Tfi Daily Nevs PldNCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA PubHstied Brery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily Kent, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLLN Managing-Editor,' .. SUBSCRIPTION RATES CHy delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid' ft advtfnee' J5.001 Tor lesser period, paid in advance, per month .- .50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central Krftlrt Columbia, Or four months tot 1.00 paid in advance for yearlyperiod ...... u. i 3.00 Transient dinplay advertising, inch, per insertion . .- 1.40 Transient advertising on front! page, per inch ................ 2.80 Locirf readers, per insertion, perjHhe ........,.'., Classified advertising, per insertion; per word ............ Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line! ....t,rri. .... By mail to alt other countries, per year By mail to all other parte of British Columbia, the British Eft pin and United States, paid in advance, per year .......... PAILY BUmOti Contract rates en application. WHERE ARE" THE FARMERS? .25 .02 JS 7.50 (5.00 Only a few years ago Ontario had a farmer covens merit. It went into power enthusiastic and puffed up with victory. Gradually it was found that this eovern- BORAHTALKS ROAD WORK ABOUT PEACE OF CHINESE t V. 8. Seato'rtfeelares U'birtTami iflanjTo Connect Cities tiy1 Ntwprt J Goodll'aitll Only.Binjling In- j of Highways ' ter national i-orce i . . . in I NANKINO. Oct. 21. A decrST WASHINGTON, Oct. 22. "When drawn up by the central executive i we coffee to analyze this treaty, and committee of the Nationalist gov-to consider what the treaty is and erhment make; every able-bodied what is behind it, and compare it male between the ages of IB and witft what la in other treaties for 50 liable Uvdraft work on the apod peace and what Is oehuid other roads program which has been for-1 treaties, why should this treaty be mulated lor China. nn4Wnri 91 tmnrnrt.irn.1 or an an Indifference Of a tiVCX section Of , idesfi beyend the power of men and the population to the scheme fr women to attain? Why should a national highways caused the treaty recounring war and pledging stiance of the decree. Motor travel nations to xne settlement 01 meir u unpussioie m aimusi cj - controversies through pacific means trict and lew people have either be regarded as without value? Is seen an automobile or care to look the obligation In this treaty any at one. Ownership of a ear is not less binding than the obligation m even dreamed about, any other treaty Is the honor or Under these conditions the gov- the good faith of the nitons aig- efcnment scheme lor a net work of natory to this treaty anv less bind- highways( connecting all the prin- ing than the honor and the good clpal centers of the country, was faith of the nations signatory to dying of lassitude. Enforcement of 1 n otiwr treatv? If I understand the decree is expected to pun me .w . . , J International affairs, there is into the project. Under the orders 4rt2jy3iu Tuesday, October 22, 1929 nothing behind any treaty save the all laborers drafted for service will honor and the rood faith of the na tions signing the jtieaty. They all rest upen the honor and the faith ; of the nations, and nothing more. ; Chamberlain's Admission "Sir Austen Chamberlain said at Geneva a few months ago at a time when he was discussing a treaty which provided for the use of force. uo wnat we win. we must aepena ment knew little about business and the- showing tlfey at last upen the plighted word mafle was so poor that Saturday saw tlte final annihila- t and proTidtag'for tiow of the group. Not a" farmer candidate offered. Some the use of armies and imvtes, and treaties trMtM except iwrvnt the tnm . honor . nnnnr anfl and the tne receive their board and their faml lies wQl be given maintenance doles. Those unwilling to wOrfc wfU be exempted on payment of a fee, but the size of this fee has not been determined. NEW QUEEN OF THE MILKY WAY of them probably were or had been farmers, but they did ! iWnffiS' , Cow At i", a mr . i i l -i r i . mt . " , x-.., ff..,ilt Tint mfpr rnmnw um mnpr r np Tarmpr nitnnsf 1 n rru ! "'"--" party system has returned so far as Ontario is concerned,-for the other canidates were negligible. WHO IS A CANADIAN'! Who is- a Canadian? The Immigration Act defines him as follows: From time to time this subjecUs discussed in the newspapers and by various organizations, ana it is likely some' provision in the census defining Canadians will be made good faith of the nations signing them. "There is just the same honor, the same binding obligation, and the same good faith behind an agreement to go to war under cer : LOCKPORT, N. Y.. Oct. 22: j Twelve years ago, berore the public counted the day lost if the! 1 daily papers failed to announce a tsrtn circumstances. Let as tafce an new non-stoo flight record, the Illustration. Suppose we have a patrician little Jersey cow. So-treaty which provide for an eco- Ly,.