PAGE FOUR Elks Won Opening Game of League Baseball from Gyrost ¬ at Acropolis Hill Lust Night The opening league baseball game of the season on the Acropo Hs Hill grounds Jast night, between the Gyro Club and &lks. was a rather lobsided affair, the Lochre Men Winning by a score of 10 to 2. What with the sterling pitching of big Herman Loblick, who fanned eleven batters: tlfmt fieldltiGr nf t.hp.rnpn. rwhinrl Wl o,i eii ., sistent hitting, the Elks made an excellent showing for the first Of trip eoncnn nnrl fVioix i.f.V !C . .: , ."'v . rr - . M - uuuh, u it curries on me oy it amrieu, urns iair to De a naru one to beat this year The Gyros put up a rather dis" appointing brand of ball and balls nri .frii a evep the best batters of the club seemed to be mystified by Lob- hck. jne service clpb represen Loblick at third, missed a douhle play by a hair. S. Gurvich pot first on an error and Loblick scored. Hanson got home on n passed balj and Stephens was hit by the pitcher. Budlnich's safe hit scored Gurvich and Humid filled the bases by walking. George Mitchell popped out. The fourth vlelded one more for the Blks. D. Gurvich raadf - a three bagger and scored when Farquhar lost Split) GurvjchV grounder. Largely due to errors; tbc Fiks picked up another brace of three runs in the fifth. Budlnich's grounder went .right through Basson. Harold walked and Mitshell took first when Farquhar chose to put Budinich out at third. Dido Gurvich made a safe hit and stretched it to third on a fielding error, Harold and Mitchell romping home, Lobllck's sacrifice scored pjdo. Hanson got first when . Morap dropped McKeown's peg and Gosse was fielded- The Elks toqk advantage of the sixth to get two more across, Budlnich's safe hit scored Spiro Gurvich and Stephens got in, McKeown made a short peg to second, trying to get Budinich. IMsil of Yny w$ py innings? 12 3 4 5 6 7 Gvro Club ... 2 0 0 0 0 0 0- 2 Elks 013132 x-IO The teams: Gyro . Club Farquhar, 3; F!ann. us.: Moran. lb.! Have land, cf. ChcppskJ, p,; Skinner, If.S Mlnnenapi ri,i. Ajcaeown, c.f Bury, 2b. Elks Harold, 2b.; Mitchell as.; D. Gurvich, 3b.; Loblick, p; . . n It Hajion,vcf.; Gosse, lf. S. Our IVgU Htep hens, ipainicn, JMenzie was urnpire .for ford on bases, For the oneninir of thn n there was a fAirJy good crowd' ' " " be p,3yed WM vioualy need financial r , success this Th. , m , .u summer. The big bit of the same was n jnree bagger to centre field , wijich UJdo Guryjch poled when first ud in the fourth ning. The Elks made eight hits) altogether and tbe Gyros four ! Loblick struck out eleven batter f and Nick Chenoski. Gvro hurUr. I ou r n ENDS ATHLETIC WINNING STREAK SfiX .JS 9. Vesterday I ,even Wins, corded Chenoski rv support In addition to Dido Gur-vich's three bagger, Spiro Gurvich, Fred Stephens, Hanson, Mike Budinich (two) and Lob lick collected singles for th , Elks. Charlie McKeown made two ( singles lor the Uyros and Far-quhar and Skinner, one each, The Gyros were first un and things looked good for them as Yankees and Rrpwn Win QTT IIO.ME HUN LEADER 'Pittsburg JJakes dean Sweep oi f our (.amen Qyer Sf. Louis Cardinals NEW YORK, May 29:MiJton Gaston, pitching fpr the Boston ?" F.wahar scot on Ihroo.k St.h. and Farquhar scored. Haveland t Uii. r,,.,. 