' '.'4ms- H It 1 f li PAGE TWO CRICKET TEST ISINDOUBT Australia has 89 Runs to -Matte and Four Wickets Vet tof Fall at Adelaide ,.. , . FINAL TOMORROW Cloe Finish Fosiblef In 'Fourth Event of I(s IvIn'Between Two Teams, ADELAIDE,, Feb. 7 (Australia battled gamely in the fourth innings of the cricket test match with England and when stumps were drawn today they hdd scored all but 80 6f the 349 run it required to win. Theyj had four wicket in hand at the, end of the day's play but these; being the Uil-enders it may be anybody's game anfl the finish is very Hkefy to be an exciting one tomorrow. ' The scores werf t England 3rt4 apd 383 an aggregate "vf 71,7. t, Australia 3p and 260 for C wickets an aggregate of G29, GROITO WINNER IN FIRST DIVISION BILLIARD TOURNEY F. G. Pyle, Canadian Legion, defeated A. A. Easson, Grotto, by a score of 250 to 299 last night in the final outstanding game of last week's first division billiard fixture, the aggregate on the tourney thus being 1177 to 1135 In favor of the tobacconists. START MADE IN BILLIARD GAME F. Williams (Grand Terminal) ' Wins Over Charlie RapTTe"'' ' (Cold Storage) Only one game was played, last night in the second divisjojf jbil-: Hard league fixture, Frank Wil liams, Grand Terminals, winning 200 to 86 over Charles Bajrtiej Cold Storage. Other games to be played are as follows: E. Fenelon, Grand Terminals, vs. J. Hillrr.an, Cold Storage. W. II. Jarman ys, A. Balllie. C. L. Youngman vs. J,,Camp-bell. John Bulger vs. S. D. Macdon-ald.. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Fi-brii: ury t News and Views In The World of Sport Sport Chat The Beach team is going strong in the Senior basketball league at An.vox, having registered victories in its two last games. The Beach beat the Mechanics by 25 to 20 and won 30 to 25,ovor the Concentrator, The scores Indicate that play is close and interesting at the smelter town. The High School girls' basketball team at Anyox lost both its last games, being beaten 8 to 6 by the Beach and 13 to 8 by the Mine. Games tonight in the men's section of the Fraternal Whist League will be as follows: Moose vs Seal Cove; Grotto vs Knights of' Pythias; St. George's Society vs New Empress Athletic Club; Lief. Erikson Society, bye. The standing to date is as follows: CIrotto -, .r. ... 6 1 C New Empress 4 2l 4 Moose 4 3 4 Heal Cove 4 3 4 St. George's 3 4 3 K. of P. , . 2 5 2 Lelf Erikson 1 6 1 The Ladles' League standing Is as follows; W. L. P. Orange .....5 4 5 Moose 6 4 5 C, N, R. . 4 5 4 St. George's ...4 5 4 STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy of S. D. Johnson Co., Ltd.) The following quotations were bid and asked: I). C Silver, 1.25. Nil. Bay view, A3, A. Big Missouri. 2.06, 2.08. Corkj ProvIfce-2sgr3. Cotton Belt, 50, 85. George Copper, 11.20, 11.25. iJeorgJe River, 471 48l2. Grandview, 71, 71. Independence, .IQ'i, 11. Indian Mines, Nil, 8. t, th'tern. CoaT &fCoke, 36' 2. 39. Kocitenay Florence, 23, 21. Kootenay King, 37, 37 '2. L. &. L., 5, bz. Lakevlew, f'2, Nil. Lueky Jim, Nil, 20. Mohawk, 7, 8. Morton Woolsey, Nil, 5. Marmot River Gold, Nil, 1. Marmot Metals, Nil, 7Vi. Nat, Sil. G. S., 20Va, 21. Noble Five, Nil, 69. Oregon Copper, 98, 99. Pend 'Oreille, 11.50, 11.75. Premier, 2.10, 2.12. Porter-Idaho, 63, 67. Reeves McDonald 3.20, 3.30. Rufus-Argenta, 36, 38. Ruth-Hope, 63. 54. Silver Crest, 11, ll'a. Silverado Cons. 1.12, 1.14. Silversmith, 17t, , Sicca n KIng.JO, J0T. Snowflake, 33, 34. ' Terminus, Nil, 10. Topley Richfield, 45, 46. Toric Mines, 2.00, 2.35. Whitewater, 1.25, 1.35. Woodbine. 3'.. 44. Eastern Stocks .Sherritt-Gordon selling at 8 60. Noranda selling at C2.00. FELT MISERABLE ALL THE TIME Hcadackes and Ttrednett Ended bj "FRUIT.A.TIVES" Pome people suffer for years with HesWtah without ever trying to find nut wbt it the CAUSE of the pain. They fct all ruo-down, and seem to think this weak, depressed feeling is the remit of th headarhes. As a matter of fart, chronic lleadarhea are the reault of poisoned blood, du to faulty action of the bowels, kidneys and skin. '"Fruit-a-tivr" slops head-ithr because it reRulates the bowels, kidneys and akin frees the body of WM matter which poisons the blond tnd thus keeps the blood pure and rich. As Mrs. Michael Coulis of Killaloe, Ont., writes "I uned to feel tired out and run-down and had severs Headaches. After using 'Fruit-a-tives' tht headaches and tiredness quickly din-appeared and for two years now I hAT been in the heat of health." And youT Do you suffer? Mrs. Coulis ahowa you the way to get well take "Fruit-a-titee." 