' PAGE EIGIIT mo CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS . Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OI'EHATIXG G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, (Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Ou( .Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds' of T MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORlt PHONES 43 AND 383 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED S.illlnn from rrlnr Kuprrt lor VANCOUVER. VICTOIil l, Snanson Hay. liutclalf. Alrrt ISay. etc.. tun- day, 3:30 p.m. For VANCOl Vr.K. VICTORIA. Kulfrtalr. Alrrt Ha. He.. Friday inlilmtht For ALICE AKM. AV). HTKWAKT, NAAs KIVlll. sun4ay, 8:00 p.m. F.H 10 KT Sl.MPSOX AM) WALES ISLAM). Thursday, p.m. 123 2nd Avenue It. M SMITH Asent Prince Itupert. II. C. Tl rough ilrket sold to Victoria and brattle Jind baggage cherked through to ilndlnntlon. B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES &n,MF SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT PAcinc; To Kcttblkau, Wuottll. Junrau and HWajwajr May 1, 11, 22 To Yiyumrr. Utirte shid-rttup May 3, 13. ttt pniNflSS KtlVAIMeuii -'Tajta, Vancpihr r ami Vlc-torltf rrr Friday ld in. Agtat lor all stmjmhlp Lliirn. W C ukt llAUl). (IF.MSKAL AtiEXT 3rd Are . I'rlnre Kuprrt. II. C. I'lione 31 Canadian National Tht Largcfl Railway SyJlem in America ' STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE tUIItng from rttl.NCE lll'I'EKT for YANCOt'l Kit. VIPTOI kKVTTIX. ami Intrrmrdlutr point, each Thursday and Sunday, 100 p.m. lor ANYOX and STtWAKT. rath Hrdnrtday and Saturday, 4.-00 p.m. tor SOUTH AM) SOI III ()IEEN I'll Mil OT 1 1 IsLAMw. roitliiglill) p.ssi;v(ii:it tkains i.kave rmxi: ihtekt lath MUMIAYi NMiMMlAY and SATURDAY at 11.30 a.m. for I'ltlMT. (JLOIUiE. EDMONTON, HIVMI'F.U. all point Eailrrn Canada, United Slate. AfiKNCY A LI. OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2Gn LOGGING AT HALF THE COST OF HORSES Rijjgcr Prodnction Economical .Operation CATERPILLAR 1 RACTORS Make Bigger Profits Sole Distributors for II. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. J 10 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Branches: Kelowna, B.C.; Nelson, B.C.; Prince George, II. C. SELVIG BROS. , , MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue Phone 7G5 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. Looking for a house? There arc some listed in The' Daily News classified columns. i FAREWELL FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Miss Georgina Hunter and Sydney Two Feature Pictures, "The Haunted House" and "Water-Hunter Honored by Friends , front"; New Serial, "The Collegians"; Vaudeville, Last Night m i.o.d.e. , "Charleston" Wright and Ray Southard A delightful farewell dance, arranged by Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Steen and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooksbank, was held last night in the I.O.D.E. Hall in honor of Miss Georgina Hunter and Sydney Hunter, who are leaving the city on Sunday night for Ontario. There were about 125 persons nresent. most of them being old friends here of the two guests of honor. The affair was of a formal nature and many benutiful gowns were in evidence. The hall was suitably decorated. From 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. ex cellent music was furnished by he Premier orchestra and Arthur Brooksbank was master of cere monies. The n roe ram included a ew novelty dances and pleasing oture were vocal solos by Mrs. '"iH',m. Millar and Mrs. J. H. M"Leod? who Were both In fine oice."Mr. C. nrcompanist. nail A Honimful shower honuiet -rrlnH rllirlnor the pvn!nr hv Ui.fpr. wag made by Millar. CAPS 1 to clear at $1.25 and $1.45 ALSO HOYS' CAPS Going at 49c. Montreal Importers THIRD. AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS CAPITOL ANNOUNCES ANOTHER BIG WEEK - END PROGRAM FORMER LOCAL LADY MARRIED Miss Julia Calderone of Anyox Becomes Bride of Norman II. Roberts ANYOX, May 