Vv Man in the Moon Do you want to bo an apjtcl And wear a placid smile i i Or rather be a jolly tar And walk around awhile? Jake says those blue clothes do : tire look real smart and his best girl is already getting eool toward him. "For it's tar, tar, tardive ( me a jolly tar," . That is what the girls all sing, Can't you hear their voices ring1? That's the way to serve the King Ju.jt be a jolly tar. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert May 29. 1919 The Anglican Synod, meeting here yesterday, passed resolu-t.ons endorsing pensions for mothers and collective bargaining for industrial employees. Anhdeacon Heathcote of Vancouver was the principal speaker at yesterday's session of the Synod. Judge F. McD. Young delivered un inspiring address at a Board cf Trade luncheon yesterday , 'ioard the steamer Prince Rupert. M. P. MeCaffery presided at the luncheon and a vote of j 'hanks to Judge Young was pas-i d on motion of H. S. Wallace u,d G. W. Nickerson. Employees of the railway car f-hips here as well as local long-ii'ir. men are joining the Domin-. n wide labor strike. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to leaae Land I ' -.he Prince Rupert Land Recording C tt.n of Prince Rupert, and situate lie South-West coast of Wales Is-1 racing Boston Wands, lake notice that Anglo British Oolum , P. king Company LbnMed of Van-'cr B C . oocupatlon. Salmon Can-.c" intends to apply for a lease of the -;:ig described lands: foreehore: unmirnring at a post planted on ths S-: !i West Ouast of Wales Mind facing W-:ern extteinlty of Boston Islands; 1 fvrtr chains following high water hence South one cfealn U Low ! mark, thence West forty chains ' low water mark: tbence North ,.t:iig post; and ceatatalcg Ten '- more or less. ui IX BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANT. LIMITED. -W. E. Walker.- AfcTnt. ' May 23Dd. WW. LAM ACT Notice i.f Intention lo Apply to Leae Land '.he Prince Rupert Land Recording ru t of Prince Uupert. and situate He South West coat of Wales Is-i Hall mile South Bast of BarUett ' .it . ..xe nouoe that Anglo BrkUsh Ooluai' P icking Company Limited of Van-cr Be osdupeUon. Salmon Can intends to apply for a lesule of the . .wing described lands: forsehare: - mnitvcing at a post planted ' on the ri West coast of Wales Island half o South East .of BarUett Point; e South East forty chains Xallow- niKn waver msfs. umaw (ive ohalns to low water mart; o North West forty chains follow- w water roars; iaicw mm ung pott; and contatnlsg twovty mure or leas.' :.ui,u BKITISU COLUMBIA PACKINO QOMPANY, LIMITED. "W E. Wslker." Agent. i Muy 22nd, IBM. I.AXII ACT Notlre of lutentloq fo AptUy to leaie Ijind f' he Prince Rupert Land Recording ' t of Prince Rupert, and situate - in le South East of Bplt Point on I:.LSt shore of Portland .Canal. ; notice that Anglo British Oolum-I'Bokme; Company Limited of Van- '.Vr It O nMMmaiLnM S.lman flan ' intend 'to apply for a lease of JtheJ described Unda: foreshore: 1 - inmencmg u a von pianvea (me buuth &A of 6plt Point on the uliore of Portland Canal; hence East Hum foUowlng High water mark: 8outh 8 chains to low water - tbence West 40 chains following water mark; thence North 6 chain l.'.Htlng post; and containing 30 more or leas, -.IX) BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY. LIMITED, "W. E. Walker." Agent. - '-1 May 22nd, 1828. I" LAND ACT Nut Ire of IntNitlon lo Applf to Lease land ' of Prince hupert. and altuate - rinle South East of BarUett Point . i South West const ol Wales J. , 1 lo notice that Anglo British Oolum. 