PAGE EIGHT 332 iwiir'Mai' m .J-.'.'JMWa Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Wesih olme Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 7 AND 9 P. M. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2:30 1. M. The Great British jnema mum i lie r ligl tomma ph hi noer With Sir Alan Cobham, KBE, John Stuart, Estcllc Brody and Huge Cast. as&ei enace Chapter 3 The Enemy Strikes" With Larry Kent and Jean Arthur The Screen's Most Thrilling Serial. AESOP'S FILM FABLES. SATURDAY MATINEE 2:30 P. M. ADMISSION, 35c and 10c; MATINEE, 25c and 5c. FOR A REAL ENJOYABLE MOTOR DRIVE Rent One of Our HEATED CARS AND DRIVE.IT YOURSELF Walker Motor Co., Limited Phone Blue 389 WCAIWOI, 2nd Ave. and 1th St. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED talllrKS I rum lrlinr II u pen t'r VAM'dl VKR. VICTORIA. aiw 111), IMiteAalt. Aim liny, He. Tm -ilav :i SO p.m. It S ASC OIM.K, VILTOAI.V HUt'dale. Alttt ha, rle.. Irll) mldiiltlit. lor K AKI. .Vil. JdTLV Alt'! IVAIXH lI.Al. PMI i IMCmh HIi:R. unUy 8 p.m. It3 tod Avrnsr. H. M. K)liTlt. .ln l-rtnre ICU.rl. IM lm ih Kkrt Mid ,o victurU imI mlllt. amt luiuut fhwvi imiou.k i eliueur B.C. Coast Steamship Services . ..- " M'"t. T3r Sailings f im Prince Rupert Tn iilrhlUtn. Wrantrll anl Hkmcwav Januin It, M. To .utH'outri. Victoria iM ".Itle January 1, IS, M. I'MINCBHH HOVAL lui nutrCalr. ral Bella Ifclla, (kftii Kails, Nairn. Alrrt llay. Campurll tther. taneomrr ami Vlcturta, etffjr Irtdaj, rui. .tirnU fur all HtcamUtlp Uim Tall lit format Ian from V. C. OKCIIAItll, OKNKRAf. AUKVT f ' rnrr 41b Mtwl and Srd Avenue, Vrtmf Itupert. B.C. I'lwne St. Canadian National Q7jc Largcfl Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Railing from IMtlNt i: HI ITflT for VAM'OICll, VICTOIIIA. KEATTI.U. and iHlrfnifdlilr olnH. each KIMDAV. 9:00 ui. lor MbU AIII and ANVO. cli Vtl)Ni:f)AV. 19:01 p.m. lor NMUTII AMI FOl'TII qUIXN CI IA II LOT It 1UM9.) Ttllltbtlr. , y rAM"..v(int taiixs leave rHi.vrc ntTEKT lvli MOMiAT. WMlMSim and SATIXIIAV at 11:30 ajn. fr I'ltlNCE OEOftUE. KIIOXTON. HISNirMl, all plBH BsMrrn Canada, Vaiua SUte. AOENCV ALL OCE.IN STEAIISHII' LINKS City Ticket Offtec, 528 Third Ave. Prince Hupert Phone 2C0 Daily News' Ads. Bring Results PUSH WORK ON NEW CITY SEWER At the meeting of the city council last night the sewer bylaw was re-considered and finally passed and it was urged that work on it should commence at as early a date as possible, in Order that .some of the unemployed might find work at a time when they needed it. Mayor McMordie mentioned fhat the plans had been approved in Victoria and a lette-of commendation had been received in regard to them. BRAHMS MUSIC IS SUBJECT OF CLUB Enjoyable Program Given Yesterday at Home of Mrs. E. W. Marenteite The Ladies Music Club met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. W. Marentette, 505 Cotton Street, the subject of study being the Life and Works of Johannes Brahms, noted German composer. A paper on this sub d'ect was read by the hostess and 1 !1 It. 1 uuier neuis un int." juujsiani included: Vocal solo, "The Swallows," Mrs. M. II . Blott. Vocal solo, "The Wasted Seren ade," Mrs. William Cruickshank. Vocal solo, "Sandy Man," Mrs. Donald Rosa". Vocal solo, selected, Jean Wil-on-Browne (Mrs. Hutchinson. ?rince George) . Accompanists were Mrs. Blott, Mrs. Ross and Mrs. II . C. Fraser. in i '"How I got Rid of Sleeplessness" Mr. Alai. Dupuift, R R. No I, Son- frvwv Ont.. hw Son rtart t i imciiim comoletclv run down, was una bit t do my own wont and cou4 not ilrtp. 