DAJLY JJUlTiON The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Kxeept Sunday, fey Pr4neeRupert Daily New, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLBN - - Manator-EditT SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or ctriw, yearly period, paid In adtftnee Sfi.OO For leafier period, paid in advance, per month & By mail to all parts of Northern and Central Britiah ColmsiWa, Life in Prince Rupert is like a procesgion. Changes NEWS OF NORTHERN BX, and lunch counter has been in tailed in the Onjinfeca Hotel by the proprietor, A. M. Ruddy. paw m advance I or yariy penon j D, Moore, government agent iraruieui ampiay aoverusing, ver wn. pmt uisenion ......... -frwn prt Fraser, was here to Transient adverting on front page, per inch 2,hold a court of revision on the Local readers, per inaerUon, per line .-. provinyai voters' list last Wed- Ciaifeitied advertising, per insertion, per word I nsday. Legal notices, each inaeitiB, per agate line 15 . . .A V" lll'il'&ZV'il' m Mr.. W.'B.Funndl and daugh- uj mail w an viner pans 01 ariuap uoiiHnu.a, u ipiu.u " ar- hre rom pfInce Ru3ert ptre ad United States, paid in advance, per Jar . . By mail .o ail other countries, per year Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone ..... Editor and Reporters' Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ..98 7.50 BURNS LAKE j BaUway. Mr. Burden declared I that work on the extension of An elaborate new dining room the railway , to Prince Ceorge for a rlalt with Mrs. Funnell'a daughter, Mrs. Verne Taylor. Hiss Irene Loveeeth arrived last week from Prince George to visit with bar parents at v ..i.uii' 1 j . District visitors Jn town during the vftesk hue Included: Mrs. Wedoe4y, Way 29. W29 Mytra and Mrs. "Humphreys of l - ' ' - -r mm Coileyssowiit; Frank Smith, Fran- Uke. IS BRITAIN TOO EASY? Arthur Wood left last week for Is Great Britain too easy with foreign nations, egpe.:yeouvM- after having spent a cially with regard to war debt settlements. Britain was fw l jhedif?ct 8tak' the first country to make a settlement with United ,Bf JjlB,n-States. She has held off from forcine a settlement with ,.. nw v occur so rapidly that in two or three years it is difficult Mra. Walter Perry and daugh-t to recognize the place as the same. People come and go. ter, who came from Princ Rup- become established there. VANDER1100F wouju commence next year, He addressed a Board of Trade France and one of .her statesmen has declared that she boomed down Burns Lake to the audience at did not wish any money from other nations over and jk ladder at Tintagei. above the amount necessary to pay what she owes. j -d bl j m v e 9 British labor leaders are objecting; to this passive at-1 are beinlTmade on thu enTof titude : on the r part of their i country - and i are talking .... of be- . the ' Bum . Lake-Endako . road. ing more aggressive ana securing a Better settlement. Curve are being widened and d;ui.. 4-1 in..- r j LIKE A PROCESSION the surfaces extended and im proved. Mra. Frank Smith of Francois Lake has been suffering considerably of lae with sciatica. 'The local jElks' Lodge held Its annual Flag Day on" Friday hyt. Hundreds of school children as well as many adults were In attendance, The weather has been fair hexe of late with occasional rain showers which have been welcomed at least as far as the farmers of the district were concerned. The plane Hazelton, recently bought henrby Dick Corless for commercial use in this district, has been given extensive overhaul preparatory to making test flights, thisiweek. ( The formal opening of the fine new store of the Home Furnish- rs.here at the corner of Third Avenue and Quebec Street took place last Saturday. The Craig School of Dancing made a great hit before a large ; yonderful progress is being made in beautifying the resi- prtment in connection with the; Th . . . ijmas an du ui iieiiiiuneiife vnicn me cnanges mentioned r above seem to belie. PpodIp nrp inakinrr narmannnt lintniw . . .... an entertainment which was put on last Wednesday evening. Those appearing in solo numbers