1 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE And its flavour Is the finest in the world. "SALADA" TE 'Fresh from HV I I b'iSH Vest No. 1 A. Folding Kodaks .am $12.26 2 I Folding Kodaks ram $18.50 linduk Films, all ze in stock. Developing and printing i amateurs . Daily service. Quality 'finish. yje Pioneer THIRD AVE. SIXTH ST. Do U Know Diamonds ? A t .mond should be cleaf and "j. ur-ut like water, with na trr : rt nnnlu in If should be the proper shape ' J' ' - i if :.houid ive -Kd brfliittMjr. 10 V.' w I) be glad to show you re- aA. . : v.. vs tu know diamond. W ; : , t ve a beaut'ful diamond '".j-'S'rmnnl ring with fine perfect uar-m! in whit gold setting ai $r-j 00. i a Jewellers ISLthc store with the clocn MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EAULY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. the gardens KODAK TIME Brownies from $2.26 I'ocket Kodaks $6.00 1 Folding Kodaks ?rom $11.26 No. 8 A. Folding Kodaks-Prow $34.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), -f. 8.5. lens $100.00 a Druecists TELEPHONE P620C SPECIAL to clear Cheese Cloth nacKages 01 o yaras at. m pKg. VSO M yards at, per pkg.. 50C J. A. Kirkpatrick SIXTH STIiEET SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Surplus Wallpaper 33 1-3 DISCOUNT ItKMNANT ROOM LOTS $l.(iUto $2.00 A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale and Retail Taint Distributors 1 mrnmm. "Caterpillar Tractors" MEAN HETTKR, QUICKER, CHEAPER LOGGING Soe Distributors for H V. m... MOUKISON TRACTOR & E0UIPMENT CO., LTD. !)10 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER. B C Ilrnnrlioa- lrincc George. Kelowna. Nelson Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, llig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. J. It. Gosae. Phone 686. ifa , , i D. Campbell is a visitor in the city this week f rora vSlewart. Dr. Dickey, eye, car, nose and throat specialist will be at Mc-Cutchcon's Drug Store until August 1. 176 W. Bunting and G. Boyd are' visitors In the city from Hyderi and are registered at the Prince Rupert Hotel. Judge F. McB. Young and Mrs. Young are sailing this af ternoon on the Princess Louise for a trip south. The Canadian Pacific steamer Princess Louise is expected to arrive in port at 8:80 this after noon and will sail at 6 p.m. on her return south. II. It. McMillan, lumber ex porter, and part owner of the Big Bay Lumber Co. of this city, is expected to arrive here Friday accompanied by Mrs. McMillan. J. A. Anderson of Anyox accompanied by his niece Miss Jean McFarlane will sail this after noon on the Prince Rupert for Skagway from there they will go into Atlin. Yesterday afternoon in the city police court Frank Jenkins was convicted of being intoxicated and fined $50 or 30 days. For a "imilar offense Kenneth Mclver wac fined $25 or 30 days. QUALITY GROCERIES AT RIGHT PRICES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FANCY SLICED SIDE BACON Swift's or Gainer's. Per lb 86c GAINER'S TURE LARD 8-lb. pails 60c 6-1 b. pails $1.00 10-lb. pails $1.96 PULLET EXTRAS 8 do'. $1.00 CREAMETTBS Quick macaroni . Per pkg 10c VEGETIZED WAFSR8 Bat for health. Per pkg i . .26c OVENKHJT OAT CAKES 'Fresh shipment. 2 pkgi '.. .46c I HEINZ COMBINATION SPECIALS OFFER NO . 1 1 bot. cucumber pickle or relith 1 bottle catsup, large 1 tin crearojof tomato soup, sml. All For 65c OFFER NO. 2 1 bottle Heine vinegar, 1G on. 1 jar sandwich relish 1 tin cooked spaghetti, sml. All For 63c OFFHR NO. 8 1 jar peanut butter, medium 1 bottle tomato catsup, lge. 1 tin baked beans, sml. ; All For 63c PRESERVING APRICOTS Per crt. $1.45 PRUNES 8 lbs ..20c REFLEX FLOOR WAX Per tin Sftoihg. 