dav August 9 1919 Satur THE DAILY NFEwe. uF Cc ANADO! EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF CANADA The Department of Labour and the Provincial Governments have organized a System of Employment Offi®es from Coast to Coast for Returned Soldiers and all classes of workers—-Men and Women —trained and untrained. A Special exists for Pro- fessional and Business workers. Section To look after the special needs of the RETURNED SOLDIER there is in each of these offices, a representative of the INFORMATION AND SERVICE BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF SOLDIERS’ CIVIL RE-ESTABLISHMENT NEAREST OFFICES 10 Baker Street 162 Victoria Ave, 246 Victoria St Windsor Block Royal Bank Bidg., Baker St Board of Trade Bidg Shatford Block, Main Street P. O. Drawer 1674 First St. W 140 Cordova Street Alcazar Hotel, Dunsmuir St Langley and Broughton Sts 235 Barnard Ave. E Cranbrook, Fernie, Kamloops, Nanaimo, Nelson, New Westminster, Penticton Prince Rupert, Revelstoke, Vancouver, Vancouver, Victoria, Vernon, n - D. W. MORRISSEY Prince Phone 573 P. O,. Box 1664. Rupert (jrocery Company WILFRID KELLY g more stor on hand thar mey in bank, takes this giving the public high grade value for their cold i} prices s rth \ be naintaned ntil tisem t is chang when a further list of good follow hese price are solutely for ish nter, No C.O0.D arging to account wil hese | : Delivery will be made Dy auto on succeeding purchase « Ma im's Best, is 60c. 2s $1.15 5s ..$2.85 \inbel per i ; os ; ; .. 5Be. - Pog: OP ey F ....«s 2 for 36c. Pork and Beans, tomato sauce 2 for 25c. white beans .. 5 ibs. for 50c. egar, per gallon ° iacomins ; . , 600 ney Biscuits, all varieties per ID ; 30c. Strawberry, 4s $1.25. | : { ant is $1.00. Red rrant, $1.00. Raspberry, 4s, $1.20. Strawberry and $1.00. Green gage, 4s, $1.00. Loes, 2%s, per case $4.50, per dozen $2.40, per can, 2 for 45c. toes, 2s, per case $3.76, per doz., $2, per can @ for 35c. bDomolco, 2s .30c. 3s . 40c. ds . .60c. ee Be a «sand i per can . 20c. FoasGte og 15¢. in Meal . «+ BB eo. M short 2 for 26c. Prince Rupert Grocery Co. | MUCH ACTIVITY SCHEDULE FOR SEEN ATUSK § SOCCER LEAGUE ; | i : Crusher Being Installed by the|Final Arrangements Made and i Kitselas Copper Co.—Mili List of Matches Drawn Up. | Employs Forty Men and Will be Cutting Soon. } arrangements for the fall - . footba eague hive been come Lek, Augusl 9. There was a|p! ind already the members dance here on Saturday night, thejof the va teams are being hall befne crowded. There were |sixt I bac team will have three fiddlers, one of whom wasjt i x matel making a a returned soldier, and some fancy |tota f nine ¢ ‘ for the sea stepping by another returned man | s« The first match was to be | proved interesting. About seventy |p rh \ August 7 were present. Ip “ be played on Wed The G, JT P. engineers have|n iv th 13tl the baseball been surveying for a spur track |< is the grounds on Thurs- to the Georgetown sawfill. Phere |d ght it lain that the are about forty men employed at{n f ' ery hotly con he and cuttjng lumber will|tested and y me i ivers will soon Comimente Logs are being |b ) ign i Lf } nt to ida cut |?" t to the sport Che following There is a good supply of water] a lates of play jhere, a pipe line having been put/ing as draw: p Dy the associa n leading from a dam on thejt mountain side \ six or ¢ ght | Aug. 1 Callies vs, 8.0,1 neh hydro-electric pipe line will | i8. 8.0. E. vs. Athletics f be put in soon and then the place | 1. Athletics vs. Callies jwill be lighted by electricity. 5. 8.0.1 s. Callies , Fishing is great. Peter Blac) 8. Athletics vs. 8.0.1 Jt is spending al day here and : i. Callies s. Athletics is getting some good trout i 8. 8.0.E. vs. Callies New Crusher. 14. Athletics 8.0.1 fire Kitseias Copper Co. are in 15. Callies vs. Athletics stalling a new crush They are | ess than half a mite fre the CTORS ARE LATEST track and he ore | "1A ithan that from Granby Man y ot] PEOPLE 10 STRIKE the men who were working at th Pr Rupert drydock have come } up here and are all busy Men | New York, August rhe first have been comine fasts ~ of actors on record has | ttean di lae teeel int as ins i en place here and twelve out . ee anartera are enme. jl twenty big theatres are closed. , |what cramped | rhe strike was called by the > Mr. Table of Portland, Ore has | Actors B q — Assot — —- 1460 acres of land here whieh he|' he sefusal of the prodyo- j is subdividing and putting on the managers to recognize th j market for townsite purposes Rion | Lhe Kleanza Copper Co. have WATER NOTICI started work on their large dam DIVERSION AND USI or developing electric power. - Road to Terrace. we eT Ee Se rhe provincial government is apply for a licence to take ibuilding a road to Terra some-]y ; fe si of wate Pan ae “le Td algo (4 lth ng that is badly needed. It will Po = Pe * a Lame i oe emi i a great convenien the} twent rn from its m b | ve water Vv be d rom the streap itow! . st a D al ' m the mout Kenney Bros. has a strike af i . ; pose ti : 5 ee their mill, 4he men asking for an| ialice {os ght-hour day. The Georgetown | Si), mineral posted ‘ M jand other mills are working thew id ae — nen eight h ire te Wa 91 | ‘ ied im. tt wh Water | Sirawberries are pien It by i e Rupe