,5 PAGE SIX HYDE TRANSFER And coal co. DEMAND Phbnc 580 dry birch JACKl'INtf AND CEDAR Singlrload ... .. . .v. . . . . . $3.50 Double load i . . $f.50 Large sack ........ m .n .. 1 . 50c Box Wood Cuttings Large-Load I ... . $3.50 coalT prices d6 Wn Pombina Peerless Eggf . $12.00 Pembina Washed NtttS $1125 AlberUfSootless Large Egg $12.50 ! Albettit Bootless Egg 512.00 ; Alberta Lump , Si 3.(1(1 j Also all other classes of coal. ; Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Dago-age Day and Night Sertlce 139 Second Avenue "Rupert Brand" ippers -THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST I OOIU Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert. H.C Canadian National Steamships . i. . . . . . .. n lt ,.t t Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AMI SHIPYARD Operating U.T.P. 20.000 Ton Moating Dry Dock Engineers. Machinists. Boilermakers, Blacksmith Put tern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Fc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WEI.IMN'l. Our plant is equipped to handle alt kinds oi MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and S8J ''CATERPILLAR" - Tractors BIGGER THAN THE WEATHER! A Size for Every Use A Hundred Userf for idvery Size : ' 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, siXTY BirrTElt tjUlOKER CHEAPER Literature and Prices on Iteoueat Sole Distributors for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. LIMITED Branch Olflre Northern I'aHrii- Freight llulldlnf Nrlwn Kflowna l 4 i ' S&0 Station titrttt Norman C. ('rutrkuliaiik. ITInre Uronr ' VANCOUVER. U. C DM. Manner HOLT SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avcnpfe nc 7($ MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES , Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. Advertise in "The Daily News' CURIOUS LIBEL IN REGARD TO PRINCE RUPERT Vancouver Province London Correspondent Comes to Rescue of City In Setting Weekly Kizht which will explain the whole matter. Blocked by Ice Floes Dear Sir, On page 862 of your isaue of January 19th, you pub lished an article by one Barbara Austen, purporting to be a record of tome of her experience as an opera singer. In the course of the article she writes that "During my ten years in the States the most em barrassing experience was on my first visit to Winnipeg." A tra veller of souch distinction ought surely to be aware that Winnipeg 'ft the capital of Manitoba, Cana da, and is not in "the States." Sir proceeds to give an account of Iter "most exciting experience" . . . .when off the port of Prince ilupert, B.C "Due at Prince Rupert, in British Columbia, our company embarked on a boat about the Ofy of a Channel steamer, which should have accomplish- the twenty-five-mile journey about an hour. But wind and tide had swept an im-aense barrier of ice floes up the mouth of the river, blocking it almost completely. "Through the ice field we laterally fought our way during two whole days and nights. Ridiculous '"Excepting tinned pork and beans, there was no food ab-cfclrd. and it was so bitterly petd that we dared not put our Mies outside the cabins. ! Finally our ship became jammed in the ice within two Miles of Prince Rupert, and to tfet out and walk seemed the oaly solution. So At half-past tven in the morning the entire company climbed down the hip's aides on rope ladders aUd trekked across the solid ice. til order to 'land' we had lo olamber up a pier about thirty set high, hauling up our bag- flge as best we could. ; have lived in British Colunv bli for twenty years and from an; itiumate knowledge of the coun-try;! feel constrained to point out! toou that this story Is utterly ridiculous In all its details. . Within - living memory and I j haVe checked my own knowledge from official sources there has never been any such an occur-' rence as the blocking of Prince 1 Rupert harbor by ice floes. The harbor is open the year round.! Over the last ten years the mean I temperature for January the! coldest month has been 32 de-j grees Fehrenheit. The harbor is' always entirely free from ice, nor j Hcs the moath of the Skeena Riv-1 t ever be"cn blocked so fur uh i there are any records, or no fur' i.-. memory or living persons rervflB. Finest Jlnrhor t$ri in no teftg or settlement wheW h ii ').cr;i cdmpmiy could fOtlctiVj'My be playing anywhere .w'ililh twenty-five miles of Prince Rupert -or within 250 mib'R for that mutter'. As for the alleged lArk of fowl on what was uppnr-entl.V n passenger vessel and the alleged walk over two miles of "Solid ire," it may he said that the steamship services on the B. C. coast are, and have been for many years, jrobably the finest and most luxurious in the world; the walk over the ice one can only regard as a figment of somebody's imagination. It seems unfortunate that such utterly untrue trash as this should be given publicity, thereby given currency to a wildly absurd picture o? one of the finest Canadian harbors on the North- Pacific. LUKLN JOHNSTON. IllcfHpf" NIpWQ The following under a two- column headline abuuared in the MslQll Ivl llWf O I Vancouver Province of recent 111 '" idate: ! VANDERUOOF The extraordinary belief that J Canada it a land of icy deeola-' On account of the Intensely tion, where the scattered inhabl-1 cold weather, the Vahderhoof tants are clad in Skins, live in Superior School has been closed igloos, and trap a rabbit for; for the pnxt few days. The low- breakfast every morning, still jest thermometer reading during clings in the minds of some, and i the rewt cold snap here has the idea dies hard. A deplorable , wn 50 .degrees below zero, ennara, one very similar to tne above, has recently been given ; publicity by the British journal i Pearson's Weekly, from the pen' of Miss Barbara Austen, an opera 1 singer, and she selects our own ! fair Prince Rupert to besmirch. ! The Ladies' Aid to the loeal United Church met this after 'oon at the home of Mrs. E. D, nith. George Ojrsttfn has been elec- Put it remained for the corres- i ted chairman of the local boardj pendent of the Southam Press in of village commissioners and IL London, Lukftn Johnson, formerly i member of The Daily Province stilf, and resident in British Col- mnfcia for, two decades, to take up Uie cudgels for Prince Rupert He sent the following letter to the editor of Pearson's Weekly, 3, Matthews is vice-chairman. Rev. Leonard J. Hales of Jm It hers visited the district during the past week and conducted Anglican Church services here on Sunday. The Omlneca Branch of the Canadian Legion here has elected officers as follows: presid-nt R, M. Taylor: vice-president, George Ogston i secretary-treas-ttrertephen Holmes; executive, J. H. F. Lacey, W. Pinniger, Rod-erfejit MacDonald and Andrew J. ft Rae. David Donaldson is haptain. i. W. H. Day" has. received a beer license for the Vanderhoof Hotel. Owen Burdett left last week for JaspVr to meet a niece of Mrs. BUrdett's who is coming here from England. A meeting of the Women's Auxiliary the Canadian Legion was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs". Stephen Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Clark and family ire noW- fully recovered after having been under quarantine for th past two months. Mr. and Mrs. Royce left last week for Prince George with heir young son who is to undergo an operation. Dr. Alexander nIone sis lir.SNK.K IILOC DENTIST OH ZERO - 10 20 Jbo Ssla Att lUrold r. RiicfcU Cm. U4-. Toroaio IN Thursday. DAM NEWS' SHOPPING SERVICE V- for Out-of Town Subscribers To serve its women readers, and particularly those who live M'a distance from a retail centre, The Daily News has instituted a Shopping Service. The Daily News is read hy hundreds of women living far from any urban facilities f jr shopping and it i for these that this shopping service is primarily intended. Of course, The Daily News Shopper will attend to the man also, although he can buy a pair of braces anywhere. Hut pot every where can a woman get a bit of lace matched or a piece of em. !n6iddr) thread or the thousand and one things that make if p .'(he difference between a woman's wants and a mau. The Prince Rupert Merchants Carry between them Stocks running up to $2,000,000 and while it is not possible to purchase everything in this world in I'rince Rupert, most things arc available by return mail. None of the I'rince Rupert merchants can possibly advertise everything they carry in stock, but if the thing wanted is to be "ot in this city, our out-of-town readers may be sure that The Dally News Shopper will get it when asked for. If any of our women readers cannot get what they want in their nearest store, all there is to do is to write to The Daily News Shopper, stating what is required with whatever details there may be, enclosing the cost, and if it is in I'rince Rupert, The Daily v NcwRhopper makes your purchase. This Service Free lo our women readers and is the outcome of many individual (ucstn made to our staff on their travels through the district in demons past. This service has been appreciated In these individual catcs and is now extended to all with the hope of the same appre i: nation. So Do Not Hesitate Do not think you arc Imposing llpDn The Daily News. Our shopper is awaiting your requests. THE DAILY NEWS klNCE RUPERT ft. C. . -.-.U .... .J. DAYS THE BEST HUMAN ANTI-FREEZE HOT IT STIMULATES, GIVES YOU A GLOWING WARMTHf REVIVES YOU, AND GIVES YOU ENERGY AND ZEST