Wednesday, September 18, 1929 No. 1 A Folding Kodaks From. $12.25 No. 2 C Folding Kodaks From $18.50 roues C4 BU H Z7fto Pioneer Druqcists THIRD AVE. & SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONF.S 8? ,200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hiilllno From I'rinee It u pert lur VAM OL'VEK. VICTOUIA, Swanwn liar, rtutfdale. Alert liajr, etc Tuesday. 3:30 p.m. tot V.MtU:il. VICTORIA. Ilutrdile. Alrrt llay. tit.. Friday mldnleht lur ALU K AllM. ANYOX, STtWAKT, Naai KHer, 1'urt blmpnuu, bun- tUj, 8:vo p la lar I'OItT MMI'fON AND WALES ISLAND. Tnuria.1T. u.m. UJ Znil Atriiue It M HMITH AKcnt I'rlnce 11 u pert. II. C. Tl ro" It li t'rkrl sold to Victoria and Seattlii .and baggage checked through to dentlnatlun. canadian Vacihc Jt you Wapl anything, Iry a classified ad. merchant, was a passenger aboard here. the Catala yesterday afternoon 3. United Church Banquet, October 7. 6. 158 THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Dig 4 Taxi, tf William Hayner and Mrs. II. Nations ' returned to the city on the Catala yesterday ' afternoon from a trip to Alice Arm. The Lief Erikson Society plans on resuming regular meetings toward the end of this month. There was no meeting last night. George Harris, manager of the B.C. Packers' cannery at Mill Bay, and Mrs. Harris were passengers aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon bound for Vancouver. Dentist Dr. J. R. Gome. 686. Phone Charles- Fl Balagmv teacher of Pianoforte, has resumed teaching. (tf) Mrs. John Barnsley sailed by the Catala yesterday afternoon on her return to Victoria after a brief visit In the city. T. J. Shenton, Inspector of mines, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a trip to Stewart on. official Major C. B. North, well known Capt. Duncan McVichie. well fining man, was a passenger known mining man, who Is inter- aboard the Catala yesterday af- bound for Vancouver where he The regular monthly dinner will take up studies at the Unl- meeting of the Prjnce Rupert Re verslty ol British Columbia. ujui. sieamer v nncess ixuise, nmg( was postponed until next Capt. Albert Rippon, arrived In Tuesday, port at 9:30 this morning from. Vancouver and sailed at 11 amJ Tne special service at Metlakatla for Skagway and other Alaska wniCh was to be held next Mon-polnte whence she Is scheduled to day at 3 pjn.. In connection with call here southbound next Sunday the Jubilee of the Diocese of Cale- afternoon. donia. will have to be nut off nv. :lng to an outbreak of measles In 'that village. . . . . ANNIIIINCKMKNTH I ' . This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. Nick Gurvlch sailed this morning on the Princess Louise for a trip to Ketchikan. Mr.-and Mrs. A? Ivarson-wlll-sall tomorrow night on the, Prince Rupert for a holiday, til pto Miss" Vera Smith, who has been on a holiday trip to Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. Louis Schultz, well known Atlln merchant, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise this morning returning north after a trip to Vancouver. John L. Kask of the Internation al Fisheries Commission staff here, sailed on the Princess Louise this morning for a trip to Ketchikan on official business. S. H. Bartmann of Anyox arrived in the city on the Catala yester day afternoon from the smelter town and left on this mornlng-s train for a trip to Hamilton, Ont, O. H . Kohl, locating engineer for the Power Corporation of Canada, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Van couver after a trip to Montreal, Mrs. Dan Jabour and family, who have been vlsltlne for a counle Oliver Thorne of Kincollth and Lduate .work. nrlnclDallv In the hos- Rev. W. CooDer of Greenville, ar are due In the city tomorrow, 1 P. J. Ryan, veteran of the old Royal Canadian Northwest Mounted Police in the Yukon, and res CJEWELLEKS THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK pitaiSyfti flpw York City and at the Premier Orchestra's VSPnn8 rived In 'the,, city from the nor&ajjq CUnle,, uuuee. ius uuum i wotuu. on ..tne.. ..catala vosterriav aftpr Moose- Hall, September wh'oopjenl. Catholic Baiaar, October 2 and -2ff8"-i!tlP 9.ttend the Anglican 'c'ilr'Ptffji&s 'of "Seattle, purchas , was a passenger aboard the Prln- . Gordon Kllpatrlck.i formerly a cess. Louise this morning going Anniversary meniber of the staff of ..the local !