0.1 wfnt to (lr.1 on paJ honor, by rnfllttlnir th. (31 1 A 1L "A . w,c lwo- sam- uray went thfi route seorhig f6r the Gyros who were, for' the Browns ' never dangerous again. j The New York Yankees re- Ifow Elks Scored 'mained In third place by win- With the bases full aqd fwo ning twelve to seven over the men dowp, Gosse fanned for the Washington Senators. A seven cms in inejr nan 01 me ursi run auauii in the fifth Inning and Cbenoski'a first prisis passed broke up the game. without harm. Cleveland Indians took the The Elks made their first run : first game of a series from the In the second when Spiro Gur j White Sox five to two, Joe Shaute vich went in on Budlnich's aac-joutpitched Dugan and McKain. rifice to right field. j In tbe National League .Pifts- In the third, the Lodge men burgh Pirates made a clean picked up three more as a result I sweep of a four gcme series witb of slow Gyro fielding. With the St. Louis Cardinals who in Lobliek and Hanson on, Moran the last week have dropped yir lielded out uosse and, plar'ngjtuaiiy from the top to third place. Brame allowed the Car- AMERICAN LPAGUE STANDINGS W. L. Pet Philadelphia 25 9 .73 St. Louis ,....v... 24 13 .649 New York ...20 13 .607 Detroit 22 19 .M7 Cleveland 17 19 .478 Chicago 15 24 J385 Boston ....II 24 14 Washington ...... 10 23 203 'Z ' i$fi Try a Dally Naws want-ad. It will bring hfjfif- STATION TAKES SOFTBALL GAME The standing of teams is as fol-'nla 1 2 BILLIARD TOURNEY CANADIAN LEGION BOXING WORK-OUTS hmpress Social Club to see box- era from H, M. S. Colombo wprk 11 toa Hiiuii iui me tour-1 Schools will meet toniirht at the jAcropolis Hill grounds n a Ju- nior league jooujau nxiure. The Booth School team will con sist of the following: J. Murray; R. Nelson apd W, Cross; J. Greer, M. Colusl .and C. Bartlett; A. Walters, cantaln. R. Cameron. V. ,Daly A. JivaVson- and 0. Wing- Law- Prince Rupert Feed Co, Received fresh supply Pratts' Baby Chick Food, Bulkley Valley Hay and grain, Robin Hood. Flour, Spratts' Dog and Bird Sup-plies and COAL guaranteed to please you . PHONES 58 AND 558 THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Mi PLAYED AGAINST CANADA IN DAVIS GUP TENNIS SEMES Sport Chat ' Had It AH Over Drydock Last Smithers and Topley basketball Night In C.N. It. league fixture teams clashed recently in Smith ers to deaide the aunrenucv of TVio ?!fflnn Stnff taA It alt nv ' nlavprs wpVo HtvnreA thp hnm. thp DrvilApIr frnm atarf in -ftntaK ! ninna aftar. a thrillinir urnmA : i,.L, n v n -1 1 . ...u . 1 v - - nf - 1431 iiiikta vy. . iv.. oi loan 1 I nisn ' iiifff Y wvfi . uy a score 01 Tj9cri1 League flrtllra fixture, wlltffll which anrlaA ended Ol 24 to In' 1 Itl in to W4. 11. Cisco we when Prince George won tif a ?bre of 5 to 2. It is lows : thp turn f ah ma nn if o framiAnilv , Li. 1 . ffttrfntr I Ka' Mmlnir mntm.jr am Supt. Office 2 0 1.000 Sundays and bolides. Diek Cor. " vw aoi a flit llnwarrl laft ws.ra nltiih. Station 2 Round House 0 m fQr George In the fMt "0.lrst gamefand made a good i showing. A return match was j played at Prince George on Vic- jloria Day. AND HJU. COLOMBO CROpS pR0MISE A billiard tournament has been . dinals ony four hits and the Pranged between representatives a.... ... n tt f a. o I of e u 1 1 . score was 5 to 2. Home runs by Melvin Ott, Undstrom and Ilousch pffset circuit blpws by Hendrick and Gilbert, enabling the Giants to defeat Brooklyn five to three. Ott'a home run was his eleventh this season, giving Jiinj tbe inter- league leadership. Tbe Phillies took another iram from the Boston Braves, winning free .hitting tussle nine to ,egh. Hurst and Davis hit home runs fof thfPhilfii?'s. . Scores were 'as follows: National league Brooklyn 3, New York 5. Pittsburgh 5, St Louis 2. Boston 8, Philadelphia 9. American League New York 12, Washington 7. Philadelphia 4, Boston 5 Cleveland 6, Chicago 2. St. Louis 4, Detroit 2. NATION AI, LEAGUE . STANDINGS, W. L. Pet. Chicago 21 11 .656 Pittsburgh 21 12 .630 St. Louis 20 16 71 Philadelphia 1C 1C 00 New York 15 16.. 