Thursday, February 7," 1029 THE DAtLY NEWS page Sever a I): Wan in . Moon The way to make money In the stock market, is to , nut it. Jn .the ra mjf- bank und.then when the stock jrumbler Koe, hfm vuurs at a hi tire-T backed by W'hai A butterfly. N lson a few r.enxi Low bit egft brokev Uend" real security. ,s Whittlmould w do" without ad tt'ctive.i ? What would a woman1 How could a mother talk to her Ten YeaWAgo In Pr'ncej Rupert .I ,) Feliruay T. '1910 Thn newfy organized Army & - Veterans 'of 'Canada here ted officers last night as fol-Honorary President, Linut. ." I W Peck, V.C.; president, II MiMullin; vice-president, A Woodland; secretary-treas-cr. "ieorge Logan; executive, II Jihnjon, W. A. Adams, W. Murray, W. Mason, G. R. b. Michael Uurke and W. It. ry. A w.'II known taxi-driver was ;; rii ed to nine months' im-onment in Okalla by Magis-lo i.rss in city police court . m lining for selling liquor. ! mndings have leen completed .Section Two for the slip njerf wtMjffiitfflt lor-in tar Tt v hTcTirTl deliver Duln i pai r from Swanson llay and u, un Fulls to this port for rail .hjpmcnt. t4t 4 174444 PlflVfM iMMPirT Tinpe a - 'ii iiiu 4eee 4,4.a,444e Thursday, February 7 High 0:iC.a.m. 16.7 ft. 12:08 tun. 19.4 ft. Low '. fl;2 n.m. 10.4 ft. W:07 p.m. 4.5 ft. FridnVi February R High It21 fLm. .17! fL 12i49 run. 0.0 It. low 7-na am nx.rtLc in . in n M n f'tt b AV.tV 11.111, U.I 10J Saturday, February 9 HlKh 1:51 a.m. 18.2 ft. 13:27 p.m. 20.5 ft. 7U6 a.m. 8.4 ft 2imm a.ut,- M!LKKf Frehh Pasteurize Milk and Cream J)al!y. EARLY IiELIVriRY Throiighout Hit City. VALENT1NDAIRY Telephone C57, CLAS company S1FIED ADV APPLICATION . rO OP IMPROVEMENTS. IlIOhlAI. AMh UflVM FRACTIONAL MINERAL CLAIMS, situate On the Au.n Milling Division of b:ib ' In what manner,. would VA'Slf'- Whes. tocated PU: 11.000 Lineal Feet 8 thick VltrlfMd VltrlfMd Tie Tie Sewer Pipe. The bod a logger be able to exbrel MnV- fctweett tto Siapc-MKm and Coawaoa . MlniaiClTn.a, una IS Wanu Ptactionol . .f Bt-if ,r " a to get needed relief Mineral claim on Wann River, adjoining for hi pent up feeling? Oh, and to the north of the Jack Pine Mln- prul r?1a.lm ' nhunk. we must have adjeo- Lnwtui holder: engineer oolp MIMES LIMITED. INC. ' IIVC. . Number ot the holder's free miners I certificate: 97030. . .. , TAKE NOTICE ENGINEER GOLD Was Caught in MINKS LIMITED, INC., Free Miners, il'ivn nu-ri Thoro Certllloate No. 97020. Intend at the end1 uays uk- mire rt.. ,, ,, ,,.--,. fire 110 UUtierillen in mnce UUU- apply to toe. annum Recorder tor a cit ' catch. The girls are all Toronto University worked up to almost has been a boiling pitch because an editorial in their student, Jpw miggested that "petting! was not-articular-, I;. harmful and that it was. not ( Certificate !rriflfd of Al Imprest ..n menu lor the Bur- do uf obtaining Ciown G:ants of the above rlaimx. And further take notice thai, action under section 86 of the Minerul Act" must bv uomauiDccd bttlore the issuance of uch certificate of Imnrovements. Dated this 1st day of January. 1998-ENQINEEK QOLD MINES. LTD.. INC H. McN. Praaer, (Went. , Mil ICE unknown to the preVfou. gen- "'1" Cration. That must have hit the lative Assembly ol the Provltioe of Urlt-, . . , ish Columbia at tin present session oy professors hard so up wonder, the corporation of the C:ty ot pnnw they did not jike U. . V t jrai2c.utth. " , from all upon such terirw "in.,..o nartt i. ...u.t as It mav deetn fit. to the Power Oor- ,.c...v . ib noratlon of Oaruula Limited Ihereln- the members' Of the church aitfar. Ifter called tt Company), the entire Uneal Feet " double thick Vitrified Tile Sewer Pipe. 2. 