-hrowih to Skagway on company tf C.PJI. office and now identified business. nugn wnitaxer, provincial gov ernment architect, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise this morning bound from Victoria ident of Prince Rupert for 20 'to Atlln ln connection with im-! years; havlne been eneaeed ln the Provements which are to be made! u. a li. AKii.iibb ui- intus photographic business for the past 10 ine court ouse in tne Northern AND VEGETABLES FOR ,few few vftft years, wln will ,PflV leave nhof about thA the end Bnrt!B.C. town. THIS WEEK Get Your Requirements Early For Preserving PEACHES Per crate PEARS Per box w ITALIAN PRUNES Per crate CRAB RAB APPLES APPLES of next month' for Edmonton where he plans on locating. Mrs. $1.65 sprlng- 2.75 S1.10 D. L. Mclntomlney of Anyox, Ryan and family will remain here,!?0 has ben on a tr,p to Stewart for the winter and go east next , V e 5 mmmg P" ar" Qf S( J 7, Per box t.DU I J.' GREENGAGES Per crate GREEN BEANS Per lb WAX BEANS per ibr. TOMATOES for ketchup. Per lb'. VEGETABLE MARROW Per lb HUBBARD SQUASH Per lb & UALITVrj PRICES 8c 8c 10c 6c 8c Grapes, Bananas, Apples, Oranges, and Lemons, all ln the best condition." ARE RIGHT CALL OR rilONE 18 OK 81 417 and 423, 5th Avenue East Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited P. O. Box 575. X Will you please let us talk RINGS with you some of these days? Wc don't mean In an ad What we request is that you step into the store and ask to see our Ladles' rings. Don't expect us to particularize here. Always glad to answer your questions and assist you In selecting. rivca m vne cuy on uie uataia yesterday afternoon from the Portland Canal camp and will sail this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for the smelter town. Capt. Albert Rippon, who has been skipper of the Vancouver-Nanalmo steamer Princess Elaine during the past summer, Is rellev Ing as master of the steamer Prin cess Louise this trip to Skagway last winter capt. Rippon was skipper of the Princess Royal. Among the passengers for Stew art on the Prince Rupert today is A. A. (Archie) Cawley. Mr. Cawley Is a pioneer of Stewart, having resided there ln small camp days. He later resided In Prince Rupert where he was connected with the firm of Lynch Bros., for many years. He is now on his way to Stewart to examine a mining property in which he Is interested, Miss Ada Lacey of Victoria. Worthy Grand Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star for the province of British Columbia, ar rived ln the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this mornlnj and will pay an official visit to the local chapter on Friday evening, proceeding the next morning by train to Prince George. While here Miss Lacey will be the guest of her friend, Miss A. Barrle, Federal I i Block. Rupert East United Church ba zaar, November 14. L. W. Patmore returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver, returned to the city! from the south on the Prince Ru pert this morning. Mrs. Bert Smith, wife of the assistant manager of the Premier mine, is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning north after a trip to her old home in Manitoba. The county court case of C. 'C. Ketchum vs. John Prescott, In which plaintiff claims remuneration for goods sold and delivered, came up this morning and was adjourned until Friday morning. Chennle Jan Tal, formerly of the. Rupert Hotel staff, who left here about a year ago and has since been on a trip to China, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning and expects to again be located here. Provincial Constable Andrew Grant of Massett. who has been taU Merchants' Association, which of months In Los Angeles, return-!00 a brlef trlP to Vancouver on cs- was to have been held last eve.ied to the city from the south on: a"W amvca m me cny irum