4 TV day, July 31, 1929 THIS DAILY NEWS PAGE nva Man in.the Mootl h town, fish talk CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SEE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUNI where . . . matter you walk, TIITO TO mnn n - i . tintr people from the sea xo intu I'AUL WHICH MUST rEOrLK ., ... KKAIJ - ; liECAUSE IT IS FULL OP HUMAN - RTTSTNttcc: .'Ukuiiuuu tvtphpct l M.alJX ta u.iuuiiu vntTMn akmi IJ ni Ulil) n is;tnr cjoiriJfa'rn the east , , .niters sure imver never ceased, i . a'l t ee them any way; :Tn)' that for awhile they stay. ii might to be a good week . ,.h stories. Even T. II. can ,in sometimes. inn ends the month of July ,.. ! the fact will not ey, i r it was a wet one ,i worse ceuld we get one, ti sunshine and heat we all sigh. . i lebrated surgeon says the f cancer may lurk in a ' The safe plan is to hare the ,, c minister remove it wtyh A.:rt ax. you can't quarrel you can argue and when you ar- ii are in a fair way toward rel. FHILMILY ItLLATIONS rt Ah. I see e my friend 8e black eye. rt-You never w the mn .lid It. r rt Jo: tout be my XHed Th Economist. LAND ACT Notice of Intention lo Apply to Leae jnd Prince Rupert Land Recording f Prince Rupert, and artust , South West ooaet of Wild Ia-1 . ii,; Boeton Islands. . i mice that Anglo Brltlah Oolum- ! . King Compos? Limited of Van i B C . occupation, Salmon On-- 'erda to apply for lease of the i (levribe land: foreshore: i ing at a poet planted on the V. ikx Coait ot Wales Island facing . ni entremlty ot Boston Islands; rmins following high water henoe South f chain to Low i rX. thence Wut forty chains Ina m ,m vnArlr 4hMM Nofftil triR poat; sad containing Ten or nore or leaa Mi BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINQ COMPANY. LIMITED. -W. e Walker," Agent. May 23 ml. 1999. LAM) ACT Notke of intention to Apply to I-ree Und Pnnoe Rupert Land Recording Prince Rupert, aAd altuate ' ?QUtll.K..oT-6?it p?,lnt on For shore ol Portland CaSal. I ice that AjmIo Brtttab OoJum u (Xsnnuiy Limited of Van. - B o , OcaupatloD Balmoa Can- terri to abply tor 4 leaae of tb :ic (J scribed laada: tomhar: ..,:. nu at a poat pi in ted one - Eaat of Spit Point on tn . ,re ot Porttead Canal: banc Xaat i r. following Htf rt water mark: s uth 5 chain to low water "lenoe Weat 40 chalna foUowlog t mark; tbeoca North S chain it:rik' poat: and containing 30 iu re or lea. MJ IIRITISH (XH.UMBIA PACKINO OOMPANT, UUITEO. "W E Walker." Aent. Uay Mild. 120. USD ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lean land ' Prince Rupert Land Reeordlni south gaat ot BartieH Point is South Wat oooat ol Walea U- i : -i..tice that Anglo Brltlah Oolum-1 '"kini; Company Limited of Van-' 8 C . . oaoUBMKtoa, Salmon Can- .iitciid to apply for leaac of tha 1 ng deacrlbed landa: foreahorc: i neneing at a port planted on uth Eaat of Bartlett Pc'f on Um Wefit coast of Walea Ialand: : Enrt forty chain following htfa Mm;, vlence South Weat ! io low water mark: thence Writ hnlna rrtUowlnc low watar nvarlt: - North Eaat fire chalna to loca- , .v. mt. and oonUlntog 30 acroa. more v 'il BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LlillTKD. W.E. Waiwr." Agent. L! 1 May aand. 1MB. "KITN.V LAN! RECORDINO DISTRICT KE NOTICE that the Brltlah Co-1 P'.shinf Packing Company. f Vancouver. B.C., occupation, nd paoklng Intenda to apply li'iee of the following deacrlbed " altuate fronting on Lot 5. CoaM Dlatrlct: Commencing o wl planted at a point on the " ly boundary of Lot 3. Rang 5, t about is chains from the aouth-"nier: thence N.6oS. to the pro- "ii southerly of the eaat boundary ' ' 2: thence norttterly to mean high . murk; thence 'westerly and aouui-1 i ll .wing mean high water mark, lMimt of commencement, and con-'"' 'en arrea, more or iee. I'UITISH COLOMBIA nSHINO PACKINO CO., LTD. J II. Buehnell. Agent. 