-,. of j,,w ftm, Emily, at Randlelgh Farm, nomib Phif8 boycott, and suppose the time has come when we ate to lay the Lockport. N Y.. quieUy started a economic boycott and the nations , nonstop production record, refuse to go along. What is to be year after vear since then she done about it? How is the treaty to , . be enforced? There l nothing bp- has h producing rleh, h creamy hind it except that which is behind i mllk and in 1928 she had eomple- in the next census two years hence. Meanwhile, how-; the treaty; that Is. the honor of the ted eight official tests of one year ever, a Canadian is clearly described in the Immigration! ntk)IU toe ; each. Then she commenced her Act as follows: "(1) A person born in Canada who nasi "Suppceethena"da'uty provid- at 13 of agt Her not become an alien; (2) a British subject-who has Ca-i in f the use of an army or a.,0 R Ken?- and t0T Ufte of force, for the others who knew thd achievement TiafHan liaaian dnmifilp- aomiciie, or or iSi ) n a nfrsnn person naturalized na&1AtiJ Under ifl tV,a the nft1r' purpose of punishing another na- of this watched unassuming cow. laws of Canada who has not subsequently hewme an alien wltK lnctea8,rig Wonderment, or jost tanaaian domicile. i S?;" ".r5Bs.r5.!w p"v"" f I 'c uuicr ubuud, dui me nations -uy -"" " wt.i VVnile .1- thlB deimition i WOUkl annear to . meet the case, i having signed refute to w along, produstien record? Week followed it doe not appear to work out as smoothly as omthtUStiSSfSA S Buppotse. r or example, a i oronio man senamg to the au-! ,t? There i nothing, in the last J thnWtlocfKotnl!.filttor.o3rK;on,,1,r . analysis, except what there is be- the other tests. A few days ago p " -7 a u "7-"' ,c"jl" '." hind this treaty: that is, the honor she completed this ninth great Canadian opposite the question, "What is your, nation ; nd good ifaith of the nations sign- tte bme has a allty?" The form eventually was returned to the 'Toron-' hasn mtlmated that it U Hew heroine-K years in the toman with the notation, "There are nOi. Canadians," and easier to mobilise the passions for making. ag? a2 38 ?onfll to ba" otters . S3& gfU? o? SeS5sC JSV ieS commenced m and the last ' r? bJ?J f earnest, thrust of the Toronto for adjustment i chaiiengV the man fa "Dam you, I am a Canadian. 4 SOMEONE'S ERROR T. D. Pattullo, Prince Rupert's member and leader of the Liberal opposition in the Legislature, writes to say miui lit? urn not say rnnce itupen was not interested in nrooositlon. I auv that the most Pnior t unaouoteaiy me searching, universal, and profound world's greatest living dairy cow. passion in the human breast today officially she is also designated is the passion for peace, and if It Is the llvln lone-distance ehamnfcm uvmg 'ong-custanee cnampion organised and directed as we or- , ganise and direct the passion for Jersey cow of the world, war, it will dominate and control For the nine successive tests she in international affairs, and the has averaged 781 pounds of but-great object and nurnose of thte -...-j. . I treaty is to oreantse the neace Y" u" Punas 01 muK- I " a nMMMu. wM Mt hpr titAi nmriiirtfnn rn Ha f a the Alaska highway. He says he made it clear that the fweriYes. in behalf of adjustment of standing at 7.03031 pounds of but-north country was in favor of the Alaska-Yukon high-i JrearpuroosI'K utt$!Fti$t terfat and 143,348 t" 01 mllk-Avay, but added that it was too soon to consider immediate ! machinery 0f an peace plans work !Ltota, l?at 18 teiulvalent t0 8-- "u'cu imjiiuii uunaio iiuuiu uv spuiii in present settled portions of the province before consideration should be1 Qnole nf Hnen rfven to the spending of mdney u&ph the Alaska-Yukon 1 uPeaiiJ u W5e highway and he quoted the case of P'rince Rupert, where RplnfSmic Rfwnn some three millions will require to be spent to net con-' eiauOnS DeiWeeil nootion with the rest of the province. . CAr, on A ?on ! TS The Good Roads League seems to have the idea. Build the highway from Prince Rupert to Hazelton while the feasibility of the Alaska highway is being determined. 