Wednesday, May 20, 1929 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE - Local and Personal News-In Brief - SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Lavender Mentholated Shaving (CreflimQc; Lavender Talcum Powder, 35c 6c WuSfiSfc'V.'i'n'- Both for Klenzo Shaving Cream, 50c, Genuine Gillette Blades, 50c $1.00 value. Both for gQ Our Bathing Cape have arrived New, fresh stock. Values from .I5cT0 SLOG rimes JJj 7fw Pianvcr THIRD AVE. f, SIXTH ST Travel Funds1 Canadian, Travellers WHEN planning a trip either to great cities or unfrequented places, you may obtain from the Bank of Montreal travel funds suited to your individual needs. Travellers' Chcoues in conve nient form and umaaa ana in ptner countries, or Letters of Credit that are ac- . ceptable the world cimnlv ft i tins with rrv safety and con- Dfuarista TEl LPMONFS t,20i .cashable-in J i over, j&y&Lti I j. jgpPggjg - jf r.j. tf. OJlrc, Monirtsl Bolt' Bread. twem BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total AssgU in excess oC llloi'c Biead6 delicious wheat flaior is retained s C8G, 4 Taxi, - Dentist ntist lirti J; It. Cos ossc. Phone Ewart Lyne, piano teacher, 5. Summit Apartments. Phone Black 345, ..': 128 Hear P. 0. foster in hit inimitable comic song at Moose Hall tonight. Overature at 8:15. This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. Fred Jancowski, well known Stewart mining man, is a passenger aboard the Prince George today bound north from Vancou ver. . Frank Morris, mana efof tht ' B, C' tJndertakare. n !tued to I the city on, this after && train j rroav.'trp t!-Ter: rfn pro- reHsldtoal, business. H,'Wllaw arrhttUn the elty W Pr&ce G$je this morning front . Vaneo' hcrt ah business is ettffneetion I Birthday Tea,- United Church Hall, Thursday afternoon from 3 to 6. Home cooking and fancy work on sale. Attractive musical .program. 128 C.N.R. steamer Prince John. Capt. E. Mabbs, is reported to be due from Vancouver via ' the , Queen Charlotte Islands early to-I morrow morning. The vessel ie i scheduled to sail on her returr south over the same route at 8.1 p.m. Saturday. a tasi evewnaj local manager, 'the Power Corporatl aratiop of Canada , from Montreal returned from Stewart where they have beer rpany business. The party was. : traveflTnc on the power vesaet : I'achena. Mrs. Benny McDaiels, who was formerly. Miss. Flouooce Hardy, and was well known, ia Prises Rupert In the early days, arrived on the Prince Geonre this morn ing from Seattle for a visit with hr brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy, 848 Summit Avenue. Apparently the deep pool of water which gathers whenever it rains near the Wallace sfore at the corner of Third venue and Fulton Street Has' Reaped the attention of city fathers ani officials who pass thaivway. It is proving a consWorabla.hicon-vvience. however, to pedeArlans whq cross the street ajfc that noinL BRIDGE iNO WHIST . PARTY AND DNCE Suceesiil Afnlr Held I at Night by "Women of Mowwhenrt Lilon; 100 Preeft A Successful bridge and whist 1 party and dance was held jaRt night In the Moose Hall by Women of the Iooseheart Legion, about 150 persons being in attendance. Among those present were a number of officers and men from H. M. S. Colombo. Prie winners at cards were: Whist Ladies' first, Mrs. A. Wick; second, Mrs. J. Preoce! om'h'h iwd.Tedi prvik; second, by Sjlss Rpbinsonkreader. lr. ' )pcPWaotC ' ,'" In his address, Jlr, Cooper- lIdpe -Ladle-' first, Mrs. W.fv'olccd the cordial aphjreciatlon of. BuHsey", second, Mr. Anna Ross; the people In the fact that Bishop men's first; G.- E. Oullck; second, lint had' shown hi .sympathy J. G. Smith. 1 1 with ' native ideals' nnd customs' After cards, delic'ous refresh- by authorising this special ser-mcnts wore served and dancing 'vlce. increased influence had its fdlrtwedVwtthWffc by the Pre-fyt'.mj,.,, Mwjx M jt, iBcOjreMtoiSteM . Morrlsofl;, f r uaWlW We1, sWaP"- . . : sponsmw tit the event consisted 'frPl i' Jgl"; ' ElS? Ltfrseh prodded at the door and was assisted by Mrs II Skat- tebol . ' f. 1 T06 lATETO CLASSIFY FOUv" MKNTi-FIye roomed bun- t!ow ' )ieft,r Dry Dock. Phone ttn-i ::. 