PAGE FOUR BADMINTON ENTHUSIASM Ernest Wilding Elected President and Stan Smith Secre tary ai Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Badminton Club was held last owning at th; home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bryant, Fourth Avenue West, and was one of the most en thusiastic gatherings ever held in the history of the club, about 20 members being present The elec tion of officers resulted as follows: President Ernest Wilding. Secretary - treasurer Stanley Smith. Executive Misses Bessie Thomp son, Norah Rivett and Lillian Hal liwelL it was decided to carry on play in the De Luxe halL at least until more suitable quarters are available, and the season will open about October l. Membership fees will re main the same as last year. AIRPLANE routine. WAS USED Party of Five Hunters Forced' t Land In Scandinavian Settlement JASPER, Sept 17: Contrasts in travel from the - primitive to the latest modes afforded by a luxurious civilisation featured the hunting trip made by four business men from the Eastern Uniteo States, incidentally set a new record for the speed with which trophies of the Rocky Mountain could be secured. Four mountain goat two moose and a cariboo may not make a high water mark in the same bag of that most famous of hunting districts, but when it is, known that these were bagged In two hunting days and that Uh. hunters travelled from the east by airplane, the automobile, the fast est transcontinental train of the Canadian National Railways, pack train and raft ferry, the story boi dera on the edge of romance. With the point oX meet at the ced landing In a reaped gram field. "This was bad enouah. but our Sport Chat Indications. are. that the annual Canadian ladles' open golf cham- ntonshlp-which.. w4U be. .held atl Hamilton, Ont, during the week oi September 23 Will bring out one of the strongest fields in the his tory of the event which Is coming to assume an Important position. Miss Helen Payson of Portland and Miss Virginia Wilson of Chicago are both entered. The number of American competitors Is expected to be larger than usual on account of the United States national championships being played at Detroit the following week. The sport of kings in France 1 in a bad way. The attendance at rate tracks is decreasing steadily despite a reduction in admission. Owing to Increased expense ofjization. getting into the hands of foreign ers. The betting machines at the race tracks have been suffering from the competition of Illegal betting. In 1938 betting machines accounted for $65,000 while It is estimated that clandestine bets amounted to at least $200,000. The team chosen by Booth School to represent It In the Junior League football game this eve ning against Borden Street fol lows: S. Lawrence. O. Blake. B. Gomez, W. McLean, A. Walters captain), T. HiH, A. Ivareon. P. Stegavlg, J. Colussi, D. Christen sen. L. Cromp. Reserves: O. Ful stein. T. Nakamoto, R. Kelsey and M. Mikkelson. CHANGES IN BIG LEAGUE NECESSARY Efforts Being Made to Strengthen "Teams For Next Season's Play NEW YORK, Sept. 18: Instead of standing around wringing their nai hands about the 1929 pennant fiat Tlw. fin.t. . ,. . league managers are unusual trip yesterday when L. RjrWn 0T!Ftt!ae.ln. a? e"ort to Dale and R. A. Sweet of New Yorkt? ."fr""1 cups ior iwu. s City. W. J. Parry, Of Stamford,; "7 . IT viui.uie m Hie Conn.: X. L. Oreen of ScranUm. " ..I1. JiunHn BrounQ9' ra., and S. R. Knapp, of New York s"i. '6 "cicomra lc' City, accompanied by Miss Gate'I1 daJe 1929 "npan and Mrs. Parry, left Jasper Pan,1" CtTT Four r the 18 Lodge to return to their homes.!, cJubs are and again they 01 fly across the J? need f wnew shortstops. The conUnent, by The OenUnental "jfl? t to onlto re' pUce Iaranrffie- wl" Ltmlted- and on the wings of the P- alr to be back in their offices on parenUy w"1 a mner n a set date to commerce business seafon' Bancroft's aging arm and legs put Brooklyn In the market for a new man. Joe Boleys . . i .. . , big airdrome lb Cleveland, the 080 Mirowm m causing con- party of five hunters embarked on "re w l"OK arouna Ior neip, a big air liner for Winnipeg. "We wnue wie - wenarason- flew to