August Saturdays A CRIPPLE FOR STRAWBERRY MARKET IS THE Dt mt ee ee ee eH mee | Daily News Classified DAILY NiWs tt eee Advertising | | Page 6 —, WRIGLEYS | it Ts A es PO Os Ps GPO Tee +s oe os Hs os Oe OE 7 L } WANTED. POR SALI I tchen tables, = Sis ae tee 3 Chair, rug, et Apply Daily — NEAR THE END WANTED—Three first-class car New 7” 185 elpless -In Bed With Rheumatism | eee ato og pre Mane Pos a a . 7 "TVES” ‘rred, algarno atis, ‘ OR & n first class jntil He Took “FRUIT-A-TIVES”. erres algarno ¢ 1 ’ A FI ow Raspberries Not Coming in Very | Kelly's job, Sixth Avenue and condition Price reasonable. avour or Fast—Biack Currants Some- Tatlow. 185.| Ap 25 Third Avenue West. V what Selapes anal every taste I AN TED to buy Underwood type FOR RENT Fresh fruits will soon rise in} writer, in good condition. State . price a the season advances.| price and where seen to box|/POR RENT Furnished house SLrawberri ire now fairly well ’B5, Daily News office tf ker , oom and bedroom at and the price for the present th NORFOLK Modern con i ‘ ‘ee ‘ : GENERAL SERVANT WANTED ve P} Blacl »” ab a iow a will go 0 slack 29.) eat deal depends now upon the \pply aire —o cae rol hn I i | hit f latlow and Sixth Ave. West | : i I ied room with hipmen Which arrive within} — °° anenaanationait vepineaenbininieslinethinataebient j ; | ) ! ‘ i, near wharti : the 1 t fe days Should many|Wanted to rent three or four V\ it of ‘ rentie he re ‘ ; re { ry te : : ? ' ¥ 2 mo rat arrive it is possible roomed house with bathroom. | ' P.O.) 524 tf 4 & *%. 4 2 hat he price will ower some- | Box 286 Daily News office g4|— bm c foe 4 wi as the berries have to bel - FOR NI | rome hous ey ne lid almost immediately after WANTED Woman for kitehen| twenty minutes fr mm udrydoc! MA ALEXANDER MUNRO val in the local stores,| work, Inlander, Second Ave. | cold storage Phone Red 216 Raspberries are not cor rit : R.R. No. 1, Lorne, Ont, |, none might be expested| WANTED AT ONC! MACHINIST /POR RENT—Housekeeping rooms | , ’ as apiary as nigh re expected | fe ssetenme Nien adie Co ’ a oF ree’ or . . ae for this time of year, but larger} — — pers, 7 ore Le e400 per month. 627 Ninth | M ith Rheumatism. . enue est ; W , lie , , om shipments are expected shortly FoR SALE Av r W , tf} ie, = ea a I'hee ical raspberries are not - POR REN B nsin th with , ' - : jready yet and the black currants | MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build- out board. Phone Red $80 tf | a pare hardly far enough advanced} ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru- : boat good conditior { heap md the swelling somewhat Phere is a slight 1 , i Boat Daily N ‘ La g about 860.00, between ; duction in price in black, white ae ? ic aes on j \ Lew Kergin’s and Waldron] LL sealed air-tight and ice ' frusdt “nei. and red currants. \partments Finder please re g all the time, and Honey dew melons are appear-| FOR SALE—Two trunks, 85 each.| turn to Daily News offices impurity-proof, in the wax- | nilesand |!0g in the fruit stands al 40 ets Heater, $2. Apply 627 Ninth | 777 een ne ; t th place” each rhe new £Zreen bunches of Avenue. tf LOST . Sectior Pw child's wrapped, safety packages. L\.LEXANDER } RO celery are selling at 25 cents per " " nny sweater coat Reward WwW. for £9 ‘ 9 buneh |}FOR SALE—Old newspapers, tet Martin, 884 Summit Avenue. x, 6 for $2.50, trial size 2c, : } wn ; * hina esinaeigesiaiililicdlncenpmasiithiatta tan ive sete sent 7 paid on Meats —s pundt ; | LOST—Buneh of keys with small Be sure to set Fruit -a tives en Steak .........., es oe ekes Seem) 4... iss... 35c| Whistle on ring. Finder please | Beef, pot roasts, |b be to 28e || , aan t New flice tf i ie 0 ave at News office. - ——} Beef, chuck roast, lb 30 suCcUIMDers, @€ach, ..... aw UE cia Stre : 28, pe 9 20¢ orerne Beef, rib roast. Ib... 20 to Bh trawberrw per box FOUND . | Bans . | Strawberries, per crate, $4.00 si t Phone 586 + 2 it lan ance ze to 25 5 ie. 3 | nang :{Hamburger, per Ib 260 | Spinach .......