1 uad Dr. Oi' Nrrt Food with auxh aplandid retult that I wis toon much atrongar, abla to do hit own work, altap wall at night and cat up in tha monunf rtatad nd rtfrtahad." Dr Chase's Nerve Food Tht Great Nerv Restorative WHAT JS IT 9 that keeps you always looking well and smartly drest-ed? OUR SERVICE I .PI I ONE BID to have your clothes pressed We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit We have fine Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings on hand. Come in today and let us taVe your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style. all guaranteed. Best materials and reason able Dhce. i Ling, the Ta'lor Phone 619 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VAliNTINDAIRY Telephone C57. THE DAILY NEWS COLDESTSNAP 'COLLEEN MOORE NOW RECORDED1 SCORESTRIUMPH Local Thermometer, Fanned by S,liff North Breeze. Registers 18 Above A brisk nod cool northeast breeze during last night brought Prince Rupert Its coldest weather so far this wlptt-r. Early this morning the thermometer descended to 18 degrees above zero, or 14 degrees of frost, it was announced today by H. D. Tee, Dig-by Island Dominion meteorologist. The barometer was high and steady at 80. 22. this morning, and. with the wind remaining in the northeast quarter, there were prospects of the cold and clear snap continuing for the next few days. i The preeent eoM wave Is general along Hie coast and in the interior. The thermometer at Vancouver has been hoverlntr around 20 degrees the last few days and from the interior 40 below weather is reported . United In Marriage at Quiet ( iHHwnn (Jatliolic lercmony Ist Week to Dr. Cecil J. Roach A wedding of considerable local l innriMt took plat e a week ago in Vancouver at the Church of Our IrAy of Perpetual Help, when : Father Coghlan united in mar-Iriage Mrs. Bertha Myhill-.Iont's, i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. MacDonald, formerly of this city, and Dr. Cecil J Kuach, son of Mr. and Mrs. .lames Roach of Vancouver. Only immediate relatives of the b iilc and groom attended the cTem i:y, which was a 'itiiet one. The hi;!r is the widow f 'be late .John Myhill-Jones of 'rince Rupert. I KOU ST. JOHN TO (iLAMiOU-MVKKIfXII. Feb. IS Montroral March I HIWMdoM March is MonTOTal 'March 'a2 MontTOaa March 29 Duchaae of Richmond Jr Merpool onlv. Ttl 111. IHOOW -BS3.KAST.I.I Vi;niL reb. s Metaaama Feb. 33 MOBWOaa Jtarch 8 Montclara April 13 .Duebata of Badford TO ( IIKKntM MtMMIt'TIIAMI'TtlN-HAVHM'RO March 14 MUama To Iteir lat-OUucow March 31 litllla TO CMKHHOI Htt-SOIITIIAMI'TON-ANTWERP Fab. II MeU W,"::::::;:::::::::::::itSSai25 CP.a. f ution, Vayt Tilcbon SttOMijpr itM 0 CAVADIAS f StRVICt UNtJ FROM HALIFAX TO PLVMOl TII-IIAVKK-I.OMK).N Auranla. Feb 4; Amnlt. Feb. 35. TO Ql RKNSTOH N ANII 1.1 F.IIIDOL Antonla. Feb ui. AndanU, March 4. TO LOMMIMIKKKY ANII OLAMHMV Caledonia, rtb 25 FttOM NBW YORK TO P1.V .KH III-IIAVUK-I.OMION Auranla. Fb. 4 Auaonla, Pb. S. Id qt EKNSTOtVN ANII LIVEIU'OOI, Andnnia Feb 2: AtlMMa. Feb. 9. Ant-jiila. Feb is. tannaatrta. Feb. 8S. TO UlMlOMitHSY AND (llM10 Camemnik. tcti a. eaiadoala, Pfe. at. TO CMKRinM K. ANII Ot TIIVHITON Airultanla. Feb 1. Mar. 1, St. AflTU 17. BaranKaiia. Mar-h 8. 89. ABrli 94, May IS. jaauremnia. a;;h iq, taJ 1. FROM IIOSTON. TO (l KENHTOMBN Jt l.lVl llltlOI. LaiH'HiiiH Feb 24 March 14. Attwtila A;,ril 7. brfUUa April II. Money Order Drafta and Tr altera' Cheque at luwet rstaa. Pull lnfOTia-Uon lr in lrcM iMtltt OT OOMISABfli Officer, an Hutiuas at. W., Tapcoawar. BC Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age pafrly KrlklHl I BAIKAL JUDY Aol4 by AH iMuutH ' Gives Exceptionally Clever Portrayal in Delightful Picture; Showing at Capitol Again Tonight "Happiness Ahead" was voted "exceptionally good picture entertainment by all those who saw Colleen Moore's performance last night at the Capitol. ''Happiness Ahead" is that ra e picture that leaves the audience in doubt as to the finish until the actual fade-out. This delightful picture, along with the big new