f dnesday, October tf; 1929 TOE DAILY NEWS PAGE TOREE Why saot drink Joseph Greer la making a business the Local Items trip this week to Stewart and finest tea that is grown? i Premier. . 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf The regular monthly business L .luncheon of the Prince Rupert Dentist. Dr. J. R. Gossc. Phone 1 9. ..?, scheduled foi "today, i xirn nnBTnnnpn uniii iii'xi. w fi'K 'Fresh from the gardens' SPECIAL! SPECIAL! L. T. FIVER'S FACE POWDER Assorted odors and shades. Formerly $1.00, now 60c. ltd. Ji! Pioneer Drtteeists THIRD AVE. SIXTH ST. - - TELEPHONES 8' 1,200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hailing liuin I'rlure Kuprrt lor VAMOl IC. VIL1UMA, Mtmiwu lu). llulnJale. Alrrt lUi, tUH fuc- day. 3:3(1 p.m. i Kor VAMOlfEU, tll'TOKIt. Ilulrdilr. Alrrt IUy etr.. trlday mldrtHht ur AI.UK AHM, ANW, bTUVt AKT, Naaa HUrr, llirt tslitMiu, un- dJj, 8:00 p.m. US 2nd AtriiUf! It Jl. SMITH Agent iTlnrr lluiwrt. U.C. Tl rough 1'ikrl- olil lu Victoria anrl !rltU .and UJxeate checked through tu detlliiitluii. r 'fciif'Coast $teamship Services ' ','fju SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT t'K .tiiikan, Wrankell, Juneau and 8kagway rSSuvcr. Victoria and Ttaaille Oct 2 13 23 PxlnCciei Mary Oceans Pall, etc.. Vancouver and Vj vicwna, everx. t noay, iu p jo. , U C Orchard, General Agent. 3rd Aw IT I nee llunert, Phone 31 Canadian National TJie Largcft Kailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from TRINCE ItUTEKT for VANCOUVER, V1C-TOK1A, SEATTLE, and Intermediate point!, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. For AN VOX and STEWART, each Wednesday, 1 p.m. For STEWART and KETCHIKAN, eaeh Saturday. 1 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH QUI' EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. v IWSSKMIKIt TKAINN IKAVE ritlSCL rtlilKKT daily except simiav at mm a m fr ritiNcr. oeok'ie, i;imo. TON, WI.VMI'LU, all wlnU U'trrn (JMiMte, lulled Ktalr. AfiKxrv am. orr.vs sTEaMnmr nvr.s City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave, Prime Rupert Phone 2Cn LUMBER lxG No. 1 Spruce Shiplap v $23.05 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 lxG No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 24 and 2x0, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2.G, 8 to 14. SIS, No. 2 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, .Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LUTED PKINCE RUPERT, H. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 3C1 Kctnll Yard, Cow Hay. Telephone 423 uoa Coal?, Coal? Takf ntlvantngt of tow price put In jour winter iuipljr, UlNO.V nn, C.SSHV.Vi:t.I.I.MJ-T,,M In any quant I tic . Also "our, liny, (irn ,,, rd. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Br jff-,ii .-i ..." .' ' Alexander rilONE &?3 ItlSNEH 1UOCK DENTIST Chas; P. Dalasno. teacher of panofoj-te has resumed Reaching. 1 Tio mcrutar mniSthlv mnctlnir Of the, Prince Rupert Retail Clerks' Association, scheduled 'for last nignt, was postponed for a week or so. The Confederation De Luxe Transcontinental train of the Canadian National Railways has been equipped with Victor Radio Electrola. Classes In Jeeso work, lamp shades, etc., every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon and Wednesday evening. Instruction free. Mc-Rae Bros., Ltd. (240) The Ladies' Music Club is meet ing this afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. B. Gibson. 674 Fourth Avenue East. The subject is "Noc turne and Sonata." Mrs. Gibson being in charge of the program me crowns anneal against a dismissal by Magistrate McCly. mont in city police court of John Dahlbere on a charge of keeolne Mfiuor for sa'e was adjourned from vesterday afternoon until this af ternoon in County Court. J M. McCawley. well known f Nil. locomotive engineer, who broke hi col'ar bone at pacific about a month ago. Is able to be around asraln although he is not yet completely recovered from the affects of the injury. C.P.R. 6teamer Princess Louise, ant. Thomas Cliff, makine her final voyage of the season on the, Vaska run, arrived In port at ri 30 this morning from Vancou-vr-r and sailed at noon for Skag-' wav. whence she is scheduled to il here southbound oh Sunday! a'ternoon. The steamer Princess Alice will make two 10-dav trios to Skagwav later this month and noxt month the Princess Norah wtll take up the run on a fortnightly basts. I A PUBLIC MEETING Under In Ausnlces of the Tradearand Labor Council Will be held in the . MJ1STON HALL on Thursday, at 7:30 p.i ' TOM MOORE President- of. the Trades and k jWJorjcVagais of Canada f WV afllverWaddress. JELLY 1 POWDER DEAL 1 Doz. McLaren's Jelly Pow'der, 1 Wedgewood Cake Plate (choice of three colors). Q4 ? For 8JOQLPS RAISINS Italtfottek. 