-. 9 tbs. for 26¢/FOUXD—Key ring with Yale and because if is supreme ' ’ Si itewis beef, per Ib ob |Radishes, ..... 3 bunches for 10: pos flice } Apply Daily | NZEY 5 brocery ‘ | Lamb, ON a i 45c ~ es Unions, 3 bunches for sty News office Cae ae ed in quality. Se: SOM. 6s. os eS 50c arsiey oe dec | Muttor tew gn, |velery, per bunch zon MISCELLANEOUS - 912 2 si mm, stewing ‘ zu neat “a aaa eine Made 216 6th Ave. W. ; Mutton shoulder roast B2X Watermeton, Ib .. ey 9 SEE MeGOWAN, the Gycle man, | Canada ¢) Ve slewing 25e Vantaloupes -1be to 26 for new and second-hand bi 88 : rries ) Joe to OK ant vour business and {| Veal shoulder roast . B0c | Cherries, i de ey to 4 eycles, repairs and parts. Basv ; i busines q\. ; ‘ Apricots, per 20-1b. box Se A] id light re A. orde Buy § | Lee } al ; ‘ 3de ; te . ds gh re A. ; - ; Dy ns per Ib ob rigs iayer, ib re Da W ~ nd Aver near | 4 i @ avour as Ss pie slLore Lane ; Py j sausages 30 rigs COOKINE iv *. : ~ Mi Brix ¢ Phone Rive 4214 i ces on Cheap junk. Soma suusages 35e. Oranges, Valencia a oe oe ; Rn N 1. a . 7 " ‘LUE FoR Your Pot *460) VE"* Currants 100 |THE NORTON—The place for a} oa ™ P a slack curr 5, per bo ‘ hampo Hairdressing. Scalp LE ae ieee OMA cs: soe Biaek currants, per Boa, 186) shampoo. Hairdvessing Sesto | IIMNIMMANUNNINNNI ANI HANNAN . a urreé s per bo ‘ rea en “ ourt e — : : Pork, shoulder, i 390 40¢ aman Gian 00-0. 0n. ar. by aeeeint.Te Groseberries, 2 ibs to! ~ ut pe a. . . ‘ appo -i ss n V7 Avreshire bacor sliced 60c . ; ‘ = Linze ’ 6 Grocery $i n, pi ; per 42 67 Plums, Ib. aga 3.% ent. Phone 493 tics e sa riece « ) 7c sanasieaiealiigeeiapamiaumianis tapmamaantaneiiatiny —— | ’ Jeaches ver doze r¢ = 4) sliced, per ib 70c | Peaches, | +s FARMS FOR SALE = SP POPPOOLE L¢OOCEOOOOOODOOOOOOM J Cocoanuts — Zoe and voit = Ove CG. P. R. FARM «LAND Choie it ' 60 New potatoes, per sack B50 . ' = . _— owe on re s ~ ‘ sel stricts ——_ ; j 4c masta. MOP BURGE... 26 sc ee Ot ¥ ra . = Sa a ~ vc > i estern anada, iOW prices, | sss ’ ou J§ ior Rent ; per Ib 50c SO 2.0 ccenawet > ibs. lor on aii: rs to pay: teeta = DON T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! ‘ c.g 4@reen peas ..... .2 lbs for 25 ee —s wii == ; ‘ * suc F lands Sunny Southern Al-| Ss iu ouses tor Sale eicided pack, per i ibe Pineapples ..... 50¢ | om Pe yritg One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your : - 7 ce ai 1 Ny OT DOR. .o-0. wide ae 0h b-4 60« oa — r ae iency~ ots for Sale ‘ : apie - , oe Green apples, per lb. Lo tinprovemer ts assist new | = Efficien $ | Spare Ribs per lb ov 25¢ ' ' lh Be settlers Act now they al = } omatoes, ib. ° Jt = umber for Sale ; Dairy Produce. hose aula soak Be oing fast.* For f booklet | = aertesitatitieiiitiatiiledi 1B p b ens ee. 5 : 1 full informati write H.j/ = === : ; i honey dew melons, each, HU = 4|/Butter (cooking) per Ib . *50c 7 l ghrar General Land|ss h you with $1, Green peppers, per |b OUC . ih St’ West = a e eh for a house } ; hee ~ 2 7 RDERS WANTED S ng ; Soles = e imiberger: Lf ese yer ib Sue TEND \ ve tf = easy time ay- i) — so ol . i | Kees GOSS) .ncccvsess 60c SEALED TENDERS are invited Line = OFFICE HOURS: splendid “> erection « s Hall at Smithers, t —- ‘ propositior $| Strictly new-laid eggs ‘¥ behalf of the Smithers Halil Company, | | Morning, § to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30, Saturdays, § to 12 only; ?iMargarine ...... ibe Pians and specifications may be obiain = ipartment house _ on application w the Secretary, Mr. 5. = | 4 Fish. Sechine, “omuthere, "Bt = Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 8 : I h salmor 25e A marked cheque for 10 f the am = res sé i os of tender must accompa tenders = . F. W. WA 3 od, salt, Alaska ide The lowest or any tender will not o> Dental Nurse in attendance.8 : . RT ‘ , pe necessarily be accepted = - s}CGod, 2 Ibs . 