8AANIC1I CLAMS Per Ua lGci LIUBY'S CORNED BEEF If. 2 tins 45c Watts' Grocery duality Right Prices Right PHONE 53 PHONE 5G T. J. Shcntonlcft on this morn- ing's train on a business trip to liurns Lake. II. M. Wlllson of Terrace is visiting In the city and is registered" the.I'riheuiJtupcrtIpteL iiu ( ! inns, van jjvjo uisinci Eame. warden, left this morning on the traini'on a business trip up the, line.. Mrs. S. F, Walton and daugh ter Ruth, returned this week from I a two months holiday visit in Victoria. " Mrs.. W. J. Nieholls and two children returned this morning on the Prince Rupertrfrom a holiday trip in the south. ' D. H. Hartees, newly appointed principal of the King Edward High School, arrived' in the city aboard the Princs Rupert from the south this raojthiiig. Geo. St Dennis of the New England Fish Company Limited, of Vancouver, arrived in the City on the Prince Rupert this morn ing to attend the Fisheries' con vention. ' G. A. McNieholl, passenger agent for the Canadian National Railways at Vancouver, is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert tody making the -round trip to Alaska. Dr. W. A. Clemens, director of the Pacific Biological Station at Nanaimo, arrived in the city this morninir aboard the iiteamer Prince Rupert to attend the Fish eries Convention. J. D. Lloyd, father of Harold Lloyd ,the well known movie star, was a passenger aboard the steamer Prince Rupert, and left on this morning train for a visit to Jasper Park. A. Dalby, who has been visit- inir with his d rents. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dalby, FUth Avenue East, for the oast month, left on IhUi morning's train for 'Edmonton en route to his hornet 1(n San Francisco. The case against ' Dahlberg: in which defendanf -was charged with keeping intoxicating liquors for sale was completed this morning and Magistrate MeClymont reserved his decision until tomorrow morning. D. B. Finn, who baa been lecturing in the Univenitjr of B.C. on fisheries, arrived home this morning on the Prince Rupert He returned earlier than ho expected so that he might attend the Fisheies Convention. Miss Way and Miaa 8. Olofson are piving special attention to new students, during month of August, Miss Olofaon received Intimation last evening that she had passed the A.T.C.M. (Teach era written examination) with first claw honors. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hoben and daughter, Betty, were passengers aboard ih Prince Iujrt taking the round trip to Skssway. Mr. Hoben, who is an old timer in this northern district came north from UDgfoti. whore he is now resid- lisaY to i-tftew old acquaintances, lie will go east on the train on Monday. The Canadian National Railways offer the finest summer tri in the world via S. S. "Princ Charles" Stewart. Anyox, Maesef Talt leave Prince Rupert Mop la, return Thursday: or maki i weekend trin to Terrace or Rmithers. Very low fares. Enauir Cltjr Ticket Office, Phone 260. J. 3) ANNOUNCEMENTS Leif Erikson picnie August 11. Catholic Basnar, October 2 am) 158 CHINESE WOMAN" . FACES A CHARGE OF SELLING OPIUM VANCOUVER. July 31: Nip Car or Jung Shie, a Chinese woman faces the charges of selling opium and cocaine hero, and has been released on ball of $10,000. She was arrested yesterday by a Uoynl Canadian Mounted. The ar-mtNt of a woman for uch an of-ii'iHt is rare. AMI T A A AT A Tf A AT llflLT UilN ADI A HALIBUTTODAYi . While Monday moat of the boats 1 1 I f. 1 "I 1! seninir nere were uanauian. yes- terday all were American; today there were five Canadian boats sold their catches. The sales were: ... J.K., 3800 pounds, to Pacific Fisheries, 12c and 8c Relief, 20,000, to Cold Storage, 12c and 8c. Morris II . 