a ar —— fe DAILY NEWS e ’ me rd eh (, a pogo -dulipoutisnnatiliah-adisananaamapmasen a ee, na . We will have for arrival Local News Notes } i j G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public this week bes ~+ ll ¢e » | ° . . : ee : Olivette Preserving Eddie Raby left for Smithe Orrec ot > trair toda) ‘ . ye erries Mrs, W. H. Melliar arrived from | ' . .* Victory Bonds have declined in value very materially ; , Va V the boat today ad Ing a Bis pasket crates, at . . . during the past fortnight, and may go still lower. We buy Reds. springs and mattresses.| ; : 2. 90 Ber Crate fi Pe. ce ee Furniture 3 i at as arket price. No delay. iG ae This is the time of year Jf store — OO . : > . > ’ “re for preserving Cherries. 0. H. Bush arrived from Van-| te Don't miss it. the Prince Rupert this el ee oe srning ioe . . . “a H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Rupert Table Supply C0. f) x.corsy cortains, draperies vy as itciiacittens cmesin Insurance Real Estate Bonds PHONES 211, 212 the yard, at <0 ecuetiot 108 one of the advance Fall fite’s sale : . ee os v2 styles in a “correct —— — R. Davie, bookkeeper for Alb walking boot. - B TEAM TO i . | 7 0 > ton 7 an ALL lthis mn nzs train i . , a ‘ ’ e's We have this boot in “gun-metal” and in chrome Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Enginesring Co. ANYOX TONIGHT «2 22s: ws Sos rage of iti ie Strachan re nec ron lver n the boat today. perfect fit. | >. . o ' | Vessels of any size Docked den beer Panes Ste Reprabetted| tpcecal ter Michermen. Swivels, oa os es ! ise nacho 's h. Ful- Recent additions to our shoe stock comprise q | , teel of Twirlers to the Granby |5@c. dozen; hooks 3c eac - | Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. ; Camp to Make a ler’s. Ltd. Phone 45. full range of Several ats c together on one small oe 3 es al oe agp aan iaee ne hae woken Ciean Up. | J. P. Walsh of the Giscon | ae: ie se , “ug Lumber Co., arrived from I | , ; ; : , materisis is being laid in. é rontit at editetetd ten Gable seus sie Packard's Kiddies Slippe rs | - ; i 2 . e baseba ne will leave for An-j _ te NS. ; . ; , sais oi Rois e “Narbethong as taken al Foundry Work vox where they propose to teach] The “Narbethong” has taken a] ‘ojudl’ lien the reside t« ' the Gsranvdy |lowimeg Joop and li ¢ e 0 . . Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at z camp a few of the latestjSalt Lakes run hereafter a5 | ' ‘asonab! ces. > . . i = een wrinkles about the Americar sone Uneee’ envbetin te Weel Our Children’s Shoe Department is now complete gaine They are taking a good] — — — : i ‘ : lcity vester s J. M. Garson, | in every detail and we make a specialty of correct) ‘ wd of fans with them and pcity terday wa Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds arowd of fone with them ante Ja telegraph opera - trom Resina’| Il seeker your children’s foot: Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries " , 7 : a ” ; a ar ae Mrs. E. V. Ling was among thy Solicited ee : ee ~larrivals in the city from the south | | ° d ate : oO e Grane ru st< er tins* Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. anyou’ fe reported have al?" ee me STEN Seems i stronger teanr than was put on ; : oe ee : T | the field here recently and s Those wishing to do so may} - -—— d ball is anticipated join the exeursion to Anyox, lea‘ . *9 i ‘ rh : wing is the local leain-jing here at midnight and retur WAS COMMANDER, Dravis ¢.. Vie Mengie tst b.. Sidling tomorrow. Fare, $9.10, 11 Corner Third Ave. and Fulton ‘t. irdy 2nd Db Anderson 8. $.,] . . . e hens I ! b., Clementsor f.| Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Stirratt we . es es ' a [ J. Ratchford r.f jamong the arrivals from the soutlt .* SE ——/ - NOTARY PUBLIC Harry ay j Fred Brents on the Grand Trunk boat today oe ‘ . —_—. spare Mr. Stirratt is the well know: o. w. i ti an di ake MI % Co ‘ TTT contractor of the Pacific coast 7 ws pet pge Stings a. a. ace Fa FOR SALE — - Ponder - ee weeny who did considerable work in & - iin , : : ; de Goes to Masset in Government - boat this morning leaving later! was held t nection with the drydock here ; os a a ; , ‘le 6-Roomed modern house and Police Service. s ° . e . ; iy ve tir by ‘ ’ : a lot English Hill, $2,625. ae J. Postulo has obtained a pet : - ig terms. Lieut.-Com. Russell P. P AT THEATRES mit frem the city engineer t ».| Walter E. Tr » of V 6-Roomed semi-@ungalo, 4th has relurned after seeing a gx pair the boarding house next the |4@frived | he soutl : i 3 Ave., East, built in buffet an f service overseas with a Knox Hotel. at an estimated cos(|boat yesterday 1 ‘ ' am fireplace, ete., $3,500— 3) British " He was rm ~ Vauceville Again Draws Good of £1,500. Peter Glomach is eo ' ae yt re al rmOonice constable : bomen o ae , ’ ane stows ‘ we x eos od hor 5th -Ave., Hazelton, but immediate, he Crowds and Big Final Ex- — to | ye a - ; om ee ' } o womer 10use < : : put immedi iy i ' on J red Street which wi ‘ W.. modern, $3.250 terms. opening of the wat he re pected Tonight. enak te Ges Gstntietinds af 6 NEW ARRIVALS IN : Double Corner Sixth Avenue the naval service. He was giv 500. ‘i and Tatlow St. $41,750 command of H. M. 8. Gadfly which rhere was a good program and eS nie e 9 One nice lot near Drydock operated in Mesopotamia and at a happy l‘at the Westholme The preacher tomorrow mo : $200. other points and did a great deal ‘ast night Wi and Fields Wholing in the Methodist Church wil Se of useful work. nave giver so much pieasure to be Dr. E. Ralph Hooper of I Lieut.-Commander Ponder has |theatre goers this week will be ronto, one of the directors of the ‘ M. M. Stephens _— been appointed provincia _— sor Che last tame a pet Shantymen’s Christian Associa Now showing at the LOANS : RENTALS m INSURANCE police nstable -at Masset ir Houdini the handcuff king was tion. He will have a real messaz place of Constable Emmet who is\a 2 it aitract at the Empress |t, give. In the evening, the pas- emg transferred t Ducks, nea st might and will be seen agair tor will preach on Fhe Unlit RE — Kamloor tonight : amloops. mig |\Lamp and the Ungirt Loin. Ail} re ~ et jcordially invited. 8h e erceenrecer scorer We are The beautiful Weber piano that M 4 Francis H idsen of the . . . ; ; is being used this week on the/ Methodist Church here arrived Brass beds at Tite’s sale; 20) . . . ’ h ; . stage of the Westholme Theatre fror the south on the Grand per cent discount. ia: Special Values m Children S oes } d C ing is offered for this week only at a, Trunk boat this morrting ee ee ; special price. This piano can be} ° e ° | In the Provincial Police Court ~ ; ——_—S oo seen at any time. Apply The} fhe following fishing beats ar | yesterday afternoon before Magis- enn lots of People Prir Rupert Music Stor: Op- ved pees ae morning: Viola jtrate McMullin, John Young. a Come and be fitted by Expert Shoemen posite the P. O. 185 ¥ iDS., ornen, 14,000, and|Chinaman, was sentenced to six these days —_———$——— the Saturn, 6,000 pounds | months with hard labor at Oxkalla M Exeursion to ; hos 7 r oo The accused had stole: ee ae a - — ave 2 elkiee ac oo a > ase. ! A. Saunders of the Roya! evolver, a pair of boots and some GEO. HILL E. R. TA BRU " We have vears 2 empertenes