included Miss Nan) Craig, Mrs. H. H. Hodgson, Miss Slaude Renwick, Miss Nona Hodgson, Miss Opal Ramsland, John Mclnnjs and others. The Women's Hospital iary has received a donation from! the Good Cheer Club of Central Fort George o assist in the jeno-vation of private and semi-private wards Jn the hospital. . li. very year there is a new array of clergymen, teachers, ert ime and have ben ! There have been a number .of ; bank employees, Government employees, fishermen, bus- vl,ith,8 wlth Mrs- Pe"8 par- j rather serious forest fires in tnis j inessmeh. Eveiything is changing and doing so rapidly. f!?M,r- anJ J,r.Jam!" c4ark'-iS,tr' of rcla,a oi r A rPrtn.n nmmint nf nnm, icTA fn, n fnJ Ci Mt Uilweelor Toronto wnere (the Forest Branch Kave called - - .f Vr,U ' ik tney win join Jlr. Perry who has . seems as n it is overuone m t'rince ituueiT. irie exnecta- tions of the people who came are too great and they could not be realized. WONDERFUL PROGRESS out many men to assist in quelling tbem: ALICE ARM Anyox Boy Scouts, in charge of, for tnpmcoiv nnri Bntj;; 7i; ;r.,v; " 7: ;r;"r: fi c"anwn or the board of ji:-:: v mon ty m stewart. , ; . , w Htomiig wiu jjuttes village commissioners of Vander-i; r vuu- i beautiful. A large proportion of the people own their hoof is among those who have re- llc work9- homes and that adds to the stability of the place. Today eived pat invitations to at- T . , ' , , j on some streets there will be a dozen nice k gardens where the convention of the Asso- vlib" ' "Jf ! last year there were only two. elated Board, of Trade of iS"? hre A T , . tr.l HriH.h Cnliimhia In Prlnro "aK,W OT manuscripts, etc., L-onumons sucn as those mentioned make life much-Rap., net month more attractive here than it formerly was. So attractive has it become that we find a few nennlp whn iro nnt rn-L-' Pmt v it Saw. r v,. ... . ing making this place their home. Some come in for the of the University Klv- Jv- B- "nl" winter from outside points instead of gointr south of Brith,h Goia delivered a f"" ,w h he nKica" On every hand there Js a tendency toward rTnan'ncy. oTr What is needed is to try to make the roving occupations : hi. more permanent, to get men and women in the office, ResponbStie in ForeigJ a7J Harry winfjeld .and 'S. P. Dav-the Stores and the schools who Will stav here, mnkino- tVjia fir " ' v t f Id90n f Vancouver have arrived H..tl i " ' o , meir nome town. ENCOURAGE PERMANENCE Various factors make for AecfdenU'hiye been so preval- j ent In the diitrfct of late that the provincial poli.ee have been compelled to. dea. more strictly with Tf offences under' the Motor life is made attractive, the nennl like hide Act. ' A' roads, sidewalks, gardens, playgrounds, schools, 'reading Mr. T. n i. dealing with earjy history of the! province. from the south and will spend ' the summer prospecHng In the district. Paddy Morley has returned to A - 1 ' . At 4 . v. " iwfl nijer spending we wirjier I a a a at me Anyox mine. Victoria Day was suitably luuiub anu liDranes are amone these. Moat of these f; .wiebrated In yllce Arm and Innce Rupert has. Her library in. particular caters to Gilbert Henfe- 'i there were many visitor .over a need in the city, making pleasant the long winter eve-1 ft , . , ifrom Anyo?- nings and encouraijinir the oeonle to stav hv nrnviiHno-' R- " Moore ls ,eav,n "norUy: r- a , . , , ;bualnM. He will be accompanied Ketchikan Post of the American nrlAi?5-?f "??! t0dny ii8 8 F?1' You"g 10 Herbert Porttr- ''Leffcn Tre exUu llt find it difficult to employ their evenings and to keeni . '.T. . 'Stewart and Hyder shortly. The tnemselves lit during the. winter. In the summer " thev' , T .arae"'et ms ,e"1 ' plan is to make the trip by air- havethPsnlr. In V In i.