Mmaeapolk," Mr Oaft' WeUmg btoatton at Detroit said, "and on arriving there we h& brouht ""S Enough1 HUB that nlhmenl te ie&ion to we had barely time to mate the trip to the "Peg" to"1?1 seTr1 ywrs-catch the Continental Limited.1 The Pwn-dnmk Yankees wttl wnwe we were to meet my sister a o P"hers and a re- and Mrs. Parry, who had pre serve outfielder to take 'Byrd's vioualy taken the train One delay Iice wnn move lnto MeuseTs after another then haooened. We -VoUUm. MO) raw's OtanU need had head winds hid to aikht in two Phers, an outfielder and a replenish our gas supply and wheL second beman- Brooklyn wants, we were within 10 miles of Wln-'ln addltkm to 106 rUtop, a ntpeg. dusk earn down upon ui econd baaan to he,P tP that and a fine mist further fogged the-MTMIW lk to U middle of vuibiuty. we had to make a for-i" Qtiencc- wravea wani a snormop ana an outneider. Bin Carrlgan's Red Sox must nave a pair of slugging outfielders If they landing was In a Scandinavian expe:t to et of the cellar, settlement and the people did not!pltchtn te the PhOUes' greatest sneak Rnrllxh whjm r st . need. the nearest house, the farmer had not heard us land and we were forced to point to the sky and to the earth and in other ways speak a maniiel language until we made him understand. When he did so h must first telephone to all hU neighbors and there was a regubtr rurn io wnere me Diane was We eventually made them under stand that we wanted & motor af and finally secured a truck to take us and our dunnage to Winnipeg. The last we saw of the ll. .ne it was surrounded by the en- tire settlement whUh vm nntVnf slugging outfielder or two. The Cubs' only .pronounced weakness U In the catchjhg department De trolt is after a shortstop and might become a pennant threat with this and a pair of winning pitchers. Dan Howleys Browns need harmony. They seem to have siastically helping the pilot to tieilhe VTing strength. it down." OR THE GRAND CANYON A sax inhone is produced in Am- POSSIBILITY 34) 1C Why did those eminent lawyers shy away from the Hoover Law erica every 40 seconds. It Is estl- Research and Enforcement Com mated that if they were all piled mission? Uncle Amazlah says they in one place ln the Sahara Desert must have been scared the com it would be a good idea. London mlssidn'd find out all about law Opinion. yers. Lafayette Courier. CHANGE IN BOXING IS ANNOUNCED walker, world's middleweight champion since 190. of his title be cause of bis failure to defend his crown at least every six months as required STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtny 8. D. Johnston Ob.) Bayview, 2, NU. Big Missouri. 1.06, 1.06. Cork Province. Nil, 9fc. Cotton Belt, NIL 45. Duthie Mines, 53, 55. Qeorge Copper, S3i, 5.50. Georgia River, 27. 28. Golconda. 76, 7. Grandvtew, 27. 29. Independence, 7. 8. Indian Mines, 5Vfc. 7. Inter. Coal is Coke, 32 , 34. Kootenay Florence, 13. NO. Kootenay King, 30V4, NO. L. & L, 1 .NO. Lucky Jim, 10. 11. Mohawk. 34. 4. Morton Woolsey. 3 ft, 4. Marmot Metals. 3ft, NO. ' National Silver, 13, ll NoWe Five, 57ft, 5. " Oregon Copper, 19, i'. Pend Oreille, 4.95, 5.00. Premier, 1.77, 1.78. Porter Idaho. 38, Nil. Reeves Macdonald. IAS, iju. Rfus-Argenta, 15, 16. Ruth-Hope, 35. 36. Silver CreM6vfci7. Silversmith, 7, 7 ft. Snowflake, J6i4. 31. Sunloch, 1.40. IM. Terminus, NIL 7. Topiey Richfield, 12. 15. Torie Mines, 70, 1.00. Woodbine, 3, 3 ft. Bluebird, NS. 9. Oils Turner Va'Jsy. 1.06. Nil. Advance, lid,' NO. A. P. Consolidated. 4.11, 4.15. Catmont 3.80, 3.65. Dalhousfe. 3.06. Nil. Fabyan Pete. 14 ft. 15. Home. 30.00. 2fM Freehold. 1.7S. 120. Hargal, Ul. 135. Unltod. 1.08. 1.10. Dallas. 2.00. 22&. Mercury. 95. 96. Sterling Pacific. 