ball team may get the reduced rate man Kk off aneee cannes fron |tobacco from some other China The Practica! Shoemen Pho n : buying aad repairing watches for the round trip. i” roane ; Niday in the southimen. The two men are Chin Ja —— a i. "= ro a ooaidies snyptniteeetpanshenenigeiianercines a ae " Trunk boat this \Ying and Chung Loy and are se« A 7S Congoleum squares clearing ou i ge oe + j|tion men at Kaien, mile Six oF 7% - you are tm the satiafacsay serine | St Cont, at Tite's. 185] Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Allen and| n° Orend Trunk railway - — ee Se = EES é' Teddy were among those on Duar Our own brand of ‘butter on one os _ = cea” aon ‘ak ' wei a travelling as far pnde. see Fuller's add. tf 3 ° soe ee Seaton Fae ecia erin pecially when we seli at standard ; } ° prices oie What ms i with friends at their old | Gordén N. Kirkpatrick arrived p some. in the city from Vancouver on his —_- —=—=—$———— “ John Bulger 7 . | eens oe aterials andlholjday.. Gordon ts the eldest non f nf vn materials and) heliday.. Gordon is the eldest sor Th W k The Store of We Eye Glasses |)::'; 0: >: 0: corsets imade ford. 4. Kirkpatrick, who return ‘or Innis Weex | a a“ orth and ;Hy Mrs. Dir eshes Phone Blue 92 tov Vancouver. a few days ago i: K's P 7 — Te ERK . Ask for A ar jcompany with his daughter Isa VALUES HERE TO MAKE THIS Ww! ; Are For eens {Since Gordon left here with his SHOPPING WORTH YOUR WHIL! mother a few years ago, he hes NE ee jgrown considerably and has now First to Aid—Last to Appeal jpassed his matriculation exaini Ps a ; . a a ae o}}i at rock FOR SALE G' egam6 have many tees. but et: ination at the Victoria High Schoo! Ladies’ Middy Smocks and Skirts are sel! nulaisis only one purpose—the restora THE SALVATION ARMY eo 6 bottom prices. 4 R thon of the sight to a natural con ii oom House || ““” | Crockery and glassware ; RED — at Tite's sale tors. ur! P.S.--We have received a new shipment 85 4 | y" sahil te Nt iain ee @ : Outing Panamas and White HATS Sewer connections and easily. If you @o not- ! Mrs. J. C, Cullins, wife of the Felts selling at one-third off Sth Avenue, Section 6 a hs eee ee F SHIE] editor of the Portland(anal New- or ar - ——— ee — | cover the trouble and apply a ) { Stewart a) q te en a ee — i $1600 inte Oo —— c we _— Vanew White ; iver today and joined Mr. Culliy : ; : ; : an ‘ . — ‘ ints as Te wan of 4 pair ot suitabe CAMPAI N as Reeniamatndines tiie dake Children’s Dresses in Ginghams, Pr juction® 2 Lots: Gth Ave. Sec. 5 Ei] ore Sime mazes. srveas 1 SSPE eta be sere ero tesa am seam te eleeeed ot grest be on ene ' ) nt i\Mrs. Barnes who will visit with | ‘ Becht ! rince Rupert ithe editor and his wife in the| See Our Bargain Table of Remna"™ a 600 h | ET ws eXsinine your eyes and ; THURS., FRI. and SAT. jnorthern mining town, Mr Barns 6 $ eac : a you whether or not this August 15, 16 and 17. jis attached to the staff of the | a a Some iVancouver Daily Provinc®, The! 2 | ee ) Gi. W. V. A. of Prince Ri lwhole party sailed for Stewart on | t M ad t pert passed a resolution ix the Prince John this afternow: a our Yos., : a favor {f the Salvation Arm ; . -- McCaffery, Gibbons Fred Joudry Sai “aeeeeeee, hea henge is ae : Just arrived; a car of Bea, ver | Third Avenue Practical Optometrist ; pla | rs J ood : = ir dis \Board. A. W. Edge Co., distribu. | of Silk and ; i posa “ S8is in i¢ - Real Estate Prince | Rupert, B. C. Third Ave. - - Prince Rupert Oppusite Post Office paisgn, . WILL YOU HELP? Ee Q-scninieee ' | Tents. Pack sacks. Som outfits. Sgent J.F. Maguire, Smith Block. Lisle Holeproof Hosiery in all shave S Mime?