10: A pretty wetfcWng was solemnized on Wednesday in the United Church, 'when Julia, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. Calderone, be came the bride of Norman H. Roberts, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roberts of Cessford, Alberta, the Kev. Jaa. Dewsr , The bride, who was given raj marriage hy her father, wore a1 gown of wbite canton crepe and E. Cullin being the th nventionai bridal veil, and About 11 tRO" n.m. deliiou re- .iiiT.i .u:- i.u. au Wtot by the by hesKM In attendsnoe. were served and a! UlM, TLlZ. ' ,J.v . nnderful BresenUUon on behalf , . ... omnlete siirnrj.e. wa made to ' . . . c. i,. n M honor bv Mavor S. r . McAIordie. who snoke brief 'v. If, bouqutt of r0M! colored Mi.q s Hnntrr lluntrr reoert-ei riWiA a hufnl beautuxl .... illvor Iaa corvfoa wIiMa n rlraac. C. A. McElroy of Cessford, Al- v case, consisting of handsome f.1' ?.riia "e , , r.,.hp, 8nd comb, was presented ?ean,.n .p,8feu l hr brotipr. Svdnev Hunter wedding march ana during tne nd D. McD. Hunter, father of sinin ' he register Mrs. F. M. r.intnf. -..a v...u. Kthiidg sweetly sang "Because. -nd the incident was ciwd with The ushera were Antonio and Al- sinffi" of "For They Are To'ly pond Fdlowa. i fred Calderone. The church was decorated for the occasion with white streamers and bells, and plants. l ot lowing the ceremony a re ception was held at the home of r. "'he bride's, parents. The couple , received beautiful gifts from their Xll Tl HIT O numerott frienda. WllV K J1V lulnVO ! Among the out of town guests I f llj 1 UJ llAUi C j were the groom's parenU and C. A. McElroy of Cessford, Alberta, MEN'S and BOYS' ui- Ciecone of The Firm That Brought Eastern ternoon's train. Prices to the West For Days For Months We have been trying to give you the best quality at the lowest price possible. We are now selling Fletcher's Smoked Meats and have a good supply of Bacon, Bologna, Ayr-' shire Rolls and Edinburough' Rolls. I ! hoicc Hams, whole, per lb. .4fec Choice Hams, half, per lb. . . .48c i Choice Bacon, whole, per lb. 40c. Choice Bacon, half, per lb. . . .42c . P. Ml Back Bacon, whole, perl lb. ..; 48c P. M. Back Bacon, half, per lb 45c Fresh Rhubarb, 4 lbs 2Bc Asparagus Tips, 2 lbs 45c Spinach, fresh, 8 lbs 80c New 'Potatoes, 3 lbs. . . 25c Galrier's Lard, 3s, per tin ... .COc Gainer's Lard, 5s, per tin . . .$1.00 Bulk Butter, 3 lbs $1.35 Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 11 JOO sTil. ... r ni nn uiritd uut Ave, i uones ioiXcH P. O. Box 675. R. G. Johnston, manager of Inverness cannery, arrived in town from the river on yesterday af- For Years! LARS EC1ALS ORANGES Good ni..-, 3 doz $100 Medium sixe, 2 dor 45c Family !, 5. dot 96c COMBINATION SPECIALS 1 tin Libtar's Corned Beef and 1 jar Libby'a Prep. Mustard . .36c; 1 tin Socktya Salmon and 1 jar Dutch Muid Mayonnaise ...40c 1 tin Eagle Lobster and 1 jar' Dutch Maid Mayonnaise 40c , 1 tin Thicken Haddie and 1 jar Dutch Maid Mayonnaise. . . .40c , ' LETTUCE. CKLEUV, CUKES, HOTHOUSE TOMATOES AT inUKKT iPOSSIHLE PRICES OLIVE OllJ-i Pure, 6 ozs, Per bottle . . . .25c PINEAPPL1J--Rlue Mountain, 2s. C tins 65c JELLY POWDERS Empress lna. 4.fta 26c SOAP f 6 largi- cukes Royal Crown Soap and 1 j.kt . Royal Crown Soap Powder 40c Sellars? Grocery Third Avenue PHONES 43 AND 571 "The Haunted House" Those who like their mystery masoned with laughter and who refer a cold chill topped by a ;rin. will do well to see "The taunted Home." Chester Conklin and Flora 'inch anl others of the fine cast rovide plenty of comedy in this irst National! picture which Ben-jmin Christensen directed. This omedy 4eara is always to be relied ipon and their experiences in a ouse that is reputed to be de -idedly an unhealthy spot for people with weak nerves, are ex cruciatlng Thelma Todd, Eve Southern and larbara Bedford are three beauti ul girls who provide the love Moment as well as much of the mystery "Waterfront it wouia oe nam to imagine a more ideal vehicle for