1. ' " -Mth June 1930. LAND ACT Nolle of Intention to Apply to Leake Land In the Prince nunm tnd Recording "irt of Prince BUpert, and altuaU South Weat ooaM of Walea la-lt mile Bouth Eaat of Bartlett i ii notice that Anglo Brltlah Oolum-l -I- king Company Limited of Van-r B.C., oooupatlon, Salmon Can "'tends to aaply for a leeAe ot the dewrlbed tanda: foreshore: 'iinifncing at a poat planted on the Wet eoaet of Wales Island half " s "lh Eaat of Bartlett Point: aonth Eaat forty chalna follow- Iliirli tr mark; thence Bouth chains tA ln -.tr mark: " Noith West forty chains follow-, water mark: thence North Eaat 'i.unn post; nd conUinlng twenty ' ninrn or leas tiUj BRITISH COLUMBIA PACK I NCI COMPANY, LIMITED. "W- K Walker," Agent. u,. yj, . Summer Resorts Where to spend an enjoy-able holiday boating, bath ing, fishing, mountain climbing, etc. K ITSU.M R A LLUM LAKB LOD(JE Terrace, B.C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum Lake Good fishing, boating and bathing; beautiful scenery; twenty miles from Terrace. Stage leaves Terrace 9 a.m., Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, ?2 return . Rates, $3 . 25 per day . Write for special weekly rates. It. E. DIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace, B.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Fine" beach and meadows for children'. playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing. River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cusine. Parties can be met at Skklegaie fori Clements, wireless wr reservations. .., MRS. RAJOUT TIell, Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAUE AT BEAUTIFUL TRANCOIS ' LAKE Rent By the Week or .Month ri i l j Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. Henkel Francois Lake Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and trucits rrom YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate. B.C. LA K ELSE LODGE AND HOT SPRINGS opened to guests, ihe rouge is situated on the shore at Lakelse Lake. Good fly fishing for rain- bow trout The hot spring con- tain Llthia which is fine fprj rheumatism. Cottages for rent j J. Bruce Johnston, Manager. WANTED of WANTED Hemstttcbing. Mrs. Chas. Edwards, at Wallace's. 179 88 WANTED - Two unfurnished rooms for living PrP-. heated or with chimney in block, or two roomed house not far from centre of city. Apply Box 214 Daily News. tf Dally News 'Classified" advertising hrlnjrs results. I BRINGING UP THI t'UGHTBH.Kl-OA'Y I CtTTIM' bO MUCH MERVKe,t EVOM OIBT l OU MB HACTE.TWS WORD Lj II . Ml eWwfcrja. Ut. FOR SALE FOR SALK Pedigreed police dog puppies, six weeks old. Phone Black 4G9. FOIt SALE Studebaker coach, mechanically guaranteed. Buns and Co. Ltd. tf ; FOIl SALE Iron and wooden pul-j leys, also two pieces shafting. I Apply Daily Nows, Box xx. (tf) ! FOR SALE Twenty-three roomed apartment house, completely furnished. Apply Mrs. White,' 427 Fourth Avenue East. (180) FOR SALE Three-roomed house and lot, corner Ambrose Avenue and Sixth. Apply Mrs. White, 139 Fourth Avenue East. 180 FOR SALE 8 Mta adjustable iron hangers for shafting. Large size. $10 per set. Apply Box 00 Daily News Office. (tf) FOR SALE Six II. P. 2-cylinder 2-cycle Wilson marine engine la good condition. A bargain.' Apply Box 212 DailfrNews Office. : (tf) FOR SALE Fishing boat W. T 62 feet long; beam, 13 Vi fret 30 h.p. Frisco Standard engine; eight years old, in No. 1 condition. PhoneBlue 169. tf FOR SALE Salesman wanted to eall on shoe and departmental stores. Newly invented shoe lace. Easy to make $15.00' to $20.00 a day. North American Elastic Shoe Lace Co., Ltd., 375 Broadway West, Vancouver. B.C., Canada. (178) FOR SALE ClMsterfield suite, dining room