i j tb v will soon be all gone Phe — i eS 1 ; is jare selling here and at Var sad ' I Wat i irila at 4 25 a crate Most f the — i -- Sey ral ea asi ‘ot berries are sent east as bett b socal new pap 7 W. R. TONKIN, Api prices are obtained than are paia By John Peders« Agent jat Prince Rupert a | i ‘ er - The Misses Durham saw a bear§ ae —" me ree ihere a “7 or two ago. He was | - we mien aan han sie a bie black fellow, but he did not} COLUMBIA to converse }IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA | piv. Atul one “ NINE EMPTY \1N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 01 WILLIAM CLARK, DECEAS!I }* \s | } | ee Parkin & Ward Electric Co. LIMITED Electric Engineers and Contractors arry a full line of Electric Ranges Washing Machines Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates. Grills, lrons Toasters, and Fixtures, Kstimates furnished on House wiring and Motor installation MARINE DEPARTMENT Agents for Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling Caille Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries Mosier Spark Plug Plug that was chosen for the Transathanti flights Our service department will help you to plan you! Lighting Kquipment, A full line of Dynamos Storage Batteries, Switch boards, Conduit, Cable Searchlights, We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat Batteries charged and re paired (no time lost while it batlery is being charged, we have one at your disposal Third Avenue (opposite Post Office) PHONE 125 Phe Lamps, ete, Stor you “are Page 3 $9.00 SPECIAL LHVVVVUSNNVUUTINAHAEUIIA AND WEDNESDAY 1 Pound Fuller’s Best Tea 1 Pound Fuller’s Best Coffee 1 Bottle Fuller's Best Lemon Extract 1 Bottle Fuller's Best Vanilla Extract 1 Pound Our Own Brand Butter 1 49-Pound Sack Robin Hood Flour TOTAL VALUE $5.55 ALL FOR $5.00, Do not miss this opportunity to get good goods at a —— a FULLERS, LTD. Two Stores. na Am 44, 45 and’534 “Ee seer see Ormes Limited “Fexal Femedies While our stock lasts we will GIVE AWAY FREE—A BATHING: cP with every purchase of Rexail Preparations value One Dollar or over. ty Come early and take your choice | Phones 82 and 200 Store 3rd Avenue end 6th Street P.O. Box 1680 2 See ALBERT @& McCAFFERY before you purchase Anything in the Building Line We handle Prince Rupert Spruce Co.’s Lumber B. C. Mill’s Fir Cement Shingles Lime Plaster Brick Laths Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. rATi NOTICE that Ww wrder Young, made the CARS SUNDAY ®: So fr He THE. LA CASSE BAKERY unable to appointed Adminis f Willian < lark, a r ‘ “said ‘estate ‘are hereby re quit a i —— — mie properly verit » % the 5 Much Fish Will be Shipped tm-|'° nish sam Paimore and Fulton Prine or I wer + 4 oO o pefore the 7 1 lad i i mediately on Arrival of lors K a 4 D. 1919, and all pari : BREAD ; " | aca yi tne mount of thelr indebtedness. to. hg ” m | with “ THOMAS McROSTII Yesterday morning there Were| pica tis 28rd day of July, 1919 PHONE 190 BUN S Sul dee a are pinibe f tist g bho s , in iron banks walt ge to sell re ' , jmelr cat oo ” 7 : Phon® Green 507 1017 Srd Avenue PASTRY iwharves. rere were only tw@ ifist® cars at the disposal of the} p | & W tt . . . \various companies and these w aigariio atts Wedding Cakes a Specialty very eagerly sought atl ! : lmore express refrigerat § BU LDERS AND CONTRACTO s HAVE YOU TRIED OUR 30c. FRUIT CAKES? ' jarrived by freight yesterday 4% 18 jtucion, me a Altocasions Florence, Genoa and Sultana . lternoon which made the total cars ania oon available five Enough fish re i d ’ sought to fill these cars al he Estimates Cheertutly Given j Lother boats will have to wait ERICK AND COWORETE BULL WG }til Sunday. In the mean time CONTRACTORS bowls Will be COnUin Gay O00) 08 | jaa agement me aa whieh will tend to lower the See : ee bi . ec x Some of the fishermen wl cig - yo — ' « sell their catch «. = — - The Smeeton Tea Rooms IN Ne nner mena marae 308 SECOND AVENUE oescecececucecerecer The Business Man’s Restauran’ REAL HOME COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH Home Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale. ewaiked ot sons © St BL A, SHOCKLEY but they might b« “|? GENERAL CONTRACTOR mornir chiban ad luck there, as | - Oflice and Shop Fraser St guarantee the prices Man) Av? Sash. doors, mouldings and tayed here trusting that " all interior finish lumber al- lish will still be geod aa ways in stock. the market will be as high as u Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's vesterday hardwood. Nine emply express Cats “9 Estimates Given. } xpected in on the traih PUncGs |) eepAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN $| vening and this will ver) a-) Phone Green 269. terially relieve th Lis ne the buyers as the fish mf | bought and pat head ) bine . ‘| almost tmomediatel) SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS furnished. MERCIER IS COMING TO UNITED STATES Estimates - = — Poe you DomT KNOW WHAT Bors Wht STAY So - SOMETIMES THEY GROW OF AN GET JOBS HOME FROM SUNDAY IN THE BIG SCHOOL AN LEAGUE PLAY BALL Sp | via GO. TF ar } tee ; | Jug v Address, 3rd Avenue, head ‘ | Me will noe : \ in of Second Street | “— i B tish c ol a t will | Phone 174 P.O. Box 874 : hard find time to go that tat ' coal . be ’ ° ,