1 Paiking Company Limited of Van. ier B.C., oooupatlon. Balmon Can-"tend to apply for a lease of thf 'iK described landa; forrahorei -nttucncing at a pot planted ont r South East of BarUett Point on the lv 'i West coast of Wales Island: o Eait forty chains following high mI'lt; thence South West five . '""n o low water mark; tbeavos Watt !ia!n following low wster mark; - North East live chains to loca -poat. and containing 20, acres, mors W-'U) 'ptUTISW jCOLWMBIA MCKINO COMPANY, liMl1D. DatM . 'W E Walker Agrnt May 22nd, 1S29. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND ; W IS THE J AGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HEAD BECAUSE'- IT IS FULLWo'f. HUMAl , itffSTNRsd MVfawbvniiKh. ,Avn m n '4fSr T1 I .Tr"L M i ltr"Ttn'jV yv'V yruxs. WANTED WANTED High school girl, fif, Uen, requires work, whole or! parjujlme; house pr minding; children. Phone Black C5C. 1271 LA Nil ACT Notice of Intention to Apply I In Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate south-west side of Wales Island. Take notic that The Canadian Pleh-iM Company, UmtW, of VanoouTer. B. v owyatfaa, a Oorporittoo lneorpor-Sf?. r. Uw ' Pro-lnoe of Brltlah Columbia, intend! to apply for lease of the following described Un0t Commencing ai a post planted on an unnamed point on the south-west side of Walei Wand, opposite Proctor Islands: thence northerly 5 chains; thence westerly so chains; thence southerly ' chains; thence easterly 20 chains along the shore line to the point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FI8HWO CO.. LTD. Per W. W. Trotter, Agent Dated April 20th. 1928. UNO ACT . Not Ire of Intention fo' Apply to Uue Ijind In the Prince Rupert tind Recording District of Prlnoe Ruvert, and situate on the coast of Wales Island half mile South East of BarUett Point. Take notlae that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Company. Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation. Salmon Canners, intends to apply for a teaae of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on Uie Coast of Wales Island half mile South East of Bartktit Point, tbence North East ten chains; thence South Batt forty chains; South West ten chains to High Wster mark; thence following High Water Mark to staking post, and oonr talnlng forty seres, nacre cr lens. THE ANOLO BHIT16H COLOMBIA PACKI.VO COMPANY LIMITED. Per -W E Walker." Agent. Dated May 17th. 1929. LAND ACT Not Ire of Intention to Apply to Leaie Land la the Prince Rupert Land ReeaMUng District of Prince Itupm. and srsuate one mUe South East of BartleU Point on the ooast of Wales Island-Take notice that The Aono BrtUsh Columbia Parking Oomnaai, limited, of VancouTer, B.C . oovupailon. Salmon Canners, Intends to spoly for a lease of the foUowlag descrlbnd lands: Oommencbg at a post planted on mile South East of BartleU Point on tee Ooast of Wales Island; tbence North East fifteen chains, thence East forty chains: -thence South West fifteen chains to hlxh water mark: thence fol lowing high water mark hack to rt eking and ooouwing suiy acre, more or THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO OQMPAVY, LIMITED. Per' W. E. Wslker," Agent. Dated slay 17th. 1029. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to lea.e Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording Dlstrtot of Prlnoe Huoert. and attalate en tlte East shore of Porttaad Oanal one-mile south-eart of Spit Polat. Take noWce thai The Anglo Brkttsh Onruitibla Packing Company. Limited, of , Vancouver, u c instion. Snimon Oannen. Intenda to apply for a lee of , (be toilewleg ttaacrtbed lands: AMnmenelnc at a east nianted on tee east shore ot Portland Oanal one mile south east of Bplt Point: thence North ten chains; thence East forty chains: thence South ten chains to High Water Usrk: thence following high water mark back to staking post: and containing forty acres, more or