-Friday August 9. 1029 The delicious flavour oE SALAD A has no equal Do not be tempted by the price o cheap teas 1 A Folding Kodaks Ira $12.25 No 2 f Folding Kodaks From 18.50 THAT ARE REAL TIMEKEEPERS The W r- j t i-i. il.i 1 j. . "mcu inai auurua " -,"u' s arm must t.l .it i ' . 4" . nr y sd rella be a thing of hfU! if muHt aUo h a iimti .-per if 8he lo find in having it. of Gruen wrist iBljioscK both for i CJEWELLEIS mm Hit VLUVIX 'Fresh from the gardens KODAK TIME Brownlea from $2.25 Vest Pocket Kodaks $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks rrom $11.25 No. 8 A. Folding Kodaks From $34.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), f . 3.5. lent $100.00 K -dak Films, all tizm in stock. Developing and printing furamutcurs. Dally service. Quality finish. Qfme ltd. Z7fic Pioneer Drtiecisls THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST ' - "TELEPHONES 8?f,20C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED SalUnxi I'roin Prince Kuprrt for VANCOl KK. VICTOKIA, anwn Hay. ISutrdale. Aim luy. etc, Tut-dar. J 30 p in, for VAMOHEK. VICTORIA. Ilutrdalr. Aim lUr. etc.. FrMar mldnlgtit for ALICE A KM, AM OX, STI.WAKT. Najta UUcr, l'urt MinpMiii. bun. day, S:oo p.m. rr PORT MMI'HON AM) WALKS ISLAM). murtday. p.m. l;j :ml Alfiiu It. M SMITH Acmt l-rlnrt Ituprrt. Il.C. Tlrouth tlrkrt told to Victoria au brattle .and baggage checked through to destination. trd . B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES summi mom i-kince iuteut To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Jiinmn and Skagway un- t, S. 9. It. It. 19. tS, Vt To Vancouver, VI torla and sratlle .ugut 3, 7. In. It, IT. II. 21. tfl. rillNCKNN MAKY Ocean lall. etc . Vanconver and Victoria eery Irlday 10 p.m. Atnili for all Pteamthlp Llnra IV T OKCIIAKI. (JENEB.A1. AGENT Prince Hupert. IIC riione 31 Canadian National Cfiit Largeft Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE filling, from ntlMh Kl TEHT for VAMTOI A Eft. VK TMHIA. KKATTI.Ii. and Intermediate point. Monday. Thundaya, 4 p.m.; Saturday, 7 p.m. t AMOX and HTEWAUT. Monday, g p.m.; 1'rlday; 4 p.m. lor MAsstTT INLET I'OltTS, Monday, 8 p.nf. lar KOITII IJl'EEN CI1AULOTTE INLANDS, fortHljIitly lor feKAOH AY, WrlnMilJ)i, 4 p.m. I'A.HSEMJEK TKAINM l.E.UE ritl.M't. itl'PEKT UULY EXCEPT SIMIAY at a m for PH1XCE OKOIKIE, l.liMOS- TON, MIN.MI'LM, all poluti EuMern Canada Lnlted State. AOENCY ALL OCrtN STEAMSHIP M.NES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave Prince Hupert Phone 2G0 'Hun Beautiful Wrist W atches ANNOUNCEMENTS Leif Erikson picnic August 11. Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and 3. 158 SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Surplus Wallpaper 33 1-3 DISCOUNT H1U1NANT ROOM LOTS ' $1.6U to 52.00 A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale and Retail Paint Distributors PEANUT brand . LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Uig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. J, It. Gosse. Phone 686. J. Crawford is a visitor in the city from Smithcrs and is registered at the Central Hotel. Given away I English Dinner Service. With every dollar purchase In Denny Allen's you get a chance to win. (185) Rev. T. II. Wright returned to Hazelton this morning after attending the meeting of the Presbytery in this city. J. Newick of 'ilazelton and A. A. Burnette, of Kispiox, who were In for the Presbytery meet Ing of the United Church, re turned horne yesterday. The Union steamer Cardena arrived in port this morning at 5 a.m. from Vancouver and sailed again for Wales Islands and Port Simpson. She will rejourn some time this evening and sail at 12 o'clock tonight on her return to Vancouver. The ladles club of the Lief Erickson Society held a well attended meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Moen. yesterday afternoon, Each guest was supposed to bring a basket or pail and fill it with strawberries but only a few braved the Inclement weath- ' " v .. BUTTER Squirrel ii'as Per tin ... .50c t TOE DAILY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay are visiting in(tb'e cityfrom Stewart. Geo. Woodlirnd' arrived' in the city this mornfng'on the Cardena from the southj Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McAuley returned to th city this morning on the Prince Rufeert fr0m a holiday trip in the south. Rev. Geo. A. Wilson