fAGE FOUit STUCK! Mars: "I'm not down yet, miss, well as the others." aby Board of Tradvante a woflff'i This trap doesn't work as The Daily News PBINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBU Published livery Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert J)ato itywvs, Limited, Third Avenue. a; WTwMiF. Managing Editor SUBSCrtllTION RATES City Deliver), by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 56.0o For lesser period, paid ir advance, per month .60 By mail to all parts of Nor(h-i( aij& Central British Columbia, paid in advance for j early pmdd . JS.0O Transient Display Advertising, pS foot,' pr insertion ...... 1.4(J Transient Advertising on Front f'stfe. per inch 43 SO Local Readtrs, per insertion, per line JJ5 Classified Advertisii.K. per .nsertion, pei word . Legal Notices, each insert'on per anate line .15 Or lour months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts ot British Columbia, the British Empire and United Staus, pid in advance per ear .... JG.Ov Sy mall to all otiier countries, per yetj .'. 570 Contract Hatee on Application Advertising and CrcuIatltn Telcpiiunc 93 Eduor and Reporters Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bdjeau f GrcuialYon- DAILY EDITION -l't -' ?- , 1 r fhijrsddy, Februarj) 1920 IHJRNAJJY AMMTIOUS Now that Moses Cotsworth is ttkefe? o Wfcomo fanious through the possig adoption of ha rafWrned calendar, ho is being recognized in his home (IMrfct : 'outh Burn- uT i6 be e MINING AT ALICE ARM Review of Situation As It Is Today In Important Mining i Centre .MANY PROPERTIES WORKED New Strike at Espcranza Interests Miners and Otlitrg in the District ALICE ARM, Feb. 7: The Alice Arm mining camp is just at present receiving a great deal of favorable attention both at the hands of the mining journals and of the daily press. It is being pointed out as a field for the investor, and the engineer is being asked to give it closer study. To those who have hung on here for the past ten years since the hectic exploitation days of the old Dolly Varden this attention is welcomed. While not a great deal of ton nage has been skipped or mined during titjattjm JBBftlfcJCSt JL . that time a large amount of serious development work has been done, mostly at the hands of in dividual prospectors. Mining still shows a healthy interest here. During the put year and season 184 mining licenses were issued and some 160 new claims were staked and recorded. A brief resume of the mining field for the past year shows several happenings of more than ordinary interest. Perhaps the first in importance, and as affecting the wellfare of the entire camp very nearly was the taking over of the Toric mines by a stronger company. The Torit mine had reached a development stage, where it seems a just criticism could be made that the 1 rr., . . ., ... "jV- . ' Z . --- ii nit- inmon Willi m l93Jto commemorate the puttingfintafohce of thecal- the Britannia peopi. but have Burnaby people are optimists, apparently. They do pany- Th of; the new seem to have allowed for, the natuihal inertia of thc'K ls. n10tu,d' bu' u J YPROC walls and partitions will make your summer cottage much more attractive, comfortable and fire-safe. Gyp roc tales any decoration a perfect material with which to line your summer home. Write rd&ec boeWi "Wallt tht Rffkrt Good '. Judgment," ton home plawilrii wtth' QypcocJ. Kocboard and Ituulex. y ' 4 '',0,K- CANADA GYPSUM AND ALAOASTtNE LIMITED, VANCOUVER. B.C. Sw.r ia li,,n i, ,4.,m''U .)!. un ( ia); l.imitti "EMPIRE c LWo reproof WalTboord 47BC cost of the overhead was too great relative to the amount of tonnage mined; Present mining practice proves that cost cutting is in direct, proportion to large Roab operations. The Toric mine nan been under option t' Ihe Britannia Company for some time, who at this it would seem that ik. Tn. UW.1.1 ! ' t nem mere f.Pi to ratify th.. wwr In. man in iin.,oll., noHn,'n i ? : tn i i. t livery Ui any company finan practically is agreed that th&l&t caieiidar would be bet.'pr?r ter than the old . The ruling bodlfes m rj3t civilized coun-; would hawF' tkUmt financial tnes favor it and the Pope of Rome has endorsed it . The j Carving no' cvtrf yfc i mining difficulty is to get action. Possibly in those countries pn"''y on a ,arire CI-blessed with a party system of government, even so ben- T.he Probab,e advent of th ef icient a measure as it would seem to be might meet with i JT new'wT.Tkin 11 harsh criticism from the opposition ; tZr!$tfZZ 2? This having nothing to do with CENSORING PICTURE ADVETISING Psonnel as between the , , , Brftanria or Torie. but from-the Legislation is proposed by Attorney-General Pooley to viewpoint that what the camp censor moving picture advertisine. The local cminrfl nf i"""t hve and has needed since women Vancouver noted that sometimes wherrthe ccn-!,t ha" bn R crap itronK sor ha J don? his work in taking out risque portions of a U"1'."