the Prince Rupert thl3 morning. Oeorge Rorie, who has been on a business trip to Minneapolis, returned to the city on -the Prince Rupert this morning, having travelled west via Seattle and Dr. VV. T. Kergln, FA.C.S. is leaving on October 7, to spend .Rev. H. Flores of Alvansh. Rev thrp months In nnt..irr!i the south on the Prince Rupert this morning on his way back to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Col. and Mrs. T. Perkins are passengers aboard the Prince Rupert tpday bound from Vancouver to Stewart. Colonel Perkins was Interested in mining at Stewart in the early days and also in oil lands on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Miss Mary Castell R.N., who has been nursing in Portland, Ore;, fol lowing her graduation apoutl &' year ago from the HazcUpn. Hos; pltal, arrived from the south on !! Church commission meetings here !,n8 agent) tor. the Yukon and White! the Prince Rupert thH morning mis weex-end. rara nauway as navigation uo., iana proceeaea Dy irain to sman- with the city ticket office of the tji ou nriHcc whir nnW company. . .In Vancouver, passed, l Mif. L. Dease. after spending ers where she will Join the hospital staff. , Miss Jean Harrison RJi lady su perintendent of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, returned to the rn. MW Hnm. rw nhr ! , through the city on the Princess V" m two or three weeks In the city on the Prince II I Rupert this - T ... ... . . . .It.. ..J t... .1 T..I T ... 1 . I I I.J II.. iyJU15e lllIS Jliorning. -IDOUna. IOr mucu uy uic runt lAJUlse.unmiuiK aitct itatuiK HI.I.C11UCU wic Prebytrlan Baaaar November TelegraphCreek on a holiday trin morning. -.on her return to conventions In Nanalmo last week ' ; ,,;f, , !, jXelfigraph ;Crpek In company with of the British Columbia Hospitals' Capon S. Gould of Toronto, one Miss Mary .MeDames whom she Association and the Oraduate e, n, Wm 9i of the members of the Anglican I brought here for treatment. and 22. Season's Specials commission which will hold ses. slons here at the end of this week, A meetinc of the Male Minimum i i i i . . ... . i . . . . , WnrrA Tlrtnrrf iwVi!Vi tvna in Viov ' ainvcu m vue cuy irom ine waas " ...v.. River on the Catala yesterday af- en held here today has been in- ternoon. Other members of the , definitely postponed, according to' commission are visiting Anyox, word received from the Depar-Allce Arm and Stewart aboard the jment 01 bor this mqrnlng by mission boat Northern Cross andiovernment Agent C. L. Monroe. Nurses' Association of British Co- lumbla. ' PAnP. ttthfr . . - .1 KODAK TIME Brownies from $2.25 Vest Pocket Kodaks ..; $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks From $11.25 No. 3 A Folding Kodaks From $34.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), F. 3.5 Lens j $100.00 Kodak Films, all sizes In stock. Developing and printing for amateurs. Daily service. Quality finish. B.C COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES MAii.iMis ni ritisrK iiii-iiit To Krtrlilknn. Hrangril. Junrau and Skugnay hrptrmbrr 7. 18. 28. To Vancouver, Victoria and Sruttlf September 7, II, W. I'ltl.STESI MAItY Ocean Fulls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria everr Friday 10 p.m. Agent fr all Mramsnlp Line ,.. . W. C OltrilAltD. r.LNEUAL AUENT Ird Ate . frlnre Kupert, n C rhone 31 Canadian National Q7ie Largel flilway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE KUi'EKT for VANCOUVER, VIC TO II I A, SEATTLE, and Intermediate points; each' Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. lor ANYOX ana STEWART, each Wednesday, 1 p.m. For STEWAKT and KETCHIKAN, each Saturday, .1 p.m. :, For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnljhtly. ' IMHSLNfirit IltllMI LEAVE rillNC'l. Itt'fEKT DAILY EXCEPT SLNDVY at 11:30 a m for PHINCE (I'KOllilE, EDMONTON, UTNNirEU, all point KaMrrii Canada, tnlted Htatea. AOENCY AM. OfT.tS STEAMMIII U'HKS City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave, Prince ituperl Phone 2Gfi LUMBER Thoroughly seasoned Shiplap, S4S Dimension and Boards. KILN DRIED Sitka Spruce and Cedar Finish, Ceiling, and Rustic. SPECIALTIES M 1 x 4" Edpegrain Hemlock Flooring;.' 