serial, "Tarzan." will show again tonight at the Capitol and, in addition, Jenn Wilson-Browne will sing: (a) , "IlBaccio." (b) "Angus Mac Donald." e) "Rose Marie." SOCIAL AND WHIST . DRIVE LAST NIGHT C. f ..J 11.. I J t ll.i inn airifim A miinn ""i"""" uciu in metro- MRS. MYHILL-JONES I ' Pofr Hail by Koy.l Society of I lirntxn tn miTfinimrn '. St. CfcurMt WEDS IN VANCOUVER, The Prince Rupert branch of the Royal Society of St. George held its monthly whist drive and social last evening in the Metro-pole Hall. The event was well attended and proved very Derry's Juvenile Orchestra gave musical selections which were much appreciated. Miss Bessie Derry sang with guitar accompan iment and Miss Ros'.e Cox gave a piano solo. The first prize for ladies at Ahist was W)li by M l. JajBtS .'Uurgenn with a score of, 104, while Mrs. Sam Hougan was sec ond with 196. Dr. W. C. Aspin- all won the first men's prise with! i score of 209. and Joseph Howe took second award .with 201 . ', The nexTwalit drive bf the so ciety will 1; held on-Fehruary 12 at the home of S. M. Newton, Fifth Avenue East. asm BAD EYES Are your eyes peculiar a little different? Harder to test than many? That is the kind we take a special interest ia and uuially satisfy oar CIS tamers. In fact, if the eye is not diseased, and glasses are really what is needed, we are sure we can suit yon. Len-es ground specially for each eye when neceeaary. Many ple:ned customers in Prince Rupert John Bulger, Ltd Meat Specials (AINERS HAMS Whole Per lb 85c GAINERS HAMS Half. Per lb 88e HAMBURGER 2 lbs. 86c ROUND SfEAK Per lb 30c SAUSAGE Per Ibi flk PICKLED PORK Par lb. ...26c CORNED BEEF--Jb. 12c to 16c SALTCOI Alaskan. Per lb. 20c STOCK FISH Par lb 30c RHUBARB Per lb 20c CELERY Head 20c and 26c CAULIFLOWER Head 26c to 86c P.O. Box 675. Phoneel88l. Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 617-428 6th Ave. E. Phones 18484 SBBaBHWWaWafflBH Coll een Mo ore in "HAPPINESS AHEAD" Petite Colleen in one of those happy "Keep On ; Smiling" pictures you'll just love. The IJIG NEW'SERIAL, "TARZAN" NO. 2, an.) Jean Wilson-Browne, Soprano Singing 50c. 15c. (a) "II Baccio." (b) "Angus MacDonald." (cj "Roi-e Marie.'' TONIGHT AT THE CAPITOL 50c, 15c Coming Mon.-Tues. ( LARA BOW in "THE FLEET'.-' I Dependable Dollars F)R people in nil valks of life, the most dependable investment is money in a Savings Account It is always there always available never affected by falling markets always safe and redeemable at par, Security, coupled with convenience, comprise a dual feature not found in any other type of investment. Ytm it Imy $1,000 in w can ia vuttJnuHlt J f4.52 a auk The Royal Bank of Canada Prince Rupert Branch - F. E. Robert&on, Manager 1I2J Y A RECIPE WORTH CLIPPING, on Can Make These Delicious Candies f CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE HcanEafleBraad Condensed Milk a pound sweet chocolate imp nf batter tiaeof walnut If teaspoon vanilla Melt chocolate ia a double boiler. Remove from fire, add butter, then condensed milk and vanilla, stirring well. As soon a mixture brgins to thicken, drop from paint of epoon onto a buttered platter or baking shert. Half nuts may be placed on these chocolate drops, or they may be rolled in chopped nut meats, chocolate "sprinkles" (chocc late snots), or crated chooo- -they're different, rich without cloying swect-ncss, dcliciously smooth! Easily and quickly made with Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk, and economical, too. Write to The Borden Co. Limited, Vancouver, for free booklet containing more tested recipes, sent free on request. i For vi uviict, ColTeC E'e Bf?n ffrlc cream and sugar, adds body and a richer flavor I EAGLE BHAND SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Early Ad. Copy is appreciated J