484 Boston 14 21 .400 Brooklyn Iiroosiyn ,. . . 13 13 20 ZU .393 the Canadian Legion and men PEACE RIVER rrom II. M. S. Colombo. The! first games will be nlaved toniirht pmiovrnv fn Tini. when C. L. Youngman and Mar- formy god,tand of crops is re- Quite 4 crowd of fight fans I moisture . supply u, is .w sufficient to At 1, . . .) . . .. . gathered last evening at the carrV the cron for some time and the prospects generally are very promising rrVZrZ" ,Tvt MARLER WILL VISIT ablets, who will meet Benny Wendle in the headliner, is a particularly fast looking bov. jThere will be another workout this evening. JUNIOR FOOTBALL Booth Memorial and HIeh IMPORTANT POINTS IN 1 Montreal Importers Big Bill Tilden, left, and Francis Hunter, right, are expet ted to form. the backbone of the United States Davis Cup team this year with the addition of some younger players, but did not play against Canada in the first round of the American zone series for the Davis Cup at Montreal recently, John Henneseey, upper centre, and John Van Ityaa, below, former Princeton star, won in Montreal against Crocker, Wright, Bainville and Ham. i STOCK-QUOTATIONS (Courtesy S. I). Johnston Co.) The following quotation! -were tia ana a-ikeo: Bayview, 8, 4. Big Missouri, 1M, 1.40. Cork Province, 10, 11. Cotton Belt, Nil, S2. Duthie, 51. 66. George -'"O" Copper, i"W 6 ViW JO. 5 .75. I i jkiperior shooting Georgia 111 ver. 29 SI 11 11 In in the' thA' QtatiAn'. Station's f.itA. favor. I I .L. J..IJI ' ( i I . ' . The players were: DrydocKJ-Howe. n: Palmer, c: inueu iij ueciuing iaeior mi uoiconaa,iJi7, 1JW, Smithers favor as Topley Tieldj Grand view, 36Vj, 36 u. Ha ' 1 t 1 1 t ..... i itwfi in iHig iitwr pmy ami i-Miesvputjae, rill, v. wli,1'".1' 'wthoe' 2b'lat tim outplayed the v infers. Smith, cf; Kelly, If Station A. L. Holtbv. nr'A: SkatteboL c: D. Stalker, lb: V. Thomas, 2b; J. Horton, 3b; L.- Astori. ss J. MePherson. rf: R. Skattebol, cfihMcIntosh, If. Prinee George and Giseome baseball pJayejs had their, first game 'of- tTife' season recently at IndmiL-NH. 6. Intern. Coal & Coke, Nil, ap. Ktenay Florence, IS, 11. Kootenay King3pV4, 40. U & L., 2Vt, 3. ' Lucky Jim, 12, 13H-Mohawk, 4. 6. Morten WooUy, 5, S'j, Marmot Blm Gold, &h,"G, Marmot Metals, Nil, National Silver, NIL 15. Noble Five, 02,68. Oregon Copper, 26, 27. Pend Oreille, 5.0i, 5.1S. Pioneer Gold, 90, 1.20. Premier, 1.66, 1.66. Porter Idaho, 86, 40 Reeves MactWld, l.OI, 1.06 Hufus Argents, 22, 2Sft. Ruth Hope, 82, SS. Silver Crest, 5, 5. Silverado, Nil, 70, Silversmith, 14 ft, IB. Slocan lUmbler, Nil, 16. Snowftake, 57, 60. Sunloch, Nil, 2.20. Terminus, Nil, 8. Topley Richfield. Nil, 38, from the warship. ! where seedinir has been completed ' Toxic. 1.00. 1.26 JJ35Jf"iiP7fi-mj.VH horn iS7rf(.Jft Ji pnej) yh Cincinnati . . .'. 