24 onlv. tSgS" Junctions double thick Vitrified TIM: 24 only. 12x6 ' Junc tions double thick Vitrified Tile: 6 only. 10iS' Junctions double thick Vitrified rile: only, 16x6" Junctions double thick Vitrllied TUe; 2M only. 8x6" Junctions double thick Vitrified Tile 8 is only. 11S10" Reducers, double FOR u insui. aiena. opersie, repair reasir ana tn . n,,in h.. ... ... and all other conduiu. . cables cables thick Vitrified TUe: it only, loxs ' Re-1 . duosrs double talek Vltnfled Tile: 12 : jrilv Bad' Reduoera double thick Vltrt- fled Tile. 1 4. SM only. 6" Ions Bends double totem Vitrified TUe: 2M only. 6" short Bends, double uttck Vitrified Tile. I tlo oBJy7 Traps, double thick Vitrified Tile. 6. 1408 lbs. Jute for double thick Vitrified TUe. Instructions to bidden and the apecl-I lea Hons may be aeen at the office of the City Engineer City Hall. Prince Rup ert. B C 1 1 and Eczema's Gone J TryD.D. D. soap, too Jf bw. At fl good dtiKgUt er ERTSEMENTS FOR RENT phonographs and sewing nutch- FQR. JfcVy inog. waiKer music sqtre. enue, HOlF.S For rent. F. W. L.XSU AC1 Notice of In tent Inn to A to l.rae land In,Prlnce Rupert Land Recoi irioBUi ry.Jice u.rt. and si south end of Kaien Island. Lot SSSS. Raoae S. Take notice that BUlmor 8pi uwko, or Vancouver, Brltlan ill 1 rdj ujC r&e " 1- WATER NOTICE l)ltenm and l'e ' Take notice that Blllmor Sm Limited, whose address Is S BtllldlnE. 470 Oranvllle St.. 1 BfC.. will apply for a licence to um luu.uuo or water out of an stream, wmcn nows souther It into the head of Poroolae Har A codt ol this notice and tlon oursuar.t thereto and to Act" will he filed In the nffl, oouoie 1 water Recorder at prince Rupei se.ou" ObteetMns to the anllcatloi WATERS ACT" Hart. 54 WANTED WANTEI4-;irl or woman for general housework. i Phone Red 726.' I tf tu Mil. ....4 r ' i ,l m sets of Its electric lleht and power de- occupation, manufactureis. intends 0U. I to! ui ii mcy )fu iv iieavrn tnere u urutl. . . aoln. ronctrn. and to bply for a lease of the following de I ve to be at least two seperate , sran' : u "' f-'"' ' rder to prevent war. ! '"i Try' oTn tLrSty'of iC X If d.Vmu'te.rsoo0 at the northeast corner X I Rupert the of a light, heat and L3Lde2 ',m iu,tf? . imiZr power ,mn.n. .nn tr.r ...,h more or ew. to tow water mark; tnanoe Did it ever occur to von that I 1; T ..T:' -uvnwesieny low ater mars ,hr animal that is the greatest "''"in m the said city's streets. une ol , unna theno; . . v , .. . 1 1 1 1 it-1 1 , tvtivwiiiK iiw nuuviiies ox me ,llr is the one best adapted for 'surface and underarouni nking. A. hn k town is one where ev-tjody knows everybody's busi-- better than they do their We are -alt raUier sorry for the r n wb) does, not agree with . :n iiolit(, ,liion, social gSj-.rations" and methods of doing t... .nr.--. no i vires, Island to the most northwesterly point of equipment juipmeni and ana appliances ppllances tlon and and for the transmission, distribution sale of electric power for light, heat and power purposes, ana e.n powering the same: thence In a northwesterly dlrec Hon to the northeasterly mint of an unnamed island: thence northwesterly to hlKh water mark: thence In a northeast- City to enter Into an agreement with the erly direction along high water mark to Company for supplying to the City and the O T.P. R& rlsht-of-way; thence in citieens etectnc ucnt, neat ana power , . "r. -"jui upen raoh tens and conditions as trie city may deem lit. and furtner cm: cring tne company to nereaner pi or tsfie over in waoM or any part oi the City's electric light, beat and power system upcei each term aa may be agncd unan. aud to Validate a bylaw (11 as-stnted to by the electors, to whom It is to to stUwnltatdi empowering the City to enter into an acreentrat with the Company auUiartatai the Otjr to eneer luio the same and to validate the said agreement and to crant and confirm to the Company all the powers, privileges and rights thereby conferred. 