lew. TilE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA. PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per 'W. E. Walker," Agent. Dated May 17th, 120. LAND ACT Nntlre ol Intuition to Apply to I.eaMi Laud In the Prince Rupert Land Reoordtnff District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the South West Ooast of Wales Is-land facing Boston lejaads. Take notice thst The Anglo BrrUsn Columbia Packing Company, Limited, of Vancouver. B.C . occupation. Sainton Canners. Intends to apply for a leaie of the following described lands: Oorarnenclng st a post planted on the South West Coast of Wales Island opposite Boston Wands: ttenoe North ten chains: thence Bast forty chain: thence .... n Ill.h Wafer klsrk: S lollowuS WwWMirk weei tcTsUklng post; and containing 40 aerea. mTEANOlO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED. Per "W E watter," Agent. Dated May 17th. 1929. I Clock, V-:'Ti'j ll-LJ.' 1 FOR RENT V. W. HART'S .Offic. ClUROrjtACTIC Emad1 FFTO R! R ENT HousekeeDing rooms. Phone 427. 128 FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone C 17. . ! FOR RBNT-Furnished apartments and furnished shack. Apply Mussallem Grocery. tf FOR RENT Furnished modern1 four room flat, Clapp Block,' Apply Westenhaver Bros. tf 1 OR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT I urnlshsd housekeeping rooms by the day, wfek, or jnonth. Phone Red C07. tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping suite and single rooms. Palmer House. Phone Ked 444. 140 FR RENT Two modern houses, newly decorated; one well furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East tf FOR RENT'-Four roomed hTuse, fully modern. Fine harbor view. Apply MeCaffery, Gib-txms and Coll art, Ltd. 123 FOR RENT To responsible party, five roomed flat, completely furnished, with piano. Available June 1. Apply Box 192, Daily News Office. 125 CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC ELECTROTHERAPY 7 You can make no mistake in adopting these scientific methods. as their use is now world wide in l eases of disease. Our system of drugless therapy does not leave your recovery to chanee, owing to the certainty of the methods adopted. ' j Consult DO. W. a ASPJNALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block 1 Gteen: 211 Phones Black: 281 Open Evenings Gets results where other fail. Consult R. E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR 023 Third Avenue Office Telephone Itlue 85 Residence Telephone Red 589 Established 1024 GOODYEAR TIRES Raybestos Drake Lining KA1EN GARAGE Chevrolet Dealers BRINGING UP FATHER FOR SALE FOR SALFJLarge range, good as new. Phone Red 444. 12G FOR SALE Studebaker coach, mechanically guaranteed. Burns and Co. Ltd. tf FOR SALE Five roomed house, furnished. All for $900. Phone Black 470. . 123 FOR SALE Lot 11, Block 20, Section 2. What offers? M, Murphy, 1785 Davie Streei,! Vancouver, B.C. 126 1 FOR SALE-M;Seldoninn .Cabin," Salt Lakes, camp furniture, row boat. Quick sale, ? 125.00. Apply 41 II 'Arnntf pjtrn Purtor't I offer, subject to prior sale: THREE PIECE MAHOGANY PARLOR SUITE Used and In splendid condition. Also one only. Buffet MACKENZIE FURNITURE Phone 775 Paints, Wafipapor, Etc SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and trucKs from VOUNO BROTHERS Skidegate, B.C. IN THE MATTER OP THE "COMPANIES ACT" NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the undersigned will apply to the Registrar of Companies, Victoria. B.C., alter the publication of this Notice for tour weeks, to change Us name to that ot MeCaffery, Olhbona c -Oollaxt. Lunued." rtATKn at Prince RUDert. B.C.. this 21at day of May. A D., 1929. UcCAFHKY & GIBBONS. LIMITED. JOVEUNlXNT UQIOB AW Notice of ADPlioation ' tor Consent to TranVrr of peer Licence. Notice I hereby given that, on the seventh day of Jun next, the under signed Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board tor consent to transfer lot Brer Licence Number 1338 and issued llii rrspsot ot .premises being part of a building jenown ai Tourist Hotel situate at Terfaoe. B.C . upon ths lands de- iKrlbed as Lots t and 2, Block 11, Dla-Jtrlct Lot 399. Map 872, Prince Rupert ILaod Registration District. In the Ptot-ilnce of Brltlah Columbia, from Urbano IcbllMortnl and AngelA Euataoohlo. I licensees, to John Allen MeDougall, ot t. ii li ii i i o o i Reliable Wrecking Super-Service Terrace, Brim Columbia, the trans- HOME GAS Jieree. Dated at Terms. B.C.. Utla loth day lot April. 1929. 't Annlleant anH tranafees Try a Dally News WANT-AP.'(US) JonH allen mcDouoall. 1!J J - I.JU1I1III1.J'. 1 ..1 J '.'.."!' ( where I (TO DiKTr-f I ( LETs .- ) cSsif BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFJS ' Experienced -Jojpejatnr.. ropdcfi. metnoas in all lines of beauty culture and hair dressing. Make appointment by phoning Red 1?9. DRESSMAKING ' MISS E. 8. SMITH Experienced dress and coat; maker. Room 6, Exchange Block. 1 Garaire 127 '!" on nr "7"'r the waler we FOR SALE Thorough bred Alsa-tfon German Police pups, from the famous Kriminalpotizei and .Riedekenburg strains of Europe, Make good cattle, sheep, sleigh or watch dogs. Don't reply unless you want a good dog. Mrs. E. Hyde, Hazelton, B. C. 127 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $35 month. Phone Green 216. FURNITURE per tf SALVAGE ANI TOWJNG do it" PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED , FuJJy Equipped for PlyjDg and j (General "Salvage Work. j Boats and Scows of alj dfcri)Ir tions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire, i Bargains Jn Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Blerck, Easthope. Hicks & Ballantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Cool id pe Propellers Phone. Day or Night, 564 P. O. Box 1564 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We aell or ex change anr kind or furniture or household goods, musical in-. struments, machinery, etc. Gejtr eral repairs, crating, packing1 arid shipping. Workmanship guaranteed, iust phone Black 120 and we will call. -GEORGE i, f)A WES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block A. L. HENDERSON, Auctioneer, and appraiser. Cash for all goods and furniture. Emad Block. . ........ 124 L.- U...l'-J.., I Auction SALE FRIDAY, MAY 31 AT 2 P.M. IN THE FEDERAL BLOCK Instructed by the owner, who js leaving,. town I will sell by public auction: 'n ' Reed Table. Chesterfield set. ( 2 Dressers. Wicker Set. Kitchen Table. Sewing Machine. Dining Room Suite. J3eds and Rugs And other mis-cejlaneous articles. GEO. J. DAWES Auctioneer Pbnne Ilbck 120 124 CNR. TRAINS for the East- Dally except 8unday, at 11)30 a.m. I'riMii t tie Dally except Tue9ay. S:36' p',"m. I U5VC TViE-jC ''fieMCH OITsHE.a- I'LL. HAVE OMeJ MuiiLiCANErrTS r mulu I J A-re Typical ROUND TRIP FARES MJNMPF.O .$ 7S-B4 MONTREAL. SU1.1S riiWio... (Mi.su koston ty.-.u 7IU)TO.. 11&90 XLU'VOUK . lil.JU tll.MO.NTON, ('ALG4KV S10.U0 lAprlt i 3.i.H5 Trlurie.-Yixir via tanieiiter 1 K '' tUjrf . Ovinia rvrreiii'.oiidingly Lw lull Particulars, Dates Male, Limits, Ctc. IjTY TICKET OFFICE 5?S TJI1RU AVE. PyiONE tCO inn inn mn nimn nmniiiinm iniri.T,nii ipm rmirmnTnn; Ranadian National DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Knpert. B.C. EMBARRASSING MOMENTS -V A3&S erf is . v iw-'ti . O There arc often good bargains in the Classified Col lining; . Head ithem. ll .1 ' 1 e . By George McManus QRINC IM THREE.) I'L'L. TAsKLR f nNO OF" 6.M I L VPRV COOD 5)1 R- 1 11