1 I : CUSSjFljLHABg j;c:yoD read the Cluuifled Ad. j( you lose, advertise It. It j a And, locate f, Wfctvr Jrou n o. T It oV GET THE CU T. . . - 'V Vy - t" V y X . No. 30. A j, V . mnllul n . m U' 1 thrnlltfh ' ) to An nl IMVIr will have , ndows and were met out- any connection with these people : the club's hot beats." with their dirty and insolent vto- ! -ON B.C. Feb. 7: The lenee and all their stupid chlld-l(,n Community of Unlver- ish action such aa unclohtlng to lothcrhood Doukhobors are the '-.ln." I , C D 1 YOuUCiion or roici, Piles and Ties During 1928 Showed Increase States District Forester DISCOUNT HATE IN i : 1 ENGLAND BOOSTED LONDON. Feb. 7: The ink of England ralced its i ount rate from four-ami- u ii.itf to five-and-a-half per- nt today. There had been i dii tions for some time f i.at tin rate would be raised f an effort to stem the flow I 1 ''11, UllKinilVl, ,U .11V I'l'ti'l St.t.a TVio rata ,,.1.11 nk iwui-niiu-u-iiau ""''nt since 1927. 0M . , dentotion of the stock of theed. rwtti cubuiuhjuu mm oviue; Pacific Mills amounting to uwv lenunciauon (Vwi (inn ii.nt fueL Had mere ' oi wr .wvuia oe suummea to "not been this depletion the pro-, Parliament was another announ- duction for the vear would have cemeni bi ine sfieech irom the ouallfld that for H27. ThatlThrou. Mimnuv loiravo: onlv ,iw,w feet as compared with tno usuai production of 70.000.000 feet. It is expected that sub-contracts will be let in the Swanson Bay district for 16,000.000 feet to be divided among eight power contractors and numerous loggers. It la uxptcted that the .to J. R. Morgan Loggia Co. will deliver (continued on page B) Certain other matters covered in toe report would oe, dealt with by legislation. It was. intenued, the speech continued, to augment and ex tend the existing facilities for furnishing Canadian exporters j with commercial information in regard to foreign markets and to I establish additional trade com- I missioners at strategic pointa. The speech says: The rapid. development of western and nor them Canada imposes on the railways the necessity of providing , increased transportation facilities in the immediate future. A further branch line program of the Canadian national manage- ment will be submitted and you will ! 1 asked to authorise Mills Depleting t; r Oniniit Uutput hrnnnr-fl llroppcd Ull Off Uun Otvin" u to Pacific I"".1... f' F the acquisition of certain rail- lllCir 5510CK liy aoout r our irai , , KaMem and V tern Canada." I Air i I A 6 i- an sjI1I I 4 sin .J -a . i -WB$jeer- wivr4 nii us inn vtwwvWkf The bright feature of the timber industry ior norineru the speech forecasted, to stm V.mih t'oTumbia, according to the report of the district effect to a general pension i :.r, ,t.er. just issued, is the cedar pole and piling and tie in- scheme for the inefit of the , Nirr.u .i'., : iun n-r.t anulnffs for 1028 employeea of the Canadian Nat- r una u uiup m wib 'v.. - . . Joml Railways. (i 2r per cent, there is an increase of 37 m cent m uh. , NeKtttutlon, tmum. i iar no e and wi me nrouucuon, anu iur rwuweij i.-ow.. wrtn Br(titn coiumbut with increase of 1G per cent. . , ' regard to the restoration of land Tho report states that the decrease in the production of j of the railway belt and the Peace . SHawloB-s was accounted for by the i River block, the Hn announ- SAVING Tllfl PRICE An Aberdeen solicitor who had a telephone in his house was ex-peeling to be late but did not hand j wish tf incur the expense of tele phonist so he arranged with his wife that he would ring up abettt aix o'clock, but she need not anewer the rail. OTTAWA, Feb. 7: A heavy snow storm and grey sklee were provided by the weather man as preparation for the opening ceremonies today of the third session of Canada's sixteenth Parliament. The opening was attended by the usual military met entente, a travelling escort of cavalry for the Governor General, who drove to the Parliament Iluilirfg in an open sleigh. A guard of honor met Lord Willlngdon at the Parliament Building and the boem of cannon was beard as Hi Excellency arrive- to. perform the usual sessional function. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1929 Government Attacked by Opposition Leader Over the Orders-in-Council POPE PIUS CELEBRATED SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY!; ROME. niversary Boston Grill LARGE CABARET Special Dinner Thursday and Saturday! Danclnjr every Saturday nlf ht from 9 to 12. Dance Ball lor Hire Accommodation for Private Parties Phone 437 PRICE FIVE CENTS Aboe is a icw of the mw br.dge wliich s'ians the bro. d St. Lawrence River at Montreal. It is completed except for the fixing in position f the centre! spar, and a few fi ish ng touches here and there. This great bridge, more than a mile and a half long, has taken more than three years to construct, and when finished it will help to aojve the traffic pmbirm which haa long troubled th- Mfntr.a! f-ffie:al in regard to traffic congestion over the Victoria Bridge the gateway between the Q uebec Province and the United states. PARLIAMENT" AGAIN OPEN Spectacular Scene During Snowstorm at Ottawa Today For Third Session New State Experiment Launched As Vatican and Government of Italy Come to Complete Accord KING GEORGE IS ; GETTING BETTER Treaty Will Re Signed On Sunday Between Pope and King Victor; Holy See Rejoices as Official Prerogatives Granted T?fMF. Fob 7 Pnnp Pius has informed al nuncios. nr,shhorUy0 to tutTcl't 1 internuncios and apostolic delegates that complete agree-Convalescence ! ment has been reached between the Roman Catholic ,Annv F-h 7 Kin.1 Church and the Italian government. A treaty will be George's removal to the eouth signed on Sunday by Cardinal Gasparri i representing His CT1, a ? i 'I miit Holiness, and Premier Mussolini, representing King Vic-irl: &?JZSr tor Emmanuel. The terms provide for only a small rectifi-vaiescence has not yet art44d. cation of Jfte present boundaries. of the apostontf palace. n Is majCBiy iirvarcna te nn j lie I uje mil nave wic iiui vu that the proposed change to the erect his own railway station, south coast is now desirable. land tilagcapA, telephone, postal ' ' I ard w ralttvi stations. He will I be privileged to have an aviation j ' 1 icld and will rnjoy the right to coin money, issue bank notes, ' pr nt iostage stamps and exer- - cise other official prerogatives . , 0nly Matter of Time Until Famous In consideration of the Pope's General Is Restored to renunciation of any important; Normal Health enlargement la territory, the It- alien government is authorised PARIS, Feb. 7 Marshal to increase ia amount the indem- Focn wno has been suffering T. 1). 1WI.H. Ikchna Govcrnmcjit Fh-IleeM and b SfcTsV SmuS rSTSZ Racked Up by Labor Member for land, unless new complications VICTORIA, Feb. 7. lean important by many than the With the leader of the oniwei- oKordat of which it forms the tion denouncing the govenment's attitude as pig-headed ifirPt Tfe c(n,! .L-I , , .Ti . plies the acceptance of canonical i Av i i i i and reprehensible and the provincial secretary' warmly ,aw by the iUkn government countering that the Liberal chieftain had attempted to; The latter binds itself to the en- ! mislead the public by partial publication of the corres- forcement of canonical law pondence of Mr. Pattullo's fight to have all orders-in- throughout the country, council made available to perusal of the public, the legis-1 The who,e agreement ia