1.93, 1JS. VANDERH00F Ray Oreen of cWorttoa, Kan., who is a gueat at Douglas Lodge, has been having great success angling In Staart Lake. With rod and IJy he., Baujht , a .l6r-pound rainbow trout, playing the fish 36 minutes before landing it In his boat. A. B. Laird, manager of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce for the last four years. Cincinnati craves some batting has been transferred to take chan puncn ana a pitcner or two to re- of the branch at South HUL Van place the aged Luque and Rlxey.lcouver. and will leave for there nusourgn wants a second base-, within the next week or so. accom man and new pitching strength, which it probably will be able to get If the Paul Waner deal" goes through. Cleveland Is short on catching strength. Washington Is standing. The oeoDle were ilk ln lhe market for a first baseman. oh'ldrcn. laughing and touching White Sox could use a pair of the machine, examininz the wlnas P,tchers a second baseman and a and climbing into the pilot's seavJ panied by Mrs. Laird and family. F. E. Durrant, accountant at Sal mon Arm, has been appointed to succeed Mr. Laird here and is due to arrive within a day or so, accom panted by his wife and child. Last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Moore entertained in honor of Mr and Mrs. Laird. The ,Vanderhoof boys' stock judging team consisting of Kbert Lee. Murray Page and Robert Smith, Under the supervision of Shirley Preston, was awarded third place in the stock Judging compe- sociation. Attt, DAitr Ktws Wednesday, Sgpten,,,, Billy Townsehd Won His Bout in Vancouver Ringj VANCOUVER, Sept. 18. Billy I . , the unanimous decision over Doc vaman ursanizauons iay .ow Snell Qf fieatUe m a -twaA main Join National Commission States CHICAGO, Sept. 18.-Canadian boxing commissions may hence fdrth Join the National Boxing As socl&tlon with full voting powers and win be privileged to nominate their own candidates for the execu tive office in the parent organisa tion. The constitution has been amended to provide for the change at a meeting of commissioners yesterday. Heretofore only Ameri cans could hold office In the organ- breeding, training and high taxa-j The association, which governs uon, txencn owners cannot mace Doxtng in 31 states, demlved Mickev the pace and the sport is rapidly event here last night. Nottinghamshire Is Beaten by the Rest of England LONDON, Sept. J8 The Rest of England defeated Nottinghamshire today by six runs. The Rest hid 3999 and 282, while Nottingham's scores were 364 and 309. With this match the English cricket season for this year concluded. Discuss Motoring Safety Measures Automobile Club Delerates Meet ing it Quebec Will Consider Radical Measures (Bv The Canadian Pmil QUEBEC. Sept 18. How to maHe the hfenways ot Canada aff Tor an users, by Improvements m control of traffic, will be one of the chief topics o! dis cussfcm at a convention ot Automobile Club delegates to be held In Quebec City, September 23 and 24. The occasion is the annua nteettag of the Canadian Automo bile Association which will be at 'ended by delegates from the Automobile Clubs of every pro- fvmee in Canada, representing the owners of nearly 100.000 oars. The convention will consider proposals to banter .from the highways, cars ln unsafe mechan-'al condition, arid 1 to 'cancel trt-drrvtng' licensee of Ihose who When held responsible by the courts for automobile accidents do not meef the hamate claims assesser against;, them. A further precaution ot cancelling driving licenser following conviction for serldu.' offences, unless proof of financial responsibility is filed with tlv? authorities, wffl aWo be dtettssec Measures of this kind have, i already been adopted by a number of the states of the United States and the Canadian Automobile Association is expected to decids st Quebec whether the organized motorists of Canada wul, through tne provincial legislatures, prem for slnifiar amendments to the Highway Traffic Laws, during the com big year. The constituent clubs 'of the "anadMin Automobile Association. Which will be officially represen ted at the Quebec convention, arc as follows: Automobile Club of British Co lumbia. Alberta Motor Association. Saskatchewan Motor Club. Manitoba Motor League. Ontario Motor League. Quebec Provincial Motor League New Brunswick Automobile As Nova Scotia Motor League. Prince , Edward Island Motor1 League. Tran. Canada Highway The proposed Trans-Canada Highway, linking the provinces from the Atlantic to the Pacific by a paved all-weather road, and the responsibilities of the Federal and provincial governments for" its early completion, will be another me for subject of discussion