2l . ,3644 5tf risUansori. I I. til ...I... 4 I. MVIIti m ' iur aunie nine, mi w itoui . cninMiwti, tu, above the , ground and oats are ; Whitewater, 76, 77. making a good showing. The Woodbine, 4, 6. Bluebird, 12, 12. OiU Calgary Dallas, 2.10, NIL Great West, 55, Nil. Mercury, 1.46, Nil. Mid Wast, 04, Nil. Mill City, 10.76, Nil. Model, 86, Nil. NORTHERN PART OF B. C.j iwu new, 4.17. n... Mav 29. Hon. Pner, 2.75, Nil Horhprt f arlnr. who will represent Canada as minister plenipoten-1 tiary in Japan, will tour British rnltimlii:. in Aiiirnut befnrp nrn- : ceeding to his post'. Mr. Marler , win irjicn .ancumui uj nay ui ii.u, 1.07, itvi, IX9. imQi frlnce Kvipert on-August 6. iie4 raoyan. rete, y, . NIU will visit Anyox, Stewart, Ocean' Home, Nil, 2-1.05. Falls, Powell River and Britannia. 1 Illinois Alberta, NJI:fl,5lj, Just Received! A shipment it , TKaVeLLEHS; 3A.nri.ifcs irom .unsier .lie-chanJcs. ConsUtlnt; of MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOYS' LONG TROUSERS At my reduced price, and see them. . . Call Richfield, 1.12, Nil. Advance. 16.00, 1G.2C. A. P. ConsolldaUd, -4.76, ,4.78. Calmont, 3.90, 3.95. ' Dalhousie, 4.40, 4.45'. Devenish, .uayiana, H.5, McDoug.-Segur. Nil. 5.75. McLeod. 4.75. 5.00. New Mcl)oug..Scgur, Nil, 2.50, 5ffreehofcirli5, 1157. ' United. 11.00, U.30 Sterling Pacific, 2.00, 2.05. Eastern Slocks Sherritt-Gordop, 7.15, Nil. Noranda, 60.20, Nl LASHED BY TYPUQON. i .'jriintii AVKNI1E MANILLA. Mav 29: Th. t . ',and of Leyte. lashed by , . rru rf,. a ty- y The Eastern FIrnt that Brnught ,)hoon on Frid r , j prices to the M dead today. EXPLOSION OF SEWER GAS IN OTTAWA TODAY j Church Destroyed, Several People Injured and ranic Is I Caused OTTAWA. May 29. Mrs. An na Hayden, 73 years of ago, living in u section of the city known as Randy Hill, was trapped In her I home anri-sjprwusly burned. by. fire. 1 a number of others were hurt and ; i oiuiderable property damage was done when an explosion of sewer 1 gas oceurred in four parts of the , city shortly after noon today. Man hole covers were thrown Into the jr 50orOO feet, A church built In 187C in Sandy Hill was burned to wreckage. There was a panic In several xet tions when the explosion, ac . c-ompanied by ltaping pillars of flame and water, shook dwellings ' .md rattled windows out of house and office buildings. Women and ' children ran screaming from their 'homes. Several stores' in the nndy Hill district were destroyed. LABOR LEADER DEFENDS POLICY .Mncdonald Points To Sucre) of Nationalization in Canada a.t Lesson to Britain NEWCASTLE - ON-TYNE. England. Mav 29 Tha Labor Pirtv'a nationalization propoals formed the subject of an uddrw by Rt, Hon. Ramsay Macdonald here last night when he rigorously defend. ed the principal. The labor leader cited th Pa. nadian National' Railways and tbe Ontario hydro-electric power as among outstanding' successful examples of public ownership and asserted that Premier Sfn n!.ur Baldwin was ill-equipped when he qeneuneea naMonaHiftltn at he outset of the cnmnaiim. fn th process of time various industries would Dass into the nuhllr rv.M stage, said Mr. Macdopajd. Then iney wouia be brought under pub-lit control. Mun(inal water had long ceased to disturb us, but they were really forms of socialism. SMALL HALIBUT SALE HERE TODAY Halibut sal as hr KI tnn.n. IIIV1 II- ing totalled 75.000 pounds of whlh G$,500 pounds was from four A me r iron Imfi uii.i. . n u " IIIVH , . ce4ved from 15c and 7c to 10.5c and 8c while two Canadian Ves sel were paid 14.1c and 7e and ,14.5c and 7c for 11,600 pounds. American Excel II, 43.500 nounda. Booth Fisheries, 15c nnd 7e. Hapny. 