the offer eacent team of Dorothy MaekaHl nd Jack Mulhall, than the farce omedy, "Waterfront," which tens tonight at the Capitol. Miss Mackaill is cast as the laughter of a tugboat captain, vho yearns for a life on the bound! ny main. Her father ' Knute Ericson) has seen enough the waterfront and wants to -"wind the rest of his life on a farm Fvery'hinir is knocked into a -o-ikerl hat. however, when her -nHor boy confides In her that his -rtit amhitfon is to buy a farm m! desert his ship To nl wHether ilia Macknlll nerwmdes her sweetheart .and rVe or f.hey convince her of the o.tfrrfinns of farmlnir. wcuM toil an evening entertainment, mm what d hionen wl" Vp " nctn thrilled anl laughing un -u the f'cture Is finished Charles Johnstone, treasurer of the Power Corporation of Canada, and Getfrge R. Atchison, merchandise manager, ' after n penning a week here and at The hapby couple left on theiwWart on business in connec C.NJL. stcajner enroute to Al- Hon with the company's impen berta . where they may locate. For 'ong investments, sailed last A great assortment assortment of of lien's Mens travel the. bride wore an apple nfeht on the Prince George for in u j Ugh-Grade Caps. Regular $2,75, rreen fiat crepe dress. nav- blue Vancouver where tbey will snend tailored coat and fox fur, the some time before returning to gift of the! groom. A small hat their headquarter in Montreal. of viaca straw completed her costume. The best wishes of all are extended to the newlyweda who are so populsr and well known. iWeek-Eiid Specials SWIFT'S TICNIC HAM Average 5'2 lbs. Each $1.35 GOLDEN CHURN BUTTER i :Mb. brick $1.40 MILK All brands. 12 tins $1.40 EVAPORATED PRUNES-70-80. 4 lbs 4 EVAPORATED PEACHES-1 Fancy. 3 lbs 50c EVAPORATED PEARS 2 lbs 48c evaporaTedaTiucoTS: 2 46c EMPRESS ORANGE MARMALADE 1-lb. tin ...60c BIRD'S CUSTARD POWDER 2 pkgs 86c DINA-M1TE Famous breakfast food. Pkg. ., 26c EGGS Fresh extras. 3 dot. $1.10 SQUIRREL PEANUT BUTTER 6-'b. tin ii.oo PREMIER SALAD DRESSING 11-ox. jar COc HEINZ MAYONNAISR Jar SA, HEINZ SANDWICH RELISH J,r ' 80c LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP 3 bars : 26c RIPE BANANAS 3 lbs 00c JUICY ORANGES G doz. . . .05c BENSON & HEDGES CIGARETTES 60s . Tin 90c FRESH GREEN VEGETABLES ARRIVING EVERY BOAT Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 20 "WATERFRONT" With Dorothy Mackail and Jack Mulhall NEW SERIAL TONIGHT "The Collegians" MAAAAA. ' "'WVwVa BIG DOUBLE BILL TheHauntedHcise! With Chester ( or,, "a Spooky and. oh, so funn VAUDEVILLE t . . RAY SOUTHARD "The Wandering Min.-Uivr and CHARLESTON WRIGHT "The Black Cloud nf Joy Two Shows, 7-9 p.m., 50c, 15c Sat. Mat., 2:30, ."h: i iiYDE TRANSFER HAS V PHONE 580 MOVED to 111 3rd Avenue Easi 0pp. Stan Parker's Gaiage Heated . Storase IV Rud L)EMAsip ert Brand "THE DAINTIEST HREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert. B.C. Union steamer Gardens, Capt-A. Johnsiene arrived in port it R o'clock "ihiji morning from $e outh and sailed at 9:30 for Wales Island and Port Simpson, whence she will return here thjs evening and sail south at 12 midnight. . SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER 'titling, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed UJITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Dtllvir to Any Part of the City. Ling, the Tailor Phone GI9 x Garden Field Seeds ! FERTILIZER . BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE 58 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk n) Cream Daily. a EARLY HKLIViIUV Throughout the t ity- VALENTINDA1RY Telephone 657. S.D.JohnsfoiiCo.Ll'1. t i Representatives for , MILLER COURT & O)-Limited Through our cniin'i""' wq cun mako prompt Hon of buying ami - I orders on tho Vancnuv. r. t "'l k ,x' gary and .Toronto cHngerf.' from tin'-exchanges -Closing- prices posted "u stock board twice din l.v Orders from out-t-"' clients, by wire or I''1"'1''" receive our prompt u' tlon. S.D.JohnstonCo.li 610 2nd Avenue Phnc 1 Prince Rupert, B.&