20,000, to Atlin fisheries, 12c and 8c. Prosperity A., 10,000, to Booth Fisheries, 12c and 8c Nuba, 8000, to Pacific Fisheries, 12.4c and 8c. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Oourtaqr nt 8 D Johnston Oo. Ud ) B. C. Silver, Nil, 1.60. Bay view, 2, 8. Dig Missouri, 1.C2, 1.G4. Cork Province, 10, 12. Cotton Belt, Nil, CO. Dunwell, Nil, 18. George Cpoper, 7.80, 8.00. Georgia River, 84, 3-1 Ms. Golconda, 1.04, 1.06. Grandview, 48, 48Vii. Independence, 9, Nil. Indian, 4, Nil. Inter. Coal & Coke, 34, 3G. Kootenay Florence, 16Vi, 16. L. & L., 2, Nil. Lucky Jim, 9', 11. Mohawk, 8, 4. Morton Woolsey, 4Vs, 6. Marmot River Gold, 8, 4. Marmot Metals, 31, Nil. National Silver, 12, 14. Noble Five, 62' -., 68. Oregon Copper, 24, Nil. Pend Oreille. 6.86, 6,40. Premier, 1.76, 1.80. Porter Idaho, 48, Nil. -Reeves Macdonald, 1.80, 1.84. Rufus Argent, 30, 82. Ruth Hope. 37. Nil. Silver Crest, 6, 6. Silverado, Nil, 80. ohuiwi, o, i. Slocan King. 4, Nil. Slocan Rambler, Nil, 10, Bnowflake. 46. 46. Sunloch, 2.00, Nil. in Terminus, 8. 7. Topley Richfield, 28, 27. Wellington. Nil, 8. Whitewater. 66, 6a Woodbine, 4. 4. George Enterprise 36, 27. Oils Advance, Nil, 4.60. A. P. Comolidated, 8.98, tM. Cabjsont 4.72, 4.80. Dalhousie. 3.86. 3.90. Devsaish. 61. 52. Fsbyan Pete 18. 18. Home. 82.90. Nil Mnvland. 10.00, 10.10. McLeod. 3.88, 4.00. Dallas. 8.61, 20. Hanral 1.48, 1.46. United. IM, 1.08. Statlisg Pacific, 2.05, 2.07. Turaer Valley, 1.08, 1.10. Mercury. 1.85 1M. Eastern Slock Sherritt Gordon, 7.66, Nil. WEATHER REPORT Terrace Clear, calm, 88. Rosewood Clear, calm, 80. Aiyansh Clear, calm, 60. Alice Arm Clear, calm, 88. Anyox Part cloudy, calm, 68. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 58. Port 8impeon Clear, calm, 60. Haysport Clear, calm, 60. Haxelton Cloudy, calm, 54. Smithers Part cloudy, calm, 68. Hums Lake Clear, calm, 82. Eighth Cabin Cloud, calm. Vanderhoof Clear, calm, 60. Atlin Clear, calm, 47. Whitehorse Clear, light north vind. 62. Carmacks Clear, calm, 46. DaWMon Clear, calm, 40. EXPLOSION AT TRAIL FATAL TRAIL. B.C.. July 31. Two von were killed almost instantly: 'ind a third was injured when an , acetylene gas tank exploded in the : acetylene burner shop of the Con-nlidated reduction plant here at 7:10 a.m. today. The dead are Nick Vcrzuh, age 2f. of Trail, and Johr; L. llaldock. aged 22, of Pontit ion . Hugh Palmt-r was injured by flying splintt'i s . PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, July 31: The price of wheat quoted on the ex-ehange today was $1.08. j TrfiAn 1 nPIAtm lUfiLUKA N, FOR CONVENTION With the sun shining and bal- innnu fivin nun i. - m.i, brighter and gayer lookine citv than she was a few days ago. LoCai merchants have helped aiLanca8nire'8 cotton mill stoppage lot in making the city look bright-1 "as entered its third day with cr bv decoratlne their window.1 with flying fishes and other no-;tnan evr- The employers pro-veltles in honor of the Fisheries tm& still to be ready to negoti-Convention. ate a''d the card room workers As the boat nulled in to the wharf this morning a large num- ber of ' cars were down to meet It with bunches of balloons flying on each one. About a dozen persons arrived on the boat for the convention and the rest are arriving this afternoon by train. Amonir those arriirin nn th' boat were Mr. and Mrs. Stinger, Mr. Christho ma. Mr nwvr , Mr TtifinpHo M- ,i mikets. The FV. i.;:h textile mills Volsard and daughter. REMOVAL OF DUTY ON LOGS DOUBTFUL WASHINGTON, July 31: The duty of $1 a thousand on fir, spruce, pine and Western hemlock logs. Imported Into the United States, may be removed if the action of the Senate Finance committee yesterday is sustained. The committee, in revising the Hawley Tariff Bill, stepped out- side Its . provisions in demanding the removal of duty on all logs. STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS rr VntiriKivrr FM4c omb. 4 p.m. P.m. nxmtt. .. Prlnet CSmrtas. 