D.D., superintendent of Missions of British Columbia, left on this morning's train for Ilazelton. Mr. and Mrs. Peters and Mrs. R. Deeth arrived on yesterday's boat from Anyox and are staying at the Prince Rupert Hotel. Rev. T. II. Wright B. A. of Hazelton returned home on this morning's train, -after attending the Presbytery held h$re this week. Among those visiting in the city from Port Essington are Mrs. II. W. Morry, O. Olsen, M. Kurokawa -and R. G, Cunningham. Rev. II. T. Allen B.A. left on this morning's train for Terrace after spending a few days in the city attending the Presbytery meeting. Mr. and Mrs. A. Richmond,and young daughter arrived in the Ben Lipsin returned to the city RECEPTION AND TEA FOR HON. R. B JENNETT On Monday, August 12, at 3:20 p.m., a tea will be held in the1 I.O.D.E. hall in honor of the' Hon. R. B.' Bennett, M.P., and distinguished party, to which alii ladies of Prince Rupert are cordi-: ally Invited. This will be an opportunity of' meeting one of Canada's most dis- tlnguished sons and one of her ' most renowned orators, which no: lady in Prince Rupert will care to' miss. Mr. Bennett during the I course of the afternoon w(ll speak briefly on some non-political sub ject, which will be of Interest to all Canadian women and all lovers of the Empire. i Mr Bennett will be accompanied by his sister, Misa Mildred Bennett, by General A. D. McRae and Mrs. McRae and by Sir. George and Lady Perley. j Admission win be free. (185) PRESBYTERY IS AGAINST LIQUOR Passes Resolutions Dealing With Subject at Meeting Last Night Two resolutions were passed by . 11 Tl 1 . J . . ,, t er and filled their pails. Those c"y tnl8 morning on hte Prince;"'" Ye,0JTry. "e unueai who ilM o ohnnnti. w.Q..- Kuneit Irom a business trlD to"urKSl yeaieruay navmg to ao ded. .Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. .Ins. Tlnhrrtn nf Mr. and Mrs. S. Woodside re with the liquor traffic as follows Government Sale of Liquor The Presbytery of Prince Rup- Prince George and Mrs. E. Roy turned to their home in Saska-! crt hereby sets forth its emphatic I-ancaster of McBride are expec- ion on this morning's train i'i"" io Koernmeni saie ted on today's train to ntionrf after havintr nent a couple of iur a beverage the Smith-Lancaster wedding months Jn the city. fflrPmfini' wtllftk will lala nln.n ......v..,, "...w. ....1 tunc f'jaiYJ , - . at the PrrxathedralUomorrow at Rev- c- E- Itte of the Rupert , indefensible, and contrary to 4 nm Mf. ArrinrCari,4. fariprieMRo East United Church left nn thla 1,16 m,nd and spirit of Jesus weeks. . Ui.il jrueit 'of a lr IMr: 1 ti mnrninir'i morning's train train f fir a Vinrt trln L.nrlt. tn l.nrri ftnrt Snvinnr nf been the and Mm. Value For YduSDoIlars WHIZ FLY FUME 16-oz. tins 55c CHLORIDE OF LIME Per tin 18c COFFEE Fresh roasted and ground. Per lb 45c to the interior an U gnu,, IIJU ' " . wH.avMk V will return to'. Rev. W. II. Pieipe of Port E- We would declare: Of 1. That such a traffic is mor- umiiKtnu. ' 2. That government sale of liquor has not decreased' drinking in our province, as witnessed by sincton. who hak Wn attpniHno-! " continued increase of both the Preahvtw: rrilimr hAA Wtetal and this week returnea" Jo his home; "umpl?n; 8 That on this morning s train. Joe Green, Stewart mining man, was a passenger' aboard- the Prince Rupert thj morning returning to hia home in Stewart after visiting in the- suth. per eapita con- is has not eliminated the bootlegger, but, if anything, has aided Mils operations, since government liquors' have been purchased by thse people and resold contrary to law: For these reasons we would , urge our ministers and people: Rev. James Dewar returned to To cate by every means in his home in Anyox this morning "'".Po'W the conviction of the at 4 o'clock on his gas boat, after moral nwMity 'or total abstln-having attended the Presbytery en5' fr the bevrae use ' meeting held here this week. , coholic liquors. 10 innruci me people as to the moral and economic loss in- this morning on the Prince Run- caTT through government sale of ert from n combined hnlna "QUOr. QUAKER CORN Limited quan-.and holiday trip to Vancouver. , To sllmulate public opinion tity. 2s. 3 tins 40c Victoria, Seattle and Portland. . n favor of prohibitory legislation, . gn that alt' forma nf WaI nnrl it. NABOB TOMATOES Limited tk. r.0ji.n i..i- ... lai quantity. 