? comvany' A" ry T. V. . V -I r.vv.c .,,logD sun tun. rbI t0 carry through s the - r--.uvii aui vi W0111U, Willi the result that people who went to see something .spicy" were greatly disappointed. In asking that a censor be appointed to prevent this sort of advertising, the attfcrney- The Tiger group A a lltw' bearing property -and immediately generai prouaoiy nas gone.n wrong way lOvWork, He!dJ'' th Toric mine on the might easily instead insist the managers of moving pic- ROrth- In tn ""ly part of the tures be responsible for their advertising A censor asla.ul!:4,ner thU PrPertJfi'W N't nointed out bv thp Vanrnnvpr l'rnvm,. li,i u'.L .i to tht Utility Mining and i i i ! V . ' w in a t inane nif Co of wuoiL.vrn utoi nitu viicbv Muveriiwrnenis unui alter pub lication, when it would be too late to stop them . rreatest need of the camp. Tiger Woperiy 1 .-i Vancouver. I ii:ce which time development work has been carried out by that company. The bulk of mine evrlopment work has been done on tunnels Nos. 2 and 3. Number two tunnel has -been completed, showing the lead as developed on the surface to be 14 feet tn width with silver values of pro- oauiy water than 120.00 per ton. mo. 3 tunnel hat reached a dis tance of some 860 feet, at about loo ieet lower elevation. It should be noted that in tho. driving of number three tunnel two "blind" leads were cut, averaging around 8 and 0 feet of milling ore. Development work it being carried out through the winter, the Intention being after the completion f number three turn nei to confine all worlk'lo Ui tunnel t tfceguOoot levti ns ueon imtw aear the grade. All work in being done by hnnd steel, though a compressor has been shipped in, ami Is being freighted through to the property. North Star Mine The North Star property lies opposite thi Toric and Tiger claims and on the west side of the Kltsault River. Development has been carried out on this property for the past year and a half by a small crew of men. This work is being continued. The North Star has-recently been incorporated into a stock company called the North Star Ore & Smelting Co. It is capitalized at 20,000 shares par value $5.00. It is understbod "that new and enlarged development operations will be inaugurated shortly. Home Guard Property This property which is owned by Bruggy and McFarlane is located at mile 14 on the Dolly Varden railway. This is a copper property with assays showing high values in gold and silvei It was intended to stock this property, but it was later optioned to the Dalhousie Co. oi Victoria, who have a crew of men carrying out development work through the winter period. KItsault-Eagle Co. This company which has four properties in the camp is con n J Mj W , J fining its winter operations, a, the driving of the long tunnel, on their Sunrise property on Re lectrical developed in the present levels, on whether machinery will be put in and a new and lower wor- Graw Mountain. A full crew is iking tunnel put in ai an eieai being used, with sufficient sup plies on the ground to last out the winter. I'speranza Mine The "encountering of a gold bearing body of arsenopyrite ore in their number seven tunnel was of much importance to the Esperanza mine. This is the first strike of gold bearing arsenopy-rit ore in the camp at Alice Arm, and so far as can be learned fhere is only one instance of an isolated find In the htewart camp. A creditable amount of devel opment work has been done by the Esperanza during the past season, and quite a lot of tonnage has been blocked out. It is not known what the future development plans of the Esper anza are, that is whether they will mine and ship the oie us ion near the railway lcel. The putting in of this tunnel would icivc them wtoplng ground of ,the uiie nui. jj Plays softly enough to soothe a baby to sleep or loudly enough for a ballroom filled-dancers ;extreirte delicacy of volume control. The new Electrical Reproducing Orf)iqpbpni, A'ictrola No. 12-15 is a, Victor (kvclupmknfcr which makes home mtic delightfully ftW-'. ible. Would you give a dance ? ' Here' is ' music of full orchestral' volume, as loud as you want it! Cymbals clash saxes klrcine, ' drums beat a stimulating tattoo; joyoash unbridled I , Then, the dance -over, as the starlit street re-echoes with the last laughs of the depart-ing: merrymakcrs you dim the volume control and enjoy a lovely little conceit, low, , The ORTIIOPIIONIC Uuiet and soothing. You sit and listen, ami' V dream on memories of a ill nl rvytittgy A What a gift for the home! The new Electrical Rcroduring OrthnfilKMsloH Vkxrola brings you the contrastt of mush: aH the bas,all the treble, all the from a whisper to a mighty chorus. r The New Orthoptvmic Victrola, and th v New Electrical Reproducing Orthoplioiditt ' Vktrota are made in beautiful models with or without radio, from 12360 to at low as 1115. Ask IUs Master's Voice dealers ihou t their convenient payment plan. Electrical Reproducing Trad Murk Kcfi'd Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada Limited, Montreal Ort)pi$ionic only If it bears the dog Trademark VICTOR VICTHOLASAN,) McR AE BROS. KA1..0 RECORDS KECEIVEUS