3 lbs. .. INNiir'mS-Slie 4. Per tin X.O, (CANNED dORN Quaker Brand. Pv tin PAYNE'S TEA-Ceylon. Per lb CLARK"&jCAT80P Per bote 35c I5c p m winslow. sales manaerer of the Canadian Fish.. &. Cold Storage Co., lefrpri this, morning's train for a business , trip to Win nipeg. Eaeles attention, meeting Thurs day nieht. All brothers, reaucsted to attend and meet Brother W. S. Laurie, Canadian representative Initiation. (Z36) R. Berney of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.'s staff, who has been on a triD south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prjncess Louise tnis morning. Archie Morton, master mechanic for the Oranby Co., who has been on a brief trip south, la a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning to Anyox from Joseph Martin, fire chief at Anyox, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon bound fnr Vanrnnvpr nn a holtdav trln Some years ago Mr. Martin was1. lire cniei at Kossiana. J. B. Woodworth of Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert thl morning from the south to make one of his periodical inspections of the Surf Point mine on Porcher Island. O. II. Kohl, locating engineer of th Power Corporation of Canada, sailed yesterday afternoon on the i Catala for a brief trip to Van couver. He expects to return to the city In about a week. D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a fortnight's trip to Vancouver on official duties. T. B. Campbell, engineer in charge of totem pole preservation along the Skeena Rlvpr for the Canadian National Railways arrived in the city from Haznlton on yesterday afternoon's train. H. W. M. Ronton wrll known ( stock broker and publisher of the Portland Canal News, is a passenger aboard the Prince Runprt today returning to Stewart after qf brief business trip to Vancouver and Victoria. 1J. A- Thomas, fire marshal for le province of British Columhia $ expected to visit the citv shortly in th wjtirse of an inspection tour of all hospitals of the province. naTticulariv with reference to the Storage pf x-ray films. : Wellinon Beaton of Vancouver, president of the Georett UJyer Qold Mines Ltd . is a pas-wn:er ajboard the Prince Rupert tday bound for Rtewart to make one. of hla periodical visits of Inspection to the property. J D. Mover, radio rxpert of the Victor Talking Machine Co.. arrived in the city on the Prince Uupert this mornlnjt from Vancouver and will be here for the next couple of navs before pro-! ceeding to central Interior points j C.NJl. s earner Prince Char!-s Cont. K. Mabbs. is due in oort at inMdnieht tonUht from Vancou-vr via the Queen Charlotte I-Hnd apl will remain hre until 10 o'clock Saturday night whn she will return south over the same route. , P. Brilv of the Tamlntpd Materials Ltd.. "New Westminster arrived In the cltv on the Pri"e Punert this morning from the south bftlng hre on business in connection with the shipment south f ottonwcod logs from this district. 72C There v-re bk 30 p"nr aboard th steamer Prlnww Qfhn lo"'"" wh'h ras in nort this avt mornlnw northbound from Vancouver t" Skacwav. Of the about i half a Ho7n dteem barked at thh "ort wni' four went north from SPECIALON VITONE here on the vessel ft-lb. tins, each 30c ateanw Prince Rumrt 1-Ib. tins, each r 54c Capt. P. Oonald. arrlvwl in oort An excellent healthful drink for t 10:45 .hl mrntmc from Vn- coid, wet days. Lay in a supply at wwver. Powell River and Oeenn theae prices. P""s n"d will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anwx and Stewart whence she will return BONELESS PIGS' FEET QQ hr nt. n n'elo-k tomorrow v- Pickled. Por Jar .... LIFEBUOY SOAP S bare WHITE SUOAR 10 lbs DROWN SUQAR-C 5 IBar.i'.A.L .i; ORANGES Heal value Big and Juicy. 3 doz. HEINZ EINZ CUKE CUKE PICKLE PICKLB is. ning and sail south at 10 p.m. 3SP - T,ndav. iren-i n'" of thp Vancouver Tugboat "Vv nn Ltd.. Vancouver arrived in the I)1C rlty on tne Prince Ruoert this mornln from the south to Inspect O-fl nrogrpw that being made at OiC n ,h', loral drv dock on the con-. ruction of four large scows for $1 08'h,s "'"P11117, OQ.I Per bottle Sot qt TfTCI CI TIT'G! Ihejnz cuke relish nn,, JU1 1 kJ. JU1 1 Ol J .(Per potjtie AW W3: 82c SEE US FOR APPLES Watts' Grocery Quality Klght Prices Hight PHONE 53 PHONE 56' j MADE TO ORDER Cultlnc Workmanship. 