3WSS4?f Solicitor for the Corporation of the CHv of Prince Rupert Sealed Main Sewer Ti:Mi:its H tXTKII tender marked Section No. S er Mo. l will .be received up to noon of Setsruar is 19M. tor supplying, and deflter of approx.maiery I. ljts Lineal Feet 12 double thick Vitrified Tile Sewer Pipe. 1.000 Lineal t 10" double thick Vitrified TUe tnc said nrtil-oi-wav to the nrjrtnwe.) corner of Lot 6635. thence follaS'lns the sinuosities of the said lot to thpolat of commencement. BTLLMOR SPRUCE MILLS. LIMITED BE Mora-t. Arab: Dated December 22nd 1828 rea Mills IS Hower PaOTrni mi drains r. half mile northeast of Lot SSSS. Ranee 5 CD The watai - will be diverted jre-m the stream at a point about hall Idle distant from Its mouth and will be used fcr industrial purpose unon the ana de scrijed trlct. is. Range I Ots- Thla aotlre. was posted on the- erouSd on the 22nd da? ot Deoe-nber . 1 SSS arfeaPDllca-tttl "Watei of the m B.C. ivmav be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights Parliament Buildings, Victoria. B.C.. within thirty days after the firs; appearance of this notice in a local newspaper . BTLLMOR SPRUCE MILLS. LIMITED. Aaollcant. BT B. E. MOM AM. Agent The date of the first publication of this notice Is January Its. lasts PUOTKCTION It. S. C. Chapter HQ HOME OIL DtSTIBTJTORS. LIMtTED. whose principal place of at S67 Burrard Street. Vancouver!! British Columbia, hereby gives notloejtmt It lias under Section 7 of the ealqlAdt de- unaltrt with th Minister nf PuhMl Work The lowest or any tender not Ottawa, and in tha offlenaf of the maSVJ&XI-- a v J-autcv f4eUjg-t Jiiar.e-.Lu4Jvril.tnr i r.w.s.i v-tv mut-fammm. ear 1 mniaiiutgea uuaaosu earlleet date of drllvrv to be sUtedl D J. MATH BUS, Purchasing AgeeH, Prince Rupert. B.C bla, at Prince Rupert, aforesaid, a -de, acrlptton of the site and the plans of 'buildings ii ad whiles' "proBoseO tb be : built- In the harbour of Prince Rupert In 1 ! front of lot 3 of Waterfront Block "O". ; Prince Rupert. ! AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex-, i plralion of one month from the date ol ) the first publication of tola natlce Home' Oil Distributors, limited, will U&der Sac- j lion 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office In the! City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plans for leave to construct the said wharf aa aforesaid. DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia, ti e isth day of January. 189. HOME OIL DlffTmBUTORS, ! LiMrnm. 1 By Its Solicitors. ROBERTSON DOUOLA8 Al SMTBS. BRINGING UP FATHER MO-MOM- THE CSoCTOf. OnOKHCD ME TO GIT OP A.T 'bV. AN' TvKE AUOKJQ WALK IN THE MOaMlfSI' ' a---a-----a-s-s-s - .---- -- 62. FOR SALE FOR RF.NT- Modern house. nar - -.FOR FOIt RENT Furnished house WRAPPING PAPER for sale keeping roams by the day, week, chap. Jtoll -of Newsprint. or month. Phone Red G07. .tfiKOodj cleaii'1 paper for only a Mtm iia inn imiiv ndw a.. .( -i ichi. iu jwjii m. lubinmiuuvn, jnttiiue. t - , '( LKTTLK HOX .COI.I.f.CTIONS OraJtam A AUtb At": 9.00 1st Ave. & Stb Bt 0.06 Sth Ave, & PwRosf Sti 9.10 eth .Ae. Si Ttimp-a- SC. 9.1A llto Arx A.gerjoot .... i.3C tlth Ar 4c Oonrad,, M sth Are. Ac Hays oore Are... a Sth Ave. At Hays Cote Circle 936 Stb Ave. & Oottm St 8 00 4tt Ave. oWii St. Vtlaptl). 9.40 M Ave. McBrWe 8V . . . . 9 45. Ton. lovr, utlcUna - 90 tqt. o r Woarf 966 o tj Wharf ., loin H.T.P Station IOiOS ' " AM 2nd Ave. St Sad St 10.10 Ird Ave. Ac Fulton 8t 3rd Ave. Si 6th St 10-0 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon dos-ving .prlcca on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list, board; daily. We can give Instant ser-.vke Jn. buying and selling Minjng Stocks. qh Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat Order on Winnipeg Stork Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston CoM G17 2nd Xwiu Prince Rupert, II C. I tUffOte I'UL HAVE TO WAA.K DOWN' Tw CLEVATOFt OOt MUVT BE AttUBgP TATA 1 tf House on Atlin Av-Uave Robs- or phone PreHbyterian church. Apply FOR SALE 110 acre, surveyed. 