suite, Heintcman piano, bedroom suite, French and English Wilton rags, floor lamp, end table, kitchen set. beds, dressers. Singer Sewing machine, etc. Apply J.J. Mul-doon, 339 5th Avenue W. (tf ) AGENTS RANTED REGAL Art Co., 310 Spattina . Ave., Toronto, require agents in this locality to take order ; for Canada's finest line of personal Christmas Greeting cards. MEN And WotAea make 950 weekly selling Doponts C3n- flannel back tablecloths,' stain-less, no laundering, looks and wears like linen. Write II. S. Campbell, Empire Hotel, Winnipeg, for information. HOARI) AND ROOM BOARD And Room $K per month. Phoae Green 21C. tf LtNII ACT Nlke of Intentton to Apply to IKe tand In the Queen Charlotte Land Diatrtot. Land ltarortllna Dartrtct of Prince Rupert, and altuate noaur Klaahwun Point, lute notice the Bueene II. aunpsoo Uaeaett, B.C.. oooupatlon, caoAen- man. Intends to apply for a Veaae df the following deacrlbMd lands: Poreabore. Commenolnir at a post planted snout hatea atnutheaeterry from the N. W. corner of Lot No. 8741. Orettim Ialand; X thence tKS. north "eST'i? 2 T''rXiSt Mm, mora or im. EUOENK HUMPHRY SIMPSON. - Henry White, Agent. Dated May 11th. 1998. A Dally News want-ad will hrlnnr results. FATHER . lBnrsr-BiW!;iiB Cw8rluja rtfkj FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished flat. Apply Mussallem Grocery. (tf) FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furplshed. Phone 547. ' . y ; , tf. FOR RENT Furnished suite, Summit Apartments. Phone Ihue 545. (tf)( FOR RRNT Modern house near business section. $26.00. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue E. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT - furnished housekeeping roftms by the day. week, or month. Phone Rd 601 tf FOR RENT Furnished five-roomed bungalow with bath. Alfred Street, near Dry Dock. Phone Green 244. (179) CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS The practice of chiropractic is recognised in forty states of the union . This recognition has been sought and gained by the people who have benefitted through chiropractic. It was not until 1916 that legal recognition was first accorded. For your health's sake consult Dlt. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Phone Black 282 Open Eveninjrs CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments given aeeoraine to our new Spins) .Indicate, produce better results. . , Consult -R. E. EYO1.FS0N CIlfKOlSitA'CtOR . J 828 Third Avenue Ofne Telephone Bine 83 Kroidrnre Teleiihone Red 38'J Established 1924 EDUCATIONAL FORMBY HOlE SCHOOL FOR HOYS Ganges Harbor, B.C. Sound Modern Education ALL GRADES TO JUNIOR MATRIC Boys taken for holidays Moderate Fees Pruipecius on Application IANI1 ACT Nttllre of Inttcjtliin lo Apoly ta 1mm Ijind In the Qtteen CbArtotte Land Dlatral, Land ReeerlUiu DUtrlet of Prtoce Btap-ert, sad altuate near the mouth of MSa aett Inlet, Graham Mead. . 4eUrT HIW mhii tsaufim ism san u fleeunelloii. Salmon fianaiafa In- rTtJ, I?L ; OOfMMacm at a paet Stan ted near! the southern end of Hleateo Ialand: thence norther!; 10 oharna: thence eaat- lerty 5 chalna: theoce aouaVrly 10te apply for a Mate water: thence i , "... . laado: .. cnaina. ranowina weerterlv te nolnt of and eoMSalNlns 8 acree mere or teas. LANQARA FIBHINO & PACKING CO., LTD. Henry White. Atent. Dated May 11th. 1989. Dally News "Want Ads bring quick results. , 1 TttUR Or4 S EIOHTEEMTH AMO lb ... JO-ST eSCK moot JUVT KGHTfiEe4MiA GOLL.TSflB' J OLD OM TME E.tGHT- r- m V . . J StEKlTH Or KJEVCT" r ww AUCTIONEER BRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy. sell or exchange any kind or furnilun or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. Gen eral repairs, Crating, packing! and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black