25c. and 60c a box at dealers everywhere. i 1 EARL SANDE WILL RIDE AGAIN Earl Sande, famous jockey, misses the thnii oi booting 'em homo in front, so he has petitioned the Maryland racing commission to change its rules and bIIow him to ride his own mounts. Earl retired to become a mere owner of thoroughbreds. The Bbove lay-out shows him. top, left.ridlng a winner, while below is a picture taken after a hard finish, over a muddy course. On the right is Sande in his own riding silks. SCOTTISH CUP SOCCER PLAY LONDON, Feb. 7: The fol - lowing were the scores for yes - ter'day's Scottish Cup football re?amiiton 1. Clyde 2. Dundee United 2, Stonhouse Mulr 0 Ralth Rovers 5, Bathgate 2. ' Arbroath 5, Murrayfield 2. Airdries 3, Cowdenbeath STOCK MARKET KN0CK0UTBLOW Ructions Created at New York Exchange by Federal Order and British Discount liaise JfEW YORK, Feb. 7: Specu. latfon for a market advance re celved a terrific jolt today when the market was confronted with tow. should be eliminated from a Federal Reserve Board warning 'the assets . The reasons advanced against : the active use of specu- ae that there has been no outlay latlve credit and an advance of f cash by the province In acorn percent in the Bank of Eng-.'iu'rinjr this amount and that land discount rate. i the' ' is no obligation on the part The The price price of of most most of of the the active active Tissues Issues bVolie bYoTb'nyiwti 'mjJtW to to seven- sovwi - teen JoJIaraOfoytttng buying UMB devcjopd V early af - texnoQnnd Sew M the. recov - 1 erics eWlira'n Tan from Itom ?3 $3r Jb $13 513 ner per share Trading wsnn enormous; The market" 'again plunged 1 aownwara, 1a1 later trading. Radio Corporation broke $35 per share and Adams Express $19. GOVERNMENT ATTACKED BY OPPOSITIpN LEADER OVER THE OEDEKS-LVCOUNCIL. (continued from page 1) made and in many instances with the force of the law itself, declared Mr. Pattullo, averting, "we are;going to find, out whether the public business Is to be conducted open and above board as pledged by the leader of the government, or whether. It is to be carried on behind closed doors." Mr. Uphill lent vigorous support to Mr, Pattullo. declaring the government's attitude savored of Klu Klux Klan methods.. Provincial Secretary Howe Insisted that it was absurd to propose that the orders should be m. vealed to anyone who might wish to sec them. He cited the Ottawa practice, where the orders remain the property of the cabinet and are disclosed only after consultation with the department concerned. All secrets of the government are given to the opposition leader under the seal of confidence and he declared that this course is was planned to continue. - ir-r- -r? ' ' 'AUDIT MADE B.C. FINANCES j Anticipated That Final Report ! Will Make Recommendation , for Changes 1 VICTORIA.! 7 An in. f ?n ud conduct- ea oy a iirm oi cnurierea account paints for the government was tabled in the legislature yeeter- ',dayr ''' ! ' The-report, ! which was Incomplete, is to be followed later by ia main report which will make, ' it is anticipated, a number of changes in the accounting system in certain particulars, so as to avoid duplication , which it is stated, occurred. At the present time there is no statement regarding the public debt, but the recommendation made in . regard to the preparation of a balance sheet is that the Dominion of Canada capital account should not be shown as ;tn asset. The account appears as $14,776,000 and the i Item, in the opinion of the audi j' !of tn in uominio Dominion to pay Wore than iV1 th annual annual gr grant. It Is not as- Enable as ai an asset And that Krnt,, a p perpetual and that therefore " i not possible to esti- mate ",anx the l"' caplti caimai vaiue or it. - SAYS CHINESE OF VANCOUVER ARE DESTITUTE W. W. It. Mclnnex Declares Gantbllng Joints Only Places They Have to Go VANCOUVER, Feb. 7: Hard ship, cold and hunger stalked through Vancouver's Chinatown during the present wave of chilly weather it was revealed In the police court yesterday. , Bjteveu of Jjje.gS Chinese charged