at the convention, and It is expeeted that plans will be made for a nation-wide campaign, having tl.i early completion of this road as Its obiectlve. Tne convention will also give attention to problems of Interna- Uonal motor touring, especially as between the United States and Canada,! The automobile clubs of ca. h of the provinces are already "King a leading part ln tiv en couragemeht of international touring and it was following a re quest made at the Winnipeg con vention last year that further privileges were accorded vhttlng motorists by the Dominion gov ernment The nteetlngs will be addmstd tttlon at the recent provlnical fair ion questt6iM Of public IntereJt by m ivew weranmsier. a mimber of dignitaries of thei i Quebec government, which will I" 01 n memners or the tender an official dinner to the ueanej cra oi iraae lea oy J. A. (U-WaLe. in recocnitlon of th- Fraser. MP., arrived here at the sect ion of Quebec an the meeting t.u . w.c wccb. w cumer wiui uieip v of the natlonrJ convention vanaernooi Doara dinner was given in the Vanderhoof hotl honor of the visitors w Daily flVAf'fJy'ttMt Ads,,Tbrlng ' tui k result's. T" ' ' Farms That Were Battlefields Are CANADA'S NEW BOARD OF GRAIN COMMISSIONERS The new Bard of Gr.iu resigned airi m.u.y years StTVllT. , Is i-umposea ConiDOSPd metal themselves and sometimes . rom.T.::-. l :u : ... , or me ioilowing .above' left to right Ho- r Uton former Mtaister of Agriculture for ' Saskatchewan; E B. Bamwy. Oencrai Manager .,f Wheat Pool, and Professor Duftcan A. MacOlbbon. Professor of Political Economy of Un.ver- M. ILn buyng the heap already gathered .me-r fnr fh. , . ' 0,,uwniraer and hls ment assisting Dr M,,'- ,Ji f an trough today bound f ? A'...:. V II TtJ t l'H-Um. . ' investigate the placer t v Yieldinsf Metal tS? fand w m 4 . fc"c wucn ivestigating the Tuls ! enormous quantity of copper. - region where consid. Aiuwo, t ranee, sepv is. ' "" o ions. consttM most Farms hereabouts that were bat j ly npty cartridges, an evi-tlefields are yielding a harvest of) dence of the millions and million) metal almost as valuable as their r hotA fired by the armies that harvests of food. Copper, lead and ' Iount over this ground for more Iron, shot by the cannon of all! thn tour years, the armies, are gathered by a ; peacetime army of men and wo-! Loul Schulta,. the well knowH men. Other thmiaanri nf tw o. . AUln hotel man. nuuH Uinuuh MACHINE AO'S Bfcctrfe cradle; BfecUte train; Sport roadster; Wont reverse-Hashed to rest In a motor hears. -Brooklyn Eagle mtnt followed receir erles. k.x ta npin n4ir Tflmiiv hnria I . i ukc nnovn mnrnniB . . ... .......... , , w allu c. w r tc.m.' " ' Ull their dally load of metal. j r hack from the south. i All Guaranteed For 10 years this has been go- ing on and It probably will continue another five years. Every time a field It ploughed or harrowed more metal cotriec to the surface. The government, theot I ...... ...... .... 'i- cvicauy, owns au una but eon-tractors have bought the right to It. There are crews of expert workers who pass from farm to farm, sometimes picking up the b-bi s " a .11 j i i .1" . i i MADE TO ORDER j PRESSED i i iir iiniirr in iint i-nn m i City. Phone 49 You'll like the Easy-Riding Comfort of the Ford Car - MsaWsr-tf THE Ford car" is one of 1 the easiest-ridlnr cars on the road because of its low centre of gravity, minimum unsprung weight, Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers and the unique construction of its transverse springs. Furthermore, you are as comfortable In mind as In body when you drive Uie Ford car. You have confidence fn the performance of the car because you know something ot the quality that has been built Into it. Itemcber these two points when you select your nest car. These are combined to an uncommon degree In the Ford. Come irt and drive a Ford car yourself through thickest traffic up steepest hills, over roughest roads. A thirty-minute demonstration will convince you that there Is nothing quite like it anywhere In simplicity of design, quality, price and performance. Si E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone 83 OUR, TIME PAYMENT PLAN IS MOST ATTRACTIVE