128 T lm never too tired to sleep now Rested newts nuike all the difference Your doctor will tell you how chewing relieves ne'rroui tension, how the healthful cleansing action bf Wrigley! refreshes the mouth and tone you up. Wrigley' s does much costs little. WRIGLEY! Jplip' meaT Benny Wendle works out in the New Empress' Gymnasium to night. Elks' Kiddies' Flag Day and crowning of May Queen, Monday, June 3. the King's Birthday. Don't forgeVPu', Flag Day-Dance, Moose llfil, Monday, Junes'. Ladies 50c. Gentlemen 75e. 124 Mr. and Mrs. Olbf Hanson re turned to tbejdi on the Prince George this raptWRx from a tief trip o Ocean Fjftls. Miss T)orotfiy Slfephtfh, daugu ln the e W the Prince George this mbVtinig from Vaa couver. ' Ccsme and seerae saibrs .town tiir;ftoir mir tbnrght. - Special ' Wge"' tigtitlns pi reel. Auuiis 00c, cnuaren w Proceeds for charitable pur poses. . . , . ,C : . . Clay Porter, ,well4,knqf.n Stewart mining ma.iv and Mrs, Porter, who have beep, pending the winter fp the socio, are passen gers returning north aboard the Prince George, today.. Dr. Curtis, newly graduated from the University of Toronto arrived in'on the Trince George this morning from the south to join the staff of the Port Simpson General Hospital for the summer. He; was met hsro by Dr. R. G. Larire with whom he proceeded to Port Simpson. INDIAN CHIEF IS RECOGNIZED Service of Dedication at Greenville on Appojnimcnt of Head of Tribes.. GREENVILLE, May 29: A seEftce of recoymtiB of Samuel McKay, as chief of the Canada tribe in succession-to the late Charles Barton, was held at Greenville on May 22. Many members of the crest (the Raven) both from Gitlakdamiks and Greenville were present. The service was conducted by the Rev. W, S. Cofper, assisted,GoAJ. alLflur, iwihw SSW'HU 1 Tirst"''n-U, " ,v" :' Y w eould therefore ask Cod'a; e""m- mJ.I the d,,-. KU'vi. iu mi "lie 11-j f"r of life. Divine guidance ' 1.1 l. - .lit nn.1 ntr.H 4k ' liliil'l im p,M,:in hum fiwu, VUC j rn-nrher said. Mr. Mi Kay. known under his nttive nunn- 11 ''hief Wnlse. was then Invested wittjjp insignia, f ch'ef. anil V Ci,ce -was (!riiVit to ( il 'i'Ioso. , . j conflicting dates "Fast Workers? v Ms een pest- poned until earfy fall. 1 1. U.S. Colombo Concert party ! and ship's band at Moose Hall ! tonight 8:15. Adults 50c. i Mist B. Ward was a passenger from here for Vancouver on the Catala yesterday afternoon. Don't forget Catholic Women's League Supper and Social, May 80. Supper from 6 to 8 p.m. Social at 10. 75c. 1 A public dance will be held in the Exhibition Buiding on Friday night at 9 o'clock in honor of i the ship's' company H.M.S. Colombo. Admission free. Everybody welcome. 125 Mr. and Mrs. John Haahtl and family, who have been spending the winter in the south, are pas sengers aboard the Prince George today bound from Vancouver to Stewart. Mrs. A. R. Phillips, who has been spending two weeks in Van couver visiting with Mrs. Alex Monroe, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. Boxing at Eh!bition Hall, "hursiay night. Main event, 10 ounds, Marine Bill Venables vs Benny Wendle. Semi-final. 6 ounds. Stoker Everard vs Gus- tafason. Five othtr bouts. Mr. and Mrs. L. Place, parents f Peorge Plnce. whose wife died recently, and Alex Thaia. broth er of the late Mr Place, arrived n the city on the Prince George thfe"Rtofinir ffcm Vancouver t ft" Hi fwher! whch will take place tomorrow afternoon. -CW.B. -sftaKr Prince- Oewrsre ' Nadrien. arriv-H ir rt' rt 11 :15 this morning from Vanroiv. Powell -River and Oxarn Fill aTtd Will Sail at 4 VclocJr tM.irfifn for Anyox nd Stewart, rctiirnfng here a 7:80 tomorrow evening and sailing south at 10 p.m. ANNOUNCB.MF.NTS Ilirthday Tea, UnUeo Cbrrrb tall, May 3d. Moose Annual Picnk at Digby une 30. Gingham Dance to be bald at Port Clements some time In June. So be prepared buy a bowl K. of C. picnic. Sunday, July 14. Digby Island, SCALE OF CHARGES The followint- is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Birth Notices 50c Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Notices SI. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Marrage and Engagement announcements 32. 