ato- Intiiro nnenpil vpRfPrrlnv "V1" "irirnv ... i Seconded by Mr. Uphill, Labor member for Fernie, Mr, . . , . . . . ..j ern state ana mis is regaruea in Vatican circles as a notable I Pattullo present ed a resolution j victory. asking the legislature to order! TKa lw ,a ntMA M vt. that copie. of all the orders-ln-1 ... m M tappy about what h MARSHAL FOCH y ORESTRY SHOWS INCREASED PRODUCTION IN SOME LINES bukhobors Make Charges Against Police in Connection With Recent Arrests of the Sons of Freedom Declare They Do Not Recognize Canadian Ikrbaric Laws or IJeastly Action of the Police, Charging I JJrutality and. Intoxication VANCOUVER, Feb. 7. Making charges of brutality THRONE SPEECH I IN PARLIAMENT: ntoication against the police officers who arrested . ,il of their sect in recent disturbances at Grand Forks, Unprecedented C hristian Community of Universal Brotherhood, u Freedom, or "Doukhobors,' have launched an ap-u the federal minister of justice and also addressed i pi n letter to Inspector Dunwoody of the provincial and Inspector P. H. Sheffield of the provincial de- icnt of education, i !hi ir appeal to the minister the Doukhobors state hi 'ir men were sentenced- " ir religious belief and ask not takin.' any responsibility for Industrial and Commercial Expansion Re ferred To by Governor-General LEGISLATION FORECAST Reform to He Made In Fishery 'Regulations and Uuine of Canada Assisted release or otherwise to actions of the Sons of Freedom. '"si all for "we stand ona fanatical group, was contained' OTTAWA, Feb. 7. "Never in :h of Christ one for all and in a sUtement signed by Peter historr of Canada has there' one." jVeregin. prejijent ad W. P. os such ie5trial and coinmer-. letter to Inspector Dtia-I Riegen. The ntitsirrrt says: -W expansion as that which has and Inspector Sheffield j "Ther was a, rumor at the tine P,ac darinzth peat It "We do not recognise youriof arrestm thai there wa s wejnth,'' tKe ' speAH. tty&yi r laws, yoor stfr'WJgihWt MaHtlC tf$t the Mainiinf0 : k of NT .,r (irand Forks," and gWiJve7yrV wffn whM tiate had a 'i3frtrt A nBblft,,r'! "One had her of development was the eon-lned iv woman chance to see this so called up in two. Another battle would only njov a cheer- fntrtd advance and imMperfar of i. unman wa. knocked Trie statement in reference to It was noted that the fisheries! i t standpoint and one man lh lunatics' activities says that1 bra nth of the department of marauded through a bnej. fiWJf !f frie had been aep-v hv means of twistrn apfSfeebiM aV'end like f VtW from the marine branch I from outside and beating ordinary illness. ! and a deputy minister appointed. .I) from inside. By the "The Christian Community ... of Reorganisation of the fiaherlea I 1 rl el am m 4-la... ii n i ii n i i the policemen, women Universal Brotherhood had now- " CHEAT CANADIAN BRIDGE NEARS COMPLETION IS RECOVERING rernie, Tom Uphill The treaty itself is considered arise, it is only a question of time until he is restored to his normal health, his physicians announced loday . Scottish Humor Imported direct fr the Aberdeen Joke Factory I'LL TAKE THE BOTTLE A teetotal Aberdonian whilst travelling to Dundee in company Pre-1 with a number of farmers was just as offered a dram. "No thaak ye," Feb. 7: The 7th an- " rp j vubUv. .....i.i document,, . of li.'.l,. . non-, -' happy. I " consider that he was j he replied, ' "but when you've throne of St. Prtrr was cele ibratetl at Vatican yesterday. of Pope Pius to the eoniiaenuui nature esiauiisnmg wnt hy provindence to put an feenished wi' the bottle ye can u.. goirmiuriu .cati.ijr , . , thij no Hon hand t to me I I tfPt tunnenca " - ' - I r w Tontlnued on pajf' two.) lof the Pope in Rome." for't fae ray grocer.'