i 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block SALVAGE AND TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do if PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Folly Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrip tions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Barirains in G-as Engine?. AGENTS FOR Van Blerf.k, Easthope, Hicks & Ballantyne Engines. Northern B. C. lMstributors Coolfdge Propellers Phone. Day or Night, 56 i P. O. Box IMX BUY SHRUBSALL'S SMOKED FISH PRODUCTS (Smoked Black Cod and Fillets) De Lute Smoked Salmon-To cook, cut the salmon into small strips, place in pan, pour boiling Water1 over the fish and stand away from fire for fif teen1 .i minutes. It cooks itself 9 I CI J 1 ooia ny Burns & Co., Ltd., r riiicnisuieiu Bulklcy Market, Watts' Grocery Make nice lunch sandwiches for husband or picnics. Paints, Wallpaper, Etci V--lL- SILVERSIDES. BROS Wallpapers, Painty Glass and Art Supplies . 4 P. O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 SOME BARGAINS IN CERTIFIED USED CARS CHEVROLET Sedan $300 CHEVROLET Sedan $130 FORD Sedan $275 Good Terms and Sixty Days Ser-1 vice on All Useu uars ROSS & MOORE. LTD. jjjjcvroIct Dealers LVND ACT Notice of Intfiiliiinvjo Apply to Lease Land I In the Oueea Charlotte I And Dtetrtet. 1 f twi tuwmiiM ruatHM nf Prtnfv nim- 5? " AmUton Take notice that Laacara Flahlag V packuu Oomnanr. Ltmrtad. r Maasett. B C . tK-cunttton. aiuiHta. mivudai of the follow - tea described pareahore. Oonunencmg at post planted at the extremity of land on Arnlaton Point, thence westerly 30 chains; thence north-arty 8 ohalna to law water: thence easterly 30 chains: thence southerly to point of commencement, and containing 80 acres, more or lea. LANOARA P18HIHO 4t PACKINO CO.. LTD. By Its Agent. John William Mnorebouse. Dated June 7th, M9R 'bmAMGBTO ebt- BUT I W ' raatlai i -iaf ktirLiTfrCklTu es fs rxj wrM 8 sbaa ISWl t iej t K1CYT MOMTH M-f CRANIO- FATHER WAj QORNl OM THE. EI3HTEtr4TM IKJ EIGHTEEN! HONORED AMD EiGHTEtLM AMO ME HAD EtGHTEEM CHILDREN- m SI UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnn From Prince Rupert Far VAVCOl't F.K. VICTOItIA, Swamon luy, flutedale. Alert Kay. ttc Turn-day, 3:3l p.m. For VANrOUVKlt. VICTORIA. Hirtedale. Alert Hat. ete.. Friday midnight Far ALICE ARM. ANVOV, HTIWAKT, Naal KJter, Port Mnipsom Min- diiy, S:ito B.m. ;, F.ir POIcr MMPfcVN AM WALlH ISLASn. Tnrit4aT,.m. IJ3 tml AtmvrV K. M. SMITH Atent Prt are Rupert. B.C. 11 rtdijli llrket wild to VlrturU and Seattle Jind batffife checked through to destination. IICAWDIAM. TAOirirtri MWTITV 3rd Ave. B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES XUMMJK FKOM PRINCE Rl PERT Ta Ke lilkan. W ranted. Janena and Kfcagaav AHKIM Z, , v. fi. . JJ. M To Vaneouvrr. 1t-rla and Smltle Aneii 3. 7. IS. 14. U. tl, M. tS: PRIN i:s.s MAKV -f.,ii Falls. p- . Vanmaver and Vletnrla every Friday 10 p.m. Atrnta tor all Steamslilp Unef tT. I ORCHARD. (IF.NKItAL AflEN't Prlnee Rupert. n.C rhune 31 Canadian National c7hc Largcfl Railway Syftcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Pilling from PRINCE RITF.RT for VASCOl KR. VltrTORlA. KFTTI.K. 'and Intermediate point", Mondays, Thurnday. 4 p.m.: Safnrdaya. 7 p.m. For ANYO.V and STEWART, Monday, 8 p.m.; FrMays, 4 p.m For SIA.HXETT INLET PORTS, Monday!. 8 p.m. Fur .MH TH (Jl F.1A CHARLOTTE ISLAND, fortnlthtly Tor MCAtm .W, IVedneMlaya, 4p.m. fASSi:(iEU Tiai.NS IJEAt t ntlJkCL IPF.RT UAILY EXCEPT Sl'NDAV at 11:31 a m fP PR1XCE UFUKOE, F-IIMOV-TON. MINMI FO. all lut La tern CaaaiU, Inlted Stotri. AOENCT Alt OCEAM STEtMXtUP LITE Cily Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2G(i FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR v THE HOME . Lnnlns Room Suites. Chester : ,1 ..,. o , suites, aimmoiw ueos anui iBedding, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Ranges and Kitchen lHrdware. ve rnvtfe you to call. VMacKENZiE FURNITURE ! PHONE 775 v V SKIN. LAMI RtCORDINU DISTRICT r. rTAKE MOITOS that the Britlah Co- lamfcta Plahtnc Platting te A; Packuat Packug Cooawar. 