'and StyU All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED IVe Deliver to Any Part of thr . City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 A Potlach Santa Claus - -Christmas Gifts 9 TILL 1 P.M. THURSDAY MORNING AT MRS. FRIZZELL'S, 717 THIRD AVENUE WE ARE GOING TO HOLD ONE OF THOSE GOOD, OLD-FASHIONED BARGAIN DAYS YOU REMEMHEIl THE KIND WE MEAN Where everybody gets $2 worth of merchandise for a dollar. And TO THE FIRST ONE hundred customers who buy a dollar's worth or more, a real, good, honest-to-goodness present (a box of handkerchiefs) will be given absolutely free; ? .WE ARE GOING TO 'ose big money Thursday, but you all know Thursday morning is a poor morning with the merchants. AND RESIDES, MRS. Frizzell is going out of business and she. might as well lose a little more while she is about it and have everybody happy. Now, Here Goes for the Biggest Bargain Values You Ever Saw! THESE GOODS WILL not be displayed in our window, but will be on sale in the centre aisle of our store . . u 'THERE WILL BE TABLES for 10c, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 . 00 . Certain, merchandise will be sold so cheap that it wouldn t pay to adver-' , tise the price there might be a riot . YOU'LL OPEN YOUR EYES in wonder when you see them. Plenty more bargains will be there, but newspaper space costs money and Mrs. Frizzell says to lose money and then pay for advertising is no good. ' COME TO A SALE INE SALE 2 THAT EVERYBODY KNOWS IS A GENU-, , NO ST0 FAKE PR ICES, JUST PLAIN FACTS I ,.'. m "Remnants Will Be On Sale and There Won't Be any Left Over 1 Not at Our Prices! We'll Expect To See You Thursday Morning at THE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE MRS. S. FRIZZELL, 717 THIRD AVE. Union freighter Chilllwack. Oapt. J. Mulr. is due in port tomorrow bound for Stewart with freight cargo. T. J. Shenton, inspector of mines, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Khutse Inlet on official duties. ; R. M. Wilson and A. H. Acres of' HumDback Day cannery staff. Por-1 cher Island, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for t ANNOUNCEMENTS Mooscheart Ladies' whist drive 'and dance, Oct. 11 at 8:30 prompt. Admission 75c and 50o. ! Elks' Patrol Team dance in Elks' !Home, Oct. 18. Royal Purple Bridge, Whist and Dance, Elks' Home, October 25. " Hill 60 Annual Dazaar, 2. , Presbyterian Dazaar November Eagles' whist drive 'and dance,' novemDer 7. Premier Orchestra Whoopee Dance. November 8. Anglican W. A. Dazaar, November 14. Moose Annual Dazaar Nov. 21 and 22. ' United Church Dazaar, December 5. For drunkenness. Robert McLean was fined $25, with option of 30 days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McCIymont in city police court this morning. Four certiorari applications entered by Williams. Mansen & Gonzales against recent police court convictions are coming up in Su- Court in Vancouver today Sreme efore Mr. Justice W. A. Macdon-ald, having been set over from the recent Assizes here. One appeal is against a conviction at Terrace under the Oame Act and the three others arc of. local origin, being against fines imposed bv Magistrate McCIymont in city police court under the Indian Act. LAUNDUYMEN HERE Sixty laundry owners of the state of California and their wives arrived in the city from the south aboard the steamer Prince Rupert this morning and. after a brief stay here, proceeded in special ears attached to the regular east-bound train to Minneapolis, Minn , where they will attend the annual convention of the National Laun-drv Owners' Association. The laundrymen's party Is accompanied as railway reoresenta-tlves by J. O'Brien of the Canadian National Railwavs at San Francisco and E. J. Harris of the Southern Pacific Railway and Mrs. Harris. BODY SHIPPED EAST The bodv of William Olllon. aged 19, prairie youth, who died uddenlv In the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital yesterday raorn-'n(. was forwarded on, this morn-"ng's train to his home in Ham- bel. Sask.. where interment will he made, iMr. and Mrs. Wendell onion of itambel are the parents of deceased. Jin .mH CHAIN LOADINGS Some 500 carloads of grain were reported this morning to be on the way from the prairies to the local elevator, about 400 of these being on the railway territory west of Red Pass Junction. Staff Captain Joseph Acton, divisional commander of the Salvation Army, who arrived In the city at the first of the week following a trip to Winnipeg, where he attended a Western Canada congress of the army, sailed this morning by the Princess Louise on his return to his headquarters at Wrangell. N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder Marine Ways SEAL COVE I take you out of water under roof where rain will not trouble; build boats any size or kind at surprisingly low prices. Halibut, Pleasure, Trolling Boats For Sale I generally have a boat to suit any requirements. Mooring spaces for boats' winter quarters. Agencies any engine required. Repairs Why pay more when your work can be done for less with better accomodation? PHONE GREEN 429