4 p.m. ' ntmwf m. ran. ""ymnf 10 p.m. Frttkis. w. cm-omm mmuusm , sway Jwnee Ruptirt. 7 p.m. 5 C l IZ July 30 m. Prianu bouUe ..8 p.m. July 34 m. PrmoMw aum . .S o n. , July 37 h. rrlnecM MttHto 0.m. July SI m. Pitawm Lootee . .1 p.m. July 10 a. Prince John a.m. July Prtnec John s.m. ; IVom Vanrouv I t p Montfaje as. Prtace Omriaa lam mm WMMjB-ta. Pr. Owraa 1030 ajn ttimjw m. Osntoa a.m. Frnaja m. Pttaaa Roptrt 100 a.m. Pridas aa. Pr. Mayitnna ..4 p.m. July 3S o. Jtlm in Altoe ,...a.m July 1 . Prisai Jeho p.m July 39 aa. Prtnaa John p.m lor Naaa.Klfrr and Pud Slmpnon Bmidaya aa. OaUta .t p.m. t'rnm Naat Ulvrr ond tort Slmpoon TUcdaya aa. Ctelala I1M s.m lr Kirwart, Iirmkr, Anyox mud Allen ( Arnv i 8 p.m. i MGaaiej an. prntM ohorhM B p.m. Frkfeaa aa. PrtoBe Ruptrt . .4 p.m. ttm Mfwort. ITrmlrr, Antv and Allro Ami Tiwadaje ai. Oslala 1140 a.m. Thursday aa. Pr. Gbartaa 1040 a.m Saturdays a. Prtaoe Rupert 6 p.m. I'M1 North (Jimn Charhrtlr IttantH Mandaya aa. .Prlnoe Chart 8 p.m. I'rmii North IJuwn ClurMIr lttsind Thumdas aa. Pr. OhartM 10: SO a.m. fr Knulli lur (turliiltr Iuiul July as a. Prtaoe John ...8 p.m. IW Alanka Wosnady aa. Pr. Gofa 4 p.m. ftmn Alk Baomkys aa. Pr. Orarg 10 0 a.a July SI a. PMaaau LmUae .8 p.m. tW INirt Hlmpmn and IFalaa llaml PrMlaa--a. Oardana a.m. trom I'ort HlmMn and Walra IUii(l rrtdaya rm. Oardana p.m For qufek results try a 'want- ad" in the Daily Newt. COTTON STRIKE CONTINUING INBRITAIN MANCHESTER.. July 31. prospects of settlement dimmer ond Pnners were apparently reaay w mMt lftm' "ut tne erful weaving branch seems determined to remain adamant against the proposed wage reduction. Meanwhile the British press omments say the rival eotton firms arc taking Britain's trade Germany, r ranee ana japan !are "P-imistic oer the opportuni- presenieu eie tue uwr- are working at lop speed. LOST YESTRIS OVERLOADED Court Onlered Payment of Five Hundred Pounds Sterling Ry Agents LONDON. July 31: Steamer Vestris. which was lost at sea last November, was overloaded and unfit to encounter the perils of the winter trip. That was part of the findings of the Board of Trade1 inquiry into the disaster in which 112 lives were lost. The court declared that the SOS call from the doomed ship should have been sent six hours earlier than it was. The court sat for 40 days and at the conclusion ordered payment nf son nnuftila itorlinff and nnat .... . r nn..MMf n, on. ' derson & Son of New tnrk, agent for the liae operating the vessel. The tMing t-- "There WM no ot orr wnong the crew. MAIL SCHEDULE fur the Bait UonSayt. WadAaaday. SaUir4r. maU oloaaa - 100 ajn. MocuUpa. Wadnaadaya and IttdSya. Mall duo SsM p.m. Ta VamaMitrr Monday i p.m. Tmidaya 3ae p.m. Ttouradari ..S p.m Satuntaya S p.m. CP. It June . July J. 8 10, 13. 17. SO 94. 17 sad SI p.m. trm Vfctifoutt Bunoay r 4 p.m. Mcndsya ...100 a.m. 7 p.m. .. .100 a.m. SatunUyi ... 100 a.m. C.P.R July 1. 8. 8. IS. 18. IS 33 a.m. IW Siowsrt. Ittiutrr. Anyoi and Allr Sundaya 708 p.m. Montfaya 7 p.m. ...8 p.m. Prom Stewart. Pramlar, Anyox and Alio Ann Tuaadaya 1130 am Thuradaya 100 a.m. Batunlan t P To Kan ltirr sad IVMrt Mflioii am Naaa llhror ami pwt Slmpmn TUeadaya II iO ill To North iratca ChMtottm Monday 7 p.m. Thuradaya 100 a.m. July 1. IB and SB 7 p.m. July 10 aud 34 a.m. "a Snath Hnrrm Charhrtttw Vrom South orai CtorMt fa-July 1, 8. 8. 13. 18. 18. M 38 and SB .m. to VMka poliit . Juno t8. July 3. S. 10. 18. 17. u 80 34 17 and 81 p.m. To Port NlmuNon and Walra Iilund Prldaya a.m. Iroiu lrt SlmMMHi and Walea liland Prldaya p.m.