1 of TarjaoueeT. B.C.. eseuoatkia. tuning ana Barring, inteoaa for a lasee Y She foUowinc deecrSe foreabore, altuate fronting on Lot . 10, Pee 8. Oom( Diatrtot: Oywenclng ; an ofLot 10. Raage 8. Ocavat Dtatrlot; thence wuth 8 ohalna; thence In a south- - easterly direettoa is ohaina; iheace in a aouth-eaaterty drrectton 35 cfaatna, aaore or lea, to tilth water mark at a potoi dlatant 10 chalna. more or teaa. jejtejtr from the aoathaaet oarner t Let 10: aneuiT oui vu raivi 17 . nauownai najn water mark, to the point of oomnsence-ment. and containing IS aorea, more or BSITMH COLUMBIA FtSHINQ t PACKMO CO.. LTD. J. H. Bnatartt, Agent. Dated BWh June. 1888. LA Ml ACT Notice of Inleailnn te Apply fo Itte Ijind In The Mlkme Laud Heooralag District of Brltlah Columbia, and situate abont one half utile laaterry from the mouth Of the Tuieeouoh Mvet. whleh ma w- Tkn wm, ahm t (!- upstream from the Alaaka isounaary Us- Tske notice that t, Jaanea B. Stapler at U Angeles, occupation, asttatng en- grneer. intend to apply for perralssloa to the fouling deaortl Commencing at a post planted ofM hak mile Baatrrty from ttte mouth of the Tutaequah Rlyer. tbeooe Saat 30 rtona aw eaaitaK tnenoa Weat 40 thenoe South 89. chain and containing 40 acres, more i JAMES B. STAPLER Dated Jim 10th, 1938. 880 LAND ACT Notlee of Inttatten to Apiriy to LraMa Land i In th Qoeoa ChwtUi Land Dlslrlet. Land HMordlnii Dtitxjct of Prtnot m Rub - . m, and attuate near the mouth of lh. dm naranr rm lliaMriflin T aland Trte notioe that L Anthor laoberawn. 01 MI!to?Lc.2Sp2oa- followma described lande: . ComaieoelTMr at a poat olantad near the amrtn eaat corner of Lot 7718. Uaaor-; redo Ittand; thence northly 10 chain: thence following low water aootherly 19 chalna: thence weatortT to point of commencement, and aooUlnlnc four acre, more or leaa. ARTHUR ROBaTHTSON. By Henry White. Acent. Dated May 18th. 1938. LAND ACT N'etlee ef Intaotlen to Apply to Lew Lane u the Qeen Charlotte Lead IKatftst, SaaM 53. tt Inlet at Seven Mile Point, Take notice that Umcara Plating St paeklne oomsany rs"rl 1ST Masiill. i j.c. iswitehiMi I" OBOoara, la teatda te apply for s ieaae ol She follow, Awrii i.nh. OaasaWvenas at it planted near tb r northaaat oox net of Lot 1889, ' T IS chalnr ther.oe northerly 8 eaalna: tbasci eaaterly IS ehmaaS roUowtng ioar water; the not aoutherlT 5 chalna to point tt oonunancemeot. and oautaialng 8 aens, mm or leaa. LANOAMA PtatOMQ & PAi lOKIMC CO.. LTD. Bean White. Atmt. Dated Uw 144h 198 L.tfl ACT Netlre f I Hteatlon ta Apply to Lnue LbimI In the qeea Charlotte Land District. Land ReeordiM DtstrMt of Prlnoe Rupert, and situate at an unnamed nalnt en i . w. ,..., -v-trei .. ..n .mi4 I lake oa Eayea Ialand. I Take notice that fcuaene H. Btmnaaa and Author Robertaon of Maaaett. B.C.. i owupaWon. capneryinep,. Intend te applf Sie. Jt. " Oommenclnf at a post planted 360 ! feet atMrth of fcivh water tt the extremity f BBT jg'n''0,a unnamed point "JfS?! STL J" LfSf.n,.K . riT i vi aei aej au aw fw we aw waeaaaaia sa ana i SJ'Vs ve a mm mm tj m chains: thence south to oolnt of nuaaaunt, and aontalnJttc 89 acres. more or 'eat HUMPaUUt SIMPSON. AUTHOR BOBERTON. By the Agent, John William MoorenouM, Dated June 7th. 1898. By George McManus ffintei;31 (iriHAOTHS 11" I HAOTHS "I I ill V-t-zt-L.tQIATt- M m rv.vA . hah', h ITIS AND THBi &t .-iNaTV4.ro Citve vou EIGHTEEN GOOD fi PuwCHpoi riKi Ki THE 7-3 . M' I