3dc tends % in the hand m = Phone 109 for appointment PHONE |God, ib sO . ‘ ter at? be ti th ele : s i= BLACK 451. }/Cod fillets, smoked, nee gp Oy = A oP TENDERS FOR COAL — SOOO OOPPPPOPOPPPOODOIOR® | Wn}; black cod, 2 Ibs he noon ' a a, ik EALED TE NDERS adar ssed to the | oe ances ’ he cheques it ul UBsUCcCcESssTt ‘ ersigued and endorsec Quotation for], OO PEDOP DODO ococer mat . } 20e ; tur » them ood . =| ‘ | 3 ae Enes Gaddia, & aoe | ee 8 ee ice omwnwon Busldiogs 800 oo) ATTY Ae ; ie Sn cane tthe 20¢ Suri the » » tem, ey. vill be received unti o'clo ; j } 7 ruesday, August 6, 1919, supply — i Ay jHerring kippered, 2 li for Jdc IN PROBATI al for the public buiidings throughout J UW t is jo IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BuTIst provinee of British Columbia — — ’ Doles, lb. see eens 10¢ COLUMBIA umbined specification and - oil i a . .2 lbs. 25c¢ IN THE MATTER OF THE APY ler can be obtained from th j : | rION ACT ising Agent, D@partment phic | THIRD AVENUE | alt Acadia Cod, 2-lb. boxes 60c and rk Ottawa, and from the ca kere | FOR SALE I IE mr | { i OF THE ESTATI the different Dominion Buildings i VER NEW MANAGEMENT | Fruits and Vegetables. IN ; ie oa a . GIERTSEN, Di enue Will not be considered unless | es }Onions, dry, per Ib., 1 INTESTATI le on the forms supplied by the Depart. | Lot 5, Block 44, Bections @....i.cacecre $3,000.00 cash ! : “ NOT that in order of H ut and in accordance With the conditions | rAKI Pict | ; . ‘ ) Healthy Exercise iLettuce, 2 for 10€ Honour F. McB. Young, made th forth therein . ail Let 6, Block 14, Seetion 14 @ ........se0- 3,000.00 ! : jul ; 919. I ap ‘ tender must be accompanied by} “an - ne : . Seep You Pit | Bananas oe Ndi nistrator ‘> the estate 0 f xccopted cheque of a chartered bau) Lot 9, Block », | Ua ee reeerr er a 600.00 a Grrapefrutt California 10cC KR. Giertsen, deceased, and al! parti ible to . ars : yt diniste the | Lot 10, Rieck 6, Beefiesn 4 @ «...asseeees 600.00 ’ ’ aving claims agaimst the said estat c Works, equal to 10 per cer ‘ c igars and Tobaccos |Carrots per bunch - herene required to furnish same, J unit J, the tended ee \ . Loan Bon mi FISHERMEN, LOOK |! : |Lemons , 35 ae , mm, ote masape oo i 4 ~~ Bonds and che q es ur | } Lot 16, Block 50, meta BO oticdniwees 100.00 7 Cope; p;;;;OOOe | Kan us : — 2 ed é j odd amout : Secor | Enstish walnuts 90C | debited to the estate are required to | wired 10 mak uP aD alt i : tell ca ; ; 2 the amount of their indebtednes 7 os, inant ans a } Australian Currants 30¢ | ihe, amou ee iG, DESMOCMENS, DAVID H. HAYS, 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. OM LE Comb honey vik Te ot partment of Public Works . hbubarb, 3 Ibs for =o Dated this Stst day of July, 101% tlawa July 1919 ecCond Avenue, West. ~ - - . = ——— ———_ re 7 . ? ; al EN \ VEGETABLES IT’S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON’T WEAKE By GENT RYRNES Wholesale and Retail oO ' ‘ General Contractors and iTS & Labor Exchange, : - me | FEEL J sia GREAT LIFE. i ice aa . ‘ ) ince Rupert, B, ( . TERRIBLE H EVER ; NO . \F Yo DON T @ O47 P.O, Box 726 MARTHA ! Ov P PCC Cm oie! Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Carte mee... ' on ee bartland Boarding House Dry dock = Week Phone Red 246 tern —Crnee, “~ tee ESSIE wot GAN STOLE MN FELLOW poo Hoo LoveD AND LosT* THE JURY AWARDED ME ELEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS WEAKEN