1 5- Hand $1.00 Save Your Nlcklea nnd Dimes' Ily Huying at Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited C17-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. O. Box 575. uc. Merely routine business waa taken up last night at a meeting of the local Moose Legion. Si Ladies' and Ouid ren s Ilk Hosiery AT REASONAI5LE PRICES Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE 58 :FINE WEATHER 1 PREVAILS HERE Negligible Rainfall During Past Two Weeks; High Thermometer of Spring Yesterday Prince Rupert is enjoying the 14th day today of an exceptionally fine spell of weather and prospects are that it will continue for a few more days at least. Yesterday afternoon the thermometer went up to G5, making the warmest day so far this spring. Since April 10 ti.i' fine snell has continued with only a trace of rain on olie or twoji days. This is the seventh day of;, clear skies. The month of April is going to set up a good weather record this year. There have been 125 hours of bright sunshine since the first of the month and not an inch and a half of rain. In the entire month of April last year there was 91.8 hours of sunshine and 5.21 inches of ruin, the highest thermometer reading having been 60. A steady barometer standing at SO. 34 this morning with high humidity and wind in the north indicated the continuaton of the present fine Bpell. ' Weather here during the past week or so has been much better than in Vancouver, where it has been cold and cloudy' with rain showers, wind and general Mr. and Mrs. William Cruick-shank and son will sail Thursday night on the Prince George for Vancouver. Mr. Cruickshank will proceed to Detroit where he has been transferred in the service of the Canadian National Railways and Mrs. Cruickshank and child will ftnfhd a time visiting 'vith relatives 'in Vancouver. Going Upstairs Had to Sit Down Breath So Short Mr. II. UniMiWftii, Man-'. Our.. writs: "Kor m;.ny yinrn 1 enftcrrd with ahortneoa of lunath; thni (our farsn?o 1 hn1 piiltntntion of thr heart, UmI was so liad I had to til down two or three times- when going Upstairs. I read about to I got a lox, and in no time I felt better, so I took three boxee more and 1 I hav never had thortneaa of breath aince." I'rir 80c. a box at all drafgiaU and dealer, or mailed direct on rweipt of prire by Tbe T. Milturn Co., Ltd., i Toronto, Oct. SUITS! SUITS! .MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship nnd SlyM All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Dillver to Any Part of Hit City. Ling, the Tailor Phone C19 S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can miike prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto ' stock exchanges. ' Closing prices from those exchanges posted on our stock board twice dally. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D Johnston Colld. G10 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert, IJ.C. The Strangest Love Triangle Ever Known WW WVWiUUAi... TONIGHT 7 AND DP. M. Norma Talmadge in THE WOMAN DISPUTED' PATIIE NEWS "CHARLEY CHASE ( omc On the Stage THE RUPERT C A II T O LI A?, s Vedncsday, 9 p.m., Semi-Finals H. C. Orutorii C:.ntest Robert Irvine, Prince Rupert, vs. rt" ! Is'uttoii, Powell River. Canadian National Ste mships Prince Rupert RYDOCK" AND SHIPYARD UrMiiiiir ti.T.I' 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock KH!tw. y.arliiiiinliv Koflermakrns ItlnrkHmithrv i'aitrra Aiakern. Founder. Woodworktri. f'c Kl.lttTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. lur plant la equipd Ui handle all kind ol MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 4.1 and 386 inc. r"irvTr nnn a i rnr PHONE 580 n ev Shipment j ust arri ved Mine Head Alberta Lump SI.,,". Iine Head Alberta Sootlcss Large Egg "1. Mincllcnd SootlcSs Effg si-'. Pembina Peerless Ejjff ...,...-. SI.:.1" Also all otlier classes of coal. DRY 1HRCH, .IACKPINE AND CEDAR Single loud S : . Double load ' V S(i :,r' Larjje sack j,,, "o Box wood cuttings, largo load Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggage Day and Ntubt Service 139 Second Avenue DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST RREAKFAST TOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold StoragejJCo., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results.