1 . I'lttNCE OF WALKS HAS OWN PILOT Captam Plelden of the RA.F. Reserve of Offk-ers, who has been appointed,-! personal pilot to the Prince of Wales. He is an old Public School boy and flew in theKing's Cup Air Race this year. vuuuuu uuu uuuaiii, a i years years a VANCOUVER. Oct friendly relations between (Canada ! test and Japan ts in nowise a new de vetopment and moreover, their des time lie together on the great Pacific ocean." said Hon. Mr. Toku-Cawa. Japanese minister to Canada, on his wav to Ottawa. "We both want peace in this particular region and In order to attain that end between the countries bordering 'on thin ocean we mdst cooperate and all of these nations must be determined to do so mllk would be sufficient to supply a quart a day for the next 183 years. When this new .Queen of the Milky Way turned up for the be- ! BlnnihP of her soln pnrtnranro rr- years ago she was but two and three months of age. Now in her .fifteenth year, she 22: The awaits the beginning of her tenth with the serene confidence that comes from years of successful accomplishment But one more 365-day test at her usual high average and she will look down upon the shattered record of her rioted granddam. Sophie 19th of Hood Farm, the cow now holding the champion ship for lifetime production for all "When we talk about relations I breeds. This honor which Sophie between Canada and Japan we '19th of Hood Farm required 11 m.t?t.,r,lt 12ok.u"on thera a C0I- test years to win, Is almost within strutting oart of the of group coun- oi,ii. -,n.. u- tries bordering on the Pacific. rasp of Sophies Emily at the "1 think Canada and Japan, be- beginning of her tenth test year, ing the two older countries on the Mr. Kenan, the owner of So- s?rtcvf'fomuf atffincWtS! ESVS Vhn Tl the nlli& Coas Ra-day friendliest relations that exist to- ( and In order to co-ooerate to- way. His interests ate spread over wards that end we must know each a very large section Of the coun- uuier wen ana we must Know each trv. for hL'hn.lnM u rr fwm other's reauirementa. economic nnri otherwise, so that we may be able to adlust any differences as to those requirements. If necessary. .Japan's Neighbor "On my arrival in British Columbia." went on Hon. Mr. Tokugawa, "I feel I must emphasize this point, his office in New Yofk City, and his farm is tit Lockport, N.Y. tlons which, on this occasion) f have not been able to accept." The purpose of his work In Canada, said Mr. Tokugawa, was to look around and determine the wisest because I need hardly say that this ! course to adopt In the Interest of Drovfnw is the one which is really Japan's neighbor; it also holds the greater part of the Japanese population In this country and Is the province through which we do most of our trade with Canada. "I greatly regret that I must proceed at once to Ottawa but I hope to come back soon ;is t Ik- opportunity present n.salf and then, as I shall have presented mv credentials to the government, I shall be able to take part in official func- both countries, particularly with respect to the' development of trade. The new minister Is fully aware of the growing importance of the Pacific from an International point of view and from the larger pari which both Canada and Japan are nlaylng on the Pacific ocean and he realizes, apart from the cultivation of friendly relations, the Importance of promoting peaceful Intercourse between the two nations. Watch the Ford Car in Traffic, on the Hills; and on the Open Road OU'LL set a real thrill when Y .you slip behind the wheel and .start away for your first ride in the Ford car. Ton will like the power that the Ford ear give you the feeling of pride that eomes from having a ear worthy of any occasion and' equal to every emergency. Yotf will like the flexibility and safety of the Ford car as you weave in and out of traffic its flashing pick-up as the green light says "Co." You will like its smooth, quiet steadiness on the open road, where you can idle along accordmg to your mood, or do 55 and even 60 miles an hour If you desire. The Ford car is made to stand up under thousands of miles of Steady driving over alf kinds of road's. Its freedom from repairs safes' you many dollars. Inspect the Ford carefully part by part. Then know the thrill of driving it. By its performance yotr will realize that there Is nothing quite like it anywhere in quality and price. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED " j FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave! East DOMINION TIRES Phofte 83 OUR TIME PAYMENT PLA'fiT IS MOST ATTRACTIVE F 1R. El El 1 1 Boys and Girls This Genuine REDIPOINT Pencil FREE Just for bringing us one new subscription. That's all! You Will have pleasure in using this fine pencil. Thore are still a few people in Prince Rupert who do not subscribe for The Ddily'Ntrvvs to be delivered to them every day. Boys and girls who secure their subscriptions for ill receive a pencil. A Redipoint Pencil Freel THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert British Columbia