-W tlX "1 . ..Z ."f train of twenty horses from here, I)lfln. nVnnilZ I V- "iV"" on wnicn,to Fort Mcleod with Glen Bra- to row Mw or paddle and .H i i hunting and fishing as amusements, man and Ed. Small in charge, 3 ,Kwe ocner tnan badminton and They will III be be met met a at u basketball. i iu ii Many u do not care for these .snorts and the by .engjiieers who result is they become unfit for their work. We have talked fftfitw tj&purcei about a bier nublic frvmnasinm fnr ton na V,,,f u.. try ftr railway interest made no determined effort to secure it. Possiblv thisl ' "u ' . , " " f ! future rx. Church of i venr. Riif snail wo f,n,I UA uLa' t ..K,1 Z England ffV.7 3 u ?f wl b held in Vander. v a vunwnuniijr juu, uui hiusl ue jinaieu oy one man. SIMONDS SAWS ijic most economical saws to use Slmond Canada Saw Co. Urailcd, St. Rcml St. and Acorn Ave. VAACPUKr,0.t- mwnifcM. I'M,"!. 0. St. Joha,N.B. Victoria n af U'A alof i rn tori Fprt McLeod here with a baseball game be- WW, a tween Stewart and Hvder and a n thatvCOUn- jrlonco un,Ur th imnWi of iha CflllArllfln T trrtnr ',' Mivui p Harry J. Wells, vice-president of f PLl.kj,. W&Jla J.nmt.o hoof on Sunday mornings and at ( Co.f vMover. was a business .Viur .uiniB ii wie wiiernoons , visitor In Rfownrt last week. and evenings. PRINCE GEORGE Hon. F. P. Burden, minister of i Tom Jadro has Joined Jlje staff of T. Patterson's barber shop here. I lands, and Hon. William Atkin- Judgment has been reserved by son, minister of agriculture, were Chief Justice Mpirlson n Su-visitors here and in the district! preme Court at Vancouver In the jlast week. They made the trip 'action of William F. Harris of jovcr the Pacific Great Eastern j Port Angeles, Wash, who sued GIANT ZEPPELIN WHICH FAILED TO MAKE SECOND FLKJHT TO NEW YORK Captain Ernst Lehmann. upper right, executive officer of the Graf Z.pr above made an attempt to guide the huge airship acres the Atlantic Ocean u-i-r personal direction of Dr. Hujo Eckner, below, left; while Sir Hubert Wllkins, Arala explorer, was among the pa8iengers. The map, below, fight, show, the approxim.,.. r e the ship was to have taken. Daniel Llndeborg and associates for $100,000 as his share of nro-, Auxil-jceeds in the sale of the Big Mis-i souri mine. i After an absence of five years, Senator John Ronan has arrived in this district to look after his mining interests and do some prospecting. Government Agent Norman A. Watt of Prince Rupert was herej last week to hold court of revia- via via t,iv 1'iuiiuviai ivinn now Mr Cayman, E. C. Bennett, J. Richmond, """ R. ' E. Jones and R. B. . B.... r-1 it. r- 1 Board of Trade is in communlca- " , , 7.V , I ,BRlcht were among the arrivals : ' ,Hn vl-HU h CnAtn VoHftnoi:10"" nouuay ween-ena nere:, c,wnrt .v frnrn v ... .... ... . . - -.-" .J i F-tl r. "n . Wiuie tnere are constant changes going en in the city, Railway and the Post Office de-r"ta,npt;a 81 ra"8 uree- couver. There wait a public meeting "in it. i-i a i t .rrovot fn, it. t. v... nien lor me ceieurauun oi wo- aw r V il NOURISHMENT that suits tfie "andy"9oot(i IS WELCOME NEWS for HERE mothers who er their cbil Jrcn arc too fond of sweets. Let them have Quake Puffed Wheat. Jt satisfies the caody craving, but has all the wholesomencss of whole wheat. Millions of food cells in each grain are ex-plodcd when the wheat is puffed. The rich food stores of the grain arc released or easy and complete assJmihdon. The wheat bran il all there, but so concealed you would not notice it. The flavour Is that of jtoasted nut-meats. Jt satisfies when appetites need tempting because they Jag. Give it to hc children freely at any time during the dy. At breik&st or any other njeaj, Quaker Puffed Wheat is a delidoui cereal dish, Serve with fruits or just miljc ot cream. Quaker PUFFED WHEAT CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK' Engineens Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmiths 1'attcro Makers, Founders, Woodworkers. Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant la .Equipped to Handle All Kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND S85 Puffed 1ict is Good, Tof Puffed Rice i puffed Siaker e Puffed Whcst. ThcooJ cells are exploded and brpken dpwa PffcdRiceswothrt delidquj dainty, with the texture and taste of toasted nut meati and M of tbc rHf energy of fine white rice. F.)f varicry, keep both kinds in the house. ft .XsBI MADE BY TUB MILLERS OP QUAKER. OAT A