With being Inmates of a gaming house were allowed to go free, by Magistrate Shnw yesterday when represented by their cpunsel. W. W. 1), Mcjnnes that they hnd sought shelter from the cold there. The others were fitted... On witness declared that there were about 1000 Chinese almost destitute Jn the city. "Times are bard In Chinatown" said Mr. Melnne. "Cold has eaimx! Intense suffering and the Chinamen have few plucea to go to escape It. Some of them are doubling up In bed. Since the gambling dens' have been closed they have no means of obtaining shelter. i'1 'jS' 'V I. w HEN r. " - ' y ' -. ... i This advertisement Is not-published or displayed bjr the Liquor r of British Cobjnibla KOMO PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK Thursday, February 7 6:00 Kiddles' Program from Storyland. 5t30 Stock and Grain Guotat-tonsT- $546 News Flashes. ! G00 Seiberling 'Singers. B;30VSpanlh Orchestra, Spanish soloist. - I 7:30 Standard Symphony Hour. I 8t30 Correct Time. I 8;30 Crescent Old Time Band, originating KHQ, Spokane. S :30 Novelty Trtoj vocal; "Something about Everything." 16:00 Associated Brasa Band Joint KGW, Portland, and KHQ Spokane. 11:00 Vocal; Novelty Trio. ll;30 Nate News. 11145 Fifth Ave. Theatre Or-gtU 12:30 Silent. Friday, February 8 5 iOO Harmonists; vocal duets, 5:15 Stock and bond1 quotations, 6:30-Land O'Hhcalth.! 5:62 News Flashes. 6:00 Wm. Wrigley. C;30 Philco Hour. 7:00 Hudson-Essex Challengers. 7:30 Program originating KGW, Portland. 8:00-R,C.A. Hour. , 9:00 Correct Time. J:00 Oriental Program. 9:30 Moon Magic. 10:00 The Trocaderana, 11;30 Late News Flashes, 11 145 Fifth Ave. Tliontr fir. gan Recital. 12:3fcr-SJ!ent. Saturday, February 9 6:00 National Orchestra. 0:00 Concert Orchestra, vocal. THREE STAR BRAN I. 7:00 Lucky Strike Hour. 8:00 Concert Orchestra; Mixed Quartet Joint with KGW, Portland. I 9:00 Correct Time. 9:00 Joy Boy. 9:15 Concert Orchestra, onl duets. 10:15 "Something about Everything ;"duets vocal. 11:30 Late Newa. 11:45 Fifth Ave. Theatre Organ Recital. 12:30 Silent. BILLIARD STANDINGS , .The ilnst division standing to date is as foflows: ' TEAM STANDINGS PI. Ttl Av Grotto 1 1177 1177 Canadian Legion .. 1 1135 1135 Grand Terminals ... 0 0 0 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES First Division F..G. Pyle (CL) ... .3 750 250 W. E. Wllliscroft (G) 2 600 250 Dr. J. A. West (CL) . 1 247 217 W. H. Long (GT) .. 6 1471 245 Bert Morgan (G) ... 2 48C 243 W. J. Nelson (GT) . . ft 1460 243 G. P. Tinker (CL) . . C 1438 240 J. Hamilton (GT) .. 3 718 239 !M. McLachlan (G) . 2 4G4 232 A. Donald (C) 7 1C10 230 C. P. Balagno (GT) . 6 1377 230 M. Andrews (CL) . 13G9 228 F. Stephens (G) 1578 225 J. Andrews (CL) . . . 15C0 223 Col. McMordle (CL) . 131 T 219 Ben Self (GT) 435 218 Alex Murray (CL) . 1298 21G W. Mitchell (GT) .. G33 211 D. Brown (G) 7 1441 20C A. A. Easson (G) . . . 1421 203 W. H. Jarman (GT) . 315 173 J. Bulger (GT) .... 136 13(1 J. Beesley (G) 135 135 C. L Youngman (GT) 108 108 VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, Feb. 7: Wheat was quoted on the local exchange today at $1.27. BY M Control Hoard or by the Governmest NEW COUNCIL AT KITKATLA Election of Native Ugisliton I DUtrlct Village Held Recently The election of the 1P2 oUneSl at Kitkatla rc-ulted lowsi Chief councillor--IL-nry Pro Councillors Henn "Hm ttrihuftjiyi? JP" Spencer, w Dfljli,? Jacoh Shaw aim " Robinson. , Secretary to council -N'1 Lewis. , golomon Brown was chief constable and ether stables are Henry V'i h'-i-i. I'" Robinson, Jacob Ast-r. 1" I Shaw and Ernie IJoItt c. STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS 1'iir Vanrmirre TuwwUya ai. Oatal "JJJ Friday . Prince Rupert Frtdayi 0:dn (,H - W Jill w.-. - trum Vtnmiivri Wtdneaday at, Pr. Buprt lt t. Prldas. Prlnceni Boy"' rrMty a. Cardena Feb. 9 w. PrlnceM Mn'1 fgt Feb. 33--mm. Prlncws Mm . lor ti.rt lniiiMia : K " 8unday--a. CaUla Vrom I'or. hIihiuii and N" ""jTjs TUMdtjr CtUla t ut Mlrwart. rremlrr, Anj" Arm i 8vndy--. Catala ' , Wedimdayt-M. Vlioe RUP" " trW Mf..rt, Premier, .tn) u,n- . . njes iuwy -a. twiaii Frldy a. Prliuie Ruoer Feb. . Prince 3ow 'p r'min lJrM ritim l'""" , Feb. 7-m. Prince Jonn , Feb. 31 as. Prince .Mm for AUkka Feb. 9 e. Prlncew Mr Feb. 33 a. Prlnce Mi"T f'rnni AlMKka it Feb. 18 PrlneeM MrT ,f Feb. 3 aa. Princes Mo