215 Fourth Avenue E. FOR RENT-roomed flat 647. -Furnished with buth. tf ioui I'hone . tf clear deed, four roomed log , cabin, also, log woodshed, $CO0 I cash. Apply R. II. Fuller, .lap! Inlet, Porcher fAb.nd. B.C. 30 FOR SALE Reautil'-il rhimhMla' Rubbtts. Eight ioi!;;rs p-r ' pair. Apply Box i7.r Unilv! News. .'i't SALVAGE AN!) TOWING "If ITs on or under the water wr do if pmyru mtPBiiT salvacje & TOWING COMPANY LIMITED Fully ftiuinntt for Diving and nD.-- tr.pnnrnl SalvuffA Work. ui iue 1 ut to Iiouts and Seows of all descrip tions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Ilargains in Gaa Engines. AGENTS FOR Van nierck, Eaathope, Hicks & Rallantyne Engines. Northern B. G. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone, Day or Night, 5C1 P. O. Hox 1561 Try a Dally News WANT.AD. !t will bring results. 8.28 8 8.40 J I 8.4S I 8-0 I SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PACK WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. .MINr.IUI- ACT (form K) (Hfcllmi 51 Id) do without them when talking ''cKmmcviffo tri hi r husband or her pet poodle? JKB phali BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern, methods in all lines of beauty culture and hair dressing. Make appointment by phoning Red 380. CHIROPRACTIC RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY This distressing malady is '. .-.ry prevalent at this time of th: ar, nd as a rule is a ; ymptom of a deeper trouble. Much as affections of the eyes, liver, kidneys, stomacli, etc. It may be also due to the after effects of influenza. Consult the Chiropractor in all cases. RoHef guaranteed. i t Consult , i DR. W. C. ASPINALL j f nnd 7 Ikcange WocW- ! Green t .H Phone-- Rlncki 21i ' Opn Evenings RESULTS COUNT i i Pain in the side, Indigestion,! I Gas on stomach, Headaches,' Ner-Ivousness, Insomnia, Catarrh and ! Rheumatism are completely relieved by our new form of dietet-j uc and spinal treatment. 1 Read our National, "Ad's," ln: j the "Jberty Magatlne every week, then consult i 1 lilt EYOLFSON Phane Rlue 85, or Red 589. Open Evenings CHIMNEY SWEEP I II. J. Zumkt-hr I - General Handr Man. i M6 1 Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and 7.4c j Repaired 1 7.J Phone S Prince Rupert. B. C. ) 1M 8.00 i 8.06 TOO S.IO Kit MAIL SCHEDULE for the lct Mondays, tfajtteeys. Saturdays, mail closes 10 30 ajo I rein tlie f"JWt Bundayat Tueadav and Thursdays. . I mall due 3:30 pja i T Venranter-. Via train Wednesdays and 8itur. days 10:30 am. lueadiys 2.13 pjn. rnsuM 8:15 am. pridaya ' C.P.R. Peb. 13 and 27 11 pa .p. in I rum Vdiirouvir ! S'tndayt 4 p i. ! Wednesday .. 10-0 a jn ' I Fridays pm ' O. P R. Feb. 9 and 38 a.m. front Men art. ITeinvrr, .tnyux and Alice Ann Sundays 7 pm Wednesdays 9:13 pjn Irani ritrwart and rreinler Tuesdays 1130. am 4 Fridays , 6 am. Hi Naaa Hlvr faints Sunesya 1 pm from Naaa Kltrr. Points Tuesdays 1130 am To Queen Charlotie Feb 9 and 23 Ktom tpiren Cliaflottr" Feb. 7 and 21 To Aianka rnlnts Feb 9 and 38 I'roni Alaska I'nlnls Feb. IS and 87 ... c.n.r. mm MOW- HOW llsl TUB World do a, makJ pcm -rm- promt DOOR, f p m la m .'p.m. For the East Mondaye, Wedneadaya and Saturdays st 1140 aja. I'roni the Bast Subdaye, Tuesdays and Thuradtys at 30 pat. & Uri. tMl PMtsrs StrvVs, las.. Crsal I Hula rleM rmnai EMBARRASSING MOMENTS RIDE ON THEt ltvV rtNDIWtil yrr eus our. w i 1 Tas ever- after years of service I - . KtE f . 1 The yean are kind 1 k 1 to stoves that are polished regularly with ZEBRA, the wonderful new liquid stove polish. Not a spot . . not a bit of dullness . . just a raven-black as when it was bought that's the way Zebra keeps your stove I Yet it is the easiest and cleanest polish you ever used. Try it I iS' STOVE POUSHNJalN BOTTLES TO For rJbow who prnfi it. Zebra Past if sfi7 obtain' bl: In both fsayre suid Liquid fie Zebra it tha in of a tood stare polMi. By George McManus 34 S SAWS The most economical saws to use Simonds Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Reml St, and Acorn Ave, Vancoavtr. D C MONTREAL at. Joha, W.B 1