4 . Hi si .!. The Le.ter Box - , :to VOTING ON BYLAWS Editor. Daily News: of With nfarsHtii '4Wa bylaws . being w submitted by the ' I City Council to the ratepayers for their approval on Friday, May 31, I think that as considerable uncertainty seems to exist amongst those entitled to vote on these bylaws, some explanation as to their object and the reasons which ivtuated the Council in submitting them at the present juncture should be given to the public. In connection with the bylaw for 119,000 for overexpenditares on the trunk sewer, there appears to be some confusion in the it minds of the peblle as to which work this bylaw relates. It does not relate to the sewer now being constructed in Section 5, that work is being carried on on the local improvement plan and only the property owners liable o be specially assessed will be affected by the assessments in this case. It relates to the trunk sewer constructed last year. The over-expenditure is due in part to two causes: (1) That the council dwided that a more expensive pipe than that originally recommended by the City Engineer should be in stalled. (2) That the excavation was done in the previous autumn and winter and was partially carried rut as a measure of relief. The nine, owing to' no neglect on the wrt of the City Engineer or Council, was late In delivery and as a consequence the excavation partially filled up and had to b -nm-ravaled. and this entailed an iHHitlonal "rnense. At to whether the electors pfcould vote in fvnr f th bylaw or not I would point out that Demonstration In Our Store on Friday and Saturday of ST. CHARLES MILK PRODUCTS By Mrs. Rhodes of Vancouver Come and r.ce the many uses of these made iu-B. C. products. SPECIAL PRICKS Evaporated Milk. 9 tins ... .$1 .00 Eagle Brand Milk, per tin ... .20c Choc. Malted Milk, per tin ..70c SUGAR 6 lbs 31c CHEDLET CHEESE English Cheddar. Per lb 40c SWIFT'S PICNIC HAMS Average 4 8-4 lbs. each. Each $118 NABOB SLICED PEACHES 2'as. 2 tins 55c ORANGES Good site Navels; sweet and juicy. 8 dos. $1.10 BLUE JAY BROOMS 5-string; made by the blind. Each 60c FINEST BULK BUTTER 8 lbs 81.30 KORNE'S CAKE ICING Chocolate and lemon flavors. Pkg 10c NABOB TOMATOES. 2 tins 25c All Freeh Fruits and Vegetables in Seaen. See Us for Your Requirements UOTHOUSE TOMATOES lb 86c LARGE LOCAL LETTUCE Head ...10c Fresh Strawberries Expected On Wednesday; Canteloupen Expected on Friday Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Right . HONE 55 PHONE 50, if they do not do so it will in volve a serious financial embarrassment to the city and will result in $19,000.00 being added the levy next year. If they do support the bylaw this expendi- jture will be spread over a period twenty years. As regards the bylaws for the McBride Street pavement and the UfnTAt water main main am on Eighth 17thfLi Avenue. Aakm the advisability of submitting he3e two bylaws was carefully considered by the council and it was decided that it was necessary to submit them to the rate payers, and in this decision they have my support. If the McBride Street bylaw should fail to pass portioi of the expenditure on the pavement has already been incurred and will have to be naid for immediately and charged against general revenue as there has been no provision made for in this year's leVy. I leave these two latter bylaws to the judgment of the electors but would strongly urge them to vote in all cases in the affir mative. Yours truly, . P. MeMOKDIE Morley Shier, well known powder traveller, arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Prir-ce George this morning, being on his way to Anyox and Stewart mining camps on business. S.D.MnsionCo.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Liraited Through our connections we can make prompt execution ef buy:ag and selling orders on the "Vancouver, Csl-gary and Toronto steek exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges ported on our stock board twice daily. Orders from . out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Colli C10 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert H.I- If You Wish to Talk Watches Come Here! If you hist (wish to see and ask questions come here! Or for any other watch reason at all come here! We expect to have to convince you before we sell you. Wouldn't have it any other way, anyway, even if we could. Four of the world's leading makes are what we have to show you and talk about. We repeat come here and have a look. 1 tyEwELLliKd THf. STORE WITH THE CL0Cr LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and . Futnltutt'MiriiHg. l