1 x 3" and T Sitka Spruce Ceiling 1 x 4" and 6" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Hcnd Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 3G1 Hetail Yard, Cow Hay, Telephone 423 N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder iMarine Ways SEAL COVE I take you out of water under roof where rain will not trouble; build boats any or kind at surprisingly low prices, Halibut, Pleasure, Trolling Roats For Sale I generally have a boat to suit any requirements. Mooring spaces for boats' winter quarters. Agencies any cn-Pine required. Repairs Why pay more when your work ran be done for less with bolter accomodation? PHONE GREEN 129 I Coal? Coal? Take nrtviintnire of low price to ut In your wlntrr supply, liWoN an.l CASSIIIV-IVEIXINO-TON In any qtiantltlen. Also Hour, llij-. Clr.iln nnil 1'rcd. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone GS Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service ' ' Coal, Sand and Gravel Wc Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. ested In the Big Missouri property, is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today bound from Van couver to Stewart. J. M. Morrison, pioneer transfer ternoon bound from Vancouver. Stewart to N. L. Freeman, local of the International Fisheries Commission, sailed this morning man of Prince Rupert and Alice , on the Princess Louise for a brief nun aiiu uivic iCT,ciwjr iucuiiiiu . tujj w ).cm;iiiiiiii uu uiiigxai uu with the Alice Arm-La Rose Mines Co., Is now located in Nanalmo where he holds the agency for Nash automobiles. Lome Falconer, son of T. W, ties. There were but 50 passengers north aboard' the Princess Louise which was in port this morning bound from Vancouver to Falconer, well known Alice Arm Skagway. Only two disembarked ' Miss Florence Donald, daughter of Capt. D. Donald of the steamer Prince Rupert, Is making the round trip north on that vessal, which Is in port today. M. M. O'Brien of the field staff of iht fnncnilHafnl Mlnlnfr Jtr RmnIL Mrs. Edmands arrived in the i cltr ing Co., arrived in the city froml On the Prince Rupert-thls morning -Trail- on- - the Prince Rupert this-from Vancouver to pay a ylsft with. morning, being on his way to the her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Tobey. Mr. and Mrs. William B. McCal- lum, who have been holidaying in interior. W. M. Archibald, one of the' head officials of the Consolidated Min ing it Smelting Co., Is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today, go ing through to Stewart on company business. Rev. E. Hodson, Anglican Church clergyman at Ocean Falls, arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning from the paper town and will make the round trip to Anyox and Slew-art, disembarking here tomorrow evening to attend the sessions of uie Angncan survey commission. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Canon S. Gould, Toronto; Rev. Henry Flores, Aiyansh; C. E. Ime-son, J. N. Scott and Fred Henderson, Vancouver; D. L. Mclntom- lney and L. H. Bartmann. Anyox; Rev. O. Thorne, Kincollth; C. Casperson, Seattle; L. W. Hogan and R. Wilson, Porcher Island. Savoy A. D. Stewart, Porcher Island; Mrs. A.'Ruttan, Massett; Angus Chfchblm, city; H. Petzoold, Stew, art. Central A. P. Layer, Butedale; K. Mac- Kay, Haysport; James Hunter, city. llojal A. Engdal, Seattle. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Laree brick lined stove, nearly new. Phone Green j 399. (219) I : r-r - t SCALE OF CHARGES The following is tfte scale of charges made for reading notices: . Birth Notices 60c. Cards of Thanks, f 2. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. 4 Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. "Screen-Grid" This R.V.C. Radiotron UY-224 makes possible amazing amplification and selectivity in the new screen-grid radios. UY-224 (amplifier) $5.75 RKCRacHohero CANADIAN CENEIIAL ELECTRIC CO., Limited FOR SALE BY POWER CORPORATION OF CANADA DEMAND, "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.