10.000 rounds. (Vini. dian Fish &, Cold Storage Co, iC and 8c Wabash.' 4,000 pounds, and Dagnp, C,00p jvounds; Canadian Pish 4 Cold Storage Co.. IB.le and fie. Canadian Sea Maid, 9.000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries, 14.5c and 7c D. S. T., 2,500 pounds. AtHn Fisheries, J4.1c and 7c. CONCILIATION INCUR. CASE Board" Appolnled to Act' In Dis pute In hlch riremen and Engine Men Involved OTTAWA, May 29: A Board of conciliation under the Indus trial Disputes Act has been es tablished by Minister of Labor Jleenan to deal with a dispute between the CN.R. and its f re men and enginemen. Employees jo the number of 4.500 are stated to be' directly affected. The dis pute arose out of failure of enr plojces, to reach an agreement governing the personnel of their service board. John Gauld, for merly county court judgo pf Hamilton, is chairman of the board; J. L. Counsel! K.C. of Hamilton and J. M. Godfrey K.C of Toronto were nominated by employers and employees ftspMh tiveiv. -11 NEWTARIFF HITS CANADA Most of the H.ef r Additional OTTAWA. M-,"'n . ted States tariff mm ui '"v the House of lin ,.-,. .. terday i r.-r,;-,,.,, morp . . . ..... f ban the draft ,, UIl that body by !,, ,,m wys and means , 1)ms Amendments , BlHl in it wilt , Against the pi udu. s '., try in rcnpvt t , i. . one cent a nnum! , . Canadian ep..ns to! , ,i under the a pound was n, ,(.,. weighing over nr,n one and one-hair ,.; 'ght. Und.r passed by th. , .,. would be two ,, A - I cwimi a oove hoo , ,n cenu a pound un As the bulk of m border come b. i it r. 'Hi I, , ,S nil I In to;ost if ' ''-!!!! '" ' t .L . xiuiius, me -n., fring ,r i, (i Irllrwr ul, .(,(.. i (fnt makes a full , .(T(.ii8'a this type of aiiirti AVIATION LEAGUE TO BE ACTIVE THIS YL OTTAWA. M;u isation of the A. i ' Canada and the a ? : ' Icy calling for un ggr. bersbip campaign ; destined to an.u-. l interest in avianon f. opening session .,f meeting of the b-ag ;c Monday, Maj ,: Brlen of Hamilton TORONTO STOCKS (Courtesy S. I) ' ' i A. P. Con . 4.73 . Ifomi Oil, 23 75 Hudson Bay. 1C.CV Kftkel, 45 50 Mandy, 80. fs- '.n-i 'in H . Newbeck, 68' Noranda, So w Sudbury Basin. 7 7" Sherritt Gord. n r Teck Hughes. H Wainwell. 47 BENNY WENDLK 1IERI Benny', f-nr I boy, who has beer v a dash in boxing u Etilimtai and other Pugtt s. ,r ! ' & arrived in the . :'v -a south on the I'm c morning. Tomrr. w ; ?: lev- iiKuic in iiiv ' Prince Rupert - f M1-' boxing tournamri r " ; : - wiU be Marine ' , 1. 0. D. E. VOICE THEIR VIEWS ON I GRATION VICTORIA, M J . Pi ' tionai cnapier 1 , f , here today d.T'-' ' 0 recommt?"""11"" - ,..( report of the "l Pl'r,r-mittee" presented ,MI'T(,,r lotte Whltton, n.r .. .,j "That we re.. ' ; ,( frnnVlv numeric 1 ..; , . , , rtw ' difficulties invulv.-' r the flow of Bni'-" '";,., i this country and v-m preciatlon of r' ''..J Dmin " -1 British, ',),,) Governments inmnt overcome this suuu , "That we rctcra-t- . .:. ...(.. f T . j tnat ine ''" '' t,f N should : - migration , f r i as an argument j(t undue preponderar b T born from non tries and United s JJ . that this flow be hr3W formity with the r at British and nr. 'Zfi settlers who c an be cbW nually," FIRE "iNjAGHAUt At TOKIO. May were killed and vo In forest fires in Tometl In Southern neJl, Village. '"IvM out vc w w w ned ,u. 18. .bodies ro"a hi'e still bUrnJi8