2,s. 3 tins 10c prjnfeM Alice arrived in port Re Run Running CHATEAU CHEESE For spread- this morning at 10 a.m. from The Presbytery of Prince Rup- ing or slicing, is. I'kg. 4Sc Vancouver and sailed at 11:30 for views with dissatisfaction the Of 1 ' 1 .1 .. I J I - t 1L. A 1 . . CHATEAU CHEESE 8 oiwgway ana oiner nortnern umtnuii 01 me Kuverumeni in re- l er box 94c ii" ; i ucu CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Fresh I Rev. Wm. Deans, B.A.B.D.. who rum runninir. thouirh it commends stoek. Per lb 38e has been attending the . recent the action of Hon. W. D. Euler WHOLE WHEAT FIG BARS 'Prbytery meeting held here, in bringing the situation so fo:ci- New shipment. 2 lbs 45c w"1 "turn to his home In Ocean bly to public attention throughout hTIiAWHbiKY JAM Is. XrM. i u..-k . .1. rn Per iln ' COC "w ucmuj lucrecm iiiu luiiun- Vitone Special VI tone is the perfect food bev erage. Drink it either hot or cold. Mi-lb. tins 1-lb. tins Order a Supply Now! .34c .5Gc i ihk reBuiuiioii, uuiy moveu, sec- James Dewr of Anyox who onded. and unanimously carried: was In the city to. attend the That, whereas, a growing num- meeting of the l'rttiee Rupert ber of citiiena view as extremely Presbytery of the Ufiltld Church, 'distasteful the part which Canada left thia raorninir Qn-Jthis OWIl nliiva in nllnwlncr ntm rnnnlnrr launch for Anyox. j from her territory; and. Whereas, customs officers have Airs. A. I. Aldcrdice and Miss been given false information in Holly Munn arrivi T H the city regard to the destination of liquor this morning on the Prince Run. cargoes; and, i ert from Vancouver and will spend a vacation visiting with GOLD MEDAL MAYfiNNAiSR.1 lftPr r, mtb. weinon K. Me The beat procurable. 8-oz. jars, each ; , . ,3-ic CRISCO 3-lb. tins. Each.. 78c f yUI,K OARUOTS 6 lbs 25c TURNIPS 6 lb 25c CHOICE BLACK FIGS ! Per lb Mc CANADA Watts' Grocery Quality Right-PHONE 55 -Prices Right PHONE 56 1143 Ambrose Avenue: Mrs, Dupuls of Haysport was this Ynornlnir fined STifi in 4Vi HEINZ CATSUP Large bottles. 'provincial police court before Each 28c Stipendiary Magistrate McLeod HEINZ WORCESTER SAUCE ror ni'owlriff liquor 'on her llcen-, 'mpiement its own legislation, and Large. I'cr bottle 45c 8M premises (luring,, prohibited Blcl COKE PRODUCTION Wheeas, the whole liquor traffic is parasitical, and is destructive of law, order, decency and public safety; and, Whereas, the government has provided the necessary legisla hours. Staff -Sergeant McNeill wne eve 11 may 06 unaeriaKen;, Prhsecuted and MiltM',Gon2aha 4nde ?rlner t'il defended I f R-jRtKttlThat if dHtillerft in Canada continue to be public nuisances that steps be taken to have , their premises closed either per manently or temporarily, as the Coke is being produced in case may determine, and that, if , Canada chiefly by th'o treatment existing legislation does not cover ; of bituminous coal: n small pro- this, such legislation be provided jduction is also obtained from the forthwith. distillation of petroleum. Coke derived from the treatment of Mr. and Mrs. A. Smaile retur- coal or petrolpun4jtI.ov pro- nd tu the city this morning onl fluwJMinmt'cWryC.pro"vbceVthe PHne Rupert f rftm a Wolldiiyt of the Dominion. ( trip in the south. I tion, but has not implemented it; - therefore, be it ( Resolved, That the government BURNETT'S American f Federal, 9.000, BoothHi5hPre, 13.Cc and 8c. Canadian E. Lipsin, 14,500,' Atlin Fiih-eries, 13.Cc and 9c. Dolphin, 11.500, Atlin Fisheries, 13.1c and 8c. PAGE THREE (s just that much BETTER .0 EKSJBIlGfir BURNETT'S ESTABLISHED 1770 13 oz- S1.90-26-6 oz- This advertisement is not published or displayed by th Liquor Cntrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia Radio- Eledrola Hgj Music from the air or from records as you wish all from one master instrument. Designed by Victor, built by Victor. New in principle sensationally new in performance. This is not just another good radio. It is absolutely revolutionary in its reproduction, both from the air and from records. Crinie in and hear it no obligation whatever. Wo wantbry-body to hear it. . HALIBUT SALES Saltend, 6,000, Cold Storage, fie Deliver 14.3c and 8c. Dundas, 2,800, Booth Fisheries, 13c and 8c. Advertise in the Dally News SUITS! SUITS! . MAW TO ORDER Clittlg?' orkmanshlp and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED to Any City. Part of th Ling, the Tailor Phone 619