TOMORROW'S TIDES Services Being Cut FACE FOOD SHORTAGE Indians and Whites in North Have Supplies Cut Off by Tidal Wate JUNEAU, Nov. 30. Thirty Indl- the Government lecher at Clark's' Point, are faring a serious food ilv rtaue because of the severe gale and Udal ware In Bristol Bay region Novcubcr 24, a cable despatch from DiiUnnham reveals. The whites came from Elcuk and ail are living In the school house on the tcarher's private supplies. Airplanes are expected to play a part In the relief work along with dog teams, Former Rupert Man Had Spill PRTNCE GEORGE, Nov. 30 .-Mr. and Mrs W. J. Pitman and daugh-, to Gertrude had a rather bad , shaking up but eescaped without I serious in Jury when their car went j over the slough bridge recently, landing right side up on the dry siougn oca 13 feet Deiow. MOKE USEFUL ROOK r . i, .r.r nave you a copy of "Who's Who" and "What's What." i -1' iomc k. Jerome? Cohen -No, but ve got Who's c una -vat s lie uoi, oy n- Dun. Fort William Times-Journal. LAWYER: -if you CLIENT "no. no-i wani r your VS. BELANGER lrcnch .Canadian Hoy Beaten By AWrtMru Wellington, Lad at Chicago CHICAGO, NOV. 30: Leo Lomskt, Belanger of Winnipeg, Canadlrn lishlwetffht champion, here last nfceht. The result was a reversal of the deWston that Delanger won over! Lomski a fortnight ago. QUAKE SHAKES S. CALIF RIVERSIDE, Cal.. Nov. 30. Slight earthquake shocks visited Southern California along the line nf the San Andreas earth fault. Various sections reported from one to three tremors, dui none repori.- ed?.rn eardino ardino had naa buildings m en ana P j of the cU awnj " . H i f4K'ft y I OSl VJUlCC IIUD Swept Clean Away REWARD. Nov. 30: The post 'office at Niwnaga vow -y- j , ri of wnvember NovemDer 24 'the, tidal wave want my . honest opinion - inn 1 ifiii(. "TThe Bystander, London. BYRD FLEW OVERPOLE Surveyed Much Antarctic Territory in Flight Just Completed NEW YORK, Nov. 30: The New York Times, St, Louis Despatch and newspapers affiliated with them in published reports from Commander Richard Byrd's expedition announced that Commander Bird has returned to his base, Little America, after a successful flight across the South Pole In which he surveyed much adjacent territory. The fiitht ,w?. without mhhap and everything worked well. Scottish Dance Great Success Anniversary of Scotland's Patron Saint Celebrated With Affair Last Evening: The annual fit. Andrew's Diy dance of the St. Andrew's Society in the Moose Ha'l last nlsht was a great success, some two hundred persons being In attendance to celebrate the anniversary of Atild Scotia's natron saint which really falls today. The proceeding opened at 9 n.m. with a Orand March for which there was music by a pipe band or eleht pieces. The dance program included Srottish and Canadian dances and there were two orchestras. Mrs. James S. war; nKnlst for both orchestras, Scottish numbers bejng played by John Bremner, James. ' Watt and J. B. MacKayand.OmaT dlan by Dave Eastman , anc,..J. Hanson. A feature of the prpuranuwe.r&4. rauioiviun ii'mnmm;, aai;es,. py Miss Nan Craig. At midnight, delicious. . refresh ments were served, selections be 'ns played by the pipe Hand dur- Mrs Owrge Scott supervised the mo0mJng in the Prince Rupert Conserving Of refr'Shment. nnwnltfil ir. had been 111 onlv Boston Grill mmin LA ROE CABARET Sunday, December 1 Special Dlnnen Tburtdayi and Saturday! l: Jn. 18.8 High 13:07 ft," Dancing Every Saturday Mfbt, 8 to It p.m. 21.9 ft. Danc Hall for Hlrt Low 7:11 a.m. 8.6 ft; 19:67 p.m. 3.2 ft. Accommodation for Prirate Partiea NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHO.NE 457 VSTXX., No 270. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, NOV. 30, 1929 PHICE FIVE CENTS Vancouver Faces iKV' Serious Power Famine Catholic Archbishop Urges Prayers For Rain Be Offered by Clergy in All Their Devotions VANCOUVER, Nov. 30. With the consumption of electric power cut by means of conservation methods from a normal use of 900,000 kilowatt hours to 700,000, the B. C. Electric Railway & Power Co. announced yesterday that the consumption must be still further cut to 400,000 kilowatt hours immediately to make the present power supplv last four weeks without rain, otherwise Vancouver win have a power famine within a fortnight. As industries use 70 per cent of the power in the city, the company looks to them for the bulk of the reduction. One lumber company yesterday laid off CO employees in ah answer to the appeal. Thirty street cars have been taken off and the entire service will be cut in half next week. The chief of police has been authorized to take on 25 additional patrolmen owing to the darkening of the city. The meteorological officials predict lurther dry weather. Most Rev. Timothy Casey, archbishop of Vancouver, today urged the Catholic clergy to include prayers for rain in all their devotions. Howa rd Steen was master of I nererncnl'vi anrl Bob Wlergln pre- a tne 'jT!jemnvJ!U?eiand(had ilvcd m Tcrracc for six' .coi.u.-.c .H v.--, affair consisted of jmfxv Jeii dl(s,4 chairman. Jam.s, Black. amesi T Haddon and P,tFtiliysnnl . 1 r; h The dance c: at 2il.'m. FIRST ROUND ENGLISH CUP Many Teams Participated In Old Country Play Today LONDON, Nov. 30. The first round proper of the English Football Association's Cup competition today resulted as follows: York City 2, Tanmcre Rovers 2. Southport 0. Chesterfield 0. Carlisle United 2, Halifax 0. Hansfleld Town 0. Manchester Central 2. WelUngton 1, Stockport 4. Caernarvon 4, Darlington 2. Nelson 0, Crewe Alexandria 3. Aecrington Stanley 3, Corhdale 1. Barrow 1, Newark 0. Doncaster 0, Sheldon 0. Southone 1. Hartlejsool United 0. South Shields 2, Wrexham 4. Rotherham 3, Ashlngton 0. Lincoln 3. Wlgan 1. Gainsborough Trlr.ty 0, Port vale! 0. New Brightbn 4, Lancaster 1. Walsall 1, Exeter 0. Brlgthon and Kove 4, Pctccrboro 0. Gilford 0. Watford 3. -Southend 0, Brentford 0. Nunhead 0. Bristol Rovers 2. Bournemouth and Boscombc 2, Torquay 0. Norwich 3, Coventry 3. 'ihn 4, Thames 0. Tunbrldge, Wells 1. Bath 3. Newport 3, lettering 2. Aldershot 0. Northampton 1. Ley ton 4, Merthyr Town 1. Wimbledon 1. North Fleet 4. Dillingham 0, Margate 2. Clapton Orient 0, Folkestone 0. Dulwlch 0, Plymouth Argyle 3. Luton 2, Queens Park Rangers 3. Barry 0, Dagcnham 0. HOOK TENDER KILLED DUNCAN, B.C.. Nov. 30: Reginald Vaux, 30 years of age, a hook tender, was kllcd today In a logging accident at the M.B.V. camp at MllQ 49 cjui. HE WOULD NEED LONGER Counsel on both sides had been allowed fifteen minutes each for argument. Accordingly the plain tiff's counsel took a deep breath and besran: "At the fall of Baby- ion "Just a minute," Interposed the judge. "If you're going to start as far back as that, perhaps Td better give you twenty minutes.' Chatham News. First Aerial Newspaper Office Above is depicted the first and photographers representing carry on their duties high in air position. YOUNG MAN SUCCUMBS George EberMcy Glass Died In Hos pital This morning Alter Brief illness Due .to infection. Ifcom a boil on a race, uwn;tf??e rssey tuiassa jfi mX nlMtttnn n frrfl M A fail I tT. " H rt Deceased was born in Manitoba wttn nis parents, Mr. ana MrVT oeorge E. Olass, Vornon and ypnic class of this city are brothers. "he remains will be forwarded by the B. C. Undertakers on Monday to Terrace, where Interment will, take place. STOCK QUOTATIONS I (Oourtf y S. D. Johnston Oo.) Bayview, 2Vi, 3 Vfc. Big Missouri. 63. Nil. Cork Province. 5, 5&. Cotton Belt. 15. NIL Dunwell, Nil. 12. DHthle, 42, 43. George Coapcr, 2.80. 2.90. Georgia River, 15, 16. Golconda. 80. Nil. Orandvlew, 23, 23V4. . Independence, NIL 5.. : i Indian, 3. 5. Inter. Coal Ac Coke, M. 20. Kootenay Florence, 8ty, 834. Kootenay King, 7, 8. , -L, & L.. 1JJ11. Lucky Jim. Nil, 9. Mohawk. 2. 2V4. . Marmot River Gold, 20, 21, Marmot Metals, 1V4. 2Vi. National Silver. 8, 10 Noble Five, 42, 45. Oregon Copper. 12, Nil. Pend Oreille. 3.05, 3.15. Premier. J.70. 1.74. Porter-Idaho 25 35. Reeves Macdonald, 1.12, 1.15. Rulus-Argenta. in, 11. RuUi-Hope. 21, 23. Silver Crest. 6'i. 7. Silverado. 29. 35. Snowflake, 17, 18. Sunloch, 1.10, 1.15. Terminus, 2, Nil. Topley Richfield, 5, C. Torlc Mlnee, 1.00. Nil. Woodbine, 2. 2. Bluebird. 5, Nil. Oeorge Enterprise, Nil, 18. Oils A. P. Con., 2.15, 2.16. Galmont,- 1.01. 1.06. Dalhonste. 1.70. 1.80. Devcnlsh, 18, 20. Fabyan Pete, 7. 7&. Home. 11 50, 11.55. Hargal, 1.01, 1.03. Freehold. 70. Nil. Sterling Pacific, 1.42, 1.44. United, 75. 76. Mercury, 75, 79. Mid West, 28, Nil. Crerar May Be Railway Minister WINNIPEG, Nov. 30. Hon. T. A. Crerar today refused to comment on rumors that he will be appointed minister of railways lh the federal cabinet, succeeding Hon. C. A. Dunning, who was recently appointed minister of finance. aerial newspaper ofltee In history, a large L03 Angcle? newspapers will! covering the Western Aircraft Ex-! IIELIONAIRE Uft tsUteWaluod at $387.000 Divided -Between Four ' Sons TORONTO. Nov. 30;--Sir Clif ford BlXtan of Jorqala wjin died nw Tore Apra it icit an, es tate valued at $3 237,000. Four ronj divide the residue after a number of Icga-tes have been paid. -JMJ iffith Beat tJzcudun in Heavyweight Bout CHICAGO. Nov. 30:-Jerry Griffith defeated Paulino UzcudUn In a savage ten round bqut here last night. By this victory he bounded into the limelight as a challenger for the world's heavyweight title. Police Court Fines Higher This Year Collections For Year to Date Total $G,G97.50 as Against $6J410 in Same Period of 1923 Fines collected In city police court hero during the month of November, ending today, totalled $505 as compared with $92.50 in the same month last year. The total for this year to date now stands at S5.097.50 as compared with $644.50 during the first eleven months of 1928. English Plays Strong in Paris Despite Fierce Competition Shakespeare anil Ben Jonson Are Thriving PARIS, Nov. 30 After threo centuries, and despite all the competition of revue and talkie, Ben Jonson and Shakespeare still play to crowded housas in Paris. Both these old rivals of the Elizabeth n stage have undergone some modification in -their French dress, but In "Vol-oon" and the "Merry Wives" they are there none the less, "Volpone" is so successful as to lead Rene Clair. one of the youneer producers, to declare: "The tide has turned in favor of the legitimate stage again. The cinema never could draw the crowd away from the play like 'Volpone.' " And "Volpone" Is playing cheek by Jowl with the modern thriller of Montmartre. One has to climb the famous hill to find it. pass around the Palace Plealle and by the Moulin de la Galette to the most so-nhlstlcated square In the world. There above the doorway of the Theatre de l'Ateller electric lights I pick Out the words: "Volpone Ben i Jonson." Just across the way Is , one of the biggest talkie houses In Paris. To Test Validity of Stock Tax By Test Cas.e Which Was Begun Yesterday On Advice of Farris 1 VANCOUVER, Nov. 30. Claiming that the Dominion Stock Taxation Act imposing- a graduated scale of taxation upon share transfers is oppressive and opposed to the best interests of the mining and oil industries, members of the Vancouver Stock Exchange will test the validity of the legislation through the courts. During yesterday's session of the local exchange, two brokers made a sale of stock and transferred it without affixing the necessary taxation stamps and notified the collector of customs. The solicitor for the interested parties has secured the opinion of J. W. deB. Farris that the act is V ANOTHER JUMP IN ;' PRICE OF WHEAT .; VANCOUVER TODAY t VANCOUVER, Nov. 30: Wheat took another two cent move upward on the local ex- change today when it was cjuo'ed at $1.42 ft. This Is higher than it has been for some time and Is looked upon h?re as an indication that the Wheat Pool and other hold- !ng dealers are winning out. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL F.nrmh Lcacuc. First DirUlon : Arwnal 0, Newcastle United 1. Astonvllla 3. Blackburn Rovers 0. Bolton Wanderers 2, Grimsby, Town 3. B'irnle7 1 Irbv County Overton 4 Leicester City 5. Leeds United 1. Mlddlesborough. 1. . Tne.hcster City 1,' Huddersfleld 'Trrio'yb' sf Sheffield United t. "Wfield Wednesday 2. Liverpool 1. Sunderland 2, Manchester United 4. ?rifIK I.jtAfrM4k 5tfAtiff nivtclftn Alloa 2. Forfar Athletics (L 'jJ Aroroatn z. i-citn Ainieiics i. Armadale 3, Queen of South 0. Bones 0. East Stirlingshire 1. Dumbarton 1. Albion Rovers 2. Dunfermline Athletics 2, Raltb, Rovers 2. i East Fife 7. Stenhousemulr 0. Montrose 2. Clydebank 1. Bernards 3. Brechin City 1. Third Lanark 5, King's Park 1. Scottish League, First Division Aberdeen 4. Hamilton Acads 2. i Alrdrlonlans 1. Queens Park 2. Avr United 2, Dundee 2. Clyde 3. Hearts 3. Dundee United 1, St. Johnstone 1. Falkirk 2. Cowdenbeath 2. Hibernians 0. Kilmarnock 0. Morton 2 Rangers 2. Mt.herwell 3 St. Mlrren 0. rarMck Thistle 3, Celtic 2. English league, Second Dlfislon nynifnrfi City 0. Chelsea 1. Brlsw Cltv 1. Southampton 1. Cardiff City 5. Oldham Athletics 0. Charlton Ath'etlos 1. Bradford 0. H-il1 City 2. Barnsley 0. Nntt County 0. Tottenham Hot-suprs 1. Preston Northend 3. Mlllwall 1. Reading 2, West Bromwlch Albion 2. Rtoe City 0. Blackpool 1. Swansea Town 1, Nottingham Forest 1. Wolverhampton Wanderers 2. Bury 0. WEATHER REPORT Prinec Rupert Raining, calm, temperature. 48. Port Simpson Fogey, calm, 46. Haysport Cloudy, rtln, calm, 44. Terraced-Cloudy, -aim. 43. Rosswood Cloudy, calm, 42. Hamlton Cloudy, calm. 38. Smlthers Cloudy, calm. 33. Burns Lake Foggy, calm, frost. Q"nel Foggy, calm. Eighth Cabin Cloudy, calm. Wallace's 95c Day Sale Starts Today Throuah an unfortunhte error. ! Wallace's ... 95c Davs were advertised . i i as takinir place on Monday and Tuesday instead or Saturday and Monday. This Is a very special sale embracing many items suitable for Christmas shopping. Today is the first of these two. 95c days. Look in when you are; down town this afternoon or eve-' nlng and see the great variety of quality goods available for your selection. i CUBS MADE BIG EFFORT AT HOCKEY Came Near Winning From Seattle But Lost in Weak Moment SEATTLE, Nov. 30: Much buffeted and homeless the Victoria Cubs came near handiwr Seattle 'team its flrt defeat of th season here last night but weakened for a few moments In the last period to permit the Eskimos to score their fourth consecutive victory and gain a strange hold on the Pacific Coast hockey league lead- ersnip. Tne score was two to one. Carnegie 'Exploded and Burned At Apia TUTILIA Samoa, Nov. 30 Desna tehes from Apia. Samoa, last night Aald the yacht Carnegie, the non-mairnetie scientific vessel of the Carnegie Institute of .Washington, D.C. exploded and M4burnrd at Apia Harbor caus-Tntrthr death of Captain J. P. Ault. mater of the vensel. Several members of the crew were Injured and the cabin boy is missing. Five other vessels In the harbor were Ignited and destroyed. No Trace Found Of Lost Airmen NOME, Nov. 30: Engineer Deer-adoff of the fur trading ship Manuk in charge of one of the dog teams out in search for Pilot Carl Elelson has been missing since Nov. 9 returned to the ship late yesterday after travelling 90 miles along the foothills. He reported no trace of the missing air pilot. British Ship Is Ashore and Is Breaking Up SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 30. A wireless message received today said the British freighter Norwich City is ashore at Gardner Island, vone of the Phoenix group in the Pacific south of Hawaii, and was breaking up fast. FIVE WERE KILLED COAST OF IRELAND COBH. Irish Free State, Nov. 30. Five men were killed and twelve made seriously 111 by gas in the hulk of the wrecked liner Celtic which Is being dismantled off the coast here. Scottish Humor Impo"rfpJdJrect from the. Aberrfecrr'Jotfc Factory ' Pat was arrested for being intoxicated. On being brought before the Judge he was asked by the Court what he was there for. Pat: "Your Honor. I was arrested for being intoxicated." Judge: "Pat. where did you buy the liquor?" Pat